Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Vojta P.A. — Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory |
Предметный указатель |
see Defect
, see Weil function
abc conjecture 71—72 84
Abelian varieties 23 35 47—48 82—84
Absolute value 1
Absolute value, equivalent 1
Ahlfors, L.V. 89
Algebraic integral point see Integralpoints
Algebraic point 77
Almost ample 4 42 43
Ample line bundle 41
Arakelov, S.Ju. 39 40
Arithmetic distance function 24—25 28
Associated cycle 25
Asymptotic Fermat conjecture 71 84 88
Blowing-up 13 25 26 45 48 52 61 70 75 76
Bombieri, E. 46 94—95
Borel lemma 24
Carlson, J. 42 50
Cartan, E. 89
Characteristic function 32 33 34 80 113
Chern class 41
Chevalley — Weil theorem 14 57—61 64
Concavity of the logarithm 81 115
Conductor 85—87
Conjecture using (1,1) forms 51 80 122
Counting function 31 33 34 40 77 113
Cowen 89
Currents 80—81
Curvature 48—50 80
D(k) see Discriminant term
Danilov, L.V. 51
Davenport's lemma 96—98 108
Decomposable vector 99
Defect 30 32 34 34 36—38 42
Degenerate 15 22 39 46 48
Diagonal hyperplane 19 27 28—29
Different 58
Differentials 47 48 58
Dimension, of divisor 4
Dirichlet unit theorem 18 27
Discriminant term 58 64 69 78
Div V 21
Elliptic curves 74 86—87
Exceptional subspace 27—29
Exceptional Zariski-closed subset 43 56 67 69 76
Faltings, G. 82. See also Shafarevich conjecture Mordell
Fermat see Asymptotic Fermat conjecture
First Main Theorem 32 34 36 41
Frey, G. 84 87
Fubini-Study metric 41
Function fields 69 77—79 122—123
Gaussian curvature 49
General Conjecture 63 66 68—70 70—76 78 84 117
General position 19 25 90
General type 4 46
Generalized diagonal 28—29
Generically finite 58
Genus formula 74 79
Green, M.L. 16 20 24 44
Griffiths function 48—49
Griffiths, P.A. 39 42 50 89
h() see Height
hadamard 31
Hall — Lang — Stark conjecture 74
Hall — Lang — Waldschmidt — Szpiro conjecture 84 85—87 88
Hall's conjecture 51—56 72—74
Height 2 8 33 34 65 77 96
Height, absolute 3
Height, equivalent 3
Height, logarithmic 3
Height, multiplicative 3
Height, quasi-equivalent 5
Height, relative 3
Hermite — Minkowski theorem 14
Holomorphic map 15 24 30 80
Hurwitz see Genus formula
Hyperbolicity 48—50
Iitaka, S. 47—48
Integral point 10—15 44 47 47—48 83
Integral point, algebraic 12
Integralizable set of points 11
Interior product 102
| Intersection pairing 12 77
Jensen's formula 34 35
K-theory 62
K3 surface 23
Kobayashi, S. 48—50
Kodaira 4
Kodaira embedding theorem 41
Kwack 50^51
Lang, S. 20 23 35 47—48 74 see
Laplace identity 100 101
Large (1,1) form 50^51
Laurent, M. 19
Length 58
length function 92 102 120
Liouville argument 111
Liouville theorem 36
Logarithmic canonical bundle 47
Logarithmic general type 47 48
m(a,r) see Proximity function
Mahler, K. 94
Main Conjecture 42 46 48 54 62 122
Mason, R.C. 51 74 79 85
Masser, D. 71 84
Matsusaka, T. 6
Mean (over subspaces) 114
Measure hyperbolic 49^50
Metrized line bundle 7 9 39 41
Minkowski 90
Moduli space 82^84
monodromy 15
Mordell conjecture 46 47
Mordell-Weil theorem 21
N(a,r) see Counting function
Nagata, M. 12
Nakai — Moishezon criterion 6
Negatively curved 49
Neron — Severi group 16 21
Ni(r) see Ramification term
Noguchi, J. 46
Non-degenerate see Degenerate
Norm form equation 37
Normal crossings divisor 42 44 62
Northcott 6
Numerically equivalent divisor 6
Oesterle, J. 71 84
Osgood, C 30 79
Pell's equation 70 117
Picard group 21
Picard variety 16
Positive line bundle 41
Product formula 2 34 35
Proximity function 31 33 34 39 40 77 113
Pseudofication 49—50
Ramification divisor 40 58 68
Ramification point 80
Ramification term 32 61^64 80—83
Raynaud, M. 84
Reyssat, E. 30
Ric() 49
Roth's theorem 16—17 18 30 34 36 43—44 65 70 see
Scheme 12
Schlickewei, H.P. 16 17 19
Schmidt's theorem 18 26 38 43^44
Schmidt, W.M. 16 17 37 65^66 89
Second Main Theorem 32 34 42
Shafarevich conjecture 51 80
Shafarevich, I.R. 23
Siegel's theorem 30 37 47
Silverman, J.H. 47 51 74 79 see
SIZE 17 18
Stark, H. see Hall — Lang — Stark conjecture
Stoll, W. 39 42
Successive minima 90—96 107 114 120 122 123
Sums into Products 116
Szpiro, L. 64 84 86—87
T(r) see Characteristic function
Totaro, B. 50
UNITS 19—21
Vaaler, J. 94—95
Van der Poorten, A.J. 16 19
Waldschmidt, M. see Hall — Lang — Waldschmidt — Szpiro conjecture
Weil function 7—9 19 25—26 28 52 77
Weil function, global 7
Weil function, local 7
Weil height see Height
Weyl, H. and J. 32 89
Wirsing, E. 65
Zariski topology 15 22 39 42 4
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