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Misner C.W., Thorne K.S., Wheeler J.A. — Gravitation |
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Motion see “Equations of motion”
Moving frame see “Tetrad”
Multicomponent fluid 558
Multipole expansion of Newtonian potential 991
Multipole moments of Kerr — Newman black hole 883 892
Near zone for radiation theory 997 999—1000
Neutral stability 697
Neutrinos damp anisotropy of expansion 803
Neutrinos emitted in stellar collapse 599
Neutrinos formalism for analyzing in curved spacetime 1164
Neutrinos from big-bang 712 736—737 764—765
Neutrinos redshift when emitted by a collapsing star 850
Neutrinos transport energy in collapsing star 628
Neutron stars 619f 622
Neutron stars as source of gravitational waves 983 986 1040
Neutron stars creation by stellar collapse 627—629
Neutron stars mass limits 627
Neutron stars models for 625—627
Neutron stars pulsation of 628
Neutron stars pulsation of as source of gravitational waves 982—986
Neutron stars rotation of 628
Neutron stars stability of 626—627 696
Neutron-star matter 599
Neutron-star matter equations of state for 624—626
Neutron-star matter idealized as simple fluid 558
Newman — Penrose constants 870f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity contrasted with Einstein’s theory 3ff 197 245 297f 302f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity incompatibility with special relativity 177 304
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief 177 301
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief as approximation to general relativity 412—416
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief as approximation to metric theories of gravity 1077f 1097
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief stress tensor for Newtonian gravitational field 1078f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief useful formulas and computational techniques 1078f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity standard Newtonian formulation of in brief virial theorems 1079
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity, Cartan’s curved-spacetime formulation of in brief, in coordinate-free language 300f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity, Cartan’s curved-spacetime formulation of in brief, in language of Galilean coordinates 289f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity, Cartan’s curved-spacetime formulation of in exlenso Chap. 12
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity, Cartan’s curved-spacetime formulation of transition between languages 298f
Newton — Cartan theory of gravity, Cartan’s curved-spacetime formulation of transition between Newton formulation and Cartan formulation 289f 299
Newtonian experiments 1067
Noise, extraction of signals from 1036ff (see also “Gravitational-wave detectors”)
Nonlocalizability of gravitational energy see under “Mass-energy total”;
Nonorientable surface 96
Nordstrom’s theories of gravity see under “Gravitation theories
Nordtvedt effect 1128—1131
Norm of a p-form 97
Normal coordinate system 1055
Normal, unit normal in terms of lapse and shift 508
Nothing, as foundation of everything Leibniz on 1219
Nothing, as foundation of everything Leibniz on calculus of propositions as a later model for 1209 1211—1212
Nothing, as foundation of everything Leibniz on geometrodynamics as early model for 1202—1203
Novikov coordinates 826f
Nuclear burning in stars catalyzed to endpoint 624—626
Nuclear burning in stars drives pulsational instability 632
Nuclear burning in stars formulation of thermodynamics in presence of 558
Nuclear burning in stars HCNO cycle 632
nuclear matter see “Neutron-star matter”
Nucleosynthesis in big bang 760 762
Null experiments 1050 1064
Number space 241
Number-flux relation, in cosmology 798
Number-flux vector for photons in geometric optics limit 580
Number-flux vector introduced 138—139
Observational cosmology Chap. 29 (see under “Cosmology”)
Olber’s paradox 756
One-form see under “Forms differential”
Oppenheimer — Snyder model for collapsing star 851—856
Oppenheimer — Volkoff equation of hydrostatic equilibrium 605
Optics see “Geometric optics”
Orbit see “Keplerian orbits” “Planetary e.g. Number-flux
Orientation of forms 1-form, illustrated 55
Orientation of forms 2-form, illustrated 100 104 107 109 116
Orientation of forms 3-form 117
Orientation of space, embodied in duality operation 97
Orientation of volumes 133 135f 147—150
Orientation relative, of domain and its boundary 96
Pair production at high lemperatures 558
Pair production by photon 70
Pair production by tidal gravitational forces 750 769 803f 816
Pair production damps anisotropies of geometry 769 803f
Pairs free-fall of experimental 1054
Pairs in early stages of standard cosmological-model 736f 764
Parallax 757
Parallel transport equation of summarized 224
Parallel transport illustrated 209 212
Parallel transport in brief 208f
Parallel transport in extenso 245—263
Parallelepiped, trivector and 1-form representation of 133 135—136
