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Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing
Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing

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Íàçâàíèå: Grid Computing

Àâòîðû: Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.)


Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time
Grid computing appears to be a promising trend for three reasons:
(1) Its ability to make more cost-effective use of a given amount of computer resources,
(2) As a way to solve problems that can't be approached without an enormous amount of computing power
(3) Because it suggests that the resources of many computers can be cooperatively and perhaps synergistically harnessed and managed as a collaboration toward a common objective.

A number of corporations, professional groups, university consortiums, and other groups have developed or are developing frameworks and software for managing grid computing projects. The European Community (EU) is sponsoring a project for a grid for high-energy physics, earth observation, and biology applications. In the United States, the National Technology Grid is prototyping a computational grid for infrastructure and an access grid for people. Sun Microsystems offers Grid Engine software. Described as a distributed resource management tool, Grid Engine allows engineers at companies like Sony and Synopsys to pool the computer cycles on up to 80 workstations at a time.

"the Grid" is a very hot topic generating broad interest from research and industry (e.g. IBM, Platform, Avaki, Entropia, Sun, HP)
Grid architecture enables very popular e-Science projects like the Genome project which demand global interaction and networking
In recent surveys over 500f Chief Information Officers are expected to use Grid technology this year
Grid Computing:
Features contributions from the major players in the field
Covers all aspects of grid technology from motivation to applications
Provides an extensive state-of-the-art guide in grid computing
This is essential reading for researchers in Computing and Engineering, physicists, statisticians, engineers and mathematicians and IT policy makers.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 02.12.2005

