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Misner C.W., Thorne K.S., Wheeler J.A. — Gravitation |
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Euler equation of hydrodynamics applied to a pulsating star 693—694
Euler equation of hydrodynamics in curved spacetime 564
Euler equation of hydrodynamics in flat spacetime 152f
Euler equation of hydrodynamics in PPN formalism 1088
Euler pngles 243
Euler relation, on vertices, edges, faces 1175
Eulerian perturbations 690—691
Events 6 9f
Events as classical, not valid quantum concept 1184
Events identifiability as key 225
Expansion of universe (see under “Cosmology”)
Experimental tests of general relativity Beall test of uniqueness of free fall 17
Experimental tests of general relativity black holes 1047
Experimental tests of general relativity catalogued 1129
Experimental tests of general relativity constancy of fundamental constants 1061—1063
Experimental tests of general relativity cosmological observations used for 707 1047 1061 1067
Experimental tests of general relativity deflection of electromagnetic waves by sun 1048 1069 esp.
Experimental tests of general relativity Earth tides due to galaxy and to motion relative to preferred frame 1123—1124
Experimental tests of general relativity Earth’s failure to collapse 398f
Experimental tests of general relativity Earth’s rotation rate, periodicities in 1124—1125
Experimental tests of general relativity Eoetvoes — Dicke experiment see “Eoetvoes — Dicke experiments”
Experimental tests of general relativity ether-drift experiments 1064—1065
Experimental tests of general relativity expansion of universe 707
Experimental tests of general relativity geophysical observations 1061 1123—1125
Experimental tests of general relativity gravitational (Cavendish) constant, variations of (see under “Cavendish gravitational constant”)
Experimental tests of general relativity gravitational waves 1047 1072
Experimental tests of general relativity gyroscope precession 1117—1120
Experimental tests of general relativity Hughes — Drever experiment 1064
Experimental tests of general relativity in extensor Chaps 38 39 40
Experimental tests of general relativity isotropy of space 1064
Experimental tests of general relativity Kreuzer experiment 1125
Experimental tests of general relativity laser ranging to moon 1048 1130—1131
Experimental tests of general relativity lunar orbit 1048 1116 1119 1127 1128—1131
Experimental tests of general relativity Nordtvedt effect 1128—1131
Experimental tests of general relativity null experiments 1050 1064
Experimental tests of general relativity perihelion shift 1110—1116
Experimental tests of general relativity planetary orbits, deviations from geodesic motion 1111 1126—1131
Experimental tests of general relativity planetary orbits, periodic effects in 1069 1111
Experimental tests of general relativity Pound — Rebka — Snider experiment 1056—1058
Experimental tests of general relativity preferred-frame effects 1098 1113—1114
Experimental tests of general relativity pulsars used for 1047
Experimental tests of general relativity quasars used for 1047 1048 1061 1101 1103 1104—1105
Experimental tests of general relativity radar time delay 1048 1103 esp.
Experimental tests of general relativity redshift, due to “ether drift” 1064—1065
Experimental tests of general relativity redshift, gravitational see “Redshift gravitational”
Experimental tests of general relativity singularities in spacetime, existence of 939
Experimental tests of general relativity Turner — Hill experiment 1064—1065 (see also “Parametrized post-Newtonian formalism” “Dicke’s “Experimental
Experimental tests of general relativity “de Sitter effects” in Earth-moon orbit 1116 1119
Experimental tests of special relativity 1054—1055
Exterior calculus application to electromagnetism Chap 4
Exterior calculus extended to vector- and tensor-valued forms 348—363 (see also “Forms differential”;
Exterior calculus introduction to and detailed summary of 91—98
Exterior calculus largely unaffected by presence or absence of metric 233
Exterior derivative applied twice in succession, automatically gives zero 116 118
Exterior derivative as operation to augment the order of a form 114—120
Exterior derivative extended to vector- and tensor-valued forms 348—363 Chap
Exterior derivative introduced, for scalar fields 93f
Exterior derivative results of 119
Exterior product see «Wedge product”
External field of a gravitating source see “Asymptotically fiat spacetime geometry”
Extrema, number of 318
Extreme Kerr — Newman geometry, as limiting case of Kerr — Newman 878
Extremization, of integral for proper time 316—324
Extrinsic curvature see “Curvature formalism
Extrinsic time, of Kuchaf and York 487 490
Factor-ordering problems 388—391
Faraday (see under “Electromagnetic field”
Faraday stresses 140f 481
