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Castelfranchi G. — Recent Advances in Atomic Physics |
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Supersonics, frequencies i 276
Susceptibility, magnetic ii 231
Sutherland, W., manometer i 107
Tails of -particle tracks i 318
Taylor, G.I., light quants and interference ii 218
Taylor, G.I., magneton ii 251
Taylor, J.B., magnetic moment of H atom ii 254
Tear, J.D., ether waves i 325
Telekinematograph ii 195
Telephotography see “Photo-telegraphy”
Television ii 192
Temperature, absolute i 59
Temperature, critical i 74
Temperature, inversion i 78
Term, Spectral, of atom ii 65
Thales of Miletus i 3 39
Thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity i 175
Thermal excitation of atoms ii 90
Thermionic effect i 181
Thermionic effect and quantum statistics ii 384
Thermionic emission, Theory of i 185
Thermionic valve i 191
Thermopile ii 26
Thibaud, J., grating spectrograph for X-rays i 240
Thomson effect i 76
Thomson, G.P., diffraction of electrons ii 300 303
Thomson, J.J., atomic structure i 338
Thomson, J.J., measurement of e/m i 134
Thomson, J.J., positive rays i 198
Thorium i 310
Threshold, Photoelectric ii 163
Townsend, J.S., electronic charge i 151
Transformation constant in radioactivity i 296
Trillat, J.H., testing materials with X-rays i 253
Triode, Characteristics of i 194
Triode, circuits i 192
Triplets in Zeeman effect ii 135
Tuyn, A., superconductivity i 171
Uhlenbeck, G.E., magnetic moment of electron ii 129
Ultra-violet radiation i 47
Uncertainty principle ii 309
Uranium i 297
Uranium, series i 297 309
Valve, thermionic i 191
Valve, with three electrodes i 192
Valve, with two electrodes i 191
Van den Broeck, A., nuclear charge and atomic number i 337
Van der Waals, Equation of i 71 73
Van der Waals, kinetic theory of gases i 51
| Vector, Luminous i 43
Velocity, Molecular, in various gases i 60
Velocity, of light i 31 43
Viscosity of gases i 83
Viscosity, coefficient of i 85 87
Volta effect and new statistics ii 387
Volta, A., kinetic theory of gases i 51
Waals see “Van der Waals”
Wagner, E., Planck's constant ii 176
Wang, S.C, energy of H molecule ii 322
Warburg, E., flow of gases through tubes i 97
Wave mechanics ii 276
Wave theory of light i 23
Wave-length measurements, of -rays ii 178
Wave-length measurements, Precision of i 34
Wave-length of X-rays i 215
Wave-number ii 41
Weber, W. i 41
Wehnelt, A., oxide-coated cathode i 184
Wehnelt, A., value of e/m i 183
Weiss, P., paramagnetism ii 242
Wentzel, G., X-ray spectra ii 138
Wiedemann — Franz law i 49 177
Wiedemann, G.H., law of conductivities i 177
Wien, W., black-body radiation ii 14 24
Wien, W., emission of atoms ii 105
Wien, W., positive rays i 197
Wilson, C.T.R., cloud apparatus i 150 317
Wilson, C.T.R., passage of -particles through atoms i 328
Wilson, C.T.R., recoil electrons ii 207
Wilson, C.T.R., tracks of -particles i 317
Wilson, H.A., electronic charge i 151
Wood, R.W., ortho- and para-molecules ii 324
Wood, R.W., piezoelectricity i 278
X-rays i 212
X-rays, Absorption of i 243
X-rays, Hard i 214
X-rays, Penetrating power of i 253
X-rays, Polarisation of i 243
X-rays, Practical applications of i 251
X-rays, soft i 214
X-rays, spectra i 229 ii 72
X-rays, tubes i 212
X-rays, Wave-length of i 215
X-unit = cm. i 232
Xenon, Electron grouping in ii 143
Young, Thomas i 25
Zeeman effect, anomalous ii 131
Zeeman Normal ii 121
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