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Carter J.S. — How Surfaces Intersect in Space: A Friendly Introduction to Topology |
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curve 60 79 108 138
4-dimensions 105
Annulus 11 134
Apery, Francois 58
Arc, substantial 10
Arf invariant 118
Armstrong, M.A. 44 167 268
Athena 193
Atlas 236
Attaching sphere 243
Baby cup 20 36
Bagels 34
Ball 124 239
Banchoff, T.F. 44 61 72 111 138
Barber pole see Caduceus
Barrionuevo, J. xi
Basket shaped thingy 14 99 116
Beer 17 242
Belt disk 243
Boy, W. 58
Boy’s surface 58 92 199
Bredon, Glen 150
Cairns, Grant 81
Callaway, Cab 132
Carter, Claire xi
Cartesian product 131
Casson, Andrew 122
Caudceus 152
chairs 34
Characterization of the sphere 34
Charlie’s bug 55 57
Chart 236
Chinn, W. 44
Chocolate 245
Circle at infinity 69
Circle, inside 34
Circle, outside 34
Circle, substantial 40
Classification, all surfaces 74
Classification, closed non-orientable surfaces 74
Classification, closed orient able surfaces 38
Classification, disk 7
Classification, non-orientable surfaces with boundary 52
Classification, orientable surfaces with boundary 21
Classification, planar surfaces 10
Classification, sphere 34
Closed solid 137
Co-core 243
Colander 34
Companions 94
complexity 110
Continuity 4 11 13
Core 243
Critical point 88 245
Critical points 245
Cross cap 67
Cube with handles 162
Cut-line 9
Decker 94
Delta moves 169
Dice 240
Differentiability 11 236
Dirac 147
Disk 6 85 111 124
Disk, belt 243
Disk, characterization 7
Disk, co-core 243
Disk, core 243
Disk, substantial 134
DNA 181
Double points 94
Einstein, Albert 105
Elementary string interactions 172
Elton, Daniel 81
Equatorial sphere 237
Eversion 203
Everting the sphere 203—232
Fischer, John 181
Flath, D.E. xi
Francis, G. 67
Francis, George 44
Freedman, M.H. 122
Frohardt, Dan 81
Froissart—Morin 203
Gabai, David 154
Gauss word 81
Gauss, C.F. 81
General position 41 81 88 193 241 245
General position, immersion 251
Genus 39
Golden fleece 3 10 13 23 29 34 133 252
Golubitski, M. 44
Gray, Bray ton 268
Greenburg, Marvin 268
Griffiths, H.B. 44
Guillemin, V. 44
Hamilton 157
Handle 26 132
Handle, k-handle 243
Handle, slides 51
Heegaard diagram 162
Hempel, John 167
Hipster jive 81
Hitt, L.R. xi
Hocus Focus 204
Hollingsworth, J. 54
Homeomorphism 10 79 236
Homma, T. 172
Homology 250
Hopflink 111 116 131
Hughes, J.F. xi
Hughes, John 58 203 204
Induction 14 235
Intermediate Value Theorem 13
interval 124
Intuition 235
Intuitive property 12
Irrational numbers 240
Jaco, William 167
Jones, V.F.R. 122 172
Jordan curve theorem 5 35
Kauffman, L.H. 44 147 181
Kelley, John 268
Klein bottle 69-73 91 164 193—198
| Klein bottle, solid 164
Knot 164
Knot theory 53 100-121
Ko, Ki Hyoung 138
Lee, R. viii
Lens spaces 148—157
Liulevicius, A. xi
Manifolds 236
Massey bug 83 94 101 236
Massey, Wm.S. 44 83
Mates 23
Math jail 109
Mathematics 72 76
Matrix 249
Max, Nelson 203
Medusa 23
Milnor, J. 167
Milnor, John 268
Mirror image 115
Moebius band 32 45 141 152 236
movie 88 91
Movie, moves 181
Multiped 9
Nagase, T. 172
Nguyen, T. xi
Non-orientable space 46
Onto see Surjective
Orange 34
Orientable 22 23
Oriented 23
Parity 115
Pentagon 155
Phillips, Anthony 203
Planar surface, characterization 10
Poincare, conjecture 134
Poincare, duality 40 250
probability 240
Projective 3-space 141—147
Projective plane 53—69 92 141
Projective planes 201
Projective space 143
Pugh, Charles 203
Pythagorean Theorem 123 235
Quaternions 157—159
Quotient topology 54
Railroad tracks 69
Rank 14
Rank of a closed surface 38
Ratcliffe, Gail 72
Rational numbers 240
Reidemeisiter moves 170
Reidemeister moves 102 169
Reidemeister, K. 102
Reynolds, Deirdre xi
Rigid motion 145
Rochlin, V.A. 122
Roman surface 63 93
Roseman moves 172—180
Roseman, D. 172
Rourke, Colin 268
Rucker, Rudy 44
Saito, Masahico xi 181 233
Sanderson, Brian 268
Santa Claus 35 79 124
Santa Fe 181
Scarecrow 123
Schoenflies theorem 5 134
Scientific American 203
Screen door 34
Shadow 101
Silly 115 118
Silver, D.S. 83
Simple closed curve 4
Slice genus 121
Slice knot 109
Smale, Stephen 203
Solid sphere 124
Soup 131
Sphere 123
Sphere, characterization 34
Sphere, equatorial 126
Sphere, n-dimensional 237
Sphere, solid 123
Steenrod, N. 44
Steiner surface 63 93
Stereographic projection 124
Stevedore’s knot 108
Substantial, arc 10
Substantial, circle 40
Substantial, disk 134
Surfaces 4
Surfaces, Boy’s 58 199
Surfaces, closed non-orientable 74
Surfaces, closed orientable 34
Surfaces, compact planar 6
Surfaces, genus two 36
Surfaces, Klein 69
Surfaces, non-orientable 45
Surfaces, non-orientable with boundary 45
Surfaces, orientable with boundary 18
Surfaces, Roman 63
Surfaces, Steiner 63
Surjective 12
Tennis ball 60
Thom — Pontryagin construction 265
Thumb 96
Thurston, William P. 134 154 164 167
Tire 36
Toffee 11
Topography 4
topology 4
Topology, quotient 54
Torus 84 88 134
Torus, meridian of 135
Torus, punctured 14 18 99 116
Torus, solid 134 141
Trefoil 100 110
Trilobite 61
Twisted figure 8 72
Unit quaternions 159
Upside down 150
Virtual reality 147
Vonnegut, Kurt 107
Weeks, Jeffrey 4 44 134 167
Whitney, H. 65
Whitney’s umbrella 65
Wood, John 150
Zap, P.E. xi
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