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Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33
Milne J.S. — Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33

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Íàçâàíèå: Etale Cohomology. (PMS-33), Vol. 33

Àâòîð: Milne J.S.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1980

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 344

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 23.05.2008

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
AB3 $\cdots$ 5*      306
Action of sheaf      120
Acyclic morphism      232
Acyclic object      83 86
Affine morphism      4
Algebra; Azumaya      136—154
Algebra; central separable      141
Algebra; central simple      137;
Algebra; maximal etale sub-      139
Algebra; opposite      136
Algebraic space      116 122 157—159
Arithmetic genus      217
Artin character      186—187
Artin neighborhood      117
Artin — Schreier sequence      67
Artin — Schreier theory      127—128
Associated sheaf      57 60—62
Associated sheaf, stalk of      63
Azumaya algebra      see algebra Azumaya
Bertini's theorem      209
Betti numbers      166 205
Bilinear      79
Branch locus      24
Branch locus, purity of      24
Brauer group      136—154
Brauer group of Henselian ring      138 148;
Brauer group of local ring      136—140
Brauer group of regular scheme      149
Brauer group of scheme      140—154;
Brauer group of smooth variety      149
Brauer group, cohomological      136 147
Brauer — Severi schemes      134—135
cartesian      144
Cartier divisor      73
Cartier dual      130
Cartier operator      129
Castelnuovo's criterion      217—219
Cayley — HamiHon polynomial      139
Char (X)      230
Chern class      204
Chern class, etale      271 -76
Chern class, total      273
Chern polynomial      273
Chern roots      274
Chow ring CH.(X)      274
Cofiltered category      305
Cofinal      306
Cohomoiogica! dimension      220—222 246 253—256 283
Cohomoiogica! dimension of curves      183- 84
Cohomology      84
Cohomology and inverse limits      88—89 119
Cohomology and Picard scheme      130—133
Cohomology of blowing-up      203 229—230 247
Cohomology of complete intersection      246
Cohomology of curves      175—197
Cohomology of direct limits      113
Cohomology of smooth group schemes      114—117
Cohomology of surfaces      197—219
Cohomology with compact support      93—94 229—230
Cohomology with support on Z      91 -94
Cohomology, Amitsur      97
Cohomology, Cech      95—105
Cohomology, Cech and derived      99 100 103 104—105
Cohomology, complex and etale      117—119 164 229 241
Cohomology, elate and flat      114—117
Cohomology, flat and Zariski      113—114
Cohomology, fmiteness of      222—227 232 244 246
Cohomology, invariance      224 231
Cohomology, nonabelian      122
Cohomology, of $\mathbb{G}_m$      106—110
Cohomology, of $\mathbb{P}_m$      245—246 270
Complex, bounded      310
Complex, double      309
Complex, perfect      263
Complex, total      309;
Conductor      188
Connected category      305
Construclible function      161
Cospecialization map      77 162 230
Covering of Picard type      126
Covering, E-      47
Covering, geometric      126;
Covering, infinitesimal      128—129
Covering, refinement of      95
Cycle map      268—271 275—276
Cycle, algebraic      268
Cycle, prime      268
Derived functor      82 310—312
Descent theory      16—20 158
Different      24 25
Direct image of presheaf      56—59
Direct image of sheaf      68—77
Direct image, higher      85 88
Direct image, higher with compact support      227—230
Discriminant      20 24
Elementary fibration      117
Etale closure      44
Etale morphism      3 22—35
Etale morphism of algebraic spaces      157
Etale morphism to normal scheme      29;
Etale morphism, standard      26 28
Etale morphism, topological in variance of      30
Etale neighborhood      36 38
Euler — Poincare characteristic      166 190—195 202 204—205
Exact      16 122
Excellent scheme      4
Excision      92
Extension by zero      76 78 81
Faithfully flat morphism      10—20
Faithfully flat morphism is strict epimorphism      16
Fibered category      144
Filtered category      305
Finite morphism      4—7
Flat morphism      3 7—20 31
Flat morphism is open      14
Formally etale      30
Formally smooth      30
Formally unramified      30
Frobenius elements, arithmetic      292;
Frobenius elements, geometric      292
Frobenius endomorphism      109 185
Fundamental class      247—252
Fundamental group      39—45
Fundamental group of curve      42—43 194
Fundamental group, tame      42 193—195 208
Fundamental group, true      45
Galois covering      40 43—44 49 99
Genencally locally constant      77
Generators, family of      83
Gerbe      144
Grodement resolution      90 171
Group scheme      52
Group scheme, Cartier dual      130
Gysin map      244 250 253 283—284
Gysin sequence      243—244 250—252
Hard Lefschetz theorem      207
Hasse — Witt matrix      128
Hensehzation      36
Henselian ring      3 32—39 41 239—240
Hensrl's lemma      32 35
Hilbert's theorem      90 124