Fast-motion approximation 1072—1073
Fermat’s principle in a static gravitational field 1106 1108
Fermi energy, m neutron stars and white dwarfs 599—600
Fermi gas, ideal 565 599
Fermi normal coordinates 332
Fermi — Walker transport 165 170f 1117
Feynman’s sum over histories 320 419 499f
Field equations see “Einstein field equations”
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) direct coupling vs. indirect coupling 1063—1064
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) direct coupling, experimental searches for 1063—1065
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) indirect coupling 1068 1069
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) radiation fields must have 866 977
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) role in slightly nonspherical collapse of a star 866
Fields, long range (i.e., zero rest mass) spin of deduced from transformation laws for polarization of waves 954
Final state of stellar evolution 624 (see also “White dwarfs Neutron Black
Fine-structure constant, electromagnetic, constancy of 399 1061
First law of thermodynamics application to closed Friedmann universe 705 726ff
First law of thermodynamics application to collapsing stars 858
First law of thermodynamics application to pulsating stars 692
First law of thermodynamics for a fluid in adiabatic flow 563
First law of thermodynamics general formulation for a simple fluid 559—560
First law of thermodynamics in PPN formalism 1088
First law of thermodynamics role in laws of hydrodynamics 564
Fixed-point theorem 978
Flat spacetime see “Special relativity’; “Lorentz geometry”
Flatness does not imply Euclidean topology 284
Flatness equivalent to zero Riemann curvature 283—284
Flatness local, accompanied by global curvature 190—191
Flatness of space slices in Newton — Cartan spacetime 291—295
Flatness test for 30
Flatness, asymptotic see “Asymptotically fiat spacetime”
Fluctuations see “Quantum fluctuations”
Fluid see “Hydrodynamics”
Flux of energy, defined 782
Flux of particles see “Number-flux vector”
Focusing of null rays 582f 932 1165
Forms, differential 1-forms algebra of, for general basis 202—203
Forms, differential 1-forms basis see «Basis 1-forms”
Forms, differential 1-forms closed 123
Forms, differential 1-forms curl-free 123
Forms, differential 1-forms defined 56f
Forms, differential 1-forms illustrated 55—58
Forms, differential 1-forms in metric-free context 226 231—233
Forms, differential 1-forms motivated 53 55f
Forms, differential 1-forms pictorial addition of 57
Forms, differential 1-forms rotation-free 123—124
Forms, differential 1-forms with rotation 123
Forms, differential 1-forms “corresponding” tangent vector 58f 62 310
Forms, differential 2-forms as machines to construct “number of tubes” from oriented surface 105—107
Forms, differential 2-forms basis 2-forms, in direct and dual labeling 151
Forms, differential 2-forms general, expressible as sum of two simple 2-forms 103 122f
Forms, differential 2-forms simple 103
Forms, differential 2-forms used in description and calculation of curvature 337—340 348—363
Forms, differential as intersecting stacks of surfaces 99—120
Forms, differential closed forms distinguished from general forms 114—119
Forms, differential list of all definitions and formulas 91—98
Forms, differential machinery for working with, illustrated in context of electromagnetism Chap 4
Forms, differential operations on see “Duality Exterior Integration”
Forms, differential ordered progression of (1-form, 2-form, . . .) 114—120
Forms, differential vector-valued and tensor-valued forms 348—363 and chapter 15
Four-momentum see «under
Four-velocity see “Velocity 4-vector”
Friedmann cosmologies (see under “Cosmological models”)
Frobenius theorem, on rotation-free 1-forms 124
Frozen star see “Black hole”
Galaxies classification of 786f 789 793 795
Galaxies distribution of homogeneity vs. hierarchy 703
Galaxies evolution of 791
Galaxies fraction of sky covered by 799
Galaxies nuclei of black holes in 887
Galaxies nuclei of explosions in 634
Galaxies nuclei of relativistic star clusters in 634 687
Galaxies origin of 766 769f
Galaxy, The (Milky Way) 756—761
Galaxy, The (Milky Way) metric correction at 459
Galaxy, The (Milky Way) oscillations of star through disc, analyzed 318—319
Galilean coordinates 289 291—298 414
Gamma-ray observations, as tests of cosmological models 770
Gauge transformations and invariance in electromagnetism 89
Gauge transformations and invariance in linearized gravitation theory (flat-space spin-2 theory) 180 182f 440f 463
Gauge transformations and invariance in perturbations of curved spacetime 967ff (see also “Lorentz gauge”)
Gauss — Bonnet theorem, for 2-sphere topology 309
| Gauss — Codazzi relations 514ff
Gauss — Weingarten equations, for 4-transport in terms of extrinsic curvature 512
