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Castelfranchi G. — Recent Advances in Atomic Physics |
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see “Beta”
see “Gamma”
see “Entry under Psi”
-function in wave mechanics ii 304
A see Alpha
Abraham, M., ratio of electrical units i 41
Absolute temperature i 59
Absorbing power ii 6
Absorption edges in X-ray spectra ii 137
Absorption edges, of X-rays i 243
Absorption edges, of X-rays, Discontinuities in i 250
Actinium i 310
Actinium, Discovery of i 283
Aepinus, electric theory i 39
Albedo i 47
Alpha particles i 284
Alpha particles, Charge of i 288
Alpha particles, Counting i 288
Alpha particles, Range of i 313
Alpha particles, Tracks of i 317
Analysis, Spectrum i 37
Angstroem (unit) i 26
Anomalous dispersion i 45
Anomalous Zeeman effect ii 131
Anti-cathode i 212
Arago, F.D., wave-theory of light i 27
Arc spectrum ii 77
Arc spectrum of sodium ii 83
Arcadiewa, Mme., ether waves i 325
Argon, Electron grouping in ii 143
Arnold, H.D., rate of fall of small spheres i 160
Arrhenius, S., electrolytic dissociation i 147
Aston, F.W., curve of loss of mass i 206
Aston, F.W., isotopes i 201 i 311
Aston, F.W., mass spectrograph i 206
Atom, Disruption of i 348
Atom, ionised ii Q5^
Atom, of electricity i 129
Atom, of hydrogen in wave mechanics ii 278
Atom, of the rare gases ii 143
Atom, Radius of i 268
Atomic heat i 6 97
Atomic heat, moment (magnetic) ii 243
Atomic heat, nucleus, L 327
Atomic heat, number i 232
Atomic heat, rays ii 248
Atomic heat, states see “States of Atom”
Atomic heat, weights, List of ii 396
Atomic heat, weights, of isotopes i 205
Atomistic doctrine i 3
Audibility, Limit of i 107
Auger, P., compound photoelectric effect (Auger effect) ii 185
Average life, Datermination of i 303
Avogadro's number i 86 124 320 ii 26
Avogadro, A., molecular hypothesis i 7
Babcock, H.D., specific mass of electron ii 126
Back, E., anomalous Zeeman effect ii 133
Background spectrum of X-rays i 236
Baecklin, E., diffraction of X-rays i 243
Balmer, J.J., series ii 42
Balmer, J.J., spectral series ii 30
Band spectra ii 108
Bar (unit of pressure) i 106
Barium platinocyanide i 214
Barnes, A., energy levels of He atom ii 66
Barnett, S.J., magneto-mechanical effect ii 254
Bartoli, A.G., pressure of light i 47
Batho, H.F., light quants and interference ii 218
Beck, G., photoelectric effect ii 321
Becquerel, H., radioactivity i 279
Belin, E., photo-telegraphy ii 190
Bergmann series ii 80
Bernoulli, D., kinetic theory of gases i 51
Bestelmeyer, A., value of e/m i 183
Beta rays i 284 319
Bethe, H., diffraction of electrons ii 299
Bjerrum, N., molecular spectra ii 111
Black body ii 2
Blackett, P.M.S., expulsion of protons i 358
Blake, F.C, Planck's constant ii 176
Bloch, E., specific heats i 181
Blue of the sky i 126
Bohr, Niels, magneton ii 244
Bohr, postulates regarding atomic structure ii 35
Bohr, shells in the atom ii 68
Bohr, spectral lines ii 31
Bohr, the Compton effect ii 208
Bolometer ii 25
Boltwood, B.B., radium in uranium minerals i 306
Boltzmann, L., black-body radiation ii 10
Boltzmann, L., entropy and probability ii 350
Boltzmann, L., equipartition of energy i 93
Boltzmann, L., kinetic theory of gases i 51 111
Boltzmann, L., molecular constant i 61 117
Boltzmann, L., molecular velocity i 65
Bonhoeffer, K.F., parahydrogen ii 331
Born, Max, crystalline structure i 274
Born, mean free path of molecules i 81
Born, quantum mechanics ii 314
Born, specific heats ii 148
Born, theory of atom ii 268
Born, wave mechanics ii 307
