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Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing
Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.) — Grid Computing

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Íàçâàíèå: Grid Computing

Àâòîðû: Berman F., Fox G., Hey T. (eds.)


Grid computing is applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time
Grid computing appears to be a promising trend for three reasons:
(1) Its ability to make more cost-effective use of a given amount of computer resources,
(2) As a way to solve problems that can't be approached without an enormous amount of computing power
(3) Because it suggests that the resources of many computers can be cooperatively and perhaps synergistically harnessed and managed as a collaboration toward a common objective.

A number of corporations, professional groups, university consortiums, and other groups have developed or are developing frameworks and software for managing grid computing projects. The European Community (EU) is sponsoring a project for a grid for high-energy physics, earth observation, and biology applications. In the United States, the National Technology Grid is prototyping a computational grid for infrastructure and an access grid for people. Sun Microsystems offers Grid Engine software. Described as a distributed resource management tool, Grid Engine allows engineers at companies like Sony and Synopsys to pool the computer cycles on up to 80 workstations at a time.

"the Grid" is a very hot topic generating broad interest from research and industry (e.g. IBM, Platform, Avaki, Entropia, Sun, HP)
Grid architecture enables very popular e-Science projects like the Genome project which demand global interaction and networking
In recent surveys over 500f Chief Information Officers are expected to use Grid technology this year
Grid Computing:
Features contributions from the major players in the field
Covers all aspects of grid technology from motivation to applications
Provides an extensive state-of-the-art guide in grid computing
This is essential reading for researchers in Computing and Engineering, physicists, statisticians, engineers and mathematicians and IT policy makers.

