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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications
Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications

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Название: Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications

Автор: Kupferschmid M.


Classical FORTRAN is a college text, self-study guide, and reference about computer programming for numerical calculations. The book features a conversational, classroom-proven style that is easy to read and contains numerous case studies and examples. The author provides practical advice on program design, documentation, and coding style and unusually detailed coverage of floating-point arithmetic. He thoroughly discusses performance measurement and optimization and introduces parallel processing using MPI, FORTRAN-90, High Performance FORTRAN, and vector processing. The author also gives expert advice on dealing with troublesome legacy codes.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 736

Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2009

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cognitive complexity, too many parentheses      331
Collateral damage in debugging      450
Collating sequence      405 see
Column dimension of a matrix      113 186
Column-major order      114
column-major order and memory access stride      519
column-major order in adjustable dimensioning      161—165
column-major order in array I/O      206
column-major order in Fortran-90      582
column-major order in initialization      119
column-major order in passing array columns      268
column-major order in short COMMON block      186
column-major order in symmetric storage mode      275
column-major order, abandoned in HPF      610—612
columns of a statement      see "Fields"
Columns of an array, distribution by HPF      598
Columns of an array, passing      §11.1 267—268
Columns of an array, passing as array section in HPF      612
command file      214
Command names      303
Command-line I/O unit assignments      644
Command-line options, f77      see "Options"
command-line parameters      146
Commands, bash      see "Shell"
Commands, dbx      see "dbx"
Commands, UNIX™      see "UNIX™"
Comments      42 50
comments on declarations      320 339
comments, alternate character "*"      365
comments, blank      316 337 365
comments, character "C"      42
comments, dead code      360 453
comments, debug "D"      360 454
comments, dividing line      320
comments, end-of-line, FORTRAN-90, !      589
comments, inadvertent      341
comments, indenting      336
comments, keep them terse      336
comments, makefile, #      468
comments, parallelization directives, HPF      576
comments, preamble      50 316—317 346
comments, refinement      §12.4.6 339—340
comments, stanza      50 316 318 320
comments, too many      339
comments, vectorization directives      549 551
comments, when passing array column      268
comments, when sharing workspace      272
comments, when using scale factor      399
comments, why mixed case      320—321
comments, why sparse in this book      316
comments, why write them first      321
Commercial subprogram libraries, graphics      248
Commercial subprogram libraries, numerical and statistical      146 278
COMMON in code tuning      §15.2.10 528—529
COMMON, /MPIPRIV/ for MPI      556
COMMON, /ЕХРТ/ for TIMER      493 665
COMMON, about      §8 179—195
COMMON, actual length      186
COMMON, alignment by order      §8.3.1 183—184
COMMON, alignment in memory      §8.3.2 184
COMMON, arrays dimensioned in      §13.8.5 396
COMMON, arrays in      §8.5 185—186
COMMON, avoid if possible      309
COMMON, blank or unnamed      272 395—396
COMMON, block      181
COMMON, BLOCK DATA      186—188 395
COMMON, extending      §13.8.2 394—395
COMMON, indiscriminate use      §13.8.1 392—394
COMMON, multiple blocks      528
COMMON, naming      181 325—328
COMMON, padding      183
COMMON, pass data around      182 493
COMMON, pass parameters      392—394 527—528
COMMON, shared constants      272—274 507
COMMON, shared workspace      270—272 528
COMMON, short block      183 186 441
COMMON, special care needed in HPF      611
COMMON, statically allocated always      586
COMMON, type mismatch      181 272
communicate/compute ratio      565
communicate/compute ratio for speedup > 1, formula      566
comp. lang. fortran newsgroup      7 497
Comparison      see also "Conditionals"