Parametrization, of geodesic 244—246
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, accuracy and realm of validity 1069 1072f 1075
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of Cavendish gravitational constant derived 1125f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of deflection of electromagnetic waves by sun 1101ff
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of equation of motion for a spinning body 1120f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of gravitational field of isolated, spherical sun 1097ff
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of gravitational field of rotating Earth 1119
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of gravitational field of sun with quadrupole moment 1115
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of many-body (“EIH”) equations of motion 1091 1094f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of perihelion shift 1110—1116
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of precession of a gyroscope 1117—1120
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of propagation of light and radio waves 1099—1109
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of radar time-delay in sun’s gravitational field 1103 1106—1109
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of three-body effects in lunar orbit 1116
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of total mass-energy of a body calculated 1091 1094 1099 1125f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, applications of why high-speed particle moiion probes only the parameter y 1099ff
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, described qualitatively 1049 1068f 1072f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, description of matter stress-energy tensor 1086f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, description of matter thermodynamic functions in 1074f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, description of matter transformation between coordinate frame and rest frame of matter 1087
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, description of matter velocity of matter 1073f 1086
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, equations of motion for matter 1087ff
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, equations of motion for matter baryon (rest mass) conservation 1088
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, equations of motion for matter energy conservation law 1088
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, equations of motion for matter Euler equation 1088
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of coordinates of 1073f 1082—1087 1089 1091 1097
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of expansion parameters and their magnitudes in the solar system 1068 1075
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of expansion procedure 1075ff
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of metric coefficients, pattern of 1076f 1080 1100
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of radiation, zone excluded from 1075
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of shear stresses typically negligible 1074f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, foundations of time derivatives small compared to space derivatives 1075
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, history of 1049 1073
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, matter generates gravity Christoffel symbols 1089
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, matter generates gravity gravitational potentials (functions appearing in metric) 1080f 1085
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, matter generates gravity identities relating potentials to each other 1082 1089
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, matter generates gravity metric coefficients, precise form of 1084f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, matter generates gravity nonlinear superposition of gravitational fields 1096
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, metric theories encompassed by and not encompassed by 1069
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, notation 1073f 1092f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters denned precisely 1080f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters described qualitatively 1069 1072
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters translated from one convention to another 1093
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters values for several theories 1072
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters, experimental limits on 1124
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters, experimental limits on 1114
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters, experimental limits on 1125
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters, experimental limits on 1111 1113
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, parameters, experimental limits on 1103 1105 1108f
