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Messiah A. — Quantum mechanics. Volume 1
Messiah A. — Quantum mechanics. Volume 1

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Íàçâàíèå: Quantum mechanics. Volume 1

Àâòîð: Messiah A.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1961

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 17.03.2013

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Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$C$      7 11
$h$, $\hbar$      10
$k$, Boltzmann constant      see Boltzmann
$\delta$-function of Dirac      179 184 468—471
Absorption, emission of light      9 18 23
Absorption, of matter      60
Accidental degeneracy      355
action      10
Action, atomism of      41—42 115
Action, integral      36
Action, principle of least action of Maupertuis — Hamilton      32 53
Adjoint of an operator      255
Amplitude, scattering      372 383
Amplitude, scattering, Coulomb      424
Annihilation of matter      60
Antilinear (correspondence)      247
Average      see Mean
Avogadro’s number      5 8
Balmer formula      22
Barn      371
Barrier, potential      78 86
Basis      203 273
Bauer, E      157
Bethe, formula      408
Bethe, H. A.      409
Black body radiation      10—11
Bloch, F.      449
Bohm, D.      157
Bohr atom      23 24
Bohr frequency      23
Bohr orbit      37
Bohr radius      414
Bohr — Peierls — Placzek relation      409
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rules      34—41 56 241
Bohr, N.      23 29 30 34 38 47 152
Boltzmann constant      205
Boltzmann factor      205
Born approximation for phase shifts      405—406 430
Born, M.      4 10 21 45 46 47 330
Bound state      73
bra, bra vector      246
Bracket      see Poisson bracket
Brillouin, L.      69 216
Brownian motion      7 56
Canonical equations      32; see Hamilton
Causal, causality      156—159 310
Center of mass      361—366 380—385
Center of mass, system      380—385
Central potential      344—355; see Scattering
Chew, G.      372 409
Classical approximation limit      49 53 133 140—141 214—231 395 446-448
Classical doctrine      3 21
Classical mechanics, classical theory      3—11 23
Classical theory vs. quantum theory      15—18 46 154 166 294 317 361—363 387—389 420 424 444-448
Closure relation      187 268—271
Cloud chamber      8 142
Collision      see Scattering
Collision, inelastic      24
Combination principle of Rydberg — Kitz      22 23
Commutator      63 163 206—212 250; Complete
Compatible variables      153—155 199 202;
Complementarity, complementary      149—159 401;
Complete set of commuting observables      202— 204 273 301
Complete set of compatible variables      155 203 294
Complete set of compatible variables, space      165
Complete set of compatible variables, system of functions, vectors      174 175 187 259
Complete set of compatible variables, theory      151
Compton, A. H.      13 15
Compton, effect      13—18 41 45 144 198
Compton, formula      13 16
Compton, wavelength      13
Configuration space      31 68 164
Conjugate momentum      32; see Lagrange
Conjugation between vectors, operators      254—256
Connection formulae for WKB Solutions      234—237
Conservation laws      21 42 60
Conservation of flux      108 121
Constants of the motion      210—211 318—319
Correspondence principle      27 42 46 50 61 64 68—71 214 317 338 446
Correspondence relations, wave-corpuscle      14 20 55 59 117—118
Coulomb (field, potential, interaction)      22 33 71 Chapter
Coulomb scattering      228—231 421—430
Creation of matter      60; see Operator
Cross section      74 229 369—371
Current      121—122 223 372
Dalembertian      65
Davisson and Germer      57
De Broglie relation      14 52 55 117
de Broglie wavelength      50—57
de Broglie, L.      46 47 48 49 61 65 66
Debye — Scherrer rings      57
Debye, P.      13
Decomposition into partial waves      385 389 425—426
Decomposition of unity      190—191 267
Degenerate, accidental degeneracy      355
Degenerate, degeneracy      78 172 258 354—355 417—418 453
Destruction operator      see Operator
Determinant of a matrix      276 285
Diagonal      see Matrix
Diagonalization      287
Diffraction      115 118 155
Diffraction, by a hard sphere      395; see Interference
Dirac, P. A. M      45 47 245 246 255 434
Direct sum      264
Dispersion law      50
Distributions (Schwartz)      182 App
Doppler effect      15
Dual space      246—247
Duality, wave-corpuscle      21 42 47 49 59 115 155
Effective range      406—409 430
Ehrenfest theorem      216
Eigendifferential      112 170 185 249
Eigenfunction      72
Eigenvalue of a matrix      287
Eigenvalue of an operator      171 185 258
Eigenvalue problem, eigenvalue equation      72 169 171—174 184—188 257-260;
Einstein      7 8 11—12 13 21 48
Einstein relation ($E =\hbar\omega$)      72 310
Electrodynamics, classical (Maxwell — Lorentz)      4 7 48 11 12 15 22
Electrodynamics, quantum      432 438—439
Electromagnetic field, particle in      43 47 49—50 67—68 70
electromagnetic, light      6 9
Electron      7 45 46 48 57—58 59—60 71
Emission of light      see Absorption
equation      see Dirac Hamilton Heisenberg Klein-Gordon Lagrange Schr eigenvalue radial secular
Equilibrium      see Thermodynamic
Ergodic hypothesis      5
expansion      see Series expansion
Fano, U.      331
Fermat’s principle      54
Feshbach, H.      23 1 394
Filtering of wave packet      196—199 298 333
Fine structure (hydrogen atom)      38 419
Flux      369
Flux, relative      381; see Conservation
Fourier transform      118 127 130 471—478
