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Messiah A. — Quantum mechanics. Volume 1 |
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Placzek, G. see Bohr
Planck constant 10
Planck, M. 10 11
Poisson bracket 285 318 362
Polar coordinates (spherical) 344—348
Positive definite see Operator
Positron 60
Potential barrier 78 86
Potential one-dimensional square well 78—98
Potential scattering 397
probability 49 116—121 178 189—190 296—298 332-333;
PRODUCT see Scalar Tensor
Projection 249
Projection operators (projectors) 260— 271 297—298 313 333
Projection operators (projectors), see Orthogonal
Projection operators (projectors), elementary 262
Proton 22
Pure state 205 335—336
Quanta, appearance of, in physics 7—11
Quanta, light 11—21
Quantization, see Old Quantum Theory
Quantization, Bohr—Sommerfeld rules 34—41 56 241
Quantization, energy 23—24
Quantization, space 24—27
Quantization, WKB rules 240 241
Quantum number, good 204 211 212 319
Quantum number, in the Old Quantum Theory 38 40 241
Quantum number, principal 417
Quantum number, radial, azimuthal, magnetic 354
R ntgen 9
radiaL see Equation Momentum Quantum
Radioactive, flange see Effective
Radioactive, radioactivity 8 28 403
Rayleigh, Lord 216
Reduced mass 31 362
Reflection, space see Symmetry
Reflection, wave see Wave
Relativistie, relativity 7 13 31 38 47 53 65 135 151 383 419
Representation 119 125 244 281— 290 323—324
Representation, {N 437—438
Representation, {p 326—329
Representation, {Q 440 441
Resonances 88—96; see Scattering
Ritz — Rydberg combination principle 20 22 23
Rosenfeld, L. 7
Rupp 57
Rutherford 8 21
Rutherford, atom 8 21—23
Rutherford, formula 230 423—424
Rydberg constant 22 29—31;
scalar 274
Scalar, product 164 248—250 290
Scattering 9 18 Ch.
Scattering, amplitude 372 381
Scattering, by central potential 385—409
Scattering, Coulomb 421—430
Scattering, hard-sphere 393—395
Scattering, length 342 408
Scattering, resonances 392 396—403 430
Scattering, “potential” 397
Scherrer, P. see Debye
Schiipp, P. A. 48
Schmidt orthogonalization process 3 73
Schr dinger equation 59—71 310—312
Schr dinger, E. 46 47
Schr dingertime-independent 71 74;
Schwartz, L. 463 471;
Schwarz inequality 165 248
Secular equation 278 287
Selection rules 22
Separation of variables Ch. IX
Series expansion of Coulomb wave 426—427
Series expansion of eigenfunctions 174—176 184—188
Series expansion of eigenvectors 266—273
Series expansion of plane wave in spherieal harmonics 357—359
singular see Matrix
Smoluchowsky 8
Sommerfeld 28 36 38;
Space of states 295 301—309
Space quantization 24—27
Spectrum, continuous 179—194 259 268—271
Spectrum, discrete 171—179 266—268
| Spectrum, energy 72—74 195
Spherical harmonics 348 349 494—497; Symmetry
Spin, electron 419
Spreading see Wave packet
Square well, one-dimensional 86—96
Square well, spherical 359—361 396—399
State, dynamical 3 28 116 294 295 296
State, pure 204—205 335—336; Metastable Space Stationary Superposition
Stationary state 23 48 72 137
Statistical interpretation 21 48 59 Ch. Ch.
Statistics, classical vs. quantum 337 338
Statistics, quantum 204—205 331—338
Stern 57
Stern, Stern — Gerlach experiment 24—27
Stone, H. M. 245
Sturm — Liouvilie equation 78
subspace 246
Subspace, complementary 248
Subspace, of an eigenvalue 258
Superposition of waves 42 63 66 82 117
Superposition principle of states 244 295 310
Superposition property of waves 61
Symmetry, point (space reflection) 212
Symmetry, spherical 343
Tensor product, of matrices 275 278—279 285
Tensor product, of vector spaces 252—254 285 307—309
Thermodynamic equilibrium 205 337
Thomson, G. P. 57
Thomson, J. J. 7
Time-Energy see Uncertainty relations
Trace, of a matrix 276 285
Trace, of an operator 290 331—338
Trace, partial 279
transform see Fourier
Transformations, infinitesimal unitary 292
Transformations, of matrices 285—288
Transformations, unitary matrix 286—287
Transformations, unitary vector and operator 290—292
Transition probability per unit time 28 74
Transmission coefficient 85 95 97—98 109 237—239
Transpose of a matrix 274
Turning points (classical) 234
Uncertainty relations, Heisenberg 116 129—149 214 299 301 319—320
Uncertainty relations, Position — Momentum 129 335 139 149 301 446
Uncertainty relations, Time — Energy 135—138 9 320 44—7
Unitary see Matrix Operator Transformations
Vacuum state 439
Vector, basis 246
Vector, column, row 274
Vector, wave 14 50 56; Complete ket
von Laue 9 57
von Neumann, J. 157 166 190 191 263
Wave packet 50—55 66 81—85 92—93 97 98 106 108 130—132 136 138
Wave packet, filtering of 196—199 298 333
Wave packet, free 50—53 221—222 328-329
Wave packet, Gaussian 131
Wave packet, minimum 160 215 446—448
Wave packet, scattering 372—380 401—403
Wave packet, spreading of 58 218—222 329
Wave vector see Vector
Wave, equation see Schr dinger equation
Wave, function 60—61 324
Wave, incoming, outgoing 356 372 386 390 423 426
Wave, length 14 49 55;
Wave, mechanics 45—49 324—326
Wave, partial see Decomposition
Wave, reflection 80—86 91—96 106-109
Wave, stationary scattering 371—372 421—422
Wave-corpuscle duality see Duality
Wentzel, G. 216
Width, resonance 397—398; see Mean life
Wigner, E. P. 242
Wilson cloud chamber 8
Wilson, H, A. 36
WKB method 233 241 368 410
wronskian 98
Wronskian, theorem 98—101
Zeeman effect 27 39 40
“Representation”, Heisenberg 314—317 330 443
“Representation”, intermediate 321—323
“Representation”, Schr dinger 310 314 323
“Tunnel” effect 96—98
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