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McHardy J., Sawan S.P. — See Inside! Supercritical Fluid Cleaning by Samuel P. Haber: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications
McHardy J., Sawan  S.P. — See Inside! Supercritical Fluid Cleaning by Samuel P. Haber: Book Cover      *           o              Table of Contents  Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications

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Название: See Inside! Supercritical Fluid Cleaning by Samuel P. Haber: Book Cover * o Table of Contents Supercritical Fluid Cleaning: Fundamentals, Technology and Applications

Авторы: McHardy J., Sawan S.P.


Although supercritial fluid (SCF) technology is now widely used in extraction and purification processes (in the petrochemical, food and pharmaceuticals industries), this book is the first to address the new application of cleaning. The objective is to provide a roadmap for readers who want to know whether SCF technology can meet their own processing and cleaning needs. It is particularly helpful to those striving to balance the requirements for a clean product and a clean environment. The interdisciplinary subject matter will appeal to scientists and engineers in all specialties ranging from materials and polymer sciences to chemistry and physics. It is also useful to those developing new processes for other applications, and references given at the end of each chapter provide links to the wider body of SCF literature.

The book is organized with topics progressing from the fundamental nature of the supercritical state, through process conditions and materials interactions, to economic considerations. Practical examples are included to show how the technology has been successfully applied. The first four chapters consider principles governing SCF processing, detailing issues such as solubility, design for cleanability, and the dynamics of particle removal. The next three chapters discuss surfactants and microemulsions, SCF interaction with polymers, and the use of supercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) as a cleaning solvent. The closing chapters focus on more practical considerations such as scaleup, equipment costs, and financial analysis.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1998