Comparison in machine code      540
Comparison, characters      234
Comparison, floating-point numbers      332
Compilation for different processor      45
Compilation, automatic      see "make"
Compilation, classical as Fortran-90      14 577—578
Compilation, default rule      464
Compilation, diagram      44
Compilation, incremental      459—462
Compilation, process      §1.2 43—44
Compilation, separate      see "Separate compilation"
compile-time errors      §14.3.1 440—441
Compile-time initialization      85 332
compile-time initialization and SAVE      578
compile-time initialization DATA statement      378
compile-time initialization execution time considerations      503—504
compile-time initialization of arrays      119
compile-time initialization of character strings      230 238
compile-time initialization of COMMON data      see "BLOCK DATA"
compile-time initialization of random number seed      194
compile-time initialization to detect first entry      142
Compiler      24 28—29 43 98 441 see
compiler, code generated by      538—542
Compiler, directives      see "Directives"
compiler, extensions      28 334
compiler, Fortran-90      see "f90"
compiler, g77      8 29
compiler, HPF parallelizing      576
compiler, PC      28
compiler, vectorizing      see "Vectorizing compiler"
Complex number as two reals      63
Complex number, conjugate      see "DCONJG" "CONJG"
Complex number, constant declaration      89
Complex number, Fortran data types      §4.6.1 88—90
Complex number, magnitude      Ex 4.10.39 105
Complex number, printing      89 200
COMPLEX*16 data type      89
COMPLEX*8 data type      89
Complexity, cognitive      see "Cognitive"
Composite number      155
Computational complexity      495
computed GO TO and executable size      523
computed GO TO in code tuning      512
computed GO TO, about      §13.3.3 370
Computing environment      §0.5.6 27—30
concatenation operator //      407
Concurrency      see also "Vector" "Parallel"
Concurrency, concurrent processing      535
Concurrency, expressing in HPF      §17.2.4 599—608
conditionals      see also "Comparison"
Conditionals in code tuning      §15.2.5 511—512
Conditionals, about      §3 59—74
Conditionals, arithmetic IF      §13.3.2 369—370
Conditionals, computed GO TO      §13.3.3 370
Conditionals, IF-THEN construct      §3.3 64—65
Conditionals, logical IF statement      §3.4 65—66
Configuration file      see "Options file"
Conformable matrices      Ex 17.4.7 622
CONJG function      143
Consistency in coding      335 517
Constants      see also "Compile-time initialization"
Constants, "real", "integer"      §2.1 50—51
Constants, binary, Fortran-90      588—589
Constants, character      230 589
Constants, complex      89
Constants, data shared in COMMON      272—274 507
Constants, INTEGER*4      75—77
constants, literal      see "Literal constant"
Constants, logical      91
Constants, PARAMETER      86 332
Constants, pi, $\pi$, setting value of      85 273 500
Constants, REAL*16      86
Constants, REAL*4      77—80
Constants, REAL*8      86 100 332
cont command of dbx      458
context effect      386 424
continuation lines, avoid if possible      335
continuation lines, character ";"      66 338
continuation lines, indentation      338
continuation lines, other characters      365—366
continue statement      see also "DO"
CONTINUE statement, abuses      §13.5.3 380—381
Continued lines in a makefile, \      464 468
Contour plots      §10.7.2 252—255
Control characters, ^A-^0      232
Control dependencies      600—601
control dependencies in FORALL      605
control dependencies, never in array assignment      602
control flow      see "Flow of control"
control wires      45
Convergence test      93—96 see
Conversion, type      see "Type conversions"
Copyright notice in code      316
Correctness of code      see "Logical correctness"
COSF, archaic function name      390
Cosine function      see "DCOS"
Counting input data      203 215 218 333
Counting operations      §15.1.5 495—496
cp UNIX™ command      478
cpp, source preprocessor      361 430 454
CPU time      see also "Operation counting"
CPU time, about measuring      §15.1 487—496
CPU time, decreasing      see "Optimization"
CPU time, machine instructions      542—545
CPU time, measured with ETIME      146 490
CPU time, measured with MCLOCK      490—491
CPU time, measured with time      §15.1.1 488
CPU time, measured with TIMER      §15.1.4 491—495
CPU time, pipeline startup      544
