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Feynman R.P. — QED, the strange theory of light and matter |
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Actions, fundamental 90 114;
Actions, three basic 110
Alternative ways 37 59 63 78 82
Amplitude, arrow 68
Amplitude, changes 102
Amplitude, for a coupling 92
Amplitude, for photon exchange 100;
Amplitude, j 121
Amplitude, P (A to B) 121;
Amplitude, probability 33
Anderson, Carl 98
Angle of incidence 3
Angle, relative 30 32
Arrow(s), adding 26 53 56 83
Arrow(s), amplitude 68
Arrow(s), combining 83 85 124
Arrow(s), drawing 37
Arrow(s), final 59
Arrow(s), identical 112
Arrow(s), multiplying 63
Arrow(s), radius 106
Arrow(s), reflection 27—32 71
Arrow(s), representing probabilities 25
Arrow(s), transmission 71
Arrow(s), unit 60—65 68—69 82
Atom(s), helium 113
Atom(s), hydrogen 100 113
Atom(s), lithium 113
Atom(s), oxygen 5
Atom(s), sodium 48
Atomic bomb 132
b quark 148
Baryons 132
Bell Laboratories 84
Beta decay 139—140 144
Bethe, Hans 128
c (speed of light) 87 89—90
c quark 148
Charge of quarks 134
Charge, calculated 127
Charge, electric 84
Charge, observed 128
Chemical properties 113
Chemistry, fundamental theoretical 5
Chromodynamics, quantum 139
Colors 33 113
complex numbers 63
Compound events 59
Conditions, final 81
Conditions, initial 81
Coupling constant for gluons 137
Coupling constant for W's 141 142
Coupling constant j 120 130 143
Coupling constant with a muon, W 144
Coupling, amplitude for 92 130
Coupling, d quark 148
Coupling, observed 129
Coupling, three-way 141
Crystal, nickel 84
Crystal, salt 48 49
Currents, neutral 141 142
Cycle, repeating 22 33
d quark 133—141 145 148 150
Davisson, C.J. 84
de Broglie, Louis 84
De Broglie, Louis, formula 84
Decay, beta 139 140 144
Diagrams 118
Difference, time 89
Diffraction, grating 46—49 59
Diffraction, through a small hole 55
Dirac, Paul 6 98 115
Dirac, Paul, theory 6
Duality, wave-particle 23 37
Dynamite, exploding 132
E (A to B), formula for 91
Eclipses, lunar 11
Eddington, Arthur 130
Einstein, Albert 112
Einstein, Albert, theory of relativity 5 87 89
Electricity and magnetism, Maxwell's theory of 5
Electricity and magnetism, quantum theory of 7
Electrodynamics, quantum see “Quantum electrodynamics theory”
Electromagnetic potentials, scalar 123
Electromagnetic potentials, vector 123
Electron(s), backwards-moving 98
Electron(s), exchanging photons 100 136
Electron(s), fake 90
Electron(s), heavy 146 147
Electron(s), magnetic moment of 7 115 118
Electron(s), moving 98 123
Electron(s), neutrino 144—145
Electron(s), patterns 132
Electron(s), polarization of 120
Electron(s), relativistic theory of 6
Electron(s), spin-zero 112
Electron(s), theory of matter 4
Electron(s), wavelike character of 84
Electron-positron pair 126
Energies, negative 129
Event(s), analyzing 75
Event(s), compound 60
Event(s), observed physical 83
Event(s), probability of an 37 63
Event(s), suspicious 151
Exchanges, photon 95 100 107 114
Exclusion principle 112—113
Experiment(s), high-energy 132
Experiment(s), laboratory 116—117
Experiment(s), low-energy 132
Experiment(s), measuring reflection 28
Experiment(s), results of Newton's 23
Eye, human 14
Final conditions 81—82
Focusing lens 16 58 109
Force(s), electrical 113 134—135 151
Force(s), gravitational 151
Force(s), nuclear 131
Formula, De Broglie's 84
Formula, for E (A to B) 91 132
Formula, for P (A to B) 88 90—91
Franklin, Benjamin 134
Gamma rays 13
Gell-Mann, Murray 132
Germer, L.H. 84
Glass, opaque 110
Glass, scatters 107
Glass, thick sheet of 30 105
Glass, thin sheet of 20 33
Glass, transparent 110
Gluon(s) 134—138
Gluon(s), color of 137
Gluon(s), coupling constant 135 137
Gluon(s), quarks exchanging 136
Gluon(s), theory 137—138
Grating, diffraction 46—48 59
Gravitation, theory of 4
Gravitons 151
Gravity, quantum theories of 151
Greeks, point of view of 61
Hanbury — Brown — Twiss effect 75
Heat phenomena 4
History, of physics 6
Holes, and spots theory 18
Holes, tiny 78—79 85