Gaussian flux integrals for charge 461
Gaussian flux integrals for energy-momentum and angular momentum 460—464
Gaussian normal 516 518 715ff
Gaussian normal coordinate system 552 717
Gauss’s theorem 148—151
Gauss’s theorem applied to conservation of energy-momentum 146 152
Gauss’s theorem as special case of generalized Stokes theorem 97
General covariance, principle of 80 431f
General relativity (see also “Einstein field equation” “Equivalence “Experimental “Geometrodynamics”)
General relativity epitomized briefly 130 (line 1) 164 190f 266 289
General relativity foundations developed in details Chaps. 16 17
Generating function, for transformation from one canonical representation of a 2-form to another 122—123
Geodesic deviation double role: defines curvature, predicts motion 72
Geodesic deviation elementary introduction to 29—37
Geodesic deviation equation of, derived 265—275
Geodesic deviation equation of, presented in track-1 language 218ff
Geodesic deviation in gravitational-wave detector 444—445 950—955 1011f
Geodesic deviation in spacetime of Newton — Cartan 272f 293
Geodesic equation 211 262ff
Geodesic motion departures from (see under “Equations of motion”)
Geodesic motion experimental tests of 1055—1060
Geodesic separation vector 265—270
Geodesies affine parametrization of 244—246
Geodesies as curves of extremal proper length 314—321 324
Geodesies as straight lines of local Lorentz geometry 312—315 321—324
Geodesies as straight-on parallel transport 245
Geodesies as tools for building ideal rods and clocks 396—399
Geodesies as world lines of freely falling particles 4 196
Geodesies can’t change from timelike to null or spacelike en route 321
Geodesies one-parameter family of 265—267
Geodesies simple examples great circle on sphere 211f
Geodesies simple examples straight line on plane, in polar coordinates 213
Geodesies track-1 introduction to 211
Geodesies track-2 treatment, in absence of metric 244—247
Geodesies “dynamic” variational principle for 322f
Geometric objects 48
Geometric objects absolute vs. dynamic, and “no prior geometry” 431
Geometric objects spinor representation of 1154f (see also specific objects e.g. “Vectors” “Forms” “Connection”)
Geometric optics as limiting case of physical optics 412
Geometric optics basic concepts of 571—582
Geometric optics basic concepts of affine parameter of ray 575
Geometric optics basic concepts of angular frequency 575
Geometric optics basic concepts of bundle of rays 581—582
Geometric optics basic concepts of electric field 579
Geometric optics basic concepts of magnetic field 579
Geometric optics basic concepts of phase 571 572 574—575
Geometric optics basic concepts of photons 580 581
Geometric optics basic concepts of polarization vector 573 574—575 577 578 581
Geometric optics basic concepts of rays 573 574—575
Geometric optics basic concepts of scalar amplitude 573
Geometric optics basic concepts of stress-energy tensor 579
Geometric optics basic concepts of summarized 578—580
Geometric optics basic concepts of wave vector 573 574—575
Geometric optics basic references on 570
Geometric optics breakdown of related to pair creation 803—804
Geometric optics conditions for validity of 571
Geometric optics examples of applications of 570
Geometric optics focusing equation 582f
Geometric optics geometry of a bundle of rays 581—582
Geometric optics in extenso, for electromagnetic waves 570—583
Geometric optics in spinor language 1165
Geometric optics laws of derived from wave equation and Lorentz gauge condition for vector potential 573 576—577
Geometric optics laws of described qualitatively 571
Geometric optics laws of photon interpretation of 580
Geometric optics laws of post-geometric optics corrections 572f 803f
Geometric optics laws of summarized in detail 578—580
Geometric optics two-length-scale expansion underlying 571—572
Geometric units factors of conversion to and from 36 638
Geometric units introduced 27ff 36
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) (see also “Einstein field equation” “General “Initial “Integrating
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) analogies with electrodynamics 364 367—370
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of 3-geometry fixed at surfaces in 522
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of action principle in 521
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of electrodynamic analog 522—524
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of geometrodynamic field momenta for 521
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of in brief 486—490
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Arnowitt, Deser, Misner formulation of split of variables made by 525—526
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) built-in plan: initial data plus time evolution 408f 484f
