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Поиск книг, содержащих: Nucleus, atomic

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Feynman R.P. — QED, the strange theory of light and matter7
Haas A.E. — Introduction to theoretical physics, Vol. 1 and 227
Abraham Taylor — An introduction to X-ray metallography101—109
Castelfranchi G. — Recent Advances in Atomic Physicsi, 327
Douglas Clark C.Y. — The Electronic Structure and Properties of Matter: An Introductory Study of Certain Properties of Matter in the Light of Atomic Numbers, Being Volume I of a Comprehensive Treatise1
Eddington A.S. — Philosophy of Physical Science60, 109
Gamow G. — The Birth and Death of the Sun: Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy43, 44
Slater J.C. — Introduction To Chemical Physics336
Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry282
Azaroff L.V. — Introduction to Solids4
Messiah A. — Quantum mechanics. Volume 18, 60, 71
Fritjof Capra — The Tao of physics50, 66, 70, 72f, 75f, 81, 194, 199, 218, 227, 229, 231, 235, 247, 285
Edward M. Purcell — Electricity and magnetism4
Thorne K.S., Hawking S. — Black holes and time warps: Einstein's outrageous legacy169, 170f, 171, 183b, 221b
Castelfranchi C. — Recent advances in Atomic Physics Volume II Quantum Theoryi.327
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