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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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section in vector processing, size 541
Section of an array, Fortran-90 581—582
Section of an array, Fortran-90, examples of use 591 612
Section of an array, Fortran-90, spacing of elements 582
Section of an array, Fortran-90, used to pass columns in HPF 612
Section references, § 25
sed, UNIX™ stream editor 335 368
SEE ALSO section of a man page 474
seed of pseudorandom number generator 106
segmentation fault 445
Segments, memory 454
Semantics 42
semantics of DO loops 115
semantics of HPF array assignment 604
Separate compilation 134
separate compilation, benefit lost by inlining 526
separate compilation, other consequences 140 165 169 609
separate compilation, permits incremental compilation 460
sequence numbers 411
sequence numbers, about §13.1.1 359
sequence numbers, example §13.11.1 409—410
sequence numbers, program to remove Ex 10.9.17 258
sequential I/O vs direct access 402
Sequential storage see also "Memory"
Sequential storage, abandoned by HPF 611 613
Sequential storage, sequence association 611—612
Sequential storage, SEQUENCE directive, HPF 611
serial part 564
serial part, running time 563
Series, error function, erf(x) Ex 6.8.22 154
Series, exponential, 102 502
Series, harmonic Ex 4.10.24 102
Series, logarithm, ln(2) 91
Series, Riemann zeta, Ex 6.8.21 153
Series, sine, sin(x) 84 101
Serling, Rod 412
Services, operating system 433
SETI@home 537
Sex 2 7 18 29 305
Shape of an array 113
shape of an array, assumed 581 584 613
Shared memory see also "COMMON" "EQUIVALENCE"
Shared memory in code tuning §15.2.10 528—529
shared memory parallel processing 537
Shared memory, avoid if possible 283 309
Shared memory, constant data §11.4 272—274
Shared memory, workspace §11.3 270—272
Shell (bash) 29
Shell (bash), background command, & 213
Shell (bash), command return code $? 440
Shell (bash), echo command 440
Shell (bash), export command 437
Shell (bash), invoke from program §14.2.5 439
Shell (bash), redirection operators 210 214 218
shell scripts 436 439—440 644
Shell scripts, changeall 671—672
shell variables 436
shell variables, evaluation, $ 468
shell variables, filename in 437
shell variables, HOME 468
shell variables, MANPATH 479
shell variables, reading value §14.2.3 437—438
shell variables, return code, ? 440
shell variables, TCAT 481
shell variables, TR0FF 481
SHIFTL subroutine 236
Short COMMON block see also "Data hiding"
Short COMMON block to hide array columns 186
Short COMMON block to hide variables 183
Short COMMON block, harmless warnings about 441
Short integers see "INTEGER*2"
Short reals see "REAL*4"
Side effect 385—386 424 425
side effect, considered undesirable 9
side effect, PURE functions have none 613
sideways exit 263
SIGFPE UNIX™ signal 458
Sign bit 76
Sign, transfer of see "DSIGN" "ISIGN"
Signs, alternating 91 509—510
SIMD computation 535 553
simplicity 301 309 328 330 552
Simpson's rule for integration Ex 3.8.17 72
Sine function, computation §4.5 84—88
Sine function, DSIN 144
SINF, archaic function name 390
Single precision see "REAL*4"
Sink, infinite, /dev/null 217
Size of a file 435
Size of a subprogram 308 527
size of an array 113
Size of an array, assumed see "Assumed size"
Size of an array, passed to a subprogram 164—166
Size of executable 523
Size of I/O block see "Block size"
Size of vector section 541
Skull-and-crossbones, 27 358
slanting type 21 25
SLATEC subprogram library 149
SLEEP UNIX™ system routine 146
Slowdown 547 549 566 see
SNGL function 83
soft bugs 343
Software engineering 22 293
software maintenance §12.6.2 345—347
sort UNIX™ utility 301
sort UNIX™ utility, -u option 479
sort UNIX™ utility, not so simple Ex 12.8.9 349
