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Truesdell C. — Essays in the History of Mechanics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Abel, Niels Henrik 315
Academies of science 283—288 295—296 300—301 331 365
Acceleration see “Free fall” “Inertial “Merton
Ackeret, Jakob 225
Action at a distance see “Attraction” and “Mutual forces”
Air 63—66 200
Airscrew 63—64
Airy, George Biddell 175
Alberti, Leon Battista 52
Alessio, Giovanni 8
Algebra 43 97
Alhazen 45 50—52
Alhazen’s problem see “Optics”
Amontons, Guillaume 290
Analytical mechanics 93 97 106 133—135
Angular velocity vector 117
Archimedes 21 27 33 42—43 94 110 195—196 211 309
Arconati, Luigi Maria 29 72 83
Areas, principle of see “Momentum moment
Aristotle 24—25 31—32 34—35 75 307
Aristotle, Aristotelian see “Peripatetic”
Arredi, Filippo 76
ART 41 53—62
Atoms, atomism 95 176—177 182 282 364
Attraction, gravitational 140—144 171
Axes of inertia see “Inertia”
Axioms 179 183 269—271 323 336
Bach, Johann Sebastian 97
Bacon, Francis 80
Baker, Marshall 356
Bars, beams see also “Elastica”
Bars, bending of bars 13—18 79 124—126 206—211 218 310—913
Bars, buckling of bars 18 125 309—310
Bars, extension of bars 103—104
Bars, rupture of bars 203—204
Bars, vibration of bars 20 107—110 117 125 172 218
Bateman, Harry 319 321 332
Battisti, Carlo 8
Bause, Johann Friedrich 206—207
Beeckman, Isaac 153
Belliard, Zephirin Felix Jean Marius 236 237
Bellini, Giovanni 54
Berlioz, Louis Hector 179
Bernoulli — Euler theory of rods see “Elastica”
Bernoulli, Daniel 87 106 108—113 120 121—122 128 131 149 160 164 171—172 219—225 227 246 249 252 254 256 257 263 268 276—283 286 288—292 296 299 318 322 329 331
Bernoulli, James (Jakob) 87 97 100—101 103—104 112—113 117 126—128 134 149 156—157 160—162 164 167 172—173 177 183 204—206 208—211 218 232 249—254 262 268 271—272 299 311 318 326 329
Bernoulli, James (Jakob) II 120—121
Bernoulli, John (Johann) 87 97 101—103 106—108 112 114 121—123 149 157 160 162 164 171 204 224—227 256 268 272 274 299 318 329
Bernoulli, John (Johann) III 126
Bernoulli, Nikolaus (the elder) 100
Bernoulli’s theorem in hydraulics 111—112 160 219—226
Berryman, J.P. 278
Biot, Jean-Baptiste 240 262
Birkhoff, George David 177
body 92 129 144—145 “Fluids” “Mass-point” “Rigid-body
Boltzmann, Ludwig 297 362—363
Borda, Jean Charles 111 175
Bordoni, Piero Giorgio 350
Borelli, Giovanni Alfonso 324
Born, Max 346
Boscovich, Roger John 171 282
Bose, Satyendranath N. 365
Boswell, James 40
Boussinesq, Valentin-Joseph 347
Boyle, Robert 272 274 276 278
Boyle’s law 276 278 281
Bradwardine, Thomas 34
Brewster, David 177
Brush, Stephen G. 278 303—304
Buckling 18 125 309—310
Buelffinger, Georg Bernhard 206
Buridan, jean 29—31 34 325
Calculus 94 197 331
Caratheodory, Constantin 183
Cardano, Girolamo 34 43
Carnot, Nicolas Leonard Sadi 324
Carracci family 62
Cartesian coordinates 112 114 116 167—170 255—256 260—261
Cartesian mechanics 110 145
Carusi, Enrico 29 72
Catenary curve 18 101 132 157
Catenary, general see “Flexible systems”
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis 127 149 175 177 184—195 230 234 236—237 263 270 299 306 314—315 319 321 358
Cauchy’s laws of motion 186—191 234 364
Causes 113 181
Celestial mechanics 89 91 141 145
Cellini, Benvenuto 81
Center of mass 129 133
Center of oscillation see “Rigid-body motion”
Centroids 45—49
Charles II of England 177
Child, J.M. 282
Chladni, Ernst Florens Friedrich 20 121
Circulation 76—78 343—344
Cisotti, Umberto 43
Clagett, Marshall 30—31 33 35 83 332
Clairaut, Alexis Claude 111 131 149 196 215—217
Clausen, Thomas 310
Clausius, Rudolf Julius Emmanuel 286 297 325 328
