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Truesdell C. — Essays in the History of Mechanics |
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Vectors, vector Fields 107 111 122 127 219 230—231
Velocity field 122 227—231
Venturi, Giovanni Battista 25
Vibrations see “Beams” “Membranes” “Oscillations” “Plates” “Rigid-body “Sound” “String”
Villard d’Honnecourt 69
Vindelic, Aug. 102—103
Virtual work 156—157 173—174 268
viscosity see also “Hagen-Poiseuille”
Viscosity linear 91 145 175 241 315—316
Viscosity non-linear 319—320 354—356
void see “Free fall” and “Vacuum”
Vortices 71—75 77—78 145
Vorticity theorems of hydrodynamics 340—344
Wagner, Wilhelm Richard 41
Waterston, George 293
Waterston, John James 292—299 303—304
Waterston, Robert 293
Watson, Earnest Charles 291
Wave equation see “String” and “Sound”
Waves 69—71 124 175 357 “Sound” “String”)
Weems, Mason Locke 176
| Weight see “Force” “Mass”
Weinberger, Hans Felix 310
Weissenberg, Karl 354—355
White, John Edward Clement Twarowski 53 83
Winds 65 124 227 343
Wohlwill, Emil 86
Work see “Energy” “Virtual
Yield condition see “Plasticity”
Young, Thomas 125 218 285 306 318—319
Zammattio, Carlo 78
Zaremba, Stanislaus 321 358—359
Zemplen, Gyozo 188
Zero, absolute 286 290 292
“Applied” mathematics see “Mathematics”
“D’Alembert paradox” see “Resistance of fluids”
“D’Alembert’s principle” see “Inertial Force”
“Humanitics” 13 50
“Newtonian” and “anti-Newtonian” science 175—177
“Newtonian” equations 116 128 167—170 243 257 264 268—269
“Physical” reasoning 276 282 325 physical”)
“Young’s modulus” 104 124—125 218 318
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