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Bates D.R. — Quantum Theory |
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132 216
131 216 218
A-coefficient, Einstein 277
Abramowitz, M. 169(3) 170
Absorption of radiation 272
Adiabatic approximation 287
Airy equation 234
Alpha-decay 247
Angular momentum operator 35
Angular momentum orbital 49
Angular momentum spin 49
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method 229 321
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, connection formulae 229 235
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, Langer modification 246 325
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, one-dimensional problems 230
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, potential barrier problems 238
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, potential well problems 236
Asymptotic approximation (A A) method, radial problems 245
Atomic units XV 116 122
Autoionization 264
Axiomatic basis 33
Azimuthal quantum number 103 309
B-coefficients, Einstein 276
Baber, W.G. 129 130 131 136
Barrau, O. 131(6) 136
Bates, D.R. 130(3) 131 132 136 293(10) 295(13) 296(13) 297 389 391 436
Bethe's formula 392
Bethe, H.A. 220 225 228 392 406 436
Biedenharn, L.C. 169(8) 170 207(20) 209 312(3) 337(3) 369(3) 370(3) 435
Black-body radiation 3 277
Blatt, J.M. 248 249 259(4) 297 312(3) 337(3) 347(13) 364 369(3) 370(3) 435 436
Blume, M. 170
Bohr theory 4
Bohr, N. 413 436
Bohr, radius 116
Bohr-Sommerfeld conditions 236
Boltzmann relation 277
Born – Oppenheimer approximation 389
Born's approximation, first, and impulse approximation 424
Born's approximation, first, conditions for applicability 333
Born's approximation, first, elastic scattering 331
Born's approximation, first, impact parameter treatment 254
Born's approximation, first, inelastic scattering 268—380 387 388 392
Born's approximation, first, scattering phases 333
Born's approximation, first, wave treatment 268 331 380
Born's approximation, first, with exchange 387 388
Born's approximation, second, impact parameter treatment 258
Born's approximation, second, wave treatment 284
Box with rigid walls 87
Breit – Wigner formula 414
Briggs, N. 170
Brillouin, L. 229 248
Brooks, H. 170
Brueckner, K.A. 183 7 209 426 436
Buckingham, R.A. 321(5) 435
Capps, R.H. 376(24) 436
Carr, W.J. 191(14) 209
Carson, T.R. 130(3) 132 136
Causality conditions and scattering theory 374 376
Centre of mass, separation of motion of 95
Centre of mass, system 301
Chandrasekhar, S. 225
Channel radius 410
Characteristic equation of a matrix 23
Charge-exchange collisions 290 385
Cherry, T.M. 230 249
Chew, G. 420(41) 436
Chu, L.J. 132(10) 136
Classical, laws of motion 66
Classical, mechanics 48
Classical, theory of collisions 300 327
Closure relation 76
Coherent (Rayleigh) scattering 280
Collisions see “Scattering” 254 268 284 299
Commuting operators 45
Completeness of eigenfunctions 13
Complex well, phases for scattering by 431
Compound nucleus 413 416
Condon, E.U. 275(6) 297
Confluent hypergeometric function 142 165 241
Connection formulae 229 235
Conservation of particles 359
Continuum, the 147
Corbato F.J. 132(10) 136
Corinaldesi, E. 377 397 436
Coulomb potential 114
Coulomb potential, attractive 114 164
Coulomb potential, modified, scattering by 337
Coulomb potential, parabolic co-ordinates 119
Coulomb potential, prolate spheroidal co-ordinates 121
Coulomb potential, repulsive 164 167
Coulomb potential, scattering by 303 335
Coulomb potential, spherical polar co-ordinates 115
Coulomb potential, wave-functions 167 337
Coulomb potential, wave-functions, limiting form for small energies 167