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.NET      224 225 231 232 237
2MASS (2-Micron All Sky Survey)      37 428
Abilene (high performance network)      16—18 (see also “Internet2”)
Access Control List (ACL)      137 188 254
Access Grid      78 92 93 967 974
Accessibility      see “Universal access”
Accounting or Accounts      (see also under “Database” “Grid
Accounting or Accounts generic      283
Accounting or Accounts HPC      913 842 844
Accounting or Accounts local      274
Accounting or Accounts module      320
Accounting or Accounts multiple      274
Accounting or Accounts NPACI      687
Accounting or Accounts portal      682—685 263 284 391 735
Accounting or Accounts proxy      111
Accounting or Accounts resource      273
Accounting or Accounts system      677
Accounting or Accounts user      137
ACE (Advanced Collaborative Environments)      92
Adaptive algorithm selection      618
Adaptive computing      42 (see also “Autonomic computing”)
Adaptivity      557
ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning)      970 971
Administrative domain      273 274 492 495—498 512 513 515 530 531 534 535
Aero-engine      811 (see also “Applications”)
AFCS (Alliance for Cell Signaling)      427
AFS (Andrew File system)      68
Agent      616 749 750 753—755 759 760 765 768
Agent and Web services triangle      952 (see also “Autonomous agents” “Condor” “Interacting
Agent binding      see “Binding”
Agent decision-making model      450
Agent interacting agents      449
Agent scientist agent (in scientific laboratory)      451
Akenti (Distributed Access Control System)      683 696
AKT (Advanced Knowledge Technologies)      941
ALDAP (Accessing Large Distributed Archives in Astronomy and Particle Physics)      863 866
AMBER (molecular dynamics portal)      915
Amdahl’s Law      346
AMOS (information mediation system)      430
Anabas corporation      974
Analysis      860 861 863—866 870 871 874 876 878 884 887 897—903
ANL (Argonne National Laboratory)      27
Annotation      442
Annotation of mammograms      see “Mammograms”
Annotation of scientific data      462
ANSA Industry Distributed Computing Framework      530
ANT (XML Java build)      668 669
Apache      29
Apache axis      225
Apache Jakarta      660 662
Apache Jetspeed (portals)      29 697 974
Apache Tomcat      660 662 669 671
APAN (Asia-Pacific Area Network)      16 20
APBS (Adaptive Poisson — Boltzmann Solver)      915
API (Application Programming Interface)      177 181 182 184—187 190 191 193
AppLeS (Application-Level Scheduling)      13 42 549 774
Applet      689
Application Classification or Taxonomy      605 613 805
Application Classification or Taxonomy (seamless) access to resources      25 41 806 807
Application Classification or Taxonomy adaptive applications      41
Application Classification or Taxonomy commercial      11 39
Application Classification or Taxonomy community-centric      606 806
Application Classification or Taxonomy computation-centric      606 806
Application Classification or Taxonomy coordinated applications      41
Application Classification or Taxonomy data-centric, data-oriented or data-intensive      10 12 34 35 127 151 606 866—874 881—886 902 903
Application Classification or Taxonomy, control of scientific instruments      807
Application Classification or Taxonomy, data analysis      33 121 122
Application Classification or Taxonomy, data navigation      807
Application Classification or Taxonomy, data-compute-visualization pipeline      807
Application Classification or Taxonomy, embarrassingly parallel      40 46
Application Classification or Taxonomy, industry      26
Application Classification or Taxonomy, interaction-centric      606 806
Application Classification or Taxonomy, legacy      268 278 966 970
Application Classification or Taxonomy, loosely coupled nets      12
Application Classification or Taxonomy, megacomputing      39 41 46 806
Application Classification or Taxonomy, metaapplications      826
Application Classification or Taxonomy, minimal communication applications      16 40
Application Classification or Taxonomy, multidisciplinary      13
Application Classification or Taxonomy, parameter sweep      (see also “Parameter sweep”)
Application Classification or Taxonomy, pleasingly parallel      46
Application Classification or Taxonomy, poly-applications      41
Application Classification or Taxonomy, real-time applications      41
Application Classification or Taxonomy, staged/linked applications      41
Application coordinator      256—262
Application factory      see “Factory”
Application information      256 257 261 262
Application integration      346 347 425 428
Application metadata catalog      792 793
Application performance scaling      see “Performance scaling”
Application portal      658 670 687
Application service provider (ASP)      see “Service provider”
Application Web services      963 964
Applications aerospace (aircraft) design      32—34 165 174
Applications air pollution      874
Applications aircraft engine maintenance      (see also “DAME”)
Applications astronomy      10 26 36 41 810 813
Applications astrophysics      387 658 670
Applications atmospheric science      831
Applications bioinformatics      13 26 30 32 46 774 782
Applications biology or bioscience      10 30 41
Applications brain      see “Brain”
Applications branch-and-bound      329
Applications CAD (Computer Aided Design)      817
Applications car manufacturing      172
Applications CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)      774 817
Applications chemical engineering      640
Applications chemistry      10 38 41
Applications climate      23 26 119
Applications combinatorial chemistry      see “Combinatorial chemistry”
Applications computer graphics      774 782
Applications cosmology      834
Applications crisis management      172
Applications decision support      see “Decision support”
Applications diesel combustion      658
Applications digital libraries      see “Library”
Applications discrete-event simulation      774 782
Applications drug      see “Drug screening”
Applications earthquake engineering      26
Applications earthquake modeling      26
Applications education      see “e-Education”
Applications electronic (multiplayer) games      39
Applications engineering      11 32 33
Applications engineering design      10 34
Applications enterprise      see “Enterprise”
Applications environmental science      10 41
Applications factory construction planning      172 174
Applications FEM (Finite-Element Modelling)      817
Applications financial forecasting      174
Applications flooding crisis      873
Applications gene sequencing and genomics      7 10 30 41 908 910 921
Applications health      9 10 30 41 42 815
Applications High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP)      see “Particle physics”
Applications High Energy Physics (HEP)      see “Particle physics”
Applications Human Genome      see “Human genome”
Applications life sciences      7 11 30 290 291 813 908 910 919 933
Applications magnetic fusion or fusion      26 442
