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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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Multiplication, conformable matrices Ex 17.4.7 622
Multiplication, faster than division 505
Multiplication, MATMUL function, Fortran-90 579 591
Multiplication, matrix 118—120 129 274—276
Multiplication, matrix, Fortran-90 §17.1.4 589—591
Multiplication, outer product, Ex 11.9.22 288
Multiplication, steps in floating-point 543—544
mv UNIX™ command 431
NAG subprogram library [27] 146
NAG subprogram library [27], DO2BAF routine 177 194
NAG subprogram library [27], sparse matrix routines 278
NAME section of a man page 474
Namelist statement §13.9.7 403
Names see also "Type declarations"
Names, about §12.4.2 325—328
Names, commands 303
Names, COMMON blocks 181 325—328
Names, conflicts 328 447 578 596
Names, default rules see "Default"
Names, DO index 327
Names, EXTERNAL §7.2.2 168—170
Names, file in OPEN §10.6.2 246—247
Names, Fortran built-in functions 52 143
Names, Fortran built-in, archaic 390
Names, function 138 325—328
Names, GENERIC 374
Names, IMPLICIT §13.4.3 374—377
Names, internal of subprogram, with _ 489
Names, length 327 367—368
Names, magic 167 212
Names, makefiles 464
Names, PARAMETER constant 325—328
Names, processor array, HPF 596
Names, subprograms 308
Names, SUBROUTINE 132 325—328
Names, used by MPI 556 558
names, variables 51 109 325—328
Naming executable file for dbx 457
Naming executable file with -o option §14.1.1 430—431
NaN, not a number 80
NaN, not a number, bit ordering in memory 97 Ex 100
NaN, not a number, bit pattern 96
NaN, not a number, NaN in output 444
NaN, not a number, returned by function 145
National Yiddish Book Center 33
NEAREST function 587 588
Nearest-neighbor communication 599
Negative offsets, array subscript 517
Nests of DO loops 113 115 120 550
Nests of IF-THEN constructs 65 336 369
Netlib software repository 148
Network, internal switch 537
NEW clause of INDEPENDENT 597 600 618
NEW clause of INDEPENDENT, examples of use 595 617
Newton's method 423
next command of dbx 458
Non-executable statements 42 389 see
Non-executable statements, placement 86 201
Non-IEEE numbers 97 148 373 503
nonadvancing input 577
Nonstandard data types 377
Normalized floating-point see "Floating"
normalized two-part values 653
normalized two-part values, TPVNML routine §18.4.2 655—656
normalizing a DO loop 518
not function 93
NOTES section of a man page 474
Nothing printed in column 1 427
null byte, Z'00' 232
Null response to READ Ex 10.9.19 259
Number, composite 155
Number, prime 155
Number, software version 346
Number-numeral conversions §18.1 634—639
Numbers see "Integer" "Floating-point"
Numbers, pseudorandom see "Pseudorandom"
NUMBER_OF_PR0CESSORS function 616 617
Numerals 231 238
Numerical accuracy of code 296 see also "Precision"
Numerical integration see "Integration"
Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN [12] 149
Numerically intensive computations 485 see "Vector" "Parallel"
nybble memory increment 98 231
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 148 555
Object code 43
object code, .о file 460
object-time FORMATS in code tuning 525
object-time FORMATS, about §10.4 237—240
object-time FORMATS, examples 239 240
Observations, denoted 27
Offsets, array subscript, negative 517
Omissions Sections 14 20—21 25 418
One-pass Fortran-66 DO loop 112
ONTO clause of DISTRIBUTE 595 596
ONTO clause of DISTRIBUTE, optional 598
Open code 131 331
Open statement 209 220
OPEN statement for direct access 402
OPEN statement, character variable in §10.6.2 246—247
Open-source or public code 298
operands of machine instructions 539
Operating systems, Mach UNIX™ kernel 491
Operating systems, Microsoft Windows (sort of) 28
Operating systems, MTS 28 32
Operating systems, UNIX™ see "UNIX™"
Operation counting §15.1.5 495—496