Holograms 48
Hummingbirds 34
I (the “interval”) 88—90
Ideas, of quantum mechanics 3
Ideas, old-fashioned 56
| Ideas, revolutionary 55
Incidence, angle of 38
Indians, Maya 11
Infinities 127 151
Initial conditions 81
Initial state 82
Interaction(s), effects 81
Interaction(s), electrical 143
Interaction(s), of light and matter, theory of 6
Interaction(s), principle of 81 83
Interaction(s), strong 136
Interaction(s), types of 142
Interaction(s), weak 142 143
Interaction(s), “color”-changing 136
Interference, colors 33
Interval, I 88—90
Iridescence 34
Irrational numbers 63
j 91 120—121 125—130 143
j, value of 91
Junction number, j 91 120—121 125—130 143
Knowledge, precise 55
Lambda particle 132
Lasers 112
Laws, mechanical 5
Laws, Newton's 5
Laws, of Nature 89
Lens, focusing 16 58 109
Light 13 23
Light, blue 33
Light, dim 14 15
Light, in everyday circumstances 15
Light, infrared 13
Light, particles of 36
Light, photon model of 112
Light, speed of, c 87 89—90
Light, speed of, in water and air 51
Light, ultraviolet 13 149
Light, weak monochromatic 36
Light, white 35 102
Line, unit 62
Line, wavy 88 91 92 95 105
Lines, multiplying 62
Lithium metal conducting electricity 113
Location, physical 105
Location, relative 110
m and e, observed values 127
Magic number 96 129
Magnetic field 98 115 123
Magnetic interaction 131
Magnetic moment, of electron 7 115 118
Magnetic moment, of neutron 131
Magnetic moment, of proton 131 138
Mass(es), calculated (n) 127
Mass(es), number 133
Mass(es), observed (m) 151—152
Mass(es), of heavier particles 145
Mass(es), of muon 143
Mass(es), of t quark 147
Mass(es), of tau 146
Mass(es), of W 140
Material, opaque 108
Material, reflective 18
Mathematicians 63
Matter, electron theory of 4
Mautner, Alix 3
Maxwell, James Clerk 4
Maxwell, James Clerk, theory 5
Maya Indians 11
Mesons 132
MeV 133
Mirage 52
Mirror 15 38
Mirror, etched 47
Monochromatic source 101—102 106
Motion, phenomena of 4
Mu-neutrino 144
Muon(s) 143—144
Muon(s), mass of 143
Muon(s), W coupling with a 144
Muon-antimuon pair 143—144
N 125
n and j, calculated numbers 125
Nature, analysis of 78
Nature, laws of 89
Nature, particle in 98
Nature, phenomenon of 84
Nature, strangeness of 80
Nature, variety in 110
Neutral currents 141 142
Neutral W 141
Neutrino, electron 144 145
Neutrons 131
New Zealand 3
Newton, Sir Isaac 5 13—14 18 21—23 37 85
Nuclear, forces 131
Nuclear, particles 9 131
Nuclear, phenomena 8 77
Nuclear, physics 8
Nuclear, reactors 139
Nucleus 5
Nucleus, atomic 7
Nucleus, exchanging photons 113
Number(s), complex 63
Number(s), irrational 63
Number(s), junction (j) 91
Number(s), m and e 126—128
Number(s), mass (m) 133
Number(s), mysterious 126 130 135
Number(s), n and j 125—130
Oil film 33 35
Opaque material 108
Optical phenomena 49
P (A to B), formula for 88 90
Pair(s), muon-antimuon 143 144
Pair(s), positron-electron 116 119 126 143
Pair(s), quark-antiquark 139
Partial reflection 15—25 36 47 64 66 69 72 75 77 100—110
Partial reflection of many surfaces 22
Partial reflection, by two surfaces 24
Partial reflection, colors produced by 33
Partial reflection, depending on thickness of glass 22 34
Partial reflection, suggested theories for 18
Partial reflection, wave theory of 22
Particle(s) fundamental 132 145 151
Particle(s) in Nature 98
Particle(s) of light 36
Particle(s), individual 139
Particle(s), intermediate 140
Particle(s), light behaves like 13 15
Particle(s), nuclear 9 131
Particle(s), repetition of 145
Particle(s), spin 1 140
Particle(s), spin 1/2 121 133 140 146—147
Particle(s), stationary 100
Particle(s), undiscovered 150
Path(s), definite 85
Path(s), neighboring 45 53—55 123
Path(s), of least time 52
Path(s), straight-line 53—55
Patterns, electron 132
Patterns, protonneutron 132
Peacocks 34
Phenomena at the atomic level 5
Phenomena of heat 4
Phenomena of motion 4
Phenomena of Nature 84
Phenomena of sound 4
Phenomena, celestial 11
Phenomena, familiar 16 38
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