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Turaev V.G. — Quantum Invariants of Knots and 3-Manifolds |
Предметный указатель |
2-DMF 239
2-DMF, mirror 267
2-DMF, rational 245
2-DMF, weak 266
2-polyhedron, locally flat 395
2-polyhedron, smooth 395
3-manifold, decorated 157
3-manifold, double of a 474
3-manifold, extended 197
3-manifold, genus of a 224
3-manifold, weighted 213
6j-symbol 302
6j-symbol, normalized 331
Admissible triple 551
Annulus 31
Annulus, core of an 31
Annulus, directed 31
Annulus, twisted 319
Anomaly cocycle 149
Antipode 493
ARC 153
Arc, marked 153
Band 31
Band, base of a 31
Band, core of a 31
Band, directed 31
Basic shadow move 369
Biedenharn — Elliott identity 306 334
Bistellar move 351
Bracket polynomial 521
Braid group 509
Braid index 114
Braiding 19
Bundle of states 205
Category 17
Category of framed graphs 456
Category of representations 494
Category of ribbon graphs 36
Category of ribbon tangles 38
Category, Ab- 72
Category, generators of a 49 58
Category, Hermitian 109—111
Category, mirror 21
Category, modular 74
Category, monoidal 18
Category, opposite 112
Category, pure 504
Category, quasimodular 505
Category, rank of a 76
Category, relations in a 49 58
Category, ribbon 21
Category, semisimple 99
Category, strict monoidal 18
Category, unimodal 311
Category, unimodular 311
Category, unitary 113
cell 402
Closed space 125
Cobordism 124
Cobordism of shadows 384
Cobordism theory 123
Cobordism theory, 2-cocycle of a 146
Cobordism theory, involutive 131
Cobordism, bottom base of a 124
Cobordism, decorated 159
Cobordism, extended 200
Cobordism, top base of a 124
Collar 136
COLOR 22 35
composition 17
Comultiplication 493
Conjugation 109
Connected sum 161
Contraction of tensors 307 333
Counit 493
Coupon 22 31
Coupon, bottom base of a 31
Coupon, top base of a 31
Covariant functor 38
Cylinder 123
Diagram 32—33 320 432 405 456 518
Diagram, enriched 406 433
Diagram, extremal point of a 49
Diagram, generic 49
Diagram, isotopy of a 65
Diagram, simple 519
Diagram, singular point of a 49
DIMENSION 21 28 103
Disk region 375
Domination 74
Double construction 499
Dual cell subdivision 402
Duality 20
Flip 19
Framed braid 113
Framed graph 319 455
Framed graph, 1-stratum of a 319
Framed graph, coloring of a 319 455
Framed graph, core of a 319
Framed graph, surface of a 319
Framed graph, v-coloring of a 320 455
Framed graph, vertex of a 319
Framing 35
Generic element 532
Gleam 368
Gluing anomaly 124 125
Gluing homomorphism 240
Gluing pattern 145
Graph 318
Graph manifold 485
Graph pair 431
Graph, 1-stratum of a 318
Graph, coloring of a 318
Graph, dual 360 474
Graph, edge of a 318
Graph, shadow projection of a 433
Graph, trivalent 318
Graph, v-colored 319
Handle 395
Handle decomposition 410
Handlebody, 4-dimensional 395
Handlebody, standard 158
Heegaard decomposition 224
Heegaard surface 404
Heighest weight 516
Height function 49
Homeomorphism, d- 153 157
Homeomorphism, d-, weak 192
Homeomorphism, e- 196—197
Homeomorphism, e-, weak 199
Homeomorphism, m- 236
Homeomorphism, m-, weak 266
Homomorphism of TQFT's 132
Hopf algebra 493
Hopf algebra, h-adic 513
Hopf algebra, modular 506
Hopf algebra, quasitriangular 497
Hopf algebra, ribbon 500
Hopf link 45
Integer shadow graph 393
Integer shadow link 390
Integer shadowed polyhedron 390
Isomorphism of TQFT's 132
Isotopy of ribbon graphs 32 81-82
Isotropic space 179
Jones polynomial 522
Jones — Wenzl idempotent 529
Kauffman skein formula 519
Kirby moves 85
| l-twist 52
Lagrangian contraction 180
Lagrangian relation 181