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, post-Galilean transformations, and invariance 1085
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, summary of technical details 1092
Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism, velocity of coordinate frame relative to universal preferred frame 1083f 1098 1114
Partial differential equations, applications of differential geometry to 198
Partial differential equations, rationale of analyzing 485
Particle-physics experiments as tests of special relativity 1054f 1060
Particles see “Pairs”; “Conservation laws”
Passive vs. active transformations 1140
path integral see “Feynman’s sum over histories”
Pauli principle, as test of Riemannian geometry 398—399
Perfect cosmological principle 745
Perfect fluid defined 132 140
Perfect fluid stress-energy tensor for 132 140
| Perihelion shift 391f
Perihelion shift Einstein on 433
Perihelion shift for nearly circular orbits in exact Schwarzschild geometry 670
Perihelion shift in linearized (spin-2) theory 183f 446
Perihelion shift in post-Newtonian limit of general relativity 1110—1116
Perihelion shift in PPN formalism 1110—1116
Perihelion shift in spin-0 and spin-l theories of gravity 179
Perihelion shift observational data on 1112f
Permutation tensor (same as alternating tensor) 126 128f 207 343
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications pulsation of relativistic stars 688—699
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications shortwave approximation for gravitational waves 964—973
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications slow rotation of a star 699
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications stability analyses of Schwarzschild and Kerr holes 884f
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications to collapsing star 844ff
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry applications to Friedmann cosmology 800f
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry general formalism action principle for metric perturbations, in vacuum 972f
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry general formalism connection coefficients in terms of metric perturbation 966—967
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry general formalism curvature tensors in terms of metric perturbations 966—967
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry general formalism gauge transformations 967ff
Perturbation theory for spacetime geometry general formalism stress-energy of metric perturbations in shortwave limit 969
Petrov — Pirani classification of spacetimes 902
Phase space 126 584f 590
Phase, in geometric optics 571f 574f
Phase, of de Broglie wave 53—55
Photons in geometric optics 580
Photons kinetic-theory description of 587—589
Photons splitting, forbidden for plane wave 70
Photons world lines of 388
Physical optics, correspondence with geometric optics 412
Piercing of surfaces, of a form 55f 60 99 202 231
Piezoelectric strain transducer 401
Pit in the potential 636—637
Planck length defined 10
Planck length relevance to fluctuations in geometry 10 1180 1192ff
Plane electromagnetic waves in curved spacetime 961—962
Plane gravitational waves in linearized theory 945f 949 1004ff
Plane gravitational waves, exact comparison with exact electromagnetic plane wave 961—963
Plane gravitational waves, exact effect on test particles 960—961
Plane gravitational waves, exact field equations and solution for a pulse of waves 958—959
Plane gravitational waves, exact form of metric 957
Plane gravitational waves, exact global structure of spacetime 958—960
Plane gravitational waves, exact in language of shortwave approximation 962—963
Plane gravitational waves, exact linearized limit of 958
Plane gravitational waves, exact Riemann curvature of 959
Plane gravitational waves, exact stress-energy of 963
Planetary orbits deviations from geodesic motion 1111 1126—1131 “Perihelion
Planetary orbits periodic relativistic effects in 1009 1011
Plateau, problem of 877
Poincare transformation 68
Poisson bracket 654
Poisson bracket generalized 486
Poisson’s equation for Newtonian gravitational potential 290 299 301
Polarization of a gravitational wave circular 953f
Polarization of a gravitational wave compared with that of an electromagnetic wave 952—954
Polarization of a gravitational wave elliptical 955
Polarization of a gravitational wave line-of-force diagram 1011—1012
Polarization of a gravitational wave parallel transport of in geometric-optics limit 971
Polarization of a gravitational wave plane (linear) 952f
Polarization of a gravitational wave rotational transformation of states 954
Polarization of a gravitational wave tensors denned 953f 971
Polarization of a neutrino 954
Polarization of radiation fields with arbitrary spin 954—955
Polarization vector for electromagnetic waves 573ff 577f 581
Positive sense see “Orientation”
Post — Galilean transformations 1085
Post — Newtonian approximation to general relativity 1069
Post — Newtonian approximation to general relativity derived by post-Newtonian expansion of field equations 1089f
