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Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing
Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing

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Íàçâàíèå: Grid Computing

Àâòîðû: Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.)


Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time
Grid computing appears to be a promising trend for three reasons:
(1) Its ability to make more cost-effective use of a given amount of computer resources,
(2) As a way to solve problems that can't be approached without an enormous amount of computing power
(3) Because it suggests that the resources of many computers can be cooperatively and perhaps synergistically harnessed and managed as a collaboration toward a common objective.

A number of corporations, professional groups, university consortiums, and other groups have developed or are developing frameworks and software for managing grid computing projects. The European Community (EU) is sponsoring a project for a grid for high-energy physics, earth observation, and biology applications. In the United States, the National Technology Grid is prototyping a computational grid for infrastructure and an access grid for people. Sun Microsystems offers Grid Engine software. Described as a distributed resource management tool, Grid Engine allows engineers at companies like Sony and Synopsys to pool the computer cycles on up to 80 workstations at a time.

"the Grid" is a very hot topic generating broad interest from research and industry (e.g. IBM, Platform, Avaki, Entropia, Sun, HP)
Grid architecture enables very popular e-Science projects like the Genome project which demand global interaction and networking
In recent surveys over 500f Chief Information Officers are expected to use Grid technology this year
Grid Computing:
Features contributions from the major players in the field
Covers all aspects of grid technology from motivation to applications
Provides an extensive state-of-the-art guide in grid computing
This is essential reading for researchers in Computing and Engineering, physicists, statisticians, engineers and mathematicians and IT policy makers.