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 02.12.2005

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Resource selection      252 607 608 622
Resource trading      387
Resource types of resource catalogs      179
Resource types of resource code repositories      179
Resource types of resource computational      179
Resource types of resource network      179 (see also “Grid and Service”)
Resource types of resource storage      179
Response (to Query) direct metadata response      515 517
Response (to Query) direct response      515—519 528
Response (to Query) routed metadata response      515 517
Response (to Query) routed response      515—518 527 528 532
Reuse      441 443 455 458
RFT (Reliable File Transfer)      649 796
RHIC (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider)      860
RMI (Remote Method Invocation in Java)      see “Remote”
RMS      see “Resource”
Roll up      427
Rolls Royce      34 35 811 818
RPC (Remote Procedure Call)      see “Remote”
RSA (encryption algorithm)      280 281 283
RSL      see “Globus RSL”
RTP (Real-Time Transport Protocol)      478
SAM (Sequential Access using Metadata) Data Grid      423 878
Sandbox or Sandboxing      283 305 307 322 323
Sandbox or Sandboxing binary      341 343
Sandbox or Sandboxing mobile      305
Sanger Centre      810
SARA3D (Acoustic Simulator)      620
Satellites      812 814
SC2(Software and Computing steering committee for LCG)      880
Scalability      268
Scavenging (computational resources)      315 (see also “Cycle-scavenging”)
Scheduler or Scheduling      102 105 107 300 301 316—318
Scheduler or Scheduling coscheduling      121 124 175 177
Scheduler or Scheduling proxies      102 (see also “Batch schedulers”)
SciDAC (Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing)      791 800
Science Grid      24 26 27 132 133 135 138 141 142 144
Science portal      54; see “Porta”
Scientific collection      28
Scientific Data Management (SDM) Data Grid      423
Scientific IDL      562
SCIRun      185 547
SCP (Secure Copy)      666 779 781 782
screening      see “Drug”
SDK (Software Development Kit)      177 193 640 643 644
SDLIP (Simple Digital Library Interoperability Protocol)      415
SDSC (San Diego Supercomputer Center)      414 415 422 429
SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey)      428 844 866 867
SecurID      283
Security      109—111 278 279 282—285 397 403 548 558 572 664 665 797
Security authentication      see “Authentication”
Security authorization      see “Authorization”
Security certificate      879 (see also “Certificate”)
Security data integration      426 431
Security delegation      60 180
Security fine-grained      272
Security Grid      438—440 442 443 448 455 459 460 465 466 956
Security integration      425
Security integration with local solutions      180
Security mark-up (of Web Services)      461
Security single sign-on      see “Single sign-on”
Security user-based trust      180
Security Web      366 370
Self-observation      see “Observation”
Self-organization      see “Autonomic Computing”
Semantic-based data mediation      410
Sensor Grids      965 971
Service advertisement      446 448
Service as autonomic component      359
Service auditing      243
Service consumer      444 446 448 449 451
Service creation      230 446 448
Service Data Element (SDE)      see under “OGSA”
Service delivery      448
Service description      493 494 510
Service discovery      240 404
Service discovery system (SDS)      531
Service distributed      494
Service distributed data management      243
Service enactment      447
Service federation      410
Service information integration      see “Information integration”
Service lease      see “Lease and soft-state”
Service life cycle      445 447
Service lifetime management      230 400
Service local      494
Service location protocol (SLP)      531
Service location transparency      see “Transparency”
Service naming      410
Service owner      444—448
Service portal      see “Portal service”
Service procurement      446
Service Provider (SSP)      see “Service provider” (see also “JSRM” “Web
Service Providers      40 222
Service Providers application (ASP)      188 222
Service Providers computer cycles      42 172 174
Service Providers content distribution      222
Service Providers storage      42 188 222
Service Providers Web hosting      222 (see also “X-on-demand”)
Service publication      463
Service query      494
Service transient      223 228 232 237 256
Service upgradeable      228 (see also “Notification”)
Service-oriented architecture or view      226 438 439 442—445 447 448 451 466
Servlet (Java server side component)      82 500 660—662 704 718 734 792—794
session      663 666
SETI@home      39 40 46 340
SF-Express      41 118 149
SFA (Sales Force Automation)      967
SFN (Site File Name)      792 793
SFS (Self-certifying File System)      83
SGNP (Secure Grid Naming Protocol)      296
Shadow      307 322—324
Shadow defending the      323
Shared Display      484 597 974
Shell      7 84 108 110 123 128 193 422 543 544 548 551 665 679 716 722 726
Shell legion      270 548
Shell UNIX      679 686
SHOE (Ontology support system)      460
Sienna      586
SIGGRAPH      826 829
Silicon Graphics (SGI)      827 831 833
Silo      790 792 795 801
Single Sign-on      59 122 152 180 251
Single submission      345 346
Single system view      269 292
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)      92 93 481
Site autonomy      268 295
SkyServer (astronomical data on the Web)      867
SLAC (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)      859
Smale’s method or technique (for market equilibria)      759 760 763 765
Smart laboratory      442 955
Smart rooms      92
SMARTS (Shared-memory Asynchronous Run-Time System)      570
Smartsockets      586
SMF (Standard Mammogram Form)      931 934 936 937
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol)      893 894
SOAP (simple object access protocol)      29 789 790
SOAP attachments      795 (see also “XSOAP”)
Social sciences      see under “Applications”
Soft-State or Soft State      223 230 237 241 244 505 530
Soft-State or Soft State refresh      505
Software engineering      456
SonicMQ (JMS System)      586 588 589 591 592
Spawning      see “Task spawning”