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) causal propagation of effects in 554
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) Dirac formulation of 520
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) ideas of, in brief 4f
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) illustrated in action, for Schwarzschild geometry 528
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) some history of 486—488
Geometrodynamics (dynamics of geometry) subject to standard quantum indeterminism 1182
Geometry see “Spacetime” “Euclidean” “Lorentz” “Differential” “Affine” “Riemannian” “Prior” “Curvature”
Geon 886
Global techniques of analyzing spacetime structure attempt to combine with local methods 806 (see also “Infinity regions
Global techniques of analyzing spacetime structure basic references on 916—917
Global techniques of analyzing spacetime structure examples of 926—931
Global techniques of analyzing spacetime structure in extenso, Chap 34
Globular clusters 757
Globular clusters black holes in 887
Gowdy metrics 804
Gradient in a curved manifold 208—212 259—261 derivative”)
Gradient of a scalar, in flat spacetime 59f
Gradient of a tensor, in flat spacetime 81f
Gradiometer, gravity 400—403
Gravitation 13 163—164
Gravitation local description in terms of tide-producing acceleration 29—37
Gravitation, theories of Berginann’s scalar-tensor theories 1049
Gravitation, theories of Birkhoff’s 1067
Gravitation, theories of Cartan — Newton see “Newton — Cartan theory of gravity”
Gravitation, theories of Cartan’s (general relativity plus torsion) 1049 1068
Gravitation, theories of catalogs of 429
Gravitation, theories of Coleman’s 1114
Gravitation, theories of completeness of 1067 1068
Gravitation, theories of conservative 1093
Gravitation, theories of criteria for viability of 1066—1067
Gravitation, theories of Dicke — Brans-Jordan 1048f 1068f esp. 1093 1098 1122 1127 1129
Gravitation, theories of Dicke — Brans-Jordan cosmological models in 770
Gravitation, theories of general relativity, foundations of Chaps. 16 17
Gravitation, theories of Kustaanheimo’s 1067
Gravitation, theories of linearized see “Linearized theory of gravity”
Gravitation, theories of metric see “Metric theories of gravity”
Gravitation, theories of metric, not encompassed by the 10-parameter PPN formalism 1069
Gravitation, theories of Newtonian see “Newton — Cartan theory of gravity”
Gravitation, theories of Ni’s 1068f esp 1083 1098 1123 1129
Gravitation, theories of Nordstrem’s 429ff 1049
Gravitation, theories of Papapetrou’s 1124
Gravitation, theories of post-Newtonian see “Post — Newtonian approximation”; “Post — Newtonian formalism parametrized”
Gravitation, theories of preferred-frame 1083 1093 1098 1123—1125
Gravitation, theories of prior-geometric 429—431 1068 1070—1071
Gravitation, theories of self-consistency of 1066—1067
Gravitation, theories of spin-0 field, in fiat spacetime 178f
Gravitation, theories of spin-1 field, in fiat spacetime 179
Gravitation, theories of spin-2 field, in fiat spacetime see “Linearized theory of gravity”
Gravitation, theories of Whitehead’s 430 1049 1067 1069 1124
Gravitation-matter "coupling loop," in brief 5 37
Gravitational collapse see “Collapse gravitational”
Gravitational constant as measure of “metric elasticity of space” 426—428 (see also “Cavendish gravitational constant”)
Gravitational constant measurement of 1121 1123
Gravitational constant value of 29 endpapers
Gravitational lens effect 589 887
Gravitational mass 431
Gravitational potential see under “Newton — Cartan theory” “Post
Gravitational radiation reaction see “Gravitational waves”; “Radiation reaction”
Gravitational radius 820—826 (see also “Horizon” “Black “Schwarzschild “Kerr
Gravitational waves exact solutions cylindrical wave 950
Gravitational waves exact solutions plane waves with one state of polarization 957—963 (see also “Plane gravitational waves”)
Gravitational waves exact solutions plane waves with two polarization states 964
Gravitational waves experimental tests of general relativity using 1047 1072
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, assumptions underlying formulas 989 991
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, derivation of formulas 995—1003
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, formula for metric perturbation 991
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, formulas for emitted flux of energy and angular momentum 992
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, formulas for radiation reaction in source 993—994
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, formulas for spectrum in various polarization states 1033 1035
Gravitational waves generation by slow-motion, weak-field sources, formulas for total output of energy and angular momentum 975 992
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