Sorting, algorithm choice 498
Sorting, insertion 281—282
Sorting, many items 123
Sorting, three items Ex 3.8.20 74
source code 41
source code, .f file 44 133 134 460—461
source code, case of text 320—321
source code, correctness see "Logical correctness"
source code, dead see "Dead code"
source code, defensive 334
source code, desirable properties 296—297
source code, fixed-form 42
source code, free-form §13.1.3 360—361
source code, free-form , Fortran-90 575
source code, legacy §13.11 408—417
source code, locality 65 319 324 362
source code, open 131 331
source code, open-source or public 298
source code, patching 415
source code, preamble 316—317
source code, reformatters see "Pretty printers"
source code, replicate 309 331 361 392
source code, rewriting 323 346—347 415—417
source code, spaghetti 328 370 414 416—417
source code, stanza 50 316
source code, straight-line 59
source code, tuning for speed see "Code tuning"
source code, typography §12.4.5 334—339
source code, unreachable 413
spaces see "Blanks"
Spacing of elements in array section 582
spaghetti code 328 370
spaghetti code, cartoon 414
spaghetti code, example 329
spaghetti code, untangling 416—417
sparse matrix techniques, about §11.6 276—279
sparse matrix techniques, avoid if possible 283
sparse matrix techniques, density of nonzeros 278
sparse matrix techniques, fixed pattern §11.6.1 276—277
sparse matrix techniques, row-major order 278
sparse matrix techniques, subprogram libraries 146 278
sparse matrix techniques, use if necessary 307
| sparse matrix techniques, varying pattern §11.6.2 277—279
sparse matrix techniques, YSMP format 278—279
Special-purpose code for sparse matrices §11.6.1 276—277
Special-purpose code, avoid if possible 311 331
Special-purpose code, problem entangled in 306
Speed, execution, Fortran vs high-level packages 9 10
Speed, execution, increasing see "Optimization"
Speed, execution, less important than correctness 485
Speed, execution, measuring see "CPU" "Wallclock"
Speed, execution, megaflops 568
Speed, execution, MIPS 521
speedup from parallelization of program see "Amdahl's law"
speedup from parallelization, ideal 563
speedup from parallelization, prediction for MPI 567—568
speedup from parallelization, slowdown 566
speedup from parallelization, using HPF 576 598—599 604
speedup from vectorization of instruction sequence 17 545—546
speedup from vectorization of program see "Amdahl's law"
speedup from vectorization to be expected, table 549
speedup from vectorization, graph 548
speedup from vectorization, slowdown 547 549
spin loop 662 668
Splines 501
SPMD programming model 554
SPMD programming model for MIMD calculation §16.2.3 556—559
SPMD programming model for SIMD calculation §16.2.4 559—562
spreadsheet programs 10
sqrt function 53
SQRTF, archaic function name 390
Square root see "DSQRT"
Squaring, **2 508
src UNIX™ directory 467
stack, subprogram parameter 454
Standard deviation, 204
Standard, IEEE floating-point [20] 30 77
standard-error 199
standard-in 197
standard-out 197
Standards, Fortran language 575 576
Standards, Fortran language, about 12—13
Standards, Fortran language, ANSI X3.198-1992 [109] 13
Standards, Fortran language, ANSI X3.9-1966 [108] 5
Standards, Fortran language, blind adherence to 28
Standards, Fortran language, ignored 13
Standards, Fortran language, ISO 1539 13
stanzas of code 50 316
stanzas of code, comment 50 316 318 320
Star see "*" "Asterisk"
Starting address of an array 136 161 268
startup time of a pipeline 544
STAT UNIX™ system routine 435—436 524
Statement functions §13.6.6 389
statement numbers 62 336—337
statement numbers in DO-CONTINUE 111
statement numbers, branch targets 330
statement numbers, field 62
statement numbers, FORMAT 201 205 336—337 450