Coulomb potential, wave-functions, normalization 166
Coulomb potential, wave-functions, regular 166
Coulson, C.A. 125
Coupled differential equations, solution of 357
Courant, R. 13 30
Cross-sections absorption 430
Cross-sections differential 302 303 307 312
Cross-sections elastic 302 312 367
Cross-sections excitation 254 269 393
Cross-sections ionization 394
Cross-sections near threshold, behaviour of 419
Cross-sections one-level scattering 412
Cross-sections partial: limits of magnitude of 361
Cross-sections reaction 370
Cross-sections total 302 303 312 326
Current 65 149 158
Dalgarno, A. 185(9) 188(11) 189(12) 209 220(6) 228
Davisson — Germer experiment 6
De Broglie's formula 6 63
Degeneracy 13 89 112 119
Degeneracy accidental 119
Degeneracy magnetic 119
Degeneracy relative 202
Degenerate perturbation theory 194
Delta, function, Dirac 39 75
Delta, normalization 154 163
Delta, symbol, Kronecker 39
Density matrix 407
Density of free energy states 150
Detailed balancing 259 371
Determinant of matrix 16 19
Determinant of matrix, singular 16
Deuteron 109 114 316
Differential cross-section 302 303 307 312
Differential operators 7
Differential operators and matrices 27 28
Diffraction 6
Diffraction scattering 320 361 430
Dirac delta function 39 75
Dirac, P.A.M. 38(2) 39 75 76 79 252(1) 297 406(35) 436
Direct product 18
Dispersion relations 372
Dispersion relations and atomic scattering problems 376
Dispersion relations and causality 374
Dispersion relations for square well potential 374
Displacement operators 54
Distorted wave approximation for inelastic scattering 381
Distorted wave approximation for inelastic scattering with exchange 388
Distortion approximation (impact parameter treatment 258
Dualism 5
Eckart, C. 226 228
Effective range 348
Effective range, theory of scattering 347
Eigenfunctions 8 29
Eigenfunctions, completeness of 13 29
| Eigenfunctions, electron spin 79
Eigenfunctions, orthogonality of 11
Eigenstates, simultaneous 45
Eigenvalues 8 51 54
Eigenvalues, electron spin 79
Eigenvectors of matrix 25
Einstein A-coefficient 277
Einstein B-coefficients 276
Einstein, A. 276(7) 297
Eisenbud, L. 414 436
Eisenstein, J. 359 436
Elastic scattering, Born approximation 331
Elastic scattering, cross-sections 302 312 367
Elastic scattering, impulse approximation 423
Elastic scattering, two channels in exact resonance 384
Elbert, D. 225
Electric dipole transition 274
Electric dipole transition, moments 278
Electron capture 290
Electron spin 54
Electron spin, eigenstates and eigenvalues of 79
Emission, spontaneous 277
Emission, stimulated 276
Energy, loss of fast particles in matter 397
Energy, lower bounds to 191 214
Energy, polarization 95
Energy, upper bounds to 191 193 212
Energy, wave-functions 147
Erdelyi, A. 230 249
Exchange 385
Exchange effects in inelastic scattering see “inelastic scattering”
exchange interaction 401
Exchange operator 73
Excitation cross-sections 254 269 393
Exponential potential 113
Faxen — Holtsmark theory 309
Faxen, H. 309 435
Feinberg, E. 206(18) 207(20) 209
Feshbach, H. 41(3) 75 105 112 119 145 145 167 168 206(19) 208(19) 209 249 308(1) 323 350(1) 435
Feynman integral in scattering calculations 396
Feynman theorem 190
Feynman, R.P. 190(13) 209 395 436
Finite potential well 85
Frame, W. 253(2) 255(2) 297
Francis, N.C. 435(45) 436
Free particle 147
Free particle delta normalization for 157
Free particle energy wave-functions 148
Free particle momentum wave-functions 148
Free particle periodic normalization 149
Fundaminsky, A. 389(27) 391(27) 436
Gans, R. 229 248
Gell-Mann, M. 403 404 436
