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Harville D.A. — Matrix Algebra: Exercises and Solutions |
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Adjoint matrix 72 75 232
Adjoint matrix, determinant of see Determinant
Adjoint matrix, differentiation of see Differentiation
Adjoint matrix, eigenvalues of see Eigenvalue(s)
Adjoint matrix, eigenvectors of see Eigenvector(s)
Adjoint matrix, of a product 77
Algebraic multiplicity 236
Algebraic multiplicity, of zero 235 236
Basis 15
Basis, orthonormal 22 24 31
Bilinear form 79
Binet - Cauchy formula 77
Cayley - Hamilton theorem 232 234
Characteristic polynomial 232 233 243
Characteristic polynomial, of an orthogonal matrix 242
Cofactor matrix 72
Cofactor(s) 74
Cofactor(s), expansion by see Determinant
Column space(s) 13 15 31 55 167
Column space(s), essential disjointness of see Essential disjointness
Column space(s), intersection of 161
Column space(s), of a product 27
Column space(s), of a sum 198
Column space(s), orthogonal complement of see Orthogonal complement
Column space(s), sum of 161
Column space(s), union of 161
Decomposition, 87
Decomposition, Cholesky 90 91
Decomposition, LDU 87-91 98 144
Decomposition, of a nonnegative definite matrix 86
Decomposition, of a symmetric matrix 30 83
Decomposition, QR 24 90 91
Decomposition, singular value 245 246
Decomposition, spectral 239 241
Determinant 71 87
Determinant, differentiation of see Differentiation
Determinant, effect of elementary row or column operations on 70
Determinant, expansion by cofactors 71 74
Determinant, of 179 180
Determinant, of a partitioned matrix 71 76
Determinant, of a positive definite matrix 100
Determinant, of a product see Binet-Cauchy formula
Determinant, of an adjoint matrix 72
Determinant, of an inverse matrix 71
Determinant, of Vandermonde matrix 77
Diagonalization 238
Diagonalization, of a transposed matrix 237
Diagonalization, of an inverse matrix 237
Diagonalization, simultaneous 246
Differentiation, chain rule for 122-124
Differentiation, of a determinant 124
Differentiation, of a Kronecker product 158
Differentiation, of a log of a determinant 125-128 131 132
Differentiation, of a power of a determinant 124
Differentiation, of a power of a function 115
Differentiation, of a product of a scalar and a vector 116
Differentiation, of a projection matrix 135 136
Differentiation, of a trace of a power 119 120
Differentiation, of a trace of a product 116 117 120
Differentiation, of a vec of a Kronecker product 158
Differentiation, of a vec of a matrix power 157
Differentiation, of an adjoint matrix 129
Differentiation, of an idempotent matrix 115
Differentiation, of an inverse matrix 130-132
Differentiation, with respect to a matrix or symmetric matrix 122 125 126 128 130-132
Distance 22
Duplication matrix 154-156
Duplication matrix, left inverse of 154-156
Eigenvalue(s) 231 243
Eigenvalue(s), algebraic multiplicity of see Algebraic multiplicity
Eigenvalue(s), geometric multiplicity of see Geometric multiplicity
Eigenvalue(s), not necessarily distinct 238 240
Eigenvalue(s), of a skew-symmetric matrix 231
Eigenvalue(s), of an adjoint matrix 242
Eigenvalue(s), of an idempotent matrix 242
Eigenvalue(s), of an orthogonal matrix 242
Eigenvalue(s), of Moore - Penrose inverse 241
Eigenvectors) 243
Eigenvectors), linear combination of 237
Eigenvectors), of an adjoint matrix 242
Elimination matrix 154
Essential disjointness (of subspaces) 252
Essential disjointness (of subspaces), as applied to row and column spaces 168 198
Function (continuously differentiable) 113
Generalized eigenvalue problem 249 250
Generalized inverse 35 36 91 193 200
Generalized inverse, alternative characterizations for 35 37
Generalized inverse, existence of 35
Generalized inverse, minimum norm 223
Generalized inverse, nonnegative definite 87
Generalized inverse, of 36
Generalized inverse, of 185 186
Generalized inverse, of a block-diagonal matrix 39 45
Generalized inverse, of a partitioned matrix 39 41 42 45 46 52 97 169 170 222
Generalized inverse, of a product 51 106
Generalized inverse, of a scalar multiple 38
Generalized inverse, of a Schur complement 46
Generalized inverse, of a submatrix 45 46
Generalized inverse, reflexive 222
Geometric multiplicity of one 242
Geometric multiplicity of zero 236
