Результат поиска |
Поиск книг, содержащих: Neron — Severi group
Книга | Страницы для поиска | Oda T. — Convex bodies and algebraic geometry: an introduction to the theory of toric varieties | 102, 105 | Sertoz S. — Algebraic Geometry | 170 | Beauville A. — Complex Algebraic Surfaces | I.10 | Kollar J., Mori S. — Birational geometry of algebraic varieties | 11, 19 | Husemoeller D. — Elliptic curves | 373, 380 | Cossec F., Dolgachev I. — Enriques surfaces | 69 | Birkenhake C., Lange H. — Complex Abelian Varieties | 29 | Fulton W. — Intersection theory | 385, 388, 400—401 | van der Geer G. — Hilbert modular surfaces | 207 | Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33 | 131—132, 284 | Miyanishi M. — Algebraic Geometry | 197 | Vojta P.A. — Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory | 16, 21 | Tevelev E. — Projectively dual varieties | 134 | Lang S. — Diophantine Geometry | 30, 32—34, 77, 79, 149, 261 | Lang S. — Abelian Varieties | III, § 1, p. 64 | Lange H., Birkenhake C. — Complex Tori | 6, 9 | Hartshorne R. — Algebraic Geometry | 140, 367, 418 | Silhol R. — Real Algebraic Surfaces | 21, 37, 59, 63, 66, 106 | Lange H., Birkenhake C. — Complex Abelian Varieties (Grundlehren Der Mathematischen Wissenschaften) | 29, 43 |