Количество страниц: 290

Добавлена в каталог: 26.06.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$Delrin^{TM}$      209
$Krytox^{TM}$      209
$SuperScrub^{TM}$      28
$Teflon^{TM}$      130 157 210
$TRIM^{\circledR}$ SOL      28
$\mathrm{CO}_{2}$-based microemulsions      104
$\mathrm{CO}_{2}$-philic      106
abs      130 139 157
Absorbance bands      103
Absorption bands      10
Absorption of carbon dioxide      134
Acentric factor      11
Acetone      272
ACFM      204
acids      170 172
Acrylates      134
Adhesion      38 43 72
Adhesion characteristics      50
Adhesive bonds      169
Adhesive force      77 78
Adhesives      53 169
Administrative costs      263
Adsorption isotherm      29 30 32 33
Aerosol-OT (AOT)      94 102 115
Agitation      235 255
Agitation-dependent      235
Air-knife dryers      53
Air-operated high pressure pump      212
Alcohol      27
Aliphatic hydrocarbon      23
Alkanes      97
Alloy steel      254
Alloys      198
Aluminum      167 197
Amines      170 171 209
Ammonia      16
Amorphous materials      130 134 139
Amphiphilic solutes      92
Amphoteric surfactants      91
Aniline      171
Anionic surfactants      91
anthracene      27
applications      88 107 108
Applications, cleaning      121 163
Applications, difficult      248
Applications, microemulsions      89
Aqueous cleaning      263
Aqueous systems      163
ASME      255
Assembled components      169
Assemblies, cleaning      211
Assembly of parts      48
Attractive force      77
Autoclave      232 234
Automatic control system      254
Batch reactor      275
Benzenes      16 170 172
Benzoic acid      27 172
Berty reactor      242
Beryllium      196 197
Bicontinuous structure      93
Bimicellar core exchange rates      115
Binary phase diagrams      8
Biomolecules      98
Blasius formula      240
Blind-holes      52
Blowing aids      123
Boiling point      7
Borosilicate glass      170 171 172
Boundary layer      31 71 73 74 274
Boundary layer, thickness      32 82
Boyle’s law      5
bridges      43
Brittle plastic      151
Bromofluoroethylene      197
Bubble formation      123 134 143
bubbles      125 158
Bulk carbon dioxide      259
Bulk cleaning      163
Bulk flow      31
Bulk removal      213
Butadiene moieties      157
CAB      130 138 155
Cable      167 168
Capital costs      112 251
Cap’llary forces      38
Carbon dioxide      4 13 14 16 80 268
Carbon dioxide uptake      139 146 147
Carbon dioxide, high pressure      124
Carbon dioxide, kinematic viscosity      73
Carbon regeneration      108
Carbon tetrachloride      195
Carbonic acid      254
Cast magnesium      172
Cast metals      167
Cationic surfactants      91 98
Ceramic materials      198
CFC-113      196 197
CFCs      122 124 163 195
Channeling effects      277
Characteristic length      238
Chase-off      53
Checklist      46
Chemi sorption      33
Chemical similarity      230
Chemical stability      196
Chilled water      258
Chiller      204
Chlorinated solvents      38
Chlorocarbons      163
Chlorofluorocarbons      2 19 22 121 163 195 199
Cholesterol      166
Circuit boards      107
Circulation      255 275
Class I substance      196
Class II substance      196
Clean Air Act of      1990 196
Cleanable      48
cleaning      122 268
Cleaning systems      201
Cleaning systems, types      248
Cleaning, applications      163
Cleaning, characteristics      84
Cleaning, efficiency      168 214 235
Cleaning, experiments      81
Cleaning, methods      23
Cleaning, microemulsions      90
Cleaning, model      28
Cleaning, process      109
Cleaning, result      34
Cleaning, solvent      22 124
Cleaning, wafers      71
Closed vessel      7
Clusters      90
CMC      93
Coal      16
Cohesive energy density      270
Colbum factor      241
Collision rate      115
Compressibility factor      10
Computer control system      254
Condensation      255 278
Constant pressure      7
Constant stirred tank reactor      275
Constant volume      7
construction materials      124
consumables      263
Contaminant solubility      36
contaminants      163 164 165 198 233
Contamination      47
Contamination control      43
Contamination, dried-on      43
Contamination, human-based      166
Contamination, incident      49
Continuous phase solvent      91 103
Continuous-stirred tank reactor      224
control module      254
Control system      254
Coolants, water-soluble      41
Coolants, waterbased biostatic      41
Cooling effect      255
copper      197
Copper sheet      170 171 172
Core exchange      115
Corresponding times      228
Corrosive vapors      53
Cosolvent      27 89 248
Cosolvent processing module      249
Cost of ownership      260 263 265
Cost of ownership, model      246 263
costs      245 251 259 263 265
Costs, of carbon dioxide      200
Cotyl palmitate      166
Coulombic forces      100
Cracks      216
Cracks and crevices      207 215
Cresols      171
Crevices      199
Critical constants      5
Critical micelle concentration      93
Critical phenomenon      1
Critical point      2 81 267
Critical pressure      8
Critical temperature      8 16 80 111
cross-contamination      211
Crystalline materials      134 139
Crystallinity      149 152 155
CSTR      224 275
Cube test      207
Cutting fluids      40 168
Cutting fluids, water-soluble      41
Cyclohexane      16 200
Damping fluid      197 199 206 208 210 212 213
DDT (2,2-trichloroethane)      108
Decaffeination      112
Decompression      130 155
Deformation      79 130
density      8 9 10 80 101 196
Density changes      81
Density of carbon dioxide      80
Density-dependent      235
Designing parts for cleanability      49
DFC      47
DFM      47
DFM rules      48
Didodecyldimethyl ammonium bromide      98 115
Dielectric fluids      199
Dielectric properties      77
DIESEL      169
Diffusion characteristics of SCF      32
Diffusion coefficient      9 30 113
Diffusion-controlled behavior      137
Diflusivity      19 198 273 274
Diglycerol      166
Dilution theory      256
Dimensional factors      223
Dimensional similitude      221
Dimensionless variables      224 225
Direct system      248
Dissipation      75
Dissolution      141
Dissolution, of carbon dioxide      134 137
Dissolution, polymer      125 126
Dissolution, process      23
DLS      103
Drag force      73
Drag on a particle      70
Droplet size      98
Droplets      91 97 103
Dry ice      14
Drying      53 277 278
Drying agent      80
DSC      143
Dual-cycle process      263 265
Dual-cycle system      248
Dyestuffs      108
Dynamic light scattering      103
Dynamic similarity      228 229
E-coating      52
Elasticity      150
Elastomers      198
Electric charges      77
Electrical cost      259
Electrophoretic painting      52
Electrostatic interactions      103
Elongation      150 151
Embrittlement      125
End housings      199 217
End housings, cleaning      215 216
Energy consumption      259
Enhancement factor      11
Enthalpy for melting      148
Entrainers      89 108 116
Environmental treatments      265
Epoxies      169 208 209
epoxy      215 216
Epoxyboard      170 171 172
Equilibrium concentrations      30
Equipment      218 263
Equipment, costs      265
Equipment, specifications and design      201
Escaping tendency      269
Esters      170 172
ethane      16 113
Ethane/AOT      102
ethylene      16
Evaporation rate      197
Exchange kinetics      115
extractions      109 165
Extractions, efficiency      28
Extractions, plants      112
Extractions, processes      205
Extractions, profiles      32
Fabric      167 168
Fanning factor      80
Fanning’s friction factor      75
Fasteners      52
Feed rate      234
feedback loop      54
Filtration      257
fingerprints      166
Flow factors      236
Flow rate      258
Fluid circulation      275
Fluid density      8 10
Fluids      6
Fluorescence quenching      115
Fluorinated compounds      10
Fluoroalkyl functional groups      105
Fluorocarbon spines      107
Fluorocarbons      10
Fluoropolymers      106 139
Flux      237
Foam      123 125 134 149
Foam, formation      130 139 141 143 156
Force of adhesion      76
Forced circulation      255
Formation time      230
Fourth state of matter      2
Fractionation      268
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