Bose, S.N., statistics ii 369 372
Bothe, W., recoil electrons ii 207
Boyle, R., gas pressure and volume i 7
Bragg, W.H., absorption of X-rays i 249
Bragg, W.H., and W.L.Bragg, crystal structure i 255
Bragg, W.H., and W.L.Bragg, spectrometer i 260
Bragg, W.H., path of a-particles i 313
Bragg, W.H., X-ray reflection from crystals i 256 259
Braun tube i 137
Breadth of spectral lines i 64
Bridgman, P.W., pressure and electrical resistance i 172
Broglie, Louis de, wave mechanics ii 269 287
Broglie, Maurice de, Brownian movement to find e i 162
Broglie, Maurice de, X-ray spectrometer i 261
Brondsted, J.N., separation of Hg isotopes i 203
Brunetti, Rita, magnetic susceptibility of alkali vapours ii 265
Bucherer, A.H., variation of e/m with velocity i 144
Calcium tungstate i 214
Canal rays i 196
Candle (unit) i 47
Canizzaro, S., atomic weights i 4
Carelli, A., the Raman effect ii 346
Cario, G., atomic collisions ii 101
Carnot's principle i 110
Cathode ray i 130
Cathode ray, oscillograph i 137
Causality, principle of ii 307
Cells, Photoelectric see “Photoelectric Cells”
Centred cubic lattice i 263
Chad wick, J., nuclear charge i 337
Chad wick, J., range of protons i 354
Charge of -particles i 288
Charge, nucleus i 337
Charge, of electron i 133 159
Clausius, R., kinetic theory of gases i 51
Cloud method for studying ionisation i 150 317
Clusius, K., specific heat of hydrogen ii 331
Collisions, Elastic, between atoms and electrons ii 85
Collisions, inelastic ii 95 100
Collisions, of first kind ii 100
Collisions, of second kind ii 101
Compton effect ii 184 196
Compton Theory of ii 197
Compton, A.H., collisions of light quants and electrons ii 184 196
Compton, K.T., collisions of atoms and electrons ii 89
Condensation (in a gas) i 120
Condon, E.U., quantum theory of radioactivity ii 333
Conductivity of metals for heat and for electricity i 178 ii 379
| Conductivity of selenium, Photoelectric ii 186
Conductivity of solids, Photoelectric ii 186
Conductivity Theory of i 174
Constant of the fine structure ii 58
Constants, Fundamental physical ii 399
Constants, h, e, m calculated from spectroscopic data ii 59
Contact potential ii 172
Coolidge tube i 212
Cosmic rays i 46
Coster, D., hafnium ii 71
Coster, D., X-ray spectra ii 138
Cotton, A., specific mass of electron ii 126
Counter for -particles i 288 291
Counter for electrons ii 208
Critical point i 123
Critical pressure i 74
Critical temperature i 74
Crookes, Sir Wm., cathode rays i 130
Crookes, Sir Wm., scintillation effect of a-particles i 290
Crystal structure i 221 255
Cubic lattice, Centred i 263
Cubic lattice, Face-centred i 229 263
Cubic lattice, simple i 263
Curie constant in magnetism ii 236
Curie point in magnetism ii 231 243
Curie, P., diamagnetism ii 231
Curie, Pierre and Marie i 279
Current, Ionisation, due to X-rays i 215
Dalton, J. i 3
Dalton, J., law of chemical combination i 5
Darwin, C.G., reflection of X-rays from crystals i 259
Davis, Berghen, excitation potentials ii 98
Davisson, C.J., diffraction of electrons ii 295
Davisson, C.J., thermionic emission i 187
De Forest, L., thermionic valve i 192
de Haas see “Haas”
Debierne, A., discovery of actinium i 283
Debye, P., the Compton effect ii 196
Debye, P., theory of specific heats ii 149
Debye, P., X-rays and crystal structure i 265 269
Degeneracy ii 353 358
Degeneracy, criterion of ii 364
Democritus i 3
Dempster, A.J., emission of atoms ii 105
Dempster, A.J., light quants and interference ii 218
Dempster, A.J., mass spectrograph i 201 208
