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Gamow G. — The Birth and Death of the Sun: Stellar Evolution and Subatomic Energy |
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"Coal sacks," 188
"Hit-and-run" hypothesis 202 203 204
"Leaking-out" theory of -decay 64 65
Aurigae 143 144
Absolute zero, temperature 5 23 27
Age, earth 9 10 11 12
Age, stellar system 11 213 214
Age, Sun 9 10 11 12
Alchemy of the Sun 101 ff.
Alchemy, medieval 18 19
Alchemy, modern 67 68
Alpha decay, process of 60
Alpha decay, quantum theory of 64 65
Alpha rays, bombardment by 43 68
Alpha rays, discovery of 59
Alpha rays, energy of 62
Andromeda, nebula of 216 217 218
Aston, F.W. 45
Atkinson, R. 102
Atom, chemical notion of 21
Atom, complexity of 32 33
Atom, mass of 30
Atom, model of 41
Atom, philosophical notion of 17 18
Atom, size of 30
Atom-smashers 76—81
Atomic mass 30
Atomic model 41
Atomic number 45
Atomic weight 21
Baade, W. 177
Barrier, potential 64 65
Becquerel, H. 57 58
Beta decay, process of 61
Beta decay, theory of 65 66 67
Bethe, H. 112 113
binaries 131
Blackett, P. 68 69 71
Blue giants 128
Bohr, N. 52 53 55
Brahe, Tycho 176
Brown, R. 24
Brownian motion 24 25
Canis Major See "Great Dog"
Capella 141
Carbon-nitrogen cycle 113 114 115
Cepheid variables See "Pulsating stars"
Chadwick, J. 82
Chain-reactions, nuclear 113
Chamberlin, T.C. 202
Chandrasekhar, S. 170 171
Chemical binding 49 50
Chemical elements, abundance of 147 148
Chemical elements, notion of 18 19
Chemical elements, periodic properties of 48 49
Chemical formulae 20
Chemical reactions 20 21
Cloud-chamber 68 69 70
Cockcroft, J. 74 75 76
Collapse of matter 160—164
Colour of stars See "Stars"
Condon, E.U. 65
Contraction hypothesis 13
Crab Nebula 185 186
Critchfield, C. 135
Crushed state of matter 162 163 164
Curie, P. and M. 59
Cyclotron 79 80 81
Dalton, J. 21
de Broglie, Louis 54
Decay, (alpha) 59
Decay, (beta) 61
Decay, periods 63
Democritus 17 18
Density, red giants 141—144
Density, stars 130 131
Density, sun 6 7
Density, white dwarfs 173
Deuterium 47 48
Deuterium, formation in stars 135
Deuterons, bombardment by 82
Dirac, P.A.M. 67
Distance of the nebulae 216—218
Distance of the stars 123
Doppler effect 131 154
double stars See "Binaries"
Dwarfs, red 128 See
Earth, age 9 10 11 12
Earth, origin 200—205
Eclipsing variables 153
Einstein shift See "Red shift"
Einstein, A. 173
Electromagnetic radiation 51
Electron, charge 35 36 37 38
Electron, discovery 34 35 39
Electron, mass 39 40 41
Electron, positive 67
Electronic shells of atoms 48 49 50
Electrostatic generator 76 77 78 79
Elements See "Chemical elements"
Energy of molecular motion 23 24 25 26
Energy radiated by Sun 4
Energy, chemical 12 50
Energy, equipartition of 25
Energy, subatomic 15 62 63
Energy, unit of 3
Erg 3
Evolution, galaxies 223—227
Evolution, stars 135—140
Evolution, Sun 116—120
Explosions, stellar See "Novae" "Supernovae"
Extragalactic nebulae See "Island universes"
Faraday, M. 34
Fermi gas 165
Fermi, E. 83 165
Fission, nuclear 84
Fowler, R.H. 173
Fraunhofer lines 126
Galaxy, definition 206
Galaxy, rotation 213 214
Galaxy, shape 207
Galaxy, size 208 209
Galvani, L. 34
Gamma rays 62
Gamow, G. 64 65 74 89 116 118 145 152 158 169 226
Gas, Fermi 165
Gas, ordinary 22
Gaseous nebulae 187 188
Giants, blue 128 See
Gravitational contraction 13 14 15
Gravitational instability 197
Great Bear (Ursa Major) 210 211
Great Dog (Canis Major), eye of 122 123
Gurney, R.W. 65 90
Hafstad, L. 76
Hahn, O. 84 93
Harvard spectral classes 126
Heat, kinetic theory of 22 23
Heavy water See "Deuterium"
Heisenberg, W. 54 55
Houtermans, F. 102
Hubble, E. 215 218
Inert gases 50
Ion 35
Ionization by atomic projectiles 69 71
Ionization, thermal 103
Island universes, distance 216—218
Island universes, recession 221—223
Island universes, size 216—218
Island universes, types 215
| Isotopes 45 46 47 48
Jupiter, as the largest stone 167 168
Kant — Laplace hypothesis 200 201 202