Operation-level parallelism 594
Operations, reduction 602
Operator, string concatenation, // 407
Operators, arithmetic, about §2.3 52
Operators, arithmetic, adjacent not allowed 54
Operators, arithmetic, array operands, Fortran-90 578
Operators, arithmetic, precedence 53 367
operators, logical 62 511—512
Operators, logical, used to compare characters 234
Optimal size of a subprogram 527 652
Optimization for execution speed see also "CPU" "Vector" "Parallel"
Optimization for execution speed, avoid -C option of f77 432
Optimization for execution speed, code tuning §15.2 496—530
Optimization for execution speed, fast subprograms 146 486 527
Optimization for execution speed, sparse matrices §11.6 276—279
Optimization for execution speed, use -o option of f 77 432 486
Optimization for execution speed, why bother 485
Optimization for storage size see "Memory"
options file 302 304
Options, f77 compiler 430—433
Options, f77 compiler, -0, optimize 432
Options, f77 compiler, -C, check subscripts 431—432
Options, f77 compiler, -c, do not link 432 461
Options, f77 compiler, -g, debug 432
Options, f77 compiler, -L, link from library 467
Options, f77 compiler, -o, name executable 430
Options, f77 compiler, -p, profile 432 488
Options, f77 compiler, control debug comments 454
Options, f77 compiler, inline subprograms 526
Options, f77 compiler, suppress warnings 441
Options, f77 compiler, table 433
Order in COMMON see "Alignment"
Order in memory see "Column-major"
Order of bytes assumed 30
Order of bytes in word 97 127 265
Order of loops 522
order of operations see "Precedence"
Order of tests 511—512
Organization of this book §0.5.3 20—21
Organization of this book, table of parts 21
original page definition file 470
outer product, Ex 11.9.22 288
Output see also "Input and output" "Printing"
output, all asterisks 200
| Output, buffering 146 436
output, immediate 333
output, Infinity 444
output, informational 304 346
output, labeling see "Character literals"
output, NaN 444
output, none 449
output, precision of real numbers 334
output, scale factors §13.9.2 397—399
Over-commenting 339
Overflows, arithmetic, fixed-point 76
Overflows, arithmetic, floating-point 79 443—444
Overflows, array subscript 110
Overflows, array subscript and vanishing bugs 454—455
Overflows, array subscript, detecting 110 170
Overflows, array subscript, error message 445
Overflows, array subscript, example 431
Overflows, array subscript, preventing 205 334
Overhead, loop initialization 513 522
Overlap in parallel processing 604 see
Overlay in memory, by EQUIVALENCE 244 378
Overloading, function names 374
Overloading, symbols Ex 0.10.13 38
P FORMAT scale factor 398
pack function 583
padding of COMMON blocks 183
page eject, Z'OC' 232 see
Paging of virtual memory 488
Paging of virtual memory, fault 521
Paging of virtual memory, pages 521
Parallel processing 536—538 see "Speedup"
parallel processing, about §16.2 552—571
parallel processing, algorithms 563 601—602 628
parallel processing, Amdahl's law §16.2.5 563—568
parallel processing, cartoon 563
parallel processing, Case Studies §16.2.3—§16.2.4 556—562
parallel processing, computers 537
parallel processing, data parallel see "Data parallel"
parallel processing, deadlocks §16.2.6 568—571
parallel processing, domain decomposition see "Domain"
parallel processing, functional decomposition see "Functional"
parallel processing, High Performance Fortran see "HPF"
parallel processing, library subprograms 537
parallel processing, load balancing 565
parallel processing, master-worker model 553—554
parallel processing, MIMD computation 536 553
parallel processing, MPI see "MPI"
parallel processing, parallel running time 565
parallel processing, parallelizable part 563—564
parallel processing, races 570—571 600
parallel processing, reduction operations 602
parallel processing, run-time system 556 562 596 598
