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Cossec F., Dolgachev I. — Enriques surfaces
Cossec F., Dolgachev I. — Enriques surfaces

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Название: Enriques surfaces

Авторы: Cossec F., Dolgachev I.


This is the first of two volumes representing the ourrent state of knowledge about Enriques surfaoes whioh oooupy one of the olasses in the olassifioation of
algebraic surfaces. Reoent improvements in our understanding of algebraio surfaoes
over fields of positive oharaoteristio allowed us to approaoh the subject from a
completely geometrio point of view although heavily relying on algebraio methods.
Some of the techniques presented in this book oan be applied to the study of
algebraic surfaces of other types. We hope that it will make this book of partioular
interest to a wider range of research mathematioians and graduate students.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1989

Количество страниц: 203

Добавлена в каталог: 12.03.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$U_{[r]}$-marking      181
$U_{[r]}$-marking, isomorphic      181
$U_{[r]}$-marking, non-degenerate      181
$U_{[r]}$-marking, unirational      88
2-reflection group      115
Absolute invariant      329
Admissible triple      11
Admissible triple, splittable      11
Artin — Schreier sequence      18
Bertini involution      151 156
Bronch divisor      13 14
Cartan matrix      106
Constant variety      295.
Coxeter graph      107
Coxeter group      107
Cubic surface      57
Cubic surface of type $\vartheta_1$, $\vartheta_1'$, $\vartheta_1''$      58
Cubic surface of type $\vartheta_2$, $\vartheta_2'$, $\vartheta_2''$      60
Cubic surface of type $\vartheta_3$, $\vartheta_3'$, $\vartheta_3''$      60
Cubic surface, Coyley      60
Cubic surface, symmetric      58
Curve of cusps      290
Cycle map      79
de Rham, Betti number      88
de Rham, cohomology      88
de Rham, Hodge spectral sequence      88
Degeneracy set      286
Degenerate fibre      286
Degenerate fibre, additive type      301
Degenerate fibre, multiple      287
Degenerate fibre, multiplicative type      301
Degenerate fibre, non-multiple      287
Degenerate fibre, types of      288
Degenerate fibre, wild      287
Del Pezzo surface      35
Del Pezzo surface of type $\wp_2$, $\wp_3$      50
Del Pezzo surface of type $\wp_2'$, $\wp_3'$      54
Del Pezzo surface, 4-nodal quartic $(\wp_1)$      43
Del Pezzo surface, anticanonical      35
Del Pezzo surface, degenerate 4-nodal quartic $(\wp_1')$      43
Del Pezzo surface, symmetric      39
Discriminant of a quasi-elliptic fibration      340
Discriminant of on elliptic curve      328
Discriminant of on elliptic fibration      338
Divisor of canonical type      166 170
Divisor, indecomposable      166
Divisor, m-connected      232
Divisor, nef      281
Double $S_{0,2$      279
Double $\mathbb{F}_1$      279
Double cover      9
Double cover, inseparable      9
Double cover, principal      20
Double cover, separable      9
Double cubic surface      272
Double plane      269
Double plane, non-special type      269
Double plane, special type      269
Double quadric      271
Double quartic      277
Dynkin diagram      106
Dynkin diagram, affine type      114
Dynkin diagram, finite type      114
Dynkin diagram, rank      114
Dynkin graph      27
Elliptic curve      329
Elliptic fibration      285
Enriques lattice      117
Enriques sextic      273
Enriques sextic, classical      274
Enriques sextic, degenerate      274
Enriques sextic, non-classical      275
Enriques sextic, non-degenerate      276
Enriques surface      73
Enriques surface, $\alpha_2$-surface      77
Enriques surface, $\bar{A}_1+\bar{E}_7$-special      186
Enriques surface, $\bar{D}_8$-special      186
Enriques surface, $\bar{E}_3$-special      182
Enriques surface, $\mu_2$-surface      77
Enriques surface, classical      74
Enriques surface, extra special      186
Enriques surface, nodal      178
Enriques surface, ordinary      77
Enriques surface, supersingular      77
Enriques surface, unnodal      178
Exceptional curve      24
Exceptional r-sequence      124
Exceptional vector      124
Exceptional vector, strongly      150
Fano model      279
Fano voriety      35
Fundamental chamber      107
Fundamental cycle      25 227
Fundamental polyhedron      113
Fundamental polyhedron, improper vertex      114
Fundamental polyhedron, proper vertex      114
Fundamental polyhedron, vertex of      114
Fundamental weights      127
Geiser involution      161
Genus 1 fibration      285
Genus 1 fibration, cohomologically flat      287
Genus 1 fibration, constant      314
Genus 1 fibration, elliptic      285
Genus 1 fibration, index of      306
Genus 1 fibration, isotrivial      302
Genus 1 fibration, jacobian      302
Genus 1 fibration, minimal      285
Genus 1 fibration, quasi-elliptic      285
