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Feynman R.P. — QED, the strange theory of light and matter |
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Phenomena, nuclear 8 77
Phenomena, optical 49
Phenomena, radioactive 8
Phenomena, simplest 82
Phenomena, that QED theory describes 7
Philosophical worries 124
Phonograph record 48
Photographic plates 13
Photomultiplier 14
Photon 14 36
Photon, bouncing 28—29
Photon, detecting a single 14
Photon, divides 80
Photon, emitted 143
Photon, exchanges 95 100 107 113—114 136
Photon, front reflection 29
Photon, identical 19
Photon, incoming 101
Photon, model of light 112
Photon, reflecting 30—31
Photon, relation to W's 142
Photon, virtual 95 120
Physical event, location 105
Physical event, observed 83
Physical event, world 8
Physicist(s), theoretical 129 147—148
Physics, classical 123
Physics, is probabilistic 19
Physics, liquid-state 114
Physics, nuclear 8
Physics, quantum 55 78 148
Physics, solid-state 114
Physics, students of 9 75
Physics, theoretical 82
Pions 132
Points, coupling 127—28
Polarization 13 120
Polarization of electrons 120
Polarization of photons 120
Positron 98
Positron-electron pair 116—117 119 143
Predictions, absolute 25
Probability(les), amplitude 33 37
Probability(les), as the square of an amplitude 24 37
Probability(les), calculating 78
Probability(les), essential in quantum physics 19
Probability(les), of an event 37 63
Proton(s) 131
Proton(s), and neutrons, theory of 138
Proton(s), exchanging photons 113
Proton(s), observed magnetic moment of 138
Proton(s), stability of 150
Proton-neutron patterns 132
Psi-meson 145
Pythagoras 31
Pythagorean Theorem, three—dimensional 89
qed 4
Quantum chromodynamics 132 139
Quantum electrodynamics, experiments to test 8
Quantum electrodynamics, shocking characteristic of 124
Quantum electrodynamics, structure of 131
Quantum electrodynamics, theory accuracy of 7
Quantum electrodynamics, unsatisfactory feature of 151
Quantum mechanical behavior 85
Quantum mechanics, ideas of 3 5 40
Quantum physics 55 78 148
Quantum theory 7 39 50 53
Quantum theory of electricity and magnetism 7
Quantum theory of gravity 151
Quantum theory of strong interactions 132
Quantum theory, calculating probabilities in 24
Quark(s) 132
Quark(s), b 148
Quark(s), c 148
Quark(s), coupling to a W 148
Quark(s), d 133—141 145 148 150
Quark(s), exchanging gluons 136
Quark(s), heavier 144
Quark(s), isolated individual 139
Quark(s), s 145 148
Quark(s), t 147 150
Quark(s), u 133—141 144 148 150
Quark(s), “color” of 136
Quark(s), “flavor” of 135
Quark-antiquark pairs 139
Rabi, I.I. 145
Radio waves 13 34 75
Radioactive phenomena 8 144
Radius arrow 106
Rays, gamma 13
Rays, ultraviolet 149
Rays, X- 13
Reactions, chemical 114
Reduction, of a wave packet 76
Reflection, arrow 28—32 71
Reflection, back 29
Reflection, front 28
Reflection, front surface 66
Reflection, partial 16—25 36 47 64 66 69 72 75 77 100—110
Reflection, surface 31 60
Reflective material 18
Refraction 49
Relativistic theory of the electron 6
Relativity, Einstein's theory of 5 87 89
Relativity, principle of 121
Renormalization 128
Repetition of particles 145
Rho meson 132
Rules, for quantum calculations 37
Rules, peculiar 78
| Rules, that fail 85
s quark 145 148
Salam, Abdus 142
Salt crystal 48—49
Scattering 100 105—107
Schwinger, Julian 6 15 116 128
Sigma particle 132
Soap bubbles 33
Sodium, atoms 48
Sodium, streetlights 35
Solar systems 84
Sound, phenomena of 4
Space, three-dimensional 89
Space-time 85—86 99 110
Space-time, drawing 107
Space-time, graph 88 105
Spin 121
Spin 1 particles 135 140
Spin 1/2 particles 133 140 146—147 149
Spin 2 particles 122
Spin 3/2 particles 151
Spin-zero electrons 112
Spin-zero particles 93
Square, absolute 63
Square, of an amplitude 37
Steps, successive 64 67 82
Stopwatch, imaginary 27 101—102
Subevents, concomitant 93
Subevents, simpler 83
Successive, steps 64 67 82
Successive, transformations 62 63
Successive, turnings 69
Successive, turns 63
Surface(s), back 105 107
Surface(s), front 105 107
Surface(s), grooved 48—49
Surface(s), partial reflection by two or more 19
Surface(s), reflection 31
Surface(s), transmission through 17
t quark 147 150
tau, mass of 146
Television waves 13
Theory(ies) Dirac's 6
Theory(ies) electron 4
Theory(ies) gluon 137—138
Theory(ies) Maxwell's 5
Theory(ies) of gravitation 4
Theory(ies) of gravity, quantum 151
Theory(ies) of holes and spots 18
Theory(ies) of quantum electrodynamics see “Quantum electrodynamics theory”
Theory(ies) of quantum mechanics 5
Theory(ies) of relativity 5 87 89
Theory(ies) of strong interactions 138
Theory(ies) of the interaction of light and matter 6
Theory(ies) of W's 141
Theory(ies) of weak and electromagnetic forces 142
Theory(ies) quantum see “Quantum theory”
Theory(ies) relativistic 6
Theory(ies) similarity of various 149
Theory(ies) speculative 150
Theory(ies) unification of 150
Theory(ies) wave 23 26
Time, curve 57
Time, difference 88—89
Time, on the vertical axis 86
Time, path of least 52
Time, scale 87—88
Tomonaga, Sin-itiro 6 128
Transformations, successive 62—63
Transmission, arrows 71
Transmission, through a surface 17
Transparent materials 108 110 113
Turn(s), half 29—30 65
Turn(s), successive 63
u quark 133—141 144 148 150
Ultraviolet light 13 149
Uncertainty principle 55—56
Understanding 8—10
Unification of theories 150
Unified theory of weak and electromagnetic interaction 142
Value(s), of j 91
Value(s), of m and e 127
Venus 11
Virtual photon 95 120
W(s) 139—145 148 150
W(s), and photon interrelation 142
W(s), couplings 141—142 144 148
W(s), mass of 140
W(s), types of 141
Water, light's speed in 51
Wave theory 23 36
Wave theory, of partial reflection 22
Wave(s), electromagnetic 4
Wave(s), packet, reduction of a 76
Wave(s), radio 13 34 75
Wave(s), television 13
Wave-particle duality 23 37
Wavelike character of electrons 84
Weinberg, Stephen 142
Weisskopf, Victor 128
white light 35 102
World, complex 114
World, physical 8
X-rays 13 34 49 84 149
Yellowish bands 35
Z particle 141
“Color” of gluons 137
“Color” of quarks 136
“Flavor” 150
“Flavor” of quarks 135
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