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Oda T. — Convex bodies and algebraic geometry: an introduction to the theory of toric varieties |
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-lattice 149 151 154 171
-weighted link 54
Absolutely simple integral covex polytope 83 94 96 97
Abstract complex of faces 122 123 176 181 189
Additive subsemigroup 3
Additive subsemigroup, saturated 3
Admissible, doubly -weighted triangulation 55 59 89 92
Admissible, N-weighted triangulation 55 59
Affine, half space 179 182
Affine, line bundle 144
Affine, open set 10 11
Affine, scheme 5
Alexandrov — Fenchel inequalities, the 102 187
Algebraic, cycle 105
Algebraic, subgroup of Cremona group 140—146
Algebraic, torus 4 161 169
Ample, divisor 86 94 105
Ample, invertible sheaf 83 93 130
Ample, line bundle 196
Anticanonical divisor 87 88 108
Arithmetic, genus 165
Arithmetic, genus, logarithmic 166
Arithmetic, quotient of symmetric domain 147 153 154 167 169
Arrangement of lines 98
Artin's approximation theorem 163
Automorphism group and equivariant blowing-up 140
Automorphism group, dimension of 140
Automorphism group, of toric variety 136 140 143 144
Blaschke selection theorem, den 186
Blowing-down of Fano variety 92
Blowing-up, equivariant see “Equivariant blowing-up of Fano variety” 92
Bonnesen inequality, the 103 188
Bott's vanishing theorem 101 130
Bruenn — Minkowski inequality, the 103 187
Buchsbaum, ring 159
Buchsbaum, singularity 159 160
Buchsbaum, singularity, theorem 160
Canonical, cone 36 37
Canonical, divisor 70 71 106 118 158
Canonical, sheaf 125
Canonical, singularity 36
Caratheodory's theorem 3 175 181
Cartier divisor 52 68 73
Cartier divisor, invariant 68 72 73
Cartier divisor, invertible sheaf associated to 69
Cell decomposition 160 168 169 189
Centrally symmetric toric Fano variety 88 148
Chain of rational curves 25
Characteristic function 157 163 178
Chern class 131 133 163 165 167
Chern class, logarithmic 165 167
Chow ring 102 108 133
Chow's lemma, equivariant 86
Chow's lemma, toric 17 85
Circumradius 103 104 188
Classification of, toric del Pezzo surfaces 88 89
Classification of, toric Fano threefolds 90
Classification of, toric varieties 42 55 59
Closed convex, cone 183
Closed convex, cone, duality for 174
Closed convex, set 179
Closure of orbit in toric variety 12 24 68 94 96
Closure of orbit in toric variety, nonsingularity of 12
Closure of orbit in toric variety, normality of 12
Cohen — Macaulay, ring 126 127 159 196 197
Cohen — Macaulay, singularity 23 118
Cohen — Macaulay, space 101 125 126 130
Cohomology ring 102 108
Compact, convex polyhedron 180 see
Compact, convex set, support function for 182
Compact, dual of symmetric domain 167
Compact, real manifold 154 160
Compact, real manifold, triangulation of 161 168
Compact, toric variety 16 17
Compact, torus 12 13 149 172
Compactness criterion, the 17
Complete, fractional ideal 70 75
Complete, linear system 73 76 94
Complete, reducibility theorem, the 4 6 10 71 122
Complex torus 169
Complex torus, dual 170
Complex torus, dual period for 170
Complex torus, period for 169
Concave function 182 see
Continued fraction, expansion 148
Continued fraction, finite see “Finite continued fraction”
Continued fraction, periodic 52 148
Continued fraction, purely periodic 148 150 151
Continued fraction, regular 25
Contraction, for extremal ray 106—108 111
Contraction, of cycle of rational curves 152
Contraction, of divisor 157 159
Convex, body 79 179
Convex, cone 173 180
Convex, cone, closed see “Closed convex cone”
Convex, cone, dimension of 2 174
Convex, cone, dual 2 7 105 172 173 181
Convex, cone, ideal in 177 185
Convex, cone, strongly see “Strongly convex cone”