Post — Newtonian approximation to general relativity many-body (“EIH”) equations of motion 1091 1094f
Post — Newtonian approximation to general relativity obtained from PPN formalism 1073
Post — Newtonian approximation to general relativity stellar structure and stability analyzed using 1073
Post-Newtonian expansion procedure 1075ff (see also “Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism”
Post-post-Newtonian approximation 1069 1077
Potentials, effective see “Effective potentials”
Pound-Rebka-Snider experiment 1056ff
Poynting flux 122 140f 481 550
Precession component, of Einstein field 547
Precession of perihelion see “Perihelion”
Precession of spin axis see under “Spinning body”
Preferred-frame effects, experiments to search for 1098 1113f
Preferred-frame theories of gravity 1083 1093 1098 1123ff
Pregeometry 1203—1212 passim
Pregeometry as calculus of propositions 1208—1209 1211—1212
Pressure, in stress-energy tensor for a perfect fluid 132
Price’s theorem 863 866
Primordial fireball see “Cosmic microwave radiation”
Principal null congruences of Weyl tensor defined 902
Principal null congruences of Weyl tensor defined for Kerr — Newman geometry 901—904
Prior geometry 429ff 1068 1070f
Probability amplitude for a history 419
Probability amplitude phase of given by action 486 491
Projection operator for transverse-traceless part of a tensor 948
Projection tensors 565f
Propagator, mentioned 120
Proper distance see “Interval” “Lorentz”
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, applied to analysis of gravitational-wave detector 1005—1010 1012
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, applied to definition of thermodynamic potentials 557f
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, connection coefficients 330f
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, constructed 327—332
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, inertial and Coriolis forces 332
Proper reference frame of an accelerated (or unaccelerated) observer, metric 331f
Proper time see “Interval” “Lorentz”
Pseudotensors of stress-energy for gravitational field 465f
Pseudotensors of stress-energy for gravitational field do not localize gravitational energy 466f
Pseudotensors of stress-energy for gravitational field for waves, averaging gives stress-energy tensor 972
Pseudotensors of stress-energy for gravitational field order of magnitude of 996 999f
Pseudotensors of stress-energy for gravitational field used in analyzing generation of gravitational waves 996—999
Pulsars discovery of 620 762
Pulsars experimental tests of general relativity using 1047
Pulsars in idealized experiment on “prior geometry” 430 (see also “Neutron stars”)
Pulsars theory of 628 630
Pulsars timing data as a probe of neutron-star structure 628 630
Q of an oscillator 1025
Quadrupole moment 977
Quadrupole moment coupling to curvature produces departures from geodesic motion 476—480
Quadrupole moment coupling to curvature produces precession of spin axis 391f
Quadrupole moment reduced 977
Quadrupole moment reduced and generation of gravitational waves 975 991—994
Quadrupole moment reduced as coefficient in 1/r expansion of Newtonian potential 991
Quadrupole moment reduced as integral over mass distribution 975 977
Quadrupole moment reduced as trace-free part of second moment of mass distribution 977
Quadrupole-moment parameter for sun, 1112f 1115
Quantum fluctuations and zero-point energy of particles and fields, as responsible for gravity 426ff
Quantum fluctuations in electromagnetic field 427 1190f
Quantum fluctuations in geometry of spacetime 419 480 1190—1194 1202
Quantum geometrodynamics commutation of observables in, on spacelike hypersurface 554
Quantum geometrodynamics ideas of Penrose and Hawking on 936 938 940 “Quantum
Quantum propagator 1194
Quantum theory angular momentum commutators 236
Quantum theory correspondence principle 413
Quantum theory general operators 236
Quantum theory particle self-energies 474f
Quasars 761f
Quasars distances to, controversy over 767
Quasars evolution of population 767f 770
Quasars models for energy source 634—635 687
Quasars use in experimental tests of general relativity 1047f 1061 1101 1103ff
Quaternions see “Spin matrices”
Radar time delay in Sun’s gravitational field 1048 1103 esp.
Radiation reaction 474 993f
Radiation zone 997
Radiation, description of spectrum 588
Radiation, description of spectrum conservation of (Liouville’s theorem) 587—588
Radiation, description of spectrum flux F defined 782
Radiation, description of spectrum redshift of temperature of black-body radiation 588
Radiation, description of spectrum specific flux defined 1025
Radiation, description of spectrum specific intensity defined 587 589
Radiation, electromagnetic and causality 110
Radiation, electromagnetic of oscillating dipole 111—112
Radiation, electromagnetic pictorial explanation of 1/r behavior 110f
Radiation, gravitational see “Gravitational waves”
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