SPECT (Single Photon Emission Coupled Tomography)      926 928
Spitfire Grid database interface      373 423 496
Split and Mix Technique      946—948
Split execution      301 322
SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data)      13
SQL (Database Query Language)      414 503
SQLServer      812
SRB or SRB/MCAT      see “Storage Resource Broker”
SSH (Secure Shell)      159 665 722 776 778 779 781 782
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer)      130 152
Standard Mammogram Format (SMF)      931 934 936 937
Standard Universe      see “Condor”
Standards      11 15 29
Standards Global Grid Forum      678
StarLight Network      886 887
State cached      505 506
State external      354—356 358
State internal      354 357
State not cached      505 506
Station Server      889 (see also “DDSA”)
Statistical Experimental Design      949 952
Steering      see “Computational steering” or “Parameter steering”
Storage archival      423 424
Storage data      394 852
Storage disk      126 756
Storage management      792
Storage Resource Broker (SRB)      118 414 421 811 817
Storage Resource Management (SRM)      793—797
Strasbourg ontology      854
subscription      395 397
Sun Microsystems, Enterprise server      913
Sun Microsystems, Grid Engine (SGE)      40 46
Sun Microsystems, JXTA system      245
Sun Microsystems, Sun ONE      224 231
Super-SINET Japanese Network      886
SuperJANET (UK Network)      16
Supply Chain Management (SCM)      967
SURL (Site URL)      792 (see also “Storage Resource Manager”)
SVD (singular value decomposition)      see “LSI”
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)      486
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator)      644
SWISS-PROT (Protein sequence database)      813
SWSDL (Simple Web Service Definition Language)      494 526
Synchronous collaboration      481 482 484
Synchronous learning      972
Systems software      266
Tapestry Peer-to-Peer network      496 533
Task farming      see “Farms and farming”
Task spawning      604 605
TCP/IP      29
Teachers or Teaching      923 931 935—938 940 963 969 971
Telemicroscopy      30
Teleradiology      925 935
Telescience Portal      685 689
TENT (Integrated Simulation Environment or Portal)      651
Terabyte ($10^{12}$ bytes)      810 812—815
Teraflop ($10^{12}$ floating point operations per second)      11 810
TeraGrid      11 24 25 27 28 36 37 53 303 676 843—845 874
Terraserver (satellite images on the Web)      840
Testbed      611
Thinking machines      827
Three-tier architecture      see “Multi-tier architecture”
Three-valued logic      see “Condor”
TIBCO and TIB/Rendezvous      586
Tier 0,1,2 Centers      861 862
Tightly-coupled processes or applications      124
Time stamp      502
Time to live (TTL)      593
Timeout      523—525
TLS (Transport Layer Security)      130
Top500(supercomputer performance ranking)      23
Topic Map      414 415 857
Trading service      530
Transaction      527
Transient service      see “Service”
Transparency      226 270 441
Transparency access      270 280
Transparency deployment      774 775
Transparency failure      269 270
Transparency invocation      228
Transparency location      127 147 226 228 268 269 280
Transparency migration      269 280
Transparency replication      268 269 280
Transport File Name (TFN)      393
TrEMBL (Protein database)      813
Triana      604
Trust      131
Trust cross-site      119 130
Trust shared      131
Tuple      495 496 498
TURL (Transfer URL)      792 (see also “Storage Resource Manager”)
Two-phase      223 311 324 325
Two-phase open      see “Condor”
UCD (Unified Column Descriptor for astronomy data)      855
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)      225 513 530
UDP (User Datagram Protocol)      478
UK e-Science Program      10 24 26 145 146 199 811 818 819 822
UK e-Science Program architecture task force      199
UK e-Science Program core programme      32 199 206
UK Grid, certification authority      26
UK Grid, database task force      383
UK Grid, engineering task force      26
UK Grid, support center      26
Ultrasound      926 930 942
Under-demand      762—767
Unicore (Uniform Interface to Computer Resources)      25 150 701—707 709—712
Unicore Abstract Job Object (AJO)      704
Unicore protocol layer      711
Universal access      472 487 489 678 967 968 974
UNIX shell      see under “Shell”
UPDF (Unified peer-to-peer Database Framework)      497 515 527
Uportal (University Portal)      697
URI (Universal Resource Identifier)      252
USCMS Testbed      307 (see also “CMS”
User interface      487 965
User Portal      547 658 670 677 686 692
User services      966
UUID (Universal Unique IDentifier)      392
versioning      90
Video-on-demand      967 969
Virtual data      388 392 411 869 870 956 968 972
Virtual data grid projects      411
Virtual data materialization      394
Virtual DBS (Database System)      see “Database”
Virtual digital entities      411
Virtual hosting environment      494
Virtual machine room      826 830 831
Virtual mammo (mammography simulation and teaching)      931 935
Virtual network computing (VNC)      957 974
Virtual observatory      151 837—839
Virtual operating environment      271 272
Virtual organization (VO)      172 176 385 387
Virtual private network (VPN)      173 188 291
Virtual reality      46 56 68 69 103 112 183 641
Virtual sky      840—843
Virtual user account system      163
Virtualization      226 227 245
Virtualization service      410 424 425 432 “Semantic
Virus structure      909
VISTA (Visible and Infrared survey telescope)      813
VISTANET (Gigabit Test bed)      13
Visualization      10—13 15 28 32 38 41
Viz5D (Visualization package)      644
VOTable (Virtual Observatory Standard for tabular data)      850—853 855 856
VRVS (Virtual Room Videoconferencing System)      889
W3C (Web Consortium)      29 503
Walras’ Law (of markets)      753 754
WAN (Wide Area Network)      826
Web Conferencing      974
Web Ontology Language (OWL)      462
Web Service      199 201 202 252 254
Web Service Discovery Architecture (WSDA)      497 507—509 512 513
Web Service factories      252 253
Web Service file transfer      789 795 797
Web Service Introspection Language (WSIL)      202 386 502
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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