Convex, cone, support function for ideal in 27 155 185
Convex, hull 149 155 156 179 181
Convex, polyhedral cone 2 106 173 175 180
Convex, polyhedral cone, decomposition 184 185
Convex, polyhedral cone, dual of face of 177
Convex, polyhedral cone, duality for 174
Convex, polyhedral cone, face of 2 7 10 175
Convex, polyhedral cone, face of dual 176
Convex, polyhedral cone, nonsingular rational 15 123
Convex, polyhedral cone, projection of 177
Convex, polyhedral cone, rational 2
Convex, polyhedral set 180
Convex, polyhedral set, face of 181
Convex, polyhedral set, polar 27 181
Convex, polytope 13 48 72 76 180 181
Convex, polytope, face of 13 93 94 96 184
Convex, polytope, gauge function for 185
Convex, polytope, generating function for 194
Convex, polytope, integral see “Integral convex polytope”
Convex, polytope, morphology for 127 182 189 194
Convex, polytope, polar 88 93 102 182 184
Convex, polytope, simple 94 97 102 182 190
Convex, polytope, simplicial 88 182 190 194
Convex, polytope, support function for 77 184
Convex, polytope, with rational vertices 87 93 196
Convex, quadrangular cone 33 36
Convex, set 179 180
Convex, set, closed see “Closed convex set”
Convex, set, dimension of 181
Convex, set, nonnegative scalar multiple of 180 183
Convex, set, polar 156 181
Convex, set, support function for 180
Convexity condition for double -weight 168
Cremona group 141
Cremona group, algebraic subgroup of 140 146
Cusp singularity 98
Cusp singularity, Hilbert modular see “Hilbert modular cusp singularity”
Cusp singularity, Hirzebruch's resolution of 25
Cusp singularity, Tsuchihashi see “Tsuchihashi cusp singularity”
Cycle of rational curves 44 149—152 172
Cycle of rational curves, contraction of 152
Cyclic group action, on affine plane 30 32
Cyclic group action, on affine space 36
Cyclic quotient singularity 29 30 97
Danilov's, exact sequence 127
Danilov's, spectral sequence 133
De Concini — Procesi's theorem 39
de Rham complex 129 133
Degenerate variety 115 129 147
Degeneration of, complex manifold 147
| Degeneration of, Hopf surface 170
Degeneration of, parabolic Inoue surface 171
Dehn — Sommerville equalities, the 102 194
Del Pezzo surface 87
Del Pezzo surface, toric 88 92
Demazure's structure theorem 140
Dimension of, automorphism group 140
Dimension of, convex cone 2 174
Dimension of, convex set 181
Dimension of, orbit 10
Dimension of, toric variety 7
Dirichlet's unit theorem 155
Divisor 68 105
Divisor, ample 86 94 105
Divisor, anticanonical 87 88 108
Divisor, canonical 70 71 106 118 158
Divisor, Cartier see “Cartier divisor”
Divisor, contraction of 157 159
Divisor, invariant 68 134
Divisor, very ample 94 106
Double -weight 53 55 89 168
Double -weight, convexity condition for 168
Doubly -weighted triangulation, admissible 55 59 89 92
Du Bois singularity 160
Dual, complex torus 170
Dual, convex cone 2 7 105 172 173 181
Dual, convex polyhedral cone, face of 176
Dual, Hilbert modular cusp singularity 172
Dual, of face of convex polyhedral cone 177
Dual, open convex cone 155 178
Dual, period for complex torus 170
Dual, Tsuchihashi cusp singularity 157
Duality for, closed convex cone 174
Duality for, convex polyhedral cone 174
Duality for, finite continued fraction 29
Duality for, open convex cone 178
Duality theorem, for proper map, the 124 160
Duality theorem, the local 129
Duality theorem, the Poincare 102 197
Duality theorem, the Serre — Grothendieck 101 125 129 131 197
Dualizing complex 124 125
Dualizing complex, globally normalized 124 125 130 159
Dualizing complex, truncation of 159
Dualizing sheaf 101 118 125 126 130 158
Einstein — Kaehler metric on toric Fano variety 88 95 140
Elementary transformation 49 55 56 113
Enriques — Fano — Umemura's theorem 144
