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Misner C.W., Thorne K.S., Wheeler J.A. — Gravitation |
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Variational principles for geometrodynamics Hilbert’s, by Palatini’s method analogy with electrodynamics 495—498
Variational principles for geometrodynamics Hilbert’s, by Palatini’s method analogy with mechanics 491—495
Variational principles for geometrodynamics Hilbert’s, by Palatini’s method connection as independently variable in 492
Variational principles for geometrodynamics Hilbert’s, by Palatini’s method sketched 491
Variational principles for geometrodynamics in Regge calculus 1170
Variational principles for geometrodynamics in shortwave approximation 927f
Variational principles for geometrodynamics in superspace formulation 1186
Variational principles for geometrodynamics thin-sandwich, for lapse and shift 538
Variational principles for spin-0, spin-l, and spin-2 theories of gravity in flat spacetime 178—181
Variational principles for test particle motion extremal proper time 314—324
Variational principles for test particle motion “dynamic” principle 322f
Vector, -vector 91
Vector, tangent commutator 204
Vector, tangent comparison by parallel transport 245—263
Vector, tangent correspondence of, with spinors 1150ff
Vector, tangent covariant components from spinor analysis 1153
Vector, tangent definitions of as arrow 49
Vector, tangent definitions of as derivative of point 49 205 226—229
Vector, tangent definitions of as directional derivative operator 205 227—230
Vector, tangent definitions of as parametrized straight line 49
Vector, tangent definitions of manipulations summarized see “Tensor”
Vector, tangent formalism of, in global Lorentz frames, correspondence to 1-form 58ff
Vector, tangent formalism of, in global Lorentz frames, defining directional derivative 59f
Vector, tangent formalism of, in global Lorentz frames, from 1-form by raising index 62
Vector, tangent formalism of, in global Lorentz frames, test for linear dependence 83
Vector, tangent formalism of, in global Lorentz frames, timelike, null, and spacelike 53
Vector, tangent formula for determining components of 232
Vector, tangent introduced 8—13
Vector, tangent transformation laws for 230ff
Vector, tangent transition to curved spacetime 201—207 230f
Vectors, three-dimensional (spatial), introduced 64
‘Expansion”, of a congruerice of world lines 565f
“Continuous-creation” 745 750 770
“Curvature coupling” in equivalence principle 389—392
“Curvature parameter” of Friedmann cosmologies 721
“Density parameter” of universe 772 796f
“Differential”, of differential calculus, interpreted as a 1-form 63
| “Differential”, of differential calculus, interpreted as p-form 160—161
“Differential”, of differential calculus, rigorous version of 62
“d”, three usages of this differential symbol 95—96
“Expansion”, of a bundle of null rays 582 1165
“Foamlike” character of space 419 480 1190—1194 1202
“Future of” see “Causal relationships”
“Glory,” in particle scattering 670
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory as term with many meanings and none 399f
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory contribution of to standard stress-energy tensor, specifically excluded 131
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory covariant derivative and connection coefficients as 387 399—400
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory metric as 399f
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory Riemann curvature as 399—403
“Gravitational field” in general relativity theory spacetime geometry as 399—400
“Hammer-blow waves” defined 1019
“History of geometry,” denned 418—419
“Kepler density” from satellite period 44
“Magnitude, absolute,” defined 786
“Magnitude, apparent.” defined 782
“Mass-energy inside radius r” 602ff 858f
“Moment of time” means “spacelike hypersurface” 713—714 1184
“Neutral relationship to.” see “Causal relationships”
“Past of.” see “Causal relationships”
“Peeling theorem,” in radiation theory 1165
“Reprocessing” of universe 1209 1213—1217
“Rotation” of a field of 1-forms 123f
“Rotation” of a field of 4-velocities 566
“Rotation” of rays, in spinor language 1165
“Self-energy,” infinite 474
“Self-force” 474
“Sense” see “Orientation”
“Shear” in spinor language 1165
“Shear” of a bundle of null rays 582
“Shear” of a congruence of world lines 566
“Slot” in machine concept of tensor see “Tensor”
“Spacelike relationship to” see “Causal relationships”
“Steady flux of waves”, defined 1019
“Test body”, defined 1050n
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