Franck — Hertz Experiment      24 40 46
Fresnel      5
Function, characteristic      177 139 296
Function, eigen      72
Function, partition      338 448
Function, spherical Bessel      355—356 488—490
Function, spherical Coulomb      426 485—488; Lagrange Legendre
Furry, W. H.      231
Galilean transformation      383
Gaussian      131 449—451
Geiger counter      8
Gerlach      see Meyer Stem
Germer      see Davisson
Glauber, R.      442
Goldberger, M.      409
Good quantum number      see Quantum number
Green’s functions      497
Green’s Theorem      120
Ground state      23 24
Group velocity      50—55
Halperin, I.      463
Hamilton equations      33
Hamilton function      33 66—71
Hamilton — Jacobi formalism      223; see Action
Hamiltonian      33 68—71 120 310
Hamiltonian, harmonic oscillator      432
Hamiltonian, hydrogen atom      71
Hamiltonian, in polar coordinates      344—348
Hamiltonian, of electromagnetic field      439
Hard sphere      see Scattering
harmonic oscillator      Chapter XII
Harmonics      see Spherical
Heisenberg, equation      316 443; “Representation”
Heisenberg, W.      45 46 47 330
Hermicity, Hermitean      see Operators Matrices
Hermite polynomials      441 491—492
Hertz      6
Hidden variables      152
Hilbert space      164 248
Hydrogen atom      22 33—34 37 55 71 412—420
Hydrogen-like atoms      39 413
Impact parameter      228 373 378 387 389
Inequality      see Schwarz
Infinitesimal      see Operator Transformation
Interference      94
Interference, and diffraction      4 18—20 41 47 56—59 115 118
intermediate      see “Representation”
Intersection of two subspaces      264
Invariance of matrix equations      285
Invariance of the Hamiltonian      343 365
Invariance of the trace      285
Inverse of a matrix      277 281
Inverse of an operator      251
Irreducibility      302
Jeffreys, H.      216
Jordan, P.      46 46 330
Kepler’s laws      30
ket, ket vector      245
Klein — Gordon equation      65
Kramers, H. A.      28 216
Kronecker product      252
Kronecker symbol      173
Laboratory system      380—385
Lagrange conjugate momentum      32
Lagrange equation      32
Lagrange function      32 33 43
Laguerre polynomials      416 419 483
Langer, R. E.      231 235 368 410
Langevin      26
Laplace’s equation      415 422 425 480
Laplacian      63
Larmor precession (frequency)      25 43
Lenard      12
Lifetime of metastable state      401—403
Linear      see Operator
Logarithmic derivative      81 99 389
London, F.      157
Lorentz electron theory      see Electrodynamics
Lorentz transformation      383
Loschmidt      5
Low, F.      372
Macroscopic scale, limit      3 21
magnetic moment      25
magnetic quantum number      354; see Electromagnetism
Matrix      273—290
Matrix, diagonal      276 280
Matrix, hermitean      276
Matrix, inverse      277 281
Matrix, mechanics      40—48 330
Matrix, orthogonal      277
Matrix, singular      277
Matrix, transposed      277
Matrix, unitary      277 281
Matter wave      see Wave
Maupertuis      see Aetion
Maxwell      4 5;
Mean life      28 137 157 403
Mean life, relation to width      137—138
Mean value (definition)      122 126 166—167 243 296 331—333
Mean value (law of motion)      210 216—218 319
Measurement, and uncertainty relations      139—149
Measurement, ideal      196—199 298 333
Measurement, mechanism and complementarity      149—159 157
Measurement, of energy      138
Measurement, of momentum      145—149
Measurement, of position      142—145
Mechanics      see Classical Matrix Wave
Metasrtable state      399—403; see Lifetime State
Meyer—Gerlach experiment      12
Michelson — Morley experiment      6
Millibam (mb)      371
Millikan      8
Mixtures      204—205 336
Momentum      14 52—53 54 64
Momentum, angular      25 37—39 195—196 208—209 345-349
Momentum, conjugate      see Lagrange
Momentum, radial      346 366
Morse, P. M.      231 394
Neutron diffraction      56 57
Newton      3 4 6 42
Nodes, number of      88 91 109—110
Norm of functions, vectors      165 248
Normalizable function      185
Normalization condition      117 270
Nucleus, atomic      8 60 71
Observables      188 194 260 266—273 297
Observables, commuting      199—204 272—273;
Observables, fundamental      298
Old quantum theory      27—31 241 419 420
Operator, creation, destruction      438—439 453
Operator, density (or statistical)      295 331—338
Operator, differential      62—64
Operator, evolution      310—312
Operator, Hermitean      120 125 167—168 256
Operator, infinitesimal unitary      291—292
Operator, linear      62—63 250—252
Operator, positive-definite Hermitean      257 293
Operator, unitary      257 291
Orthogonal functions      111 165 172—175
Orthogonal matrix      277
Orthogonal spaces, projectors, vectors      248 258 264;
Orthonormality relations      174 187 259
Oscillator      see Harmonic
Parabolic coordinates      415
Paramagnetic, paramagnetism      25
Parity of an observable      211
Parity of spherical harmonics      495
Parity of wave functions      88 112—113
Parseval relation      175 186 268 270 476
Partial waves method      385 389 425 426
Partition function      338
Peierls, R. E.      see Bohr
Penetration factor      391 430
Periodicity condition      193
Perrin, J.      8
Phase, Coulomb      426
Phase, extension in      241
Phase, factor      121 296
Phase, Shift      353 385—409 428—430
Phase, space      33 36
Phase, velocity      50 55
Phonon      456
photoelectric effect      11—13 16 41
Photon      11—21 41 59 138—139 147— 149 156 159 438-439
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