parallel processing, serial part 564
parallel processing, SIMD computation 535 553
parallel processing, SPMD programming model 554
parallelization directives see "Directives"
PARAMETER constant 86 332
PARAMETER constant for array dimensions 118 186
PARAMETER constant for logical values 91
PARAMETER constant, comments on 339
PARAMETER constant, naming §12.4.2 325—328
Parameter estimation Ex 8.8.23 194
parameters of a subprogram in COMMON 392—394
parameters of a subprogram to HPF EXTRINSIC routine 613
parameters of a subprogram, abuses §13.6.3 385—387
parameters of a subprogram, actual 133 185 268
parameters of a subprogram, aliasing 136 151 152 387 673—674
parameters of a subprogram, and COMMON §8.4 185
parameters of a subprogram, array 134 136 138 159—166 185—186
parameters of a subprogram, array columns §11.1 267—268
parameters of a subprogram, array in Fortran-90 580—581
parameters of a subprogram, array not dimensioned 446
parameters of a subprogram, array rows Ex 11.9.7 285
parameters of a subprogram, array sections in HPF 612
parameters of a subprogram, call counter 142
parameters of a subprogram, distributed array in HPF 609—612 618
parameters of a subprogram, dummy 134 185
parameters of a subprogram, EXTERNAL names §7.2.2 168—170
parameters of a subprogram, formal 133 185
parameters of a subprogram, function argument range 145
parameters of a subprogram, literal constant passed for 140
parameters of a subprogram, passed by reference §6.2 135—137
parameters of a subprogram, stack 454
parameters of a subprogram, type mismatch 163 373
parameters, command-line 146
parent UNIX™ directory, .. 476
Parentheses 42
parentheses in complex constant 89
parentheses, effect on efficiency 511
parentheses, empty, () 388
parentheses, in expressions 53
parentheses, remove ambiguities 331 367
parentheses, too many 331 335
Parnas, David L. 32 686 690
partitioned workspace §11.2 269—270
partitioned workspace, avoid if possible 283
parts of this book, table 21
Pascal language 6
pass of a DO loop see "Iteration"
passed subprogram parameters 133 see
passed subprogram parameters by reference see "call by reference"
passed subprogram parameters in COMMON 392—394 527—528
passed subprogram parameters in Fortran-90 580—581
passed subprogram parameters in HPF 609—612
Passing data around §8.2 180—182
Patching code 346—347 415
PC compilers 28
Peasant languages 1 11 see
Pedagogical approach §0.5.4 21—25
Pentium processor 97
Perfect Program, The, poem 33 294
Performance see "Speed"
period of a random number generator 107
Perl language 6
Philosophy of programming 293—297
Phrasing of prompts 302
Physical I/O devices 197
pi, , circle constant, formula for computing 500
pi, , circle constant, setting value of 85 273 500
pipelined instructions, about §16.1.3 542—546
pipelined instructions, full pipe 544
pipelined instructions, pipe 544
pipelined instructions, startup time 544
pixels, in contour plot 251
PL1 language 6
Plauger, P.J. 32 678
plots see "Character graphics"
Plus, + 52
Poems, A Dozen, a Gross, and a Score 58
Poems, I never wanted to be... 575
Poems, The Perfect Program 33 294
POINTER see also "Address"
Pointer, not explicit in Fortran 9
Polynomials, evaluating 510—511 532
Portability of code 296 334 555
Portability of code, classical Fortran is 9 27
positional notation 75 78 638
Positioning in files in code tuning 525
Positioning in files, about §9.6 218—219
Positioning in files, direct access I/O §13.9.6 402
Positioning in files, REWIND statement 219
Postmodernism Ex 0.10.1 36
Power series see "Series"
Powers see "Exponentiation"
preamble of code 50 316—317 see "Template"
preamble of code, authorship attribution 316 346
preamble of code, copyright notice 316
preamble of code, variable list 319
Precedence of operators, ambiguity §13.2.1 367
Precedence of operators, arithmetic 53
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