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Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing
Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing

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Íàçâàíèå: Grid Computing

Àâòîðû: Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.)


Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time
Grid computing appears to be a promising trend for three reasons:
(1) Its ability to make more cost-effective use of a given amount of computer resources,
(2) As a way to solve problems that can't be approached without an enormous amount of computing power
(3) Because it suggests that the resources of many computers can be cooperatively and perhaps synergistically harnessed and managed as a collaboration toward a common objective.

A number of corporations, professional groups, university consortiums, and other groups have developed or are developing frameworks and software for managing grid computing projects. The European Community (EU) is sponsoring a project for a grid for high-energy physics, earth observation, and biology applications. In the United States, the National Technology Grid is prototyping a computational grid for infrastructure and an access grid for people. Sun Microsystems offers Grid Engine software. Described as a distributed resource management tool, Grid Engine allows engineers at companies like Sony and Synopsys to pool the computer cycles on up to 80 workstations at a time.

"the Grid" is a very hot topic generating broad interest from research and industry (e.g. IBM, Platform, Avaki, Entropia, Sun, HP)
Grid architecture enables very popular e-Science projects like the Genome project which demand global interaction and networking
In recent surveys over 500f Chief Information Officers are expected to use Grid technology this year
Grid Computing:
Features contributions from the major players in the field
Covers all aspects of grid technology from motivation to applications
Provides an extensive state-of-the-art guide in grid computing
This is essential reading for researchers in Computing and Engineering, physicists, statisticians, engineers and mathematicians and IT policy makers.

