Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Green, George
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 379 | Ito K. — Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mathematics. Vol. 2 | 45.D 94.F 105.W 120.A 188.A 189.A, B 193.D, J, N 252.K 315.B 327.D App. A, Tables 3.III, 4.II, 15.VI | Hilgert J. — Analysis I - IV | 235 | Lim Ch., Nebus J. — Vorticity, Statistical Mechanics, and Monte Carlo Simulation | 5 | Ewald W. — From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.2 | 561, 969, 970 | Ewald W. — From Kant to Hilbert, Vol.1 | 561 | Sagan H. — Advanced Calculus of Real-Valued Functions of a Real Variable and Vector-Valued Functions of a Vector Variable | 539 | Greiner W. — Quantum mechanics. An introduction | 183 | Newman J.R. — The World of Mathematics, Volume 2 | 1320 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 1 | 683—685,1029, 1101—1102 | Rall D. — Computational Solution to Nonlinear Operator Equations | 175 | Scott A. — Neuroscience: a mathematical primer | 193 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 3 | 683—685, 1029, 1101—1102 | Kline M. — Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times, Vol. 2 | 683—685, 1029, 1101—1102 | Truesdell C. — Essays in the History of Mechanics | 149, 180 | Newman J.R. (ed.) — The World of Mathematics, Volume 4 | 1320 | Englert B.G. (Ed) — Quantum Mechanics | 246 | Struik D.J. — A concise history of mathematics. Volume 2 | 195, 208, 258—259, 287 | Maxwell J.C. — Treatise on electricity and magnetism. Volume Two | 70, 84, 318, 439 | Lindsay R.B. — Mechanical Radiation | 221 | Katz V.J. — A History of Mathematics: An Introduction | 743 | Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 2 | 561, 969, 970 | Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 379 | Zeidler E. — Oxford User's Guide to Mathematics | 421 | Ewald W.B. — From Kant to Hilbert: A source book in the foundations of mathematics. Volume 1 | 561 | Wilson R. — Mathematical conversations: selections from The mathematical intelligencer | 207, 209, 212, 216 | Kline M. — Mathematical thought from ancient to modern times | 683, 685, 1029, 1101, 1102 | Alexanderson G. — The harmony of the world: 75 years of Mathematics Magazine MPop | 84 |