Kapteyn 208
Kelvin scale of temperature 27
Kepler, J. 176
Kinetic theory of heat 22 23
Kothari, D.S. 167 170
Kuiper, G.P. 186
Landau, L. 190
Largest stone 165 166 167 168
Lawrence, E.O. 79 80
Light-quanta 53
Light-year 208
Magellanic Clouds 218
Main sequence of stars 128
Mass of atoms and molecules 30
Mass of electrons 39
Mass of stars 130 131
Mass of Sun 7
Mass-luminosity relation 131 132 138 139
Mass-radius relation 168 169 170
Maxwell distribution 30 31 32 105 106
Maxwell, Clerk 32
Meh-Nad-Saha 126
Meitner, L. 84 93
Mendelyeev, D. 48
Milky Way See "Galaxy"
Millikan, R.A. 35
Molecular beams 29
Molecular velocities 27 28 29
Molecules, notion of 9
Molecules, size 30
Moulton, F.R. 202
Multiplicative nuclear reactions 92—96
Nebulae, extragalactic See "Island universes"
Nebulae, gaseous 187 188
Nebulae, planetary 185
Neutrons, bombardment by 83 84 91 92
Neutrons, discovery and properties of 81 82
Neutrons, instability of 91
Novae, phenomenon of 175 176
Novae, physical processes in 183 184 185
Nuclear bombardment 43 68 74 75 76 83 84 91 92
Nuclear energy 15 16
Nuclear state of matter 189 190 191
Nucleus, atomic 43 44
Nucleus, stellar 190
Number of stars in sky 207 208
Opacity of stellar matter 116 117
Origin of "nebulae," 223—227
Origin of earth and planets 200—205
Origin of elements 227 228
Origin of stars 194—198
Origin of white dwarfs 198 199 200
Period-luminosity relation 155
Periodic system of elements 48 49
Periodicity of sunspots 8 9
Perrin, J. 26
photoelectric effect 37
Planck, M. 52
Planetary nebulae 185
Planets, origin of 200—205
Positive electron See "Electron positive"
Potential barrier See "Barrier potential"
Prenova stage of stars 182
Pressure, critical 167
Pressure, interior of earth 167
Pressure, interior of Jupiter 167
Pressure, interior of Sun 6
Prominences, solar 8 9
Protons, bombardment by 74 75 76
Prutkov, Kuzma 1
Pulsating stars, classification 156 157
Pulsating stars, properties 153 154 155
Pulsating stars, tentative theory of 155 156
Quantum of energy 53
Quantum, laws 53
Quantum, mechanics 54
Quantum, states 54
Radiation of the Sun 4 12
Radiation, (alpha) 60
Radiation, (beta) 61
Radiation, (gamma) 62
Radiation, electromagnetic 51
Radioactive families 59 60 61 62
Radioactivity, discovery of 57 58 59
Radium 59
Radius of atoms and molecules 30
Radius of Galaxy 208
Radius of red giants 141—144
Radius of white dwarfs 173
Rate of thermonuclear reactions 107 108
Red dwarfs 128
Red giants, definition 130
Red giants, energy sources of 145—150
Red giants, evolution of 150 151 152
Red giants, interior of 144 145
Red giants, properties 141 142 143 144
Red shift 173
Relativity, theory of 173 229
Resonance disintegration 89 90 91
Russell diagram 127—131
Russell, H.N. 128
Scattering of -particles 43
Schroedinger, E. 54
Shapley, H. 156
Shells, electronic See "Electronic shells"
Sir Eddington, A. 7 111 132 155
Sir Herschel, W. 206 207 214
Sir Jeans, J. 196 226
Sir Rutherford, E. 41 59 68 73 82
Sir Thomson, J.J. 39
Sirius, main star 123
Sirius, satellite 172
Solar prominences 8 9
Solar reaction 111—115
Solar spectra 124 125 126
Spectral classification of stars 126 127
Stars, colours and temperatures 124 125 133
Stars, diameters 127
Stars, distances 123
Stars, energy sources 132 133 134 135
Stars, evolution 135—140
Stars, luminosities 123 124 131 132
Stars, masses 131 132
Stars, motion 209—213
Stars, number in sky 207 208
Stars, origin 194—198
Statistics 30 31 32
Stern, O. 27
Subatomic energy 15 16
Subatomic motor 108 109
Sun, age 9 10 11 12
Sun, density 6 7
Sun, energy sources 113 114 115
Sun, evolution 116—120
Sun, interior 7
Sun, mass 7
Sun, radiation 4 12
Sun, size 7
Sun, surface 8
Sun, temperature, central 6
Sun, temperature, surface 4 5
Sunspots 8 9
Supernovae, discovery of 176—177
Supernovae, frequency of 177
Teller, E. 145 226
Temperature, absolute zero 5 23 27
Temperature, stars 124 125 133
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