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Поиск книг, содержащих: Heisenberg's uncertainty principle
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Felsager B. — Geometry, particles and fields | 176 | Liddle A. — An Introduction to Modern Cosmology | 157 | Pugovecki E. — Quantum mechanics in hilbert space | 8 | Stakgold I. — Green's Functions and Boundary Value Problems | 146 | Chan T., Shen J. — Image Processing and Analysis: Variational, PDE, Wavelet, and Stochastic Methods | 104 | Gardiner C.W., Zoller P. — Quantum Noise: A Handbook of Markovian and Non-Markovian Quantum Stochastic Methods with Applications to Quantum Optics | 1, 322 | Meyer Y. — Wavelets and Operators | 19, 20 | Carrol B.W., Ostlie D.A. — An introduction to modern astrophysics | 130—132, 268, 301, 567, 568, 1233, 1247 | De Finetti B. — Theory of probability (Vol. 2) | 41, 307, 319 | Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory | 46, 267 | Dewdney A.K. — Beyond reason. 8 great problems that reveal the limits of science | 66—69 | Scully M.O., Zubairy M.S. — Quantum optics | 47, 563 | Cotterill R.M.J. — Biophysics: An Introduction | 67, 346 | Gardiner C.W. — Quantum Noise | 1, 326 | Mott N.F. — Elements of Wave Mechanics | 50 | De Finetti B. — Theory of Probability. A critical introductory treatment(vol. 2) | 41, 307, 319 | Marks R.J.II. — The Joy of Fourier | 7, 8, 181, 437, 691, 693, 754, 771 | Harman T.L., Dabney J.B., Richert N.J. — Advanced Engineering Mathematicas with MATLAB | 193 | Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | 441—443 | Rauch J. — Partial differential equations | 97, 98, 99, 105 | Shu F.H. — The Physical Universe: An Introduction to Astronomy | 42—44 | Percival D., Walden A. — Spectral Analysis for Physical Applications | 73—74, 120 | Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory. I. Elements | 46, 267 | Cohen G.L. — A Course in Modern Analysis and Its Applications | 249 | Davies P. — The New Physics | 71—72, 80, 90, 314, 423, 462, 465, 485 |