Statement, continued see "Continuation"
statements of classical Fortran 42
statements of classical Fortran, assignment §2.6 54—55
statements of classical Fortran, BLOCK DATA §8.6 186—188
statements of classical Fortran, CALL 132
statements of classical Fortran, census 575
statements of classical Fortran, CLOSE 210
statements of classical Fortran, COMMON §8 179—195
statements of classical Fortran, DO 111
statements of classical Fortran, END 42
statements of classical Fortran, EQUIVALENCE 94 121 244 246 378
statements of classical Fortran, EXTERNAL 168 169
statements of classical Fortran, FORMAT 199—202
statements of classical Fortran, FUNCTION 138
statements of classical Fortran, GO TO §3.2 61—63
statements of classical Fortran, IF, logical 62
statements of classical Fortran, IF-THEN §3.3 64—65
statements of classical Fortran, IMPLICIT NONE 333
statements of classical Fortran, INQUIRE 434—435
statements of classical Fortran, OPEN 209 402
statements of classical Fortran, PARAMETER 86 118
statements of classical Fortran, PRINT* 42 55
statements of classical Fortran, READ() 198—199
statements of classical Fortran, READ* 56
statements of classical Fortran, RETURN 133
statements of classical Fortran, REWIND 219
statements of classical Fortran, STOP 42 364—365
statements of classical Fortran, SUBROUTINE 133
statements of classical Fortran, summary table 15
statements of classical Fortran, type declarations see "Type"
statements of classical Fortran, WRITE() 198—199
Statements of Fortran-90, ALL0CATABLE 584
Statements of Fortran-90, ALLOCATE 584
Statements of Fortran-90, array assignment 578
Statements of Fortran-90, census 575
Statements of Fortran-90, DEALLOCATE 584
Statements of Fortran-90, INTERFACE block 579
Statements of Fortran-90, multiple on a line 589
Statements of Fortran-90, SAVE 577—578
Statements of Fortran-90, WRITE() 577
Statements of HPF see also "Directives HPF"
Statements of HPF, EXTRINSIC 612—613
Statements of HPF, FORALL see "FORALL"
Statements of HPF, parallel array assignment 602—604
Statements of HPF, PURE 613—614
Static memory allocation 117 269 586
station number, TIMER 493 495
Statistical computing, Case Study 204—206 215—218
Statistical computing, libraries 146
Statistical profiling §15.1.2 488—490
step command of dbx 458
Stevens, John 32
sticky scale factor 399
stop command of dbx 458
Stop statement 42 45 see
STOP statement, multiple 63
STOP statement, omitted §13.1.6 364—365
STOP statement, returns to operating system 134
STOP statement, vectorization inhibitor 550
Storage hierarchy 520—522 see
Storage hierarchy, cache memory 521
Storage hierarchy, diagram 521
Storage hierarchy, main storage 521
Storage hierarchy, virtual memory 521
Storage mode see also "Memory"
Storage mode, full matrix 275
Storage mode, sparse matrix §11.6 276—279
Storage mode, symmetric matrix §11.5 274—276
Straight-line code 59
Strength reduction 504
strength reduction in loops 515
stride and column major order 519
stride in HPF FORALL statement 605
stride in passing row Ex 11.9.7 285
stride, effect on efficiency §15.2.7 518—523
string of characters 230 see
string of characters, insertions into §18.2 639—643
string of characters, template 639
STRINS routine §18.2.2 641—643
Structured programming 6 7 22
Strunk, W.Jr. 13 694
stunt boxes 535
stunt boxes, same as array processors 535
Stupid questions 302
Sturges' rule Ex 10.9.40 264
Subexpressions, recurring 506 517
subprogram libraries, building §14.5.2 467—469
subprogram libraries, commercial 146 278
subprogram libraries, design of 309
subprogram libraries, error messages from 304
subprogram libraries, Fortran elementary function 43
subprogram libraries, Fortran I/O 43 197 198
subprogram libraries, graphics 248
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