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Поиск книг, содержащих: Schur complement
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Кормен Т., Лейзерсон Ч., Ривест Р. — Алгоритмы: построение и анализ | 694, 705 | Ben-Israel A., Greville T. — Generalized inverses: Theory and applications | 26, 34, 159, 178 | Trottenberg U., Schuller A., Oosterlee C. — Multigrid | 428, 462, 532, 563, 566 | Higham N. — Accuracy and stability of numerical algorithms | 219, 224, 247, 252 | Golub G.H., van Loan C.F. — Matrix Computations | 103 | Saad Y. — Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems | 387 | Bini D., Pan V.Y. — Polynomial and matrix computations. Fundamental algorithms. Vol.1 | 99, 100, 168, 169, 212 | Watkins D. — Fundamentals of matrix computations | 48, 90—91, 258 | Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E., Rota G.C. (Ed) — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 138 | Jahn J. — Introduction to the Theory of Nonlinear Optimization | 191 | Brouwer A.E., Cohen A.M., Neumaier A. — Distance-Regular Graphs | 92 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis II: Integration | 304 | Duistermaat J.J., Kolk J.A.C. — Multidimensional Real Analysis I(Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics #86), Vol. 1 | 304 | Higham N.J. — Accuracy and Stability of Numerical Algorithms | 203, 209, 215, 246, 252 | Klerk de E. — Aspects of Semidefinite Programming | 235 | Shapira Y. — Solving PDEs in C++: numerical methods in a unified object-oriented approach | 421, 422 | Strang G. — Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 239 | Demmel J.W. — Applied Numerical Linear Algebra | 91, 351 | Saad Y. — Iterative methods for sparse linear systems | 456 | Searle S.R. — Matrix algebra useful for statistics | 261 | Wright S. J. — Primal-dual interior-point methods | 233, 260 | Trefethen L.N., Bau D. — Numerical Linear Algebra | 154 | Stewart G.W., Sun J. — Matrix perturbation theory | 13 | Berman A. — Nonnegative Matrices in the Mathematical Sciences | 159, 293 | Demmel J. — Applied numerical linear algebra | 91, 351 | Harville D.A. — Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions | 42, 46, 98 | Wriggers P. — Computational Contact Mechanics | 282 | Bapat R.B., Raghavan T.E.S. — Nonnegative Matrices and Applications | 138 | Isotalo J., Puntanen S — Formulas Useful for Linear Regression Analysis and Related Matrix Theory | 54 | Fuzhen Zhang — Matrix theory: basic results and techniques | 175, 184 | Lemm J.M., Meurant G. — Computer Solution of Large Linear Systems | 27, 28, 34, 93, 586, 602, 606, 607, 609, 620, 621, 623, 624, 627—629, 632, 638, 648 | Berman A., Shaked-Monderer N. — Completely Positive Matrices | 24 | Berman A., Plemmons R.J. — Nonnegative matrices in the mathematical sciences | 159, 293 | Andrea Toselli, Olof Widlund — Springer Series in Computational Mathematics | 5, 94, 201, 244, 251, 263, 290, 397 |