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Gardiner A. — Discovering Mathematics: The Art of Investigation |
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Anderson, P. 103
Anon. 88
Bases 12 ff 19 83
Beiler, A.H. 21
Beldon, T. 21
Berlekamp, E.R. 10 167
Bidwell, J.K. 21
complex numbers 108 109
Cone 195 ff
Conics 175 194
Conway, J.H. 10 167
Counterexample 18
Courant, R. 195 ff
Coxeter, H.S.M. 10 21 51 195
Cubics 35 36
cuboid 43
Curve of constant breadth 49
Decimals 20
definitions 38 ff
Directrix 194 ff
discipline xiii 59
Efficient ruler game 3 4 9
Egyptians 44
ellipse 42 195
Euclid's Algorithm 165
Euclid, game of 4 9
Fibonacci sequence 104 ff 175 181
Fifteen game 4 9
Focus 194 ff
Galileo 69 83 113
Games 3 ff
Gardiner, A. 10 51
Gardner, M. 10 21 136
Gauss, C.F. 23
Generalisation xiii 131
Gordon, General 3
Gregory, D. 136 172
Guess 5 18 20 38 78 84 99 124 125 131 173
guessing xiii 69
Guy, R.K. 10 167
Hanoi, Towers of 175 190
Hilbert, D. 12
Honsberger, R. 10 21 51
Hyperbola 196 ff
Kordemsky, B.A. 21
Lakatos, I. v
Lattice points 139 ff
Mach, E. 23
McCauley, G. 117
McCulloch, W. 204
Newton, I. 172
Nim, game of 8
Noughts and Crosses 3
Octahedron, regular 38 39
Palindrome 18 19 77
parabola 195 ff
Parallelepiped 38
| Parallelogram 36 39 142
Pascal's triangle 16
Pattern viii 12 20 25 28 67 122 130 153 175 191—192 202
Pentagram 50
Persistence viii
PI 35
Platonic solids 38
Pole 48
Polygon 42 50
Polygon, angle sum 50 91
Polygon, convex 175 184
Polygon, regular 47
Polyhedron 42 50
Porter, P.B. 137
prism 41 42 45
Prismoid 42 ff
proof xiii 5 16 18 20 29 46 71 99 124 127 154
Puzzles viii 24
Pyramid 43 45 50
Pyramid, frustum of 37 38 44 45
Quadratics 35
Quadrilaterals 47 48 50 184—186
Quartics 36
Rademacher, H. 51
Rectangles 39 40 142
Rectangles, three-dimensional version of 39 ff
Recurrence relations 90 ff 177
Reflection 172 173
Robbins, H. 195 ff
Roberts, J. 10
Rouse-Ball, W.W. 10 21
Schuh, F. 10
Shadow 49 50
Smorynski, C. 169
Sphere 35 195
Sphere, four-dimensional 35 36 49
Square 47 185
Stamina viii xiii 59
strategies vii xiii 3 5 10 191—193
Sylver Coinage 167
Symmetry 35 36 153 154 158 196 201
Tangram 175 184
Taxicab geometry 175 194
techniques vii xiii 23 57
tetrahedron 43—45
Toeplitz, O. 51
Toulmin, S. 77
Trapezium 37 38
Trapezium, three dimensional version of 37 ff
triangle 42—43 50 184—185
Triangle, equilateral 47 186
Triangle, Reuleaux 49
van Albada, P.J. 21
van Lint, J.H. 21
Whitehead, A.N. 57
Wythoff's game 9
Yaglom, A.M. 10 31
Yaglom, I.M. 10 31
Zinoviev, A.A. xiii
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