Applications material science      10
Applications medical or medicine      10 41 387 813 815 NLM”)
Applications meteorology      82 814
Applications military (battle) simulations      41
Applications molecular dynamics      828 831
Applications molecular informatics      41
Applications MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)      431 926
Applications nanomaterials      640
Applications neuroscience      423 426 432
Applications numerical relativity      41
Applications particle physics      10 26 35 36 41 178 301 303 774 810 815 862 867
Applications pharmaceutical      366 397 946 949
Applications pharmacogenetics      809
Applications physics      603 604 606 965
Applications proteomics      809 920 921
Applications quantum chemistry      915 916
Applications quantum mechanical      914 916 917
Applications radio astronomy      833
Applications remote instrument operation      119
Applications satellite operation      33
Applications sensor      965 966 970
Applications social sciences      815
Applications structural biology      640
Applications surgery      873
Applications telemedicine      41
Applications weather forecasting      874
Applications x-ray crystallography or structure      812 949 950 957 958 Job Lattice Micron
Applied metacomputing      see “Avaki”
Archive GGF Persistent Archive Research Group      421
Archive Open Archives Initiative      820
Archive persistent      410 415 421 422 818
ARPANET      14
ASC (Astrophysics Simulation Code) Portal      see “Astrophysics collaboratory”
ASCI (Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative)      24 25 423
Asia-Pacific Grid      118
AstroGrid Project      36 817
Astrophysics collaboratory      547 651
Asynchronous collaboration      482 483 487
Asynchronous learning      972
ATLAS (particle physics experiment at LHC)      423
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)      102
Auction Dutch      752
Auction English      752 753
Auction first-price-sealed-bid      752
Auction market      see “Market”
Auction Vickery      752 753
Audio-video conferencing      974 (see also “Access Grid and VRVS”)
AURORA (Gigabit test bed)      13
Authentication      68 71 73 102 104 105 107 109 110 229 242 545 682 735 743
Authentication service      389
Authoring      967—969
Authorization proxies      110
Autonomic computing      11 40 42 351—361
Autonomic server      352 353
Autonomous agents      442 448
Autonomy      (see also “Autonomic computing” “Keep-alive “Site
Avaki      266 269 271 277 284 288—293 295—297
AVO Project (Astrophysical Virtual Observatory)      36 813 817
B2B (Business to Business)      172 220 222 386 967 969
B2C (Business to Consumer)      967
BaBar (particle physics experiment at SLAC)      815 859 860 886
BAESystems      34 818
Bandwidth      124 495
Batch schedulers      779 783 784
BFS (Basic Fortran Support in Legion)      280
Binary sandbox      see “Sandbox”
Binding agents      294
Binding stale      294
Bioinformatics      809 813
Biology Workbench      see “Portal”
BIRN Project (Biomedical Information Research Network)      30 431
Blackboard corporation      973
BLANCA (Gigabit network)      13 56 827—829
Blue Horizon      911 913
Blue Titan (Web service wrapper company)      430
BPEL4WS      548
Brain      41 426 431
Brain dynamic atlas      41 942
Brain mapping      909
Broker Network Map (BNM)      583
Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)      423 433 860
Budapest Open Access Initiative (for research articles)      820
Bulk loading      376 380 382
Butterfly Grid      39
Bypass      see “Condor”
C++      561 564
C.O.R.E. (Digital Pictures)      328
Ca*net3 (Canadian Network)      16
Cache Coherence      504 505 514
Caching      294 (see also “Replica and Content caching” “Pull
CACR (Caltech Center for Advanced Computing Research)      864 865 887
Cactus Computational Toolkit      41 154
Cactus Computational Toolkit flesh (framework)      565
Cactus Computational Toolkit thorn (modules)      565
CAD (Computer Aided Detection)      936
Caigee (CMS Analysis — Interactive Grid-enabled Environment)      900—902
Caltech Library System Digital Collection      820
Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC)      950 961
Canarie (Canadian network organization)      16
Cardiac Modeling      909
CAS A (Gigabit Network)      13 56
Case-Based Reasoning (CBR)      457
CAVE (immersive environment)      46
CAVEcomm      112
CaveLib      644
CAVERNsoft      183
CCA (Common Component Architecture)      254
CCA (Common Component Architecture) composition      255
CCA (Common Component Architecture) forum      75 651
CCA (Common Component Architecture) provides-port      254 255
CCA (Common Component Architecture) uses-port      255 259
CCAT      see “XCAT”
CDF (Collider Detector at Fermilab)      859
Centra Corporation      974
CEPAR (Combinatorial Extension in Parallel)      910—913
CEPort      see “CEPAR”
CERN (Particle accelerator Center)      7 51 859 861
Certificate authority (CA)      130 (see also “Globus Certificate Authority”)
Certificate policy/certification practice (CP)      130
Certificate registration agent (RA)      133
Certificate root      133
Certificate security      see “Security certificate” ”Digital
CGI (Common Gateway Interface)      643 644
Checkpoint or checkpointing      304 323 324 330
Checkpoint or checkpointing server      313 314
Chemical Markup Language (cML)      951
Cheminformatics      914
Chemport      910 914 917
Chief information officer (CIO)      965 966 969
Chord (peer-peer network)      496 533
Clarens (CMS data server)      899 900
ClassAds (Condor specification language)      300 303 304 316—319
Classified advertisements      see “ClassAds”
ClimDB (Climate Database Project)      430
Cloning      294
Cluster computing      28
CMCS (Collaborator for the Multi-scale Chemical Sciences)      648
CMS (LHC Particle Physics Experiment)      156 859 863
CMS experiment      863 (see also “MOP”)
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique in France)      871
Co-scheduling or Coscheduling      see “Scheduling”
Code shipping      616
Codine      76
CoG      see “Commodity Grid Kits”
CoGBox      651
Collaboration      10 11 13 29 30 38 39 45 472 475 478 481—489 964 968 969 974
Collaboratory      38 729—735 744 745
Collection garbage      510 558
Collection library      956
Collection SRB      687 689 690 695 696 914 946
Collection XML      208 (see also “Condor” “Data” “Distributed” “File” “Level” “Object” “Scientific
Collective      see “Layer or Observation”
COM or DCOM      188 566
Comb-e-Chem Project      818 819 961
Combinatorial chemistry      38 945—959
Combinatorial command line access      see “GCEShell and Legion”
Combinatorial library      945 948 949 951 953 956
Command execution      683
Commodities market      see “Market”
Commodity computing      641 718
CommonKADS (for knowledge modelling)      456—458
Communication-to-computation ratio      340
Communities      441
Communities computing      301 307
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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