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Nexus      see “Message-passing”
NFS (Network File System)      178
NIKHEF (Netherlands National Institute for Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics)      871
Nimrod (Economics-based Grid resource broker)      102 183 549 767 776 783
Nimrod (Economics-based Grid resource broker) Nimrod/G      77
Ninf      118 143 147 563 564
Ninf computational component      see “NetCFD”
Ninf IDL      629 630
Ninf metaserver      147
Ninf, Ninf-G      626—633 635—637
NIS (Network Information System)      283
NMI (NSF Middleware Initiative)      15 25 29 167
NOC (Network Operations Center)      870
Notification      389 398 404 442
Notification Grid Notification Protocol      223
Notification service      241
NPACI (National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure)      433 922
NPACI Grid portal toolkit      675—686 (see also “GridPort and HotPage”)
NPACI-NET      289
NPSS (Numerical Propulsion System Simulation)      165
NQE (Cray Network Queuing Environment)      301
NREN (National Research and Education Network)      826
NSF (National Science Foundation)      11 24 25 27 28
NSF, National Technology Grid      178
NSF, NSFNet (Network connecting NSF Supercomputers)      53
NSF, Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (PACI)      433 874
NUG30(Quadratic Assignment Problem)      54 311 328
NVO Project (National Virtual Observatory)      36 813 817
NWS (Network Weather Service)      13 21 29
OASIS (standards body)      29
Object collections      883 898
Object database      369
Object Database, Management Group (ODMG)      368
Object Database, Management System (ODBMS)      864 865
Object Management Group (OMG)      582
Object Query Language (OQL)      368
Object-based      279 280 289
Object-relational database      see “Database’
Objectivity Object Database      see “Database”
Observation collective      355 357
Observation Earth      80 81 423 811
Observation self      356 360
OceanStore      83
OGSA (Open Grid Services Architecture)      14 15 29 201
OGSA Interfaces Factory      223 230 232 237 240 252 398
OGSA Interfaces FindServiceData      390
OGSA Interfaces GridService      229 230 232 238 240 252 259 390 705
OGSA Interfaces GridServiceFactory      706
OGSA Interfaces HandleMap      229 230 232 239 240 244 706
OGSA Interfaces JobGridService      706
OGSA Interfaces NotificationSink      231 241 389 706
OGSA Interfaces NotificationSource      229 231 241 389 706
OGSA Interfaces primary Key      710
OGSA Interfaces Registry      232 240 241 706
OGSA Interfaces SteeringGridService      707
OGSA, change management      242
OGSA, compatibility assertions      709
OGSA, compliance testing      205
OGSA, concurrency      242
OGSA, manageability      242
OGSA, Service Data Elements (SDE)      199 390
OGSA, serviceData elements      708
OGSA, Servicelmplementation      708
OGSA, serviceType      707 (see also “Grid”)
OGSA-DAI Project (Database Access and Integration)      29 32 208 210 382
OGSA-DAI Project (Database Access and Integration), Grid Data Service Registry (GDSR)      209 210
OGSA-DAI Project (Database Access and Integration), Grid Data Transport Vehicle (GDTV)      209
OGSA-DAI Project (Database Access and Integration), Grid Database Service (GDS)      208
OGSA-DAI Project (Database Access and Integration), Grid Database Service Factory (GDSF)      209 210
OGSI (Open Grid Service Infrastructure)      266
OIL      see “DAML”
OLAP (online analytical processing)      427
OmniRPC      564 (see also “Ninf and GridRPC”)
Ontology      460 937 938
Ontology engineering      460
Ontology examples (CBL, cXML, OAGIS, OCF, OFX, RETML, RosettaNet, UN/SPSC, UCEC)      461
Ontology Strasbourg      see “Strasbourg”
Open Archive Initiative (OAI)      459
Open Archive Initiative Metadata Harvesting Protocol      820
Open Grid Services Architecture      see “OGSA”
Open-architecture      222
Open-source      218 222 246
OpenLDAP      193 666
OpenMP      12 563
OpenSSL      160 285
Opportunistic computing      304 306
Oracle      363
Oracle 9i      365 (see also “Database”)
OSI (Open Systems Interconnect)      478
Overloading      353
OWL      see “Web Ontology Language”
Ownership      441
P2P      see “Peer-to-Peer”
Pacific Northwest Laboratory      423 433
PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication Systems)      924 925 928
Parabon computing      46
Paradigm pull      358
Paradigm push      357 (see also “Model”)
Paradyn (performance project)      323
Parallel computing      12 46 843
Parallel database servers      368
Parallel experiments      945
Parallel programming      102 111
Parallel screening      947 949
Parallel synthesis      946 947
Parameter steering      605 (see also “Computational steering”)
Parameter study      156 (see also “Parameter sweeps”)
Parameter surveys      605 (see also “Parameter sweeps”)
Parameter sweep      773 774 776 783
Parameter sweep Applications (PSA)      774 (see also “Application classification”)
Parameter Sweep Template (APST)      13 21 30 31
Pareto optimal (market equilibrium)      754
Particle Physics      see “Applications” “High
PAST (Peer-to-Peer Archival Storage Utility)      83
Pastry Peer-to-Peer system from Microsoft      580
Patient data and records      815 924 925 936 938 940 941
PBS (Portable Batch System)      76 118 180 544
PBSPro      see “PBS”
PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)      16 23 24 467 582 967
PDB      see “Protein Data Bank”
Peer Database Protocol (PDP)      497 512 515 527
Peer groups      245 (see also “JXTA”)
Peer review      819 820
Peer-to-Peer (P2P)      39 47
Peer-to-Peer and Global Grid Forum      156
Peer-to-Peer computing      491 497 515
Peer-to-Peer Grids      472 476 481
Peer-to-Peer middle-tier      733
Peer-to-Peer networks      see “P2P Computing”
Perfect competition or perfectly competitive      753 755
Performance Grid      557
Performance monitoring      127 222 227 367 369 572
Performance network      53 55 124 126 692 693 696
Performance scaling      341
Perl      640 652 654
Perl Commodity Grid (CoG) Kit      652
Persistence      294
Persistence emulation      411
Persistence long-term      411
Persistence migration      411 412
Persistent Archive      see under “Archive”
Person-in-the-loop      874
Personal Condor      see “Condor”
Personal Gene      7
Personalization Service      463 464