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Evolutionary farming (EvCl)      620
Exabyte ($10^{15}$ bytes)      815
Excess demand      753 754
Exchange economy      759
Execution domain      313
Execution opportunistic      775
Execution priorities      751
Express      see “Message-passing”
Extensibility or Extensible      268
Extensible Terascale Facility (ETF)      28
Fabric      178—182 185 192 359
Factory      223 230 232 234 237 240 244 245 252 253 398
Factory generic application factory service      261
FAFNER      66 67 69
Failures or failure detection      279 (see also “Autonomic computing and Fault tolerance”)
Farms or Farming      605—607 610
Farms or Farming monitors      894—896 (see also “Evolutionary farming (EvCl)”)
FARSITE (Federated Available and Reliable Storage for an Incompletely Trusted Environment)      83
FastTomo (tomography reconstruction tool)      689
Fault tolerance      268 292
Federated databases      see “Database”
Federated Digital Library      818
Federation      274 (see also “Cooperation” “Database” “Service”)
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab)      423 433
FightAIDSAtHome      54
File collections      391
File flat      883
File I/O protocols      71
File Manager      793 798 799
File navigation      686
File single logical file space      693
File Systems      112 113 “NFS” “PFS” “SFS”)
File transfer      791 795 796 “RFT” “Web
File-based Data Management      (see under “Data” “File-based”)
FioranoMQ (JMS Implementation)      586
FireWall      275 283 292 580 582 593
FITS (Flexible Image Transport Specification)      842 851 852
Flock or Flocking      see “Condor”
Folding@ home      579
Freenet Peer-to-Peer network      496 526 527 533
Fujitsi (Computer vendor)      23
G-commerce      755 759 768
GAA (Generic Authorization and Access)      181
GAE (Grid-enabled Analysis Environment)      898 899
GAMESS (General Atomic Molecular Electronic Structure Systems)      915 916
Gang matching      see “Condor”
Ganglia (Cluster Toolkit)      779
GARA (General-purpose Architecture for Reservation and Allocation)      180
GASS (Global Access to Secondary Storage)      627
GAT (Grid Application Toolkit)      147 603
Gateway flocking      see “Condor”
Gateway project      (see under “Portal”)
GCE (Grid Computing Environments)      44 543
GCE (Grid Computing Environments) denned      44 640
GCE (Grid Computing Environments) GCEShell      544 545 547
GCE (Grid Computing Environments) GCEShell portal      see “User portal”
GCE (Grid Computing Environments) GGF Research (ex-Working) Group      544 546 696
GDMP (Grid Data Management Pilot)      159 423 875 876
GEANT (European network)      16 19 886
Gene sequencing      see “Applications”
Genetic Circuits      909
Genome      426 432 908—910 919—921
Genome sequence      810 (see also “Applications and Human Genome”)
Genomic data      810
GEODISE Project (Grid Enabled Optimisation and Design Search)      34 817
GFN (Global File name)      792 (see also “Storage Resource Manager”)
Gigabit Networking      492
Gigabit Test bed      (see also “AURORA” “BLANCA” “CASA” “NECTAR” “VISTANET”)
Gilders’ Law      11
GIMPS (Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search)      340
GIOD (Globally Interconnected Object Databases)      863—865
GIS (Geographical Information system)      972
GIS (Grid Information System)      see “Grid Information System or MDS”
Glide-In or Gliding In      see “Condor”
Global database      863
Global Grid Forum (GGF)      14 874 881
Global Grid Forum (GGF) Database Access and Integration Services working Group (DAIS)      208 (see also “OGSA-DAI”)
Global Grid Forum (GGF) research group      696 862
Global Grid Forum (GGF) working group      150 421 862 “GCE” “Grid
Global namespace      292
Global resource manager      354
Globe Peer-to-Peer network      496 533
Globus      13—15 25 27 29 46
Globus Access to Secondary Storage      see “GASS”
Globus Advanced Reservation and Allocation (GARA)      73 180
Globus certificate authority      130
Globus data Grid tools      127 372
Globus execution management (GEM)      166
Globus gatekeeper      137 141 223
Globus Glide-In      see “Condor”
Globus globusrun      646 722
Globus I/O      124 153 627
Globus mapfile      137
Globus replica catalog      372 875
Globus replica management service      372 373
Globus resource allocation manager (GRAM)      627
Globus RSL (Resource Specification Language)      647
Globus threads library      627
Globus toolkit (GT)      57 178 179 626 627 643—647 653
GLUE (commercial Web services toolkit)      702—705 712
GLUE (Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment)      880
GNOME (GNU Object Model Environment)      644
Gnutella Peer-to-Peer network      496 502 515—517 525 527 533
GOC (Grid Operations Center)      870
GPDK      see “Grid Portal Development Kit”
GRACE (Grid Architecture for Computational Economies)      77
GrADs Project or GrADSoft      25 42 43 574 767 773
Grand Challenge      13 118 155
GRAPPA (Grid Access Portal for Physics Applications)      876 (see also “ATLAS and XCAT”)
Grid accounting or accounts      181 183 274 693
Grid administration      141
Grid allocations      693
Grid anatomy      172—191
Grid authentication service      see “Authentication service”
Grid binary management      268 293
Grid change management      389
Grid co-allocation      173 183 184
Grid collective services      120
Grid common services      120
Grid communication services      120
Grid complexity management      269 295;
Grid computational or compute      see “Computational Grid”
Grid computing environment      see “GCE”
Grid concept      13 56 60 61 171 172 220
Grid connectivity      see “Layer”
Grid container      275 276
Grid currency      756
Grid data      see “Data Grid”
Grid Data Handle (GDH)      391 392
Grid data-intensive      see “Data intensive Grid”
Grid Discovery service      see “Discovery service”
Grid economies      16 45
Grid enabled Server      615
Grid Engineering Working Group      129
Grid event service      see “Event service”
Grid extensibility      268 294
Grid fabric      see “Fabric”
Grid factory      see “Factory”
Grid file manager      793 797—799
Grid Forum      see “Global Grid Forum (GGF)”
Grid GGF working group      150 (see also “Information service”)
Grid HEP      863 867 882 884 886 888
Grid heterogeneity      268 293