Gram - Schmidt orthogonalization 22-24 66
Gram matrix 81
Gramian 81
Hadamard product 95
Hessian matrix 114
Index of inertia 83
Inner product 102 105 147 251
Inner product, quasi 105
Inverse 29 30 74 234
Inverse, determinant of see Determinant
Inverse, diagonalization of see Diagonalization
Inverse, differentiation of see Differentiation
Inverse, of 184
Inverse, of a 2 2 matrix 73
Inverse, of a block-triangular matrix 31
Inverse, of a positive definite matrix 82 182
Inverse, of a sum or difference 184 187 188 191
Kronecker product 140 156
Kronecker product, differentiation of see Differentiation
Kronecker product, generalized inverse of 141
Kronecker product, involving a diagonal matrix 156
Kronecker product, involving a partitioned matrix 143
Kronecker product, involving a sum (or sums) 139
Kronecker product, involving a triangular matrix 144 156
Kronecker product, involving a vector 140 151 154
Kronecker product, LDU decomposition of 144
Kronecker product, nonnegative definite 142
Kronecker product, norm of 143
Kronecker product, of idempotent matrices 140
Kronecker product, of orthogonal matrices 140
Kronecker product, of projection matrices 141
Kronecker product, positive definite 142
Kronecker product, projection matrix for column space of see Projection matrix
Kronecker product, vec of see vec
Left inverse 29
Left inverse, of duplication matrix see Duplication matrix
Left space(s) 13
Left space(s), basis for see basis
Left space(s), isomorphic 260
Left space(s), subspace(s) of see subspace(s)
Linear dependence 11 12
Linear independence 11 12 145
Linear system(s), absorption in 211
Linear system(s), augmented 60
Linear system(s), consistent 58
Linear system(s), Cramer's rule for 75
Linear system(s), equivalence of 58 157 210
Linear system(s), homogeneous 55
Linear system(s), inconsistent 58
| Linear system(s), invariance to choice of solution of 60
Linear system(s), linear combination of solutions of 55 56
Linear system(s), nonhomogeneous 56
Linear system(s), of the form 65
Linear system(s), solution set of 56 58
Linear system(s), solution to 57 75
Linear transformation(s) 252
Linear transformation(s), dual 261 263
Linear transformation(s), identity 258 261
Linear transformation(s), matrix representation of 255 256 258 260 261 263
Linear transformation(s), null space of 260 264
Linear transformation(s), one to one 251
Linear transformation(s), product of 253 254 262
Linear transformation(s), range space of 264
Linear transformation(s), rank of 264
Linear transformation(s), restriction of 251
Linear transformation(s), scalar multiple of 253 262
Linear transformation(s), sum of 253 262
Linear transformation(s), zero 261
Matrix (or matrices), commutativity of 3
Matrix (or matrices), congruence of 83
Matrix (or matrices), diagonal 7
Matrix (or matrices), diagonally dominant 98
Matrix (or matrices), difference between 3
Matrix (or matrices), idempotent 49 50 82 115 140 146 189-192 195 226
Matrix (or matrices), invertible 29
Matrix (or matrices), involutory 29 50
Matrix (or matrices), negative definite 80 83 142
Matrix (or matrices), negative semidefinite 80
Matrix (or matrices), nonnegative definite 84 90 93 102 142 180 181 188-190 195 198 250
Matrix (or matrices), nonnegative definite, 2 2 102
Matrix (or matrices), nonnegative definite, partitioned 96 97
Matrix (or matrices), nonnegative definite, sum of 93
Matrix (or matrices), nonpositive definite 80 142
Matrix (or matrices), nonsingular 30 98 135
Matrix (or matrices), nonsymmetric 13
Matrix (or matrices), of the form 209 212
Matrix (or matrices), orthogonal 30 31 49 140 146 221
Matrix (or matrices), permutation 149
Matrix (or matrices), positive definite 80 83 84 98 101 105 135 142 191 250
Matrix (or matrices), positive definite, 2 2 101
Matrix (or matrices), positive definite, product of 94
Matrix (or matrices), positive semidefinite 80 90
Matrix (or matrices), positive semidefinite, nonsingular 80
Matrix (or matrices), positive semidefinite, partitioned 96
Matrix (or matrices), power of 4
Matrix (or matrices), product of 1-3 27
Matrix (or matrices), scalar multiple of 1
Matrix (or matrices), similarity of see similarity
Matrix (or matrices), singular 72
Matrix (or matrices), skew-symmetric 92 93 183
Matrix (or matrices), submatrix of see submatrix