Dennison, P.M., specific heats ii 327
Depth measurement by piezo-electricity i 277
Descartes, Rene i 23
Determinism i 302
Devaux, H., oil films i 19
Diamagnetism ii 231
Diamagnetism, and the periodic system ii 235
Diameter, Molecular i 71 87
dielectric constant i 40
Diffraction of light i 26
Diffraction, fringes i 26
Diffraction, grating i 28
Diffraction, of electrons ii 295
Diffraction, of X-rays i 217 243
Diffuse series in spectrum ii 80
Diffusion of light i 125 see
Diode i 191
Dirac, P.A.M., quantum mechanics ii 314
Dirac, P.A.M., statistics ii 357
Dirac, P.A.M., theory of atom ii 268
Disc, Nipkow ii 193
Discontinuity in absorption of X-rays i 250
Disintegration of atom, Artificial i 348
Dispersion of light i 45 ii 338
Displacement current i 40
Displacement law in radioactivity i 308
Disruption of atom i 348
Disruptive discharge i 149
Dobronrawoff, N., light quants ii 213
Donati, G.B., spectra of stars i 38
Doppler effect i 36 64
Droplets in equilibrium used to determine e i 154
Drude, P., reflection of X-rays from crystals i 259
Drude, P., theory of conduction i 175 179
Duane, W., and Hunt's equation ii 104
Duane, W., Planck's constant h ii 176
Duane, W., wave-length of X-rays ii 104
Dulong and Petit, law of atomic heats i 6 97
Dushman, S., manometer i 107
Dushman, S., thermionic emission i 187 191
Earth lines in solar spectrum i 38
Echelon grating of Michelson i 31
Edison, T.A., thermionic emission (Edison effect) i 181
Eigenvalues (in wave mechanics) ii 276
Einstein, Albert, general law of fluctuations i 119
Einstein, magneto-mechanical effect ii 252
Einstein, momentum of light quant ii 197
Einstein, photoelectric effect ii 164
Einstein, specific heats ii 147
Einstein, theory of light quant ii 209
Einstein, theory of opalescence i 127
Electrolysis i 15
Electron i 130
Electron, charge of i 133 159
Electron, Distribution of, in shells ii 68
Electron, Free, in wave-mechanics ii 285
Electron, gas ii 103
Electron, mass of i 133 139
Electron, Number of peripheral, and Thomson's theory i 338
Electron, radius of i 145
Electron, recoil (in Compton effect) ii 202
Electron, rotating ii 130
Elliptic orbits, Theory of ii 53
Ellis, C.D., wave-length of y-rays ii 179
Elsasser, W., diffraction of electrons ii 296
Emanation from radium i 292 321 see
Emeleus, G.K., beta rays i 287
Emission spectra i 37
Emission Spectral ii 91
Emissive power ii 6
Energy emitted from radium i 322
Energy, equipartition of i 61
Energy, fluctuations and quantum theory ii 215
Energy, levels i 239
Energy, levels, in hydrogen atom ii 61
Energy, levels, in the nucleus ii 180
Energy, levels, of the atoms ii 45
Energy, levels, X-ray ii 103
Energy, Mean kinetic, of a molecule i 87
Energy, Molecular i 60
Energy, of matter, Internal i 322
Energy, resonance ii 90
entropy i 110
Entropy of a monatomic perfect gas ii 350 353
Epicurus i 3
Epstein, P.S., the Stark-Lo Surdo effect ii 117
Equipartition of energy i 61 90
Errors, Gaussian law of i 55
Ether i 42
Ether, waves i 323
Eucken, A., specific heat of hydrogen ii 331
Euler, L. i 23
Ewald, P.P., reflection of X-rays from crystals i 259
Excitation of atom ii 64
Excitation potential ii 97
Excitation Thermal, of atoms ii 90
Excited states of atom ii 64
Exclusion principle ii 139 358 368 389
Face-centred cubic lattice i 229 263
Fajans, K., displacement law i 308
Faraday, M., electromagnetic induction i 40
Faraday, M., laws of electrolysis i 129
Fermi, Enrico, atomic structure ii 71
Fermi, statistics ii 357
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