Enriques' theorem 143
Equalities, the Dehn — Sommerville 102 194
Equivariant, birational map 85
Equivariant, blowing-up 23 37 38 40 54—56 85 92 140 190
Equivariant, blowing-up, automorphism group and 140
Equivariant, blowing-up, minimal with respect to 59 142
Equivariant, blowing-up, nonsingularity of 37
Equivariant, blowing-up, normality of 37
Equivariant, Chow's lemma 86
Equivariant, compactification 18 144
Equivariant, fiber bundle 58
Equivariant, finite map 23 97
Equivariant, holomorphic map 19
Equivariant, line bundle 59 67 68 72
Equivariant, line bundle, associated to support function 68
Equivariant, proper birational map 23
Equivariant, proper map 20
Equivariant, resolution of singularity 23 101 125 159
Equivariant, theorem, the 17
Equivariant, vector bundle 71
Euler — Poincare characteristic 78 164 167 189
Euler, number 131 162 169
Euler, relation 189 194
Exceptional, curve 25 29 170
Exceptional, divisor 158
Extremal, rational curve 106 107
Extremal, ray 106—109
Extremal, ray, contraction for 106—108 111
Extremal, ray, generalized 107 111
Face, abstract complex of 122 123 176 181 189
Face, of convex polyhedral cone 2 7 10 175
Face, of convex polyhedral cone, dual of 177
Face, of convex polyhedral set 181
Face, of convex polytope 13 93 94 96 184
Face, of dual convex polyhedral cone 176
Face, partially ordered set of 176 181
Fan 2
Fan, finite complete 16 18 72 81 196
Fan, locally star closed subset of 119
Fan, map of 19
Fan, nonsingular 15
Fan, simplicial 69 87 129 135
Fan, star closed subset of 119
Fan, star subdivision of 23 38 40 49 54—56 88 89
Fan, subcomplex of 119
Fan, subdivision of 23 38 46 101 111 159 168
Fan, support function linear with respect to 59 66 67 72 196
Fan, support of 2 16 66
Fano threefold 87 144
Fano threefold, toric see “Toric Fano threefold”
Fano variety 87 106
Fano variety, blowing-down of 92
Fano variety, blowing-up of 92
Fano variety, toric see “Toric Fano variety”
Farkas' theorem 174
Fermat variety 98 99
Finite, complete fan 16 18 72 81 196
Finite, continued fraction 25
Finite, continued fraction, duality for 29
Flanders inequality, the 103 188
Flip conjecture, the 51
Functional equation 130 195
Fundamental group 14 152 168 170 172
Fundamental group, of toric variety 14
GAGA theorem 21 71 136
GAGA theorem, the relative 72
Galois correspondence 82 93 156 176 182 184
Gauge function for convex polytope 185
Generalized, extremal ray 107 111
Generalized, Jacobian variety 147
Generalized, moment map 94
Generating function for convex polytope 194
Globally normalized dualizing complex 124 125 130 159
Gordan's lemma 3
Gorenstein, ring 126 127 135 196
Gorenstein, space 125 126
Grauert — Riemenschneider's vanishing theorem 126 157 159
Grothendieck — Deligne's spectral sequence 133
Group algebra 5 17
Half, Inoue surface 172
Half, space 173 175
Hausdorff, distance 186
Hausdorff, topology 186
Hilbert — Samuel function 195
Hilbert, modular cusp singularity 152 153 162 169
Hilbert, modular cusp singularity, dual 172
Hilbert, modular variety 147 154
Hilbert, polynomial, for integral convex polytope 79 100
Hilbert, polynomial, for toric projective variety 100
Hironaka's theorem 37 163
Hirzebruch surface 9 16 38 42 56 59 88—90 108 137 143 146
Hirzebruch — Mumford's proportionality theorem 167
Hirzebruch's resolution of cusp singularity 25
Hodge spectral sequence, the 133
Hodge — Atiyah — Singer's index theorem 102 132 163—165
Holomorphic vector field 115 136
Homogeneous open convex cone 154 178
Hopf manifold 170
Hopf manifold, primitive 170
Hopf surface 170
Hopf surface, degeneration of 170
Hopf surface, primitive 170
Hyperbolic Inoue surface 157 171 172
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