Matrix (or matrices), sum of 1-3
Matrix (or matrices), symmetric 3 7 20 36 72
Matrix (or matrices), transpose of 4 9
Matrix (or matrices), triangular 31
Matrix (or matrices), triangular, lower 4 144
Matrix (or matrices), triangular, upper 4 7 8 13 79 144
Minimization (of a 2nd-degree polynomial) 209
Minimization (of a 2nd-degree polynomial), subject to linear constraints 214 216-218 225 248
Minimization (of a 2nd-degree polynomial), transformation from constrained to unconstrained 214 227
Moore - Penrose conditions 223
Moore - Penrose inverse 221 223 225
Moore - Penrose inverse, eigenvalues of see Eigenvalue(s)
Moore - Penrose inverse, of a nonnegative definite matrix 228
Moore - Penrose inverse, of a product 221 225
Moore - Penrose inverse, of a sum 224
Moore - Penrose inverse, of a symmetric nonnegative definite matrix 226
Neighborhood 113
Norm 21
Norm, limit of 187
Norm, quasi 105
Norm, usual 143
Normal equations 65
Null space 112
Orthogonal complement 177
Orthogonal complement, dimension of 112
Orthogonal complement, of a column space 112
Orthogonal complement, of a sum 162
Orthogonal complement, of an intersection 162
Orthogonal complement, projection on 67 112
Orthogonality of 2 subspaces 63 162 177
Orthogonality of a matrix and a subspace 63 64 162
Orthogonality of a vector and a subspace 107
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), block-triangular 8
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), determinant of see Determinant
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), generalized inverse of see Generalized inverse
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), in a Kronecker product see Kronecker product
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), nonnegative definite see Matrix (or matrices) nonnegative
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), positive semidefinite see Matrix (or matrices) positive
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), product of 9
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), rank of see Rank
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), row space of see Row space(s)
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), Schur complement in see Schur complement
Partitioned matrix (or matrices), transpose of 9
Positive or negative pair (of matrix elements) 69
Projection 64
Projection matrix 66 108-110 213
Projection matrix, differentiation of see Differentiation
Projection matrix, for column space of a Kronecker projection matrix, product 141
Projection matrix, for one subspace along another 173 175 193 212
Projection matrix, in a Kronecker product see Kronecker product
Projection, along a subspace 173 177
Projection, of a column vector 65 106 111
Projection, on an orthogonal complement see Orthogonal complement
Quadratic form (matrix of) 79
Rank 15 17 82
Rank, additivity of 191 192 195 199 203
Rank, full column 30
Rank, full row 30
Rank, of 196 206
Rank, of a difference 200
Rank, of a partitioned matrix 17 51 53 97 167 168 171 204
Rank, of a product 16 27 172
Rank, of a sum 197 198
Rank, of a triangular matrix 31
Rank, subtractivity of 200
Right inverse 29 174
Row space(s) 13
Row space(s), of a partitioned matrix 17
Row space(s), of a product 27
Row space(s), of a sum 198
Schur complement 42 46 98
Schur complement, generalized inverse of see Generalized inverse
Schwarz inequality 21
Set, interior point of 114
Set, open 113 135
Set, span of 14 15 163
Similarity 234 235
Similarity, to an idempotent matrix 234
Submatrix, generalized inverse of see Generalized inverse
Submatrix, principal 7 98
Submatrix, transpose of 7
Subspace(s) 14
Subspace(s), direct sum of 261
Subspace(s), essential disjointness of see Essential disjointness
Subspace(s), independence of 164 173 177 203
Subspace(s), intersection of 163
Subspace(s), invariant 231 261
Subspace(s), orthogonality of see Orthogonality
Subspace(s), projection along see Projection
Subspace(s), projection matrix for see Projection matrix
Subspace(s), sum of 161-164 170
Subspace(s), union of 161
Sweep operation 43
Trace, differentiation of see Differentiation
Trace, of a product 19 94 146
Trace, of a sum 96
Transformation(s), inverse of 254 255
Transformation(s), invertible 254 255
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