Co-operation in science 136 330 365
Cohen, I. Bernard 145—146 182—183 333 335
Cohen, Morris Raphael 307
Coleman, Bernard David 175 319 328—329 331—333 356
column see “Elastica”
Congreve, William 178
Constitutive equations 103—104 173 193—194 315 324 357—359
Constraints 113—116 268
Contempt a symptom of ignorance 331
Continuity principle of in hydraulics 76—77
Continuity, Leibniz’s law of continuity 99 120
Cooper, Lane 332
Coriolis acceleration see “Relative motion”
Coriolis, Gustave Gaspard 131
Corpuscular see “Atoms”
Cotter, Barbara (Mrs. Morrison) 359
Coulomb, Charles Augustin 126—127 234—236
Crosby, Henry Lamar, Jr. 30
da Andrade, Edward Neville Costa 272
da Antonello Messina 54
da Casale, Giovanni 30
da Jacopone Todi 8
da Leonardo Vinci 2—29 31 33—83 325
Daedalus 63
dal Castagno, Andrea 56—57 59
Darwin, Charles Galton 362
Davy, Humphry 285—288
Davy, John 288
de Catelan, l’Abbe 252
de Fermat, Pierri 23 132
de Goya y Lucientes, Francisco Jose 41
de Groot, Jan Huig 307
de Jordanus Nemore 29 33—34
de Laplace, Pierre Simon 132 141 175
de L’Hospital, Guillaume Francois 252
de Maupertuis, Pierre-Louis-Moreau 23 110 131—132
de Montaigne,, Michel Eyquem 299
de Roberval, Giles Person 281
de Saint Venant, Adhemar-J.-C. Barre 346—348
de Soto, Domingo 35
del Scipione Ferro 43
Delpech, Francois Seraphin 264 267
Democracy, social 302
Demokritos 272
Descartes, Rene 89 93 97—98 105—106 113 145 156 274 325—326
de’ Ercole Rohekti 56 59
di Giotto Bondone 54—55 59
di Lorenzo Credi 54
di Martini, Francesco Giorgio 4—5 83
Diaphragm see “Euler’s cut principle”
Diderot,Denis 118
| Differential equations see “Equilibrium” and “Motion”
Dijksterhuis, Eduard Jan 195
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune 132
Discontinuities 187—188
Disorganisation of science, its virtues 300—303 365
Drabkin, Israel Edward 307
Dryden, Hugh Latimer 332
du Bois-Reymond, Paul David Gustav 278
Dugas, Rene 137 181 246 333—334
Duhem, Pierre 25—31 40 83 86 328
Dumbleton, John of Dumbleton 30
Dynamics, principles of 30—31 105—106 113 327 “Euler’s
D’Alembert’s principle (according to D’Alembert) 113
D’Arcy, Patrick 246—248
Efflux 112 144—149 175
Einstein, Albert 365
Elastica 79 103 124—126 131 134 160—161 171 206 262—263 309—313
Elasticity see also “Bars” “Elastica” “Membranes” “Plates” “St. “Variational
Elasticity, general linear theory of elasticity 191—192 236 260—261 345—348 351
Elasticity, non-linear theory of elasticity 311 314—315 328 349—351
Energy see also “Equipartition” “Ergodic
Energy kinetic 106 133
Energy stored 328 346 350 356
Energy, integral of energy 114 245 247 259
Energy, principle of energy 104—106 156 241—242 325
Enestroem, Gustav 256
Engineering 2—6 13 135 347
entropy 305 324 327 329
Equations of equilibrium and motion see “Forces” “Moments” “Motion”
Equilibrium see “Forces equilibrium equilibrium
Equipartition 292—293 296
Ergodic theory 361—363
Ericksen, Jerald Laverne 263 270 314 319 321 331—332 354 356 357 359 365
Errors in mathematics 140
Ertel, Hans Richard Max 344
Euclid 7 21 42 140
Euler, Leonhard 90 97 99 106—110 113—135 137 149 162—173 175 177 182—183 188 192—194 214—215 218 225 227—228 230—234 236 243 246 248—249 252 254—263 268—269 271 274—276 281—282 288—289 291—292 299 305—306 309 311—313 318—319 322
Euler’s cut principle 123 186 193
Euler’s equations of hydrodynamics 123 192
Euler’s equations of rigid-body motion 117 241 257—259
Euler’s laws of motion 116—117 128—129 167—175 230 232 257—263
Experience, its role in natural science 8 20 93 135—136 318 335—336 357
Experiment 1 7—9 62 67 93 98—99 123 135—136 295 318 320 338 357
experts 41 303
Faraday, Michael 180—182 297
Favaro, Antonio 29 72
