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Поиск книг, содержащих: Transport properties

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Bird R.B., Lightfoot E.N., Stewart W.E. — Transport Phenomena861, 864 (see also “Viscosity, thermal conductivity, diffusivity, thermal diffusion coefficient”)
Hess B.A. — Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics202
Garbaczewski P. (eds.), Olkiewicz R. (eds.) — Dynamics of dissipation107
Cheremisinoff N. — Handbook of engineering polymeric materials57
Cracknell A.P., Wong K.C. — The Fermi Surface: Its Concept, Determination and Use in the Physics of Metals469—482, see also “Electrical conductivity”, “Thermal conductivity”
McHardy J., Sawan S.P. — See Inside! Supercritical Fluid Cleaning by Samuel P. Haber: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications272
Lambert J.D. — Vibrational and rotational relaxation in gases41—42
Bernstein R.B. — Atom-Molecule Collision Theory: Guide for the Experimentalist326, 336
Vincenti W.G., Kruger C.H. — Introduction to Physical Gas Dynamics15, 403, 407
Tannehill J.C., Pletcher R.H., Anderson D.A. — Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer258, 262—263
Farges J. (ed.) — Organic conductors: fundamentals and applicationssee "Electrical properties"
Bird G.A. — Molecular gas dynamics and the direct simulation of gas flows(see Viscosity coefficient etc.)
Steen W.M. — Laser material Processing85, 117
Abrikosov A.A., Gorkov L.P., Dzyalosliinski I.E. — Methods of quantum fields theory in statistical physics141
Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods296—310
Haile J.M. — Molecular Dyanmics Simualtion: Elementary Methods296—310
Abrikosov A.A., Gоr'kov L.P., Dzyalosiiinskh I.Yk. — Quantum field theoretical methods in statistical physics141
Springford M. — Electrons at Fermi surface44, 76—77, 94—101, 318
Tannehill J.C., Anderson D.A., Pletcher R.H. — Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer258, 262—263
Plischke M., Bergersen B. — Equilibrium statistical physics490—507
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