Pervasive Grid      955
PET (Positron Emission Tomography)      926 928
Petabyte ($10^{15}$ bytes)      24 42 51 158 370 640 810—812 814 815 860
Petaflop ($10^{15}$ floating point calculations per second)      23 42 810 815
PFS      see “Condor”
PHP (scripting language)      684
Physics      see “Applications”
PIM (Processor-In-Memory)      570
pipechar      162
Pipelined processes or applications      129 908 919
Pipelined query      see “Query”
PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)      130 149 548
Placeware      974
Planning      301 304 315 317
Platform computing      40 46
Plugability or plug-ability      493
Point of Presence (POP)      102
Polar* Project      382 383
Polder portal      547
Polexis (San Diego information technology company)      429 430
Policy      58—60
Policy access      210 292 739
Policy based administration      272
Policy charging      210 213
Poly-applications      807
Pools      307—309 327
POOMA (Parallel Object-Oriented Methods and Applications)      570
Port communication      138
Port GridService      252 259 269 262
Port HPC facing      550
Port service facing      550
Port user-facing      475 483—486 550 964 966 968 972 974 “OGSA”
Portability      557
Portal application      see “Application portal”
Portal ASC      651 670
Portal biology Workbench      416
Portal DISCOVER      743
Portal GAMESS      685 690 691
Portal Gateway      723
Portal GCE (Grid Computing Environment) Shell      968
Portal GridGaussian      670
Portal HotPage      see “HotPage”
Portal informational      see “Informational portal”
Portal lattice      see “Lattice”
Portal MILC (MIMD Lattice Computation)      670
Portal Mississippi Computational Web Portal      714 715
Portal Nebula      670
Portal services      678 680 681
Portal steering      743 744
Portal user      see “User portal” “ASC” “Cactus” “Jetspeed” “LaunchPad” “Uportal” “XCAT”
Portlet      260 262
portType (in WSDL)      229 236 237 242 404
Postprint      820
PPARC (UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council)      871
PPDG (Particle Physics Data Grid)      35 156 862 867
Preprint      820
Price-setting      751—754 761 767
ProActive (Java library for parallel, distributed, and concurrent computing, with mobility and security)      651
Problem Description File (PDF)      see “NetSolve”
Problem Solver      see “Condor”
Problem Solving Environment (PSE)      657
Problem Solving Environment Agent (PSEA)      453 454 463 464
Production Grid      26 29 32 117 125 140 646 647 678 701 869
Programming data-driven      569
Programming desktop grid      344
Programming Grid      11 43 543 545 555—558 562 567 568 572 573
Programming hybrid      563
Programming stream      569 (see also “Model”)
Project repositories      366
Protege (Ontology system)      458
Protein Data Bank (PDB)      30 910 911 916
Protocol architecture      178 180
Protocol binding      227—229 236 242
Protocol collective      218
Protocol connectivity      218
Protocol definition      191
Protocol Grid      178 185 187 218
Protocol resource      184 186 218
Protocol Unicore      see “Unicore” “Layer”
Provenance      8 366 441 816 817
Proxy authentication      69 110
Proxy certificate      122 159
Proxy computing      616
Proxy for firewalls      127 596
Proxy JXTA      594—596
Proxy middle-tier support      718 722
Proxy smart      889
Proxy user      59 683 801
PSI-BLAST (Genome Sequencing Software)      920
Publish-Subscribe      252 581 586
Publish-subscribe CORBA      560
Publish-subscribe FLAPPS (Forwarding Layer for Application-level Peer-to-Peer Services)      560
Publish-subscribe for Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA)      123
Publish-subscribe NaradaBrokering      481 (see also “Event service”)
Publish-subscribe network overlays      560
Pull registry      504
Push registry      504
PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)      see “Message-passing”
pyGlobus (Python Interface to Globus)      141
Python      644 652—654
Python Commodity Grid (CoG) Kit      643 653
Python JPython      567
QMView (3D visualization package)      690 691
Quality of service (QoS)      21 71 93 218 582
Query      502—504
Query execution plan      518
Query language      518
Query language LDAP      507 511
Query language SQL      503 511
Query language XPath      511
Query language XQuery      503 511
Query nonpipelined Query      522 523
Query pipelined Query      522 523
Query processing      211 221 371 380 382 429 518 743
Query scope      525 (see also “Response” “MinQuery”
Quest (astronomical imaging) project      845 847 849
RD45(HEP Persistent Object Manager)      863
RDBMS (relational database management system)      see “Relational database”
RDF (Resource Description Framework)      366 460 466 857
Real-time      874 889 892 893
RealityGrid Project      953
Referral System (of peer-to-peer systems)      517
Reflection or Reflective      289
Regional Center      25 863 865 Centers
Registry      223 229 399 494 499 500 502 504 505
Registry Hyper Registry      497—499 512 535
Registry Hypermin Registry      512 (see also “Pull registry and Push registry”)
Relational database      391
Relational database management system (RDBMS)      375 379 381 391
Remote computing      616
Remote diagnostics      958
Remote invocation      493
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)      556 562 563
Remote Procedure Call      7 113 147 166 224 293 321 323 324 549 774
Remote Procedure Call (RPC)      562 628—630 635
Remote system call      305 330
Replica      395 396
Replica, catalog      158 493 495 793 797
Replica, manager or management      127 158 493 496
Replica, selection      395 (see also “Caching and Globus”)
Research Grids      971
Resilience      776 (see also “Autonomic computing”)
Resource allocation      394 747 749
Resource broker      108 113 114 747
Resource control      747
Resource Description Framework      see “RDF”
Resource discovery      66 77 95
Resource enquiry      179 186
Resource information      95; see “Grid information”
Resource Management System (RMS)      304
Resource managers or management      121 179 180 182 252
Resource payment      387
Resource physical      150
Resource reservation      442
Resource scheduling      346
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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