Feldhaus, Franz Maria 6
Ferrari 43
Fibonacci, Leonardo 43
Fields 111 122—123 364—365
Fior, Antonio 43
Fleckenstein, Joachim Otto 132
Flexible systems 107—108 112—113 117 120 126—127 153 157—160 (see “Membranes” “Strings” “Tension”)
Flow see “Fluids”
Fluids see also “Air” “Hydraulics” “Hydrodynamics” “Hydrostatics” “Kinetic “Resistance” “Turbulence” “Viscosity” “Vortices”
Fluids in general 62—69 83
Fluids, semi-mathematical theories for fluids 91 111 144—149 211—214
Forces see also “Inertial Force”
Forces central 175 240 264—266
Forces contact 171—172 176 204 214 “Stress” “Tenslon” “Taction”)
Forces in general 21—24 52—53 92 113 178 182—183
Forces live and dead 105—106
Forces, axioms for forces 322—324
Forces, equilibrium of forces 101 104 126—127 153—137 205 241 271 314
Fourier, Joseph 149 187
Fowler, Ralph Howard 362
Frame indifference see “Material Indifference”
Francois I of France 81
Frederick II of Prussia 97
Free fall 35 307—308 325
Free shape 311—315
Frequency of vibration 107—108 121
Fresnel, Augustin Jean 191—192 236 311
Freud, Sigmund 24
Friedricus, Kurt Otto 364
Froude, James Anthony 212
Fuss, Paul-Heinrich 254
Galen 331
Galileo Galilei 18 22—23 25 27 30 34 40 80 87 89—91 95 97—98 107 126 144 153 156 173 178 200—204 215 218 246 268 307—308 325
Galileo’s laws see "Free fall” “Inclined "Merton
Gas flows 365 (see also “Kinetic theory of gases”)
Gassend, Pierre 327
Genius 27 29 62 80
Gentileschi, Orazio 62
Geometers 93 338
Geometry 42—43 45 51—52 62 94—95 97 133 179 335—337
Giacomelli, Raffaele 63
Giambologna 62
Gibbs, Josiah Willard 149 328 339 362
Gibbs-Smith, Charles Harvard 65
Gilbarg, David 365
Gilbert, Davies 283
Goldbach, Christian 219
Goldberg, Rube (Reuben Lucius) 3
Goldscheider, Ludwig 42
Gombrich, Ernst Hans Josef 83
Grad, Harold 270
Gravitation see “Attraction”
Green, Albert Edward 329 359
Green, George 149 180
Griffith, Byron Alexander 242 323
Grooth, Johann Nikolaus 108—109
Grotius (Huig de Groot) 308
Guittone D’Arezzo 8
Gulliver’s travels 96—97
Gurtin, Morton Edward 175 329
Hadamard, Jacques 177 188 356
Haendel, Georg Frideric 97
Hagen — Poiseuille formula 315 320—321
Hagen, Gotthilf Heinrich Ludwig 319—321
Haid, Johann Jakob 102—103
Halley, Edmund 138—139
Hamel, Georg 336
Hamilton, William Rowan 86 135 319
Hamiltonian equations 319
Handmann, Jakob Emanuel 114—115
Hart, Ivor Blashka 29
Haskell, Francis James Herbert 179 183
Heat vibratory and caloric theories 283 295
Heat, mechanical equivalent of heat 293
Heat, mechanical theory of heat 291
Heath, Thomas Little 195
Helicopter see “Airscrew”
Hellinger, Ernst 346
Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand V. 149 341—344
Helmholtz’s theorems see "Vorticity"
Herapath John 283—289 292 296—297 299 301 303—304
Herapath, Spencer D. 285
Herivel, John W. 244
Hermann, Jakob 101 205—206 272—273 276 281 288 291—292
Herodotos 299
Heron or Alexandria 8
Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf 178
Heytesbury, William 29—30
Hicks, Bruce Lathan 365
Hilbert, David 178 180 182 336
Hill, John Edward Christopher 177—178 183
History and historians of science 2 106 138—141 144—146 177 180 272 282 299 306—307 318
History, its function 299 315 327
Hitler, Adolf 41
Hlavaty, Vaclav 365
Hooke, Robert 103 152—153 218 232 272 318 323
Hooke’s law 103 152—153 215 218
Hopf, Eberhard 365
Hoppe, Edmund 106
Houston, William Vermillion 242 257 259
Huber, Johann Rudolf 102—103
Hugoniot, Pierre Henri 187—188
Humanists of the renaissance 32 81
Huygens, Christiaan 20 63 89 104 107 111 117 128 135 150—151 153 156—157 160 162 164 183 188 214—215 244—245 249 252 268 272 318 325—326 331
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