Homotopic      167 257
Hypercohomology      310—312
Injective      82
Internal horn      79
Inverse image of presheaf      56—59
Inverse image of sheaf      68—76
Inverse image, in fibered category      144
Inverse image, preserves injectives      87
Inverse image, twisted      285
Jacobian criterion      23
Jacobson scheme      65 90
Kazdan — Margulis theorem      211
Kuenneth formula      256—268 271—272
Kummer covering      41 42
Kummer sequence      66
Kummer theory      125—127
L      197
L-series      195—197 289—303
L-series, Artin      293 195—197
Lefschete trace formula      287—288 292 295 298
Lefschete trace formula for curves      185 195 205
Lefschetz pencils      197—199
Lefschetz theorems      207
Lefschetz theory, global      207—214
Lefschetz theory, local      199—207
Limits      304—306
Lisse      264
Map of degree r      167
Mapping cone      174
Mayer — Vietoris sequence      110
Milnor number      193
monodromy      207—211
Mordell — Weil theorem      133
Morphism of presheaves      48
Morphism of sheaves      50
Morphism of sites      56
Morphism of smooth S-pairs      241
Morphism, acyclic      232—241
Morphism, base change      223
Morphism, compactifiabie      227 229
Morphism, continuous      56
Morphism, Frobenius      290—291
Morphism, locally acyclic      232—241
Morphism, universally acyclic      232—241
Morphism, universally injective      25
Neron minimal model      192—193
Neron — Severi group      131—132 284
Neron — Severi group, finite, generation of      215—216
Normalization      4
Numerical equivalence      215 284
Ogg — Safarevic — Grothendieck formula      190—195
Ogg — Tate formula      193
Order      150
Pairing, canonical of Exts      167
Pairing, cup product      171—174
Perfect complex      263
Picard scheme      130—133
Picard — Lefechetz formula      206—207
Plurigenus      217
Poincare duality      276—286
Poincare duality, curves      175—185
Poincare duality, local      181—182
Presheaf      47
Presheaf, basically bounded      57
Presheaf, category of      48
Presheaf, constant      48
Presheaf, free      79;
Presheaf, section of      47
Presheaf, separated      49
Principal homogeneous space      120—133
Projection formula, cycles      268
Projection formula, sheaves      250
Proper base change theorem      72 89 222—227 260
Pseudofiltered      304- 305
Purity, cohomological      24!-47
Purity, of Azumaya algebras      153
Purity, of branch locus      24
Quasi-finite morphism      4—7
Quasi-isomorphism      310
Quaso-seciion      20
Riemann existence theorem      40 118
Riemann hypothesis      286
S, $S_1$, $S_2$      49
Separable, algebra      20
Separable, polynomial      22
Sheaf      49
Sheaf of $\mathbb{Q}_1$-vector spaces      164
Sheaf with finite stalks      155—156
Sheaf, 1-adic      163
Sheaf, category of      63
Sheaf, constant      65 156
Sheaf, constructive      155—156 160—164
Sheaf, etale over discrete valuation ring      75
Sheaf, etale over field      53
Sheaf, finite      155 -56
Sheaf, flabby      87—89 91 101—103 113
Sheaf, flasque      87
Sheaf, free      79
Sheaf, generieally locally constant      77
Sheaf, induced      90
Sheaf, locally constant      155 156 162
Sheaf, locally constructibie      160—164 225
Sheaf, locally free      563—564
Sheaf, Morsion      220
Sheaf, of $\mathbb{Z}_1$-modules      163
Sheaf, pseudo-coherent      80 95
Sheaf, represented by algebraic space      159
Sheaf, Tate twist of      163
Sheaf, torsion      220
Sheaf, twisted-constant      65 155 164
Sieve      55
Similar      137 141
Site      47 112—113
Skolem — Noether theorem      138 141
Smooth base change theorem      230—241
Smooth morphism      30 31 39
Smooth S-pair      241
Smooth specialization      230
Spectral sequence      307—309
Spectral sequence for closed subschemes      94
Spectral sequence with closed support      241;
Spectral sequence, Cech to derived      100—101
Spectral sequence, Hochschild — Serre      105
Spectral sequence, Leray      89 228;
Spectral sequence, local-global for Exts      91
Splits      139
STACK      144
Stalk      60 63—65 80
Stalk of direct image      70 71;
Stalk of higher direct image      88
Stalk of inverse image      69
Stein factorization      72
Strict epimorphism      16
Strict Henselization      38
Strictly coprime      32
Strictly Henselian (local)      3 38 41
Support of sheaf      75
Swan character      188
Tamely ramified      41—42
Tensor product, of complexes      257;
Tensor product, of sheaves      79
topology      47 54
Topology, comparison of      150—119
Tor-dimension      263
Torsor      120—133
Trace map      168—171 276 284
Trace map, noncommutative      301
Twisted forms      134
Universally injective morphism      25
Unrarmtied morphism      21 -32 36
Vanishing cycle      200
Vanishing cycle, canonical      205
Vanishing cycle, conjugacy of      208
Vanishing cycle, space of      207
Weak Lefschetz theorem      253—256
Weierstrass minimal equation      193
Weil Conjectures      286
Weil divisor      73
Zariski's main theorem      6
1 2
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