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Поиск книг, содержащих: Shadow
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 829 | Кузьменко В.Г. — Программирование на VBA 2002 | 463 | Чумаченко И.Н. — 3ds max 6 | 293 | Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing | 307, 322—324 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 1) | 1380, 1552 | Morse P., Feshbach H. — Methods of Theoretical Physics (part 2) | 1380, 1552 | Miller E., Sturmfels B. — Combinatorial Commutative Algebra | 200 | Regan Sch., White K. — Mac OS X Server 10.4 Tiger: Visual QuickPro Guide | 2nd | Dean J., Pessanha B.G., Langfeldt N. — LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell | 2nd 3rd | Godsil C., Royle G. — Algebraic Graph Theory | 374 | Engel K. — Sperner theory | 7 | Johnstone P. — Stone Spaces | V 4.3 208 | Carter J.S. — How Surfaces Intersect in Space: A Friendly Introduction to Topology | 101 | Langmuir I. — Phenomena, Atoms and Molecules | 296, 297 | Thirring W.E. — Classical Mathematical Physics: Dynamical Systems and Field Theories | 414, 421, 427 | Montenbruck O., Pfleger Th. — Astronomy on the Personal Computer | 215, 218 | Billingham J., King A.C. — Wave Motion | 380, 390, 401 | Sagan B.E. — The Symmetric Group: Representations, Combinatorial Algorithms, and Symmetric Functions | 107 | Coxeter H.S.M. — Regular Polytopes | 236, 240—258 | Bollobás B. — Combinatorics: Set Systems, Hypergraphs, Families of Vectors and Combinatorial Probability | 23 | Walker J. — The flying circus of physics: with answers | 1.76, 5.23, 5.25, 5.87, 5.124, 5.125, 5.127 | Bauer F.L.(ed.), Samelson K.(ed.) — Language Hierarchies and Interfaces: International Summer School | 4.2. | Rushing T.B. — Topological Embeddings | 188 | Kanovei V.G., Reeken M. — Nonstandard Analysis: Axiomatically | 56, 329 | Fogiel M. — The optics problem solver | 4—3, 4—5, 4—7, 4—8, 4-10 | Turaev V.G. — Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds | 370 | Gardiner A. — Discovering Mathematics: The Art of Investigation | 49, 50 | Rosenfeld B.A. (Author), Shenitzer A. (Translator), Grant H. (Assistant) — A history of non-Euclidean geometry: evolution of the concept of a geometric space | 12, 15 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (vol. 2) | 963 | Kimball A.I. — A college textbook of physics | 543 | Falcke H. (ed.), Hehl F.W. (ed.) — The galactic black hole: lectures on general relativity and astrophysics | 338 | Domb C.M., Green M. — Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena: Series Expansion for Lattice Models, Vol. 3 | 406, 407, 408 | Coxeter H. — Regular polytopes | 230, 240—258 | Diestel R. — Graph Decompositions | 178, 197 | Morse P.M. — Methods of theoretical physics | 1380, 1552 | Wilf H.S., Zeilbercer D., Petkovšek M. — A=B | 132 | Donner K. — Extension of Positive Operators and Korovkin Theorems | 105 | Schiff L.I. — Quantum Mechanics | 126 | Pier J.-P. — Mathematical Analysis during the 20th Century | 51 | Akenine-Möller T. — Real-Time Rendering | 238, 248—276 | Beth T., Jungnickel D., Lenz H. — Design Theory (Vol. 1) | 963 | Thirring W., Harrell E.M. — Classical mathematical physics. Dynamical systems and field theory | 414, 421, 427 |