Grid identity credential      122
Grid Index Information Service (GIIS)      130 627
Grid Information Service (GIS)      120 666 670
Grid information system      135
Grid intra      see “Intra-Grid”
Grid kits      see “Commodity Grid Kits”
Grid Kits (CoG)      640 (see also “CORBA Java
Grid legion      see “Legion”
Grid LHC Computing      see “LCG”
Grid lifetime management      see “Lifetime management”
Grid manageability      404
Grid monitoring architecture (GMA)      120 123 153
Grid multilanguage support      268 293
Grid notification      see “Notification”
Grid operating system      269 271 293
Grid operation center      see “GOC”
Grid performance      see “Performance”
Grid persistence      see “Persistence”
Grid physical resources      150
Grid physics network      see “GriPhyN“
Grid physiology      164
Grid policy      45
Grid policy management      393
Grid Portal Development Kit (GPDK)      651 652 658—664
Grid portal toolkit      see “GridPort”
Grid production      see “Production Grid”
Grid programming      see “Programming”
Grid quality of service      176 179 181
Grid Registry      see “Registry”
Grid reliable invocation      389
Grid resource      see “Resource”
Grid Resource Information Protocol (GRIP)      182
Grid Resource Information Service (GRIS)      130 627
Grid resource managers      121
Grid Resource Registration Protocol (GRRP)      182
Grid Scalability      see “Scalability”
Grid scheduling      183
Grid security      120 142 151 166 267 278
Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)      627
Grid service beans      661
Grid service creation      389 402
Grid Service Data Elements (SDE)      see “OGSA”
Grid Service Handle (GSH)      252 390
Grid Service Interfaces      see “OGSA”
Grid Service Record (GSR)      203
Grid Service Reference (GSR)      236 239 242 390
Grid services      27 32 39 “Services”)
Grid sharing      172 472
Grid Shell      see “GCEShell”
Grid sporadic      647
Grid technologies      218—220
Grid Testbed      see “Testbed”
Grid thought of as      1001; see “Views of Grid”
Grid tools      692 693
Grid Web services      678 694 695 “Fault Global “Layer”)
Grid-aware      747
Gridbrick      427
GridFTP      122 126 127 626
GridLab      147
GridPort (NPACI Grid Portal Toolkit)      154 675—678 680 913 915
GridPP (The UK Grid for Particle Physics)      35 818
GridRPC      155 562 563 574 626—628
GRIDS Center (Grid Research Integration Development and Support Center)      25 57
GRIP (Grid Interoperability project)      711
GriPhyN (Grid Physics Network)      35 62 150
Groove Networks Corporation      579 974
Groupware      183
Gryphon      586
GSDL (Grid Service Description Language)      203 204
GSFC (Goddard Space Flight Cente)      814
GSI      see “Grid Security Infrastructure”
GSIFTP (GSI enabled FTP)      161
GSISSH (GSI enabled SSH)      128 135
GSS (Generic Security Service)      125 182;
GTK+ (GNU or GIMP Toolkit)      644
GTRN (Global Terabit Research Network)      21 22 24 36 886
GUID (Globally Unique IDentifier)      see “UUID”
Gusto Testbed      118
H.323 (Conferencing Standard)      92 93
Handles      229 232 239
Harnad Switch      820
Hawkeye      see “Condor”
Healthcare      966
Healthcare informatics      924
HENP (High Energy and Nuclear Physics)      see “HEP”
HEP (High Energy Physics) Grids      863 867 882 884 886 888
HICB (HENP Intergrid Coordination Board)      879 880
Hierarchy      353
Higgs particle      859 860
High Throughput Computing (HTC)      121 148 157 304 306
High Throughput high technology data-driven biology      908
High Throughput screening (in chemistry)      945
HLA (High Level Architecture)      41
Hospital Information System      924
Hosting environment      88 206 207 218 219 225 229 231 389 390 701—704 706 709 711
Hot spots      275 293
HotPage      78 166 548 549 658 670
Hourglass Model      177 178 181
HPC(X) (UK Supercomputer)      26
HPF (High Performance Fortran)      12
HPSS (High Performance Storage System)      690
HTML      89 94
HTMT (Hybrid Technology MultiThreaded Architecture)      570 575
HTTP      29
Hubble Deep Field (telescope)      840
Human genome      909
I-POP      102 105—108 110 111 113 114
I-Soft      56 102 105—107 112—114
I-WAY      5 13 102—113
I/O communities      313
I/O libraries      275
I/O proxy      326 (see also “Globus I/O”)
IAIK (Institute for applied information processing and communications Graz Austria)      646
IBM      11 26 27 32 42 46
ICPSR (Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research)      427
IDE (Integrated Development Environment)      643 646
IDL (Interface Definition Language)      629 739 742
IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force)      29 187
IIOP      see “CORBA IIOP”
Ilab (Parameter sweep system)      156 776 783
Image or Imaging or Imagery computing      840
Image or Imaging or Imagery medical      923—925 927
Image or Imaging or Imagery multitemporal      847
Image or Imaging or Imagery multiwavelength      840
Image or Imaging or Imagery standardization      see “Mammograms”
IMS (Global Learning Consortium)      970 972
Incentive-compatible      753 755 758
Inference Engine      413 421
InfoGram      647
Informatics      see “Bioinformatics” “Cheminformatics
Information and Monitoring Services Architecture      153
Information integration      410 424
Information integration testbed at SDSC (I2T)      429
Information layer      439 443 455
Information protocol      181
Information publication      608
Information retrieval      457 608
Information service      390 678 682 683 “IPG”)
Informational portal      677
inheritance      353
INS (Intentional Naming System)      530
InSiteOne (medical image company)      815
Instruments medical      832 967 968
Instruments science      810 838 844 849 856 871 908 925 955 966
Instruments virtual      968
Integrated Media      466
Intel paragon      103
Intelligence      355
Interacting agents      89
Interaction      606—608 731 734 737
International Virtual DataGrid Laboratory (iVDGL)      25 35 62 156 862 867 870
Internet Backplane Protocol (IBP)      617 779
Internet client      338 341—343
Internet computing      189
Internet databases      494 (see also “Registry”)
Internet economy      53
Internet Service Provider (ISP)      493
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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