Generalized oscillator strengths 397
Gerade 74
Gerjuoy, E. 351(14) 375 22 435 436
Goldberger, M.L. 403 404 436
Goldstein, H. 272 5 297
Good, R.H. 242 249
Gordon, W. 336 435
Green's function for scattering problems 329
Green, G. 229 248
Ground state of deuteron 109 114
Ground state of deuteron of helium atom 174
Ground state of deuteron of helium-like atoms 193
Group velocity 63
Guiding wave 6
Ham, F.S. 169 4 170
Hamiltonian operator 38
Hankel functions 107 143 163
Hardy, G.H. 246 249
Harmonic oscillators, one-dimensional 89 135
Harmonic oscillators, one-dimensional in a linear field 94
Harmonic oscillators, three-dimensional 93
Harmonic oscillators, three-dimensional, isotropic 110
Harmonic perturbations 264
Harmonic perturbations, first order approximation 270
Hart, J.F. 223 225 228
Hasse, H.R. 129 130 131 136
Heading, J. 234 249
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle 46 267
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and convergence of total scattering cross-section 304
Helium-like atoms, excited states 226
Helium-like atoms, ground states 174 193 222
Helium-like atoms, magnetic susceptibility 188
Henrich, L.R. 225
Hermite polynomials 91 137
Hermitian operators 9
Herzberg, G. 223 225 227 228
Hilbert, D. 13 30
Holtsmark, J. 309 435
Hulthen's variational method for the phases 345
Hulthen, L. 344 435
Hydrogen, atom 116 134 213
Hydrogen, molecular ion 131 216 218
Hydrogen, negative ion 222
Hydrogen-like atoms 245
Hylleraas, E.A. 130 136 193(15) 209 211 218 224 225 225 227 228
Identical particles, scattering of 339
Identical particles, scattering of, effect of spin 341
Impact parameter 253 300 328
Impact parameter and azimuthal quantum number 309
Impulse approximation 420
Impulse approximation for elastic scattering 423
Impulse approximation for inelastic scattering 423
Impulse approximation, estimate of multiple scattering cross-section 427
Impulse approximation, relation to Born's approximations 424
Impulse approximation, validity of underlying assumptions 426
Inelastic scattering, and S-matrix 367
Inelastic scattering, Born's approximation for see also “under Born's approximation” 380
Inelastic scattering, cross-section 377
Inelastic scattering, distorted wave approximation for 381
Inelastic scattering, exchange effects in 385
Inelastic scattering, exchange effects in Born's approximation 387—388
Inelastic scattering, exchange effects in distorted wave approximation 388
Inelastic scattering, general equations for 379
Inelastic scattering, impact parameter treatment 253 289
Inelastic scattering, impulse approximation for 423
Inelastic scattering, numerical solution of coupled equations for 382
Inelastic scattering, scattering phases 360
Intermediate states 282
Intrinsic range 349
Ionisation cross-sections 394
Jackson, J.D. 347 435
Jaffe, g. 131 5 136
Jeffreys' approximation see “asymptotic approximation”
Jeffreys, B.S. 234 240 241 249
Jeffreys, H. 229 230 234 235 241 244 248 249
Johnson, V.A. 131(8) 136
Kato, T. 173 208
Kellner, G.W. 211 228
Kemble, E.C. 246 249
Kingston, A.E. 287
Kinoshita, T. 224 225 228
Klein, A. 375 436
Kohn's variational method for the scattering phases 344
Kohn, W. 345 435
Krall, N.A. 375 436
Kramers, H.A. 229 245 248
Kronecker delta symbol 39
Kuhn, T.S. 169(2) 170
Laboratory system, scattering in 301
Laguerre polynomials 111 130 141
Laguerre polynomials associated 142
Landau — Zener formula 296
Landau, L.D. 295 297 333 435
Langer, R. 230 236 244 246 247 249 322 435
Lax, M. 432 436
Ledsham, K. 131(9) 136
Legendre polynomials 99 139
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