Lagrangian space 179
Lens space 81
Link 34
Link, framed 34
Link, oriented 34
Linking number 414
Longitude-meridianal link 382
Loop, simple 246
Loop, simple, s- 246
Mapping torus 209
Maslov index 182
Matveev — Piergallini moves 401
Modular functor 121 155 198
Modular functor, self-dual 122
Modular functor, trivial 122
Module of finite rank 494
Module of states 121 239
Module, dual 26
Module, indecomposable 516
Module, negligible 506
Module, projective 25
Module, regular 515
Module, simple 506
Monoidal class 236
Morphism 17
Morphism, dual 30
Morphism, negligible 503
Multiplicity 105
Multiplicity module 302
Multiplicity module, symmetrized 314
Negation 371
Negligible morphism 503
Non-degenerate pairing 102
Normal orientation 345
Object of a category 17
Object of a category, fundamental 225
Object of a category, simple 73
Orientation convention 79
Orthonormality relation 334
Pre-twist 406
Primitive root of unity 532
Purification 504
Quantum group 509
Quantum group, h-adic 514
Quantum invariant 137
Quasidomination 505
r-twist 52
Racah identity 335
Reidemeister moves 60-61
Reshetikhin — Turaev invariant 80
Ribbon graph 31 81 157
Ribbon graph, colored 35 81 157
Ribbon graph, elementary 35
Ribbon graph, operator invariant of a 39
Ribbon graph, special 167 170
Ribbon graph, v-colored 35
Ribbon tangle 38
Ribboning 320
Rounding the corners 327
Schur's axiom 100
Self-dual index 310
Shadow 370
Shadow cone 410
Shadow cylinder 434
Shadow equivalence 370
Shadow graph 392
Shadow link 377
Shadow link, cone over a 378
Shadow link, cylinder over a 378
Shadow move 369 377 390 392
Shadow of a 4-manifold 398 411
Shadow projection 408 433
Shadow, augmented 375 412
Shadow, bilinear form of a 386
Shadow, integer 390
Shadow, internal 401
Shadow, negation of a 372
Shadow, signature of a 388
Shadow, stable 374
Shadowed polyhedron 368
Shadowed polyhedron, augmented 374
Shadowed polyhedron, coloring of a 437
Shadowed polyhedron, state sum on a 436
Shadowed system of loops 377
Signature 79 187 222 388 486 568
Simple 2-polyhedron 367
Simple 2-polyhedron, 1-stratum of a 368
Simple 2-polyhedron, orientable 368
Simple 2-polyhedron, region of a 368
Simple 2-polyhedron, special 403
Simple 2-polyhedron, vertex of a 368
Simple deformation 374
Skein class 519
Skein module 519
Skeleton 395 400 431
Sliding of regions 375
Solid torus 78
Space-structure 118
Space-structure, compatible with disjoint union 119
Space-structure, involutive 120
Spine 403
Spine, special 403
Splitting system 136
Stabilization of shadows 374
Strictly admissible triple 551
Summation of shadows 372
Surface, d- 153
Surface, d-, opposite 153
Surface, d-, parametrized 155
Surface, d-, standard 154 155
Surface, e- 196
Surface, e-, opposite 197
Surface, e-, parametrization of a 198
Surface, m- 236
Surgery 78 382
Suspension of shadows 373
Symplectic space 179
Symplectic space, annihilator of a 179
Tangle 38 518
Temperley — Lieb algebra 526
Tensor product 18
Tensor product of TQFT's 125
Tensor product, non-ordered 122
Thickening 417 434
TQFT 124
TQFT, absolute 212
TQFT, anomaly-free 125
TQFT, dual 131
TQFT, Hermitian 143 217
TQFT, non-degenerate 132
TQFT, simplicial 356—360
TQFT, unitary 143 223
Trace 21 28 228 528
Tripod 418
Turaev — Viro invariant 348
Twist 20
Twist, universal 500
Type, decorated 153
Type, decorated, opposite 153
Unit object 18
Universal R-matrix 497
Verlinde algebra 227
Verlinde — Moore — Seiberg formula 106
Wenzl limit 225
Weyl group 509
Writhe 523
Yang — Baxter equality 19 341
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