Genus 1 fibration, trivial      302
Genus 1 pencil      172
Gram matrix      104
Half-fibre      172 365
Halphen pencil      347
Halphen pencil of index m      347
Hodge numbers      88
Hyperbolic space      113
Integral quadratic form      104
Isotropic r-sequence      122 178
Isotropic r-sequence, c-degenerate      180
Isotropic r-sequence, canonical      180
Isotropic r-sequence, canonical c-degenerate      180
Isotropic r-sequence, degenerate      180: "
Isotropic r-sequence, maximal      179
Isotropic r-sequence, non-degenerate canonical      178
Isotropic r-set      179
Isotropic vector      105
Jacobian fibration      300
Jacobian variety      70
K3-cover      84
K3-surface      84
Kadaira dimension      72
Kantor involution      156
Kummer exact sequence      17
Lattice      103
Lattice, $A_n$, $E_n$, $D_n$      105
Lattice, $Q_{p,q,r}$      105
Lattice, $U_{[n]}$, U      105
Lattice, $\bar{E}_{6'}$, $\bar{E}_{7'}$, $\bar{E}_{8'}$      105
Lattice, (in)definite      103
Lattice, (non)degenerate      103
Lattice, discriminant group of      104
Lattice, discriminant of      104
Lattice, embedding      103
Lattice, even      104
Lattice, finite index      103
Lattice, hyperbolic      103
Lattice, isometry      103
Lattice, isomorphic      103
Lattice, orthogonal complement      104
Lattice, orthogonal group of      103
Lattice, orthogonal sum      104
Lattice, primitive element of radical      105
Lattice, semi-definite      103
Lattice, signature      103
Lattice, sublattice      103
Lattice, sum      104
Lattice, unimodular      104
Linear system, hyperelliptic      228 229
Linear system, non-special      243
Linear system, Prym canonical      62
Linear system, special      243
Linear system, superelliptic      228
Lobochevsy space      113
Local invariant      313
Minimal surface      72
MODE      30
Multiple fibre      287
Multiple fibre, elimination of      291
Multiple fibre, multiplicity of      287
Multiple fibre, wild      287
Neron model      300
Neron sheaf      329
Neron — Severi group      69
Neronian group scheme      297
Nikulin lattice      116
Nodal chamber      175
Nodal curve      29 30 182
Non-degeneracy invariant      182
Non-degenerate fibre      285
Non-multiple fibre      287
Non-normal actic      278
Nondegenerate subvariety      33
Ordinary double point      30
Picard lattice      69
Picard number      77
Picard relative functar      65
Picard scheme      66
Picard variety      69
Primitive sublattice      103
Principal double G-cover      21
Principal local G-cover      31
Principal maximal local G-cover      31
Prym canonical linear system      62
Prym canonical map      62
Prym canonical model      62
Purity theorem      20
Quadrangle      45
Quadrangle, $A_2$-vertex      47
Quadrangle, degenerate      47
Quadrangle, simple vertices      47
Quadrangle, vertices of      45
Quadruple plane      270
Quasi-elliptic curve      329
Ramification divisor      13 14
Rational double point      25
Rational double point of type $A_n$,$D_n$,$E_6$,$E_7$,$E_8$      27
Rational elliptic surface      347
Rational elliptic surface, index of      347
Rational elliptic surface, quasi-elliptic surface      347
Rational scroll      34
Reducibility lemma      176
Reye lattice      128
Reye root basis      132
Riemann — Roch formula      95
Root      106
Root basis      106
Root basis, canonical      107
Root basis, crystallographic      113
Root basis, crystallographic extension of      130
Root basis, finite type      110
Root basis, hyperbolic      112
Root basis, irreducible      106
Root basis, offine type      110
Root, irreducible      106
Root, positive      109
Semi-stable reduction      292
Serre duality      95
Shoforevich (-Tote) group      315
Simple reflection      106
Singularity      24
Singularity, genus of      24
Singularity, Gorenstein      12
Singularity, minimal resolution      24
Singularity, multiplicity of      25
Singularity, normal      24
Singularity, rational      24
Singularity, resolution of      24
Singularity, simple      29
Standard hyperbolic plane      105
Strictly Iocal scheme      285
Tits cone      107
Total degree      70
U-marking      181
U-marking, degenerate      181
U-marking, non-degenerate      181
U-pair      181
U-pair, degenerate      181
U-pair, non-degenerate      181
Vector field      20
Vector field of additive type      21
Vector field of multiplicative type      21
Vector field, isolated singularities      22
Vector field, multiplicity of      22
Vector field, p-closed      21
Vector field, quotient by      21
Vector field, zero divisor of      22
Weierstrass model      335
Weyl group 1-congruence subgroup      140
Weyl group length function on      109
Weyl group of a root basis      106
Weyl group of o lattice      115
Weyl group of o surface      175
Wirtinger sextic      65
Zariski variety      87
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