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Lambert J.D. — Vibrational and rotational relaxation in gases |
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63 66
63 64 71
76 80
67 68
55 68
62 64 71 74 112 123
65 123
47 67 92
66 88
63 66 100 123—126
67 74
67 92
62 67 73 74 96 109
67 96
47 57 92
67 74 96
65 92
64 88
62 64 68 71
47 62 64 68 71 87 88 96
64 87 88
64 68 71
47 60—61 63 64 71 85 86 100 103—105 109 112 123 126
47 48 52 53 68 80
12 67 74 76—80 88 96 104—107 109 123
67 106
66 88
66 106
67 96
64 71 100
64 71 96 100 123
64 71 96
65 92 96
67 92
67 92
47 53—57 74 80 109 118—121 124—127
47 77 80 100
47 53—57 74 80 109 112 118—121 124—127
12 47 62 68 76 80 100 104 112 123
68 109 123 127
123 127
12 62 65 68 123
48 51 52—53 78 102—107 109 112 121—122 124—127
62 67 74 77 104—107 109 123
118—121 124—127
56 79 118—121 124—127
47 48 51 52—53 74 78 100 102 109 121—122 124—127
118—121 124—127
56 79 118—121 124—127
63 66
63 64 71
67 88 96 109
63 66
63 64 71
47 62 67—68 76 90—92
A priori distribution 80—82
Absorption, acoustic 14
Absorption, coefficient 17
Absorption, viscothermal 17—18
Acoustic methods 14—18
Adiabaticity parameter 6
Anti-catalysis 75—76
ar 74 75 76 78 112 127
Boltzmann distribution 8 13 112—114 129
BR 77—79
Breathing sphere 60
Catalysis 76—80 99 100
Chemical reaction 76—79
Chemical reaction, unimolecular 112
Chemiluminescence, infrared 38 39 101 108 127
Cl 77—79
Classical turning-point 2—3
CO 48 52 53 74 75 78 79 101—106 109 110—114 121—122
Collision cross-reference factor 45
Collision cross-section 9 39
Collision, diameter 2—4
Collision, elastic 2
Collision, inelastic 5—7
Collision, molecular 1—12
Collision, number 8 10 115
Collision, rate 4—5
Collision, reactive 79
Complex transfer 85
Condenser transducer 20
Conductivity, thermal 17 41—42
Corresponding states 12
cos 67 102—103 106
CS 104
DBR 57—59 109
DCL 47 57—59 80 104
df 57—59 109
| DI 57—59
Dimerization 10—12 68
Dipole interaction 10 57—59 62 68 75 101—110 122—123
Dispersion, acoustic 14—18
Dispersion, double 90—100 118 125
Distorted wave approximation (DWA) 43 117
Ehrenfest's Adiabatic Principle 6—7
Einstein coefficients 28
Electronic excitation 35—38
Electronic excitation, fluorescence 35—36
Electronic-vibration transfer (E-V) 77
Entropy deficiency 80
Eucken factor 42
Expansion, nozzle 114
Expansion, supersonic beam 129
f 77—79
FE 77—79
Flash photolysis 36—38 111
Fluorescence, electronic 35—36
Fluorescence, quenching 30
Fluorescence, risetime 87
Fluorescence, vibrational 29—30
Fourier component of force 8 46
H 77—79
Hard-sphere model 3—4
Hard-sphere model, collision rate 5
HBr 57—59 108—110 127
HCl 47 57—59 75 78 80 108—110 121—122 127—129
HD 56 57 80 118—121 124—127
HDO 100
HE 73—76 78 112 127
HF 57—59 76—78 108—110 127—128
HI 57—59 109 111 127
Hydrogen bonds 12
Hydrogen-effect 63—72 93 100
Impact parameter 2—3
Information content 80
Information content, theory 80—82 104 127
Infrared activity 101—110
Interferometer, acoustic 19—21
Interferometer, Mach — Zehnder 26
Intermode transfer 84—93
KR 127
Lambert — Salter plot 63—72 81—82 102 104 107 110 127
Landau — Teller plot 8 53—58 61—62 75 105 108
Landau — Teller theory 7—8
Laser 29—30 33—35 114
Lensing, thermal 34 91
Mach number 23
Maser action 129
Mason — Monchick theory 42
Matrix element 26 46 50
Mechanism, parallel 94
Mechanism, rotational excitation 128—129
Mechanism, series 85
Mechanism, vibrational excitation 110—114
Method A and B fittings 44
Mixtures 72—80 93—114 124—128
Modified wave-number approximation (MWN) 43 117
Molecular beams 39—41
ne 74 78 112
Nikitin theory 59—60 77
NO 12 47 59—60 101—103 109 111 121—122 124—127
o 77—79
Optic-acoustic effect 32—33
Polanyi — Woodall relation 81—82 127
Polar molecules (collisions) 10—12
Population inversion 111 114 129
Potentials, attractive 49—50
Potentials, intermolecular 1—2 10—12
Potentials, Krieger 91
Potentials, Lennard-Jones 1—2
Potentials, LEPS 79
Potentials, Monchick — Mason 91
Potentials, Morse 49 117
Potentials, Shin 50
Potentials, SSH 43
Potentials, Stockmayer 10—12
Q-switching 29
Quadrupole interaction 12 50 77 106 109
Radiation 26—38
Radiative transition in rotational de-excitatior 129
Raman excitation 33—35
Rate constant 9
Reduced mass 5 73
Relaxation constant 18
Relaxation time, adiabatic 14—15
Relaxation time, composite 72
Relaxation time, isothermal 14
Relaxation time, reciprocal 93
Relaxation time, rotational 9—10 118
Relaxation time, true 16
Relaxation time, vibrational 8—9 13
Relaxation, multiple 18 89—100 118 125
Relaxation, single 84—89
Resonance, double 31
Resonant transfer rotational 42 128
Resonant transfer vibrational 83—85 95—99
Reverberation method 22
Rotation-rotation transfer (R-R) 42 128
Rotation-translation transfer (R-T) 115—129
Rotational constant (A,B,C) 71 121—126
Rough-sphere model 116
Schlieren technique 26
Shock front 22—23
Shock-tube 22—26
Spectrophone 32—33
SSH theory 43—52 83—84
Steric factors 45
Tanczos equation 45—49 83—84
Trajectory computations 81 116—117 125—126
Trajectory, collisional 3—4
Transition dipole 101—110
Transition probability, rotational 117 127
Transition probability, vibrational 44—49 83—84
Transition, multi-quantum, rotational 110 127
Transition, multi-quantum, vibrational 47 53 100
Translation factor 48—49
Transport properties 41—42
Treanor distribution 113
Tube effects 19
Unimolecular chemical kinetics 112
Vibration-rotation transfer (V-R) and (V-(T,R)) 50—52 69—72
Vibration-rotation transfer (V-R) and Shin classical theory 51
Vibration-translation transfer (V-T) 41—82
Vibration-vibration transfer (V-V) 83—114
Vibrational amplitude coefficient 46—47 68 88
Vibrational factor 46 88
Vibronic transition 59—60
Virial coefficient, second 12 17
viscosity 5 17 41—42
Viscothermal absorption 17—18
Viscothermal dispersion 14
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