CPU time, resolution      490—492
CPU time, statistical profiling      §15.1.2 488—490
CPU time, timing hardware      672
CPU time, user-state vs system-state      488
CQABS function      143
Craft view of programming      22 296—297 322
Cray computers      97 §16
Critics of code, invited      323
Critics of Fortran      6—8 10—11
Critics of UNIX™      28
crumb memory increment      98
Cubic spline      501
Cursor control in Fortran-90      577
Cursor control, about      §9.1.2 202
Cursor control, examples      204 239—240
Cursor, typing, _      644
Cycle, CPU clock      491 521 542—545
CYCLIC distribution of data by HPF      598
CYCLIC distribution of data by HPF, example of use      616
CYCLIC distribution of data by HPF, when to use      599
D FORMAT field specification      200
D FORMAT field specification, overridden by decimal point      401
D suffix of REAL*8 constant      86 100 332 373
D1MACH BLAS routine      148
DABS function      144
DACOS function      144 500
daemon, UNIX™      555
Dangerous usages      §13 357—428
DASIN function      144
Data dependencies      516
data dependencies in parallel DO      599—600
data dependencies in vectorization      549 550
data dependencies, directive to ignore      551 596
data dependencies, never in legal array assignment      602
Data distribution, HPF      see "Distributing data"
Data Explorer      248
data file      see "File"
Data hiding      308 309 324 see
data hiding in COMMON      182 183 186 190 274 528
data parallel programming      576 595
data parallel programming, about      §17.2.1 593—595
data parallel programming, intermittent synchronization      595
data parallel programming, introducing an array for      616
data parallel programming, operation-level parallelism      594
data parallel programming, single logical memory      594
data parallel programming, single thread of control      594
data set blocking      524
Data sharing      309
data sharing in COMMON      272—274 507
DATA statement      378 see
Data structures, most bugs in      342 371 451
Data structures, selection      306—307 332
Data types      see also "Type"
Data types, avoid mixing      62 86 332 372—373
data types, CHARACTER      229
Data types, characters in      §13.10.1 404
data types, complex      §4.6.1 88—90
data types, conversion      see "Type conversions"
data types, INTEGER      75—77 377
Data types, logical      90—92 404
Data types, nonstandard      377
Data types, real      77—80 377
Data types, two-part value      494 652—659
data, histogram, for prof      489
Data, input, blanks trailing in      401
Data, input, counting      203 215 218 333
Data, input, decimal point omitted      401
Data, input, NAMELIST      §13—9.7 403
Data, input, preprocessing      245—246 298
Data, input, reporting line number      303
Data, input, sanity checking      334
Data, random for testing      344
DATAN function      144
DATAN2 function      144
date and time functions      §14.2.1 434
david, UNIX™ user ID      27
Davis, Lou Ellen      33 294
DBLE function      83
DBLEQ function      83
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, -g option of f77      432
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, about      §14.3.5 455—459
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, array syntax      459
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, breakpoints      458
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, catching exceptions      458
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, commands table      458
dbx, UNIX™ debugger, naming executable file      457
DCMPLX function      89 90
DCONJG function      144
DCOS function      144
DCOSH function      144
DDOT function      138
DDOT function, adjustable dimensions      160
DDOT function, assumed-size dimensions      162
dead code, about      §13.1.2 359—360
dead code, branched around      359—360
dead code, commented out      360 453
deadlock in parallel programming      569
deallocate statement      584 see
debug comments, "D"      360 454
Debug switch      360 453 524
Debugging      see also "Diagnostic output"
Debugging of HPF programs      619
Debugging of MPI programs      571
Debugging, about      §14.3 440—459
Debugging, compile-time errors      §14.3.1 440—441
Debugging, dbx debugger      §14.3.5 455—459
Debugging, disappearing bugs      §14.3.4 454—455
Debugging, log file      212
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