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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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Languages, programming, Visual BASIC 6
Lansky, Aaron 33
LAPACK subprogram library 148 486
Laplace equation 126 573 626 630
Last change time of a file 435 463
Last change time of a file, touch UNIX™ command 465
Layout of processors see "Processor layout"
LBound function 613
ld UNIX™ command 43
Le Guin, Ursula K. 325 692
Leading blanks removal 235—236
leading dimensions of an array in COMMON 186
leading dimensions of an array, defined 163
leading dimensions of an array, multiple 166
leading dimensions of an array, passing §7.1.2 164—166
leading dimensions of an array, same as row dimension 113
Leading zeros, printing binary 589
Leading zeros, printing integer §13.9.4 400
Least Astonishment, Principle of 301
legacy codes 10 20 293
legacy codes, archaic useages in §13 357—428
legacy codes, Case Study §13.11 408—414
legacy codes, debugging 211 453
legacy codes, rewriting source §13.11.3 414—417
Len function 407
length function 234
lib UNIX™ directory 467
Libraries see "Subprogram libraries"
Limits of a DO loop 111 518 see "Upper"
line feed, , Z'OA' 232
line feed, , Z'OA' to accept default 302
Line number in source listing, 26 634
Line number of bad data 215 303
Line, continued see "Continuation"
Line, multiple statements on 589
line-printer graphs 248
linear equations, solved analytically 499
Link, symbolic 437
linkage editing 43 186 459—461
LINKAGE section of a man page 475
Linked lists §11.7 280—282
linked lists, links 280
LINPACK subprogram library 148
Linux 8 29
Lisp, language of bourgeoisie 37
List of variables 319 341—342
Literal constant 89
Literal constant, changed by a subprogram 386—387
Literal constant, character 42 55 200 242 525 589
Literal constant, passed to a subprogram 140
Little-endian byte order 97 127 265
ln UNIX™ command 436
load balancing 565
Load, cognitive 320
Load, cognitive, too many parentheses 331
loader, ld 43 186 187
LoadLeveler batch queuing system 538
local variables 134 180 181
Local variables in shared workspace §11.3 270—272
Local variables, SAVE statement 577—578
locality in source code 65 319 324
locality in source code, destroyed by INCLUDE 362
Locality of memory reference 519 522 see
Log file 212
Logarithm function see "DLOG" "DLOG10"
LOGF, archaic function name 390
Logic, branching §12.4.3 328—330
Logical constant 91
Logical correctness of code 297 568 see
Logical correctness of code, more important than speed 485
Logical data types §4.6.2 90—92
Logical dependencies 550 see "Control"
Logical expression 62
Logical expression, DeMorgan's theorem 329
Logical expression, speeding evaluation of 511—512
Logical expression, vectorization inhibitor 550
logical I/O devices 197
logical I/O unit number 199
logical I/O units see units logical
logical IF statement, about §3.4 65—66
logical IF statement, replacing multiple 512
logical IF statement, some predicates disallowed 62
logical operators 62 511—512
logical operators, used to compare characters 234
LOGICAL*1 data type 404
LOGICAL*4 data type 91
Long names, about §13.2.2 367—368
Long names, used by MPI 556 558
Lookup table see "Table of values"
Loops in code tuning §15.2.6 513—518
Loops in machine code 540
Loops, body 111
Loops, bounded 112 205 333 371
Loops, endless 112 124 451
Loops, fusion 515—516
Loops, reordering 522
Loops, section 541—545
Loops, spin 662 668
Loops, unrolling 513—514 523
lower limit of a DO loop 111 518
Lowly subprograms 331—332
lpr UNIX™ command 397
ls UNIX™ command 461
ls UNIX™ command, -1 option 463
Mach UNIX™ kernel 491
Machine epsilon, 103 588
Machine epsilon, , EPSILON function 587 588
Machine language 43 45
machine language, entry code segment 539
machine language, exit code segment 539
machine language, instruction times 542—545
machine language, looping 540
machine language, scalar §16.1.1 538—540
machine language, text segment 454
machine language, vector §16.1.2 540—542
magic, bad, arbitrary flag value 371 412
magic, bad, bad magic number message 430
magic, bad, fixed file names 212
magic, bad, fixed subprogram names 167
magic, bad, hand-waving arguments 24
magic, bad, hidden MPI initializations 556
Magic, good, default compilation rule 464
Magic, good, true namings 325
magnitude, complex Ex 4.10.39 105
Main program 131
Main storage 521
Maintainability of code 296
maintenance of software §12.6.2 345—347
make UNIX™ command §14.4 459—465
Makefiles 463—464
makefiles, .SUFFIXES line 478
makefiles, comment character, # 468
makefiles, examples 463 464 467 468
makefiles, line continuation, \ 464 468
makefiles, naming 464
makefiles, processing man pages 478
makefiles, tabs in 463—464
man pages 310—315 see
man pages, directory §14.6.2 470—472
man pages, examples 312—313 479
man pages, finding §14.6.6 479
man pages, page definition §14.6.4 475—478
man pages, page template §14.6.3 472—475
man pages, printing §14.6.7 479—481
man pages, processing §14.6.5 478—479
man pages, UNIX™ system routines 433
man pages, writing §14.6 469—481
man UNIX™ command, -k option, apropos 471
man UNIX™ command, -t option, typeset 481
| man UNIX™ command, about §14.6.1 469—470
Managers 428
managers, lying to 347 415
managers, need to know about FORTRAN 19
managers, shortsighted 414
MANPATH shell variable 479
Maple 7
marks a dangerous usage 27 358
mask of bits 94
mask of Fortran-90 PACK function 583
mask of HPF FORALL statement 605 606
master program 553
Mathematical functions §6.6.1 143—145
MATLAB 7—9 37
MATMUL function 579 591
Matrix as 2-dimensional array §5.3 113—114
Matrix in COMMON §8.5 185—186
Matrix, arithmetic functions, Fortran-90 579
Matrix, indexed as a vector 516—517
Matrix, LAPACK and BLAS subprograms 148
Matrix, multiplication see "Multiplication"
Matrix, outer product, Ex 11.9.22 288
Matrix, passing see "Parameters"
Matrix, rank-1 update 288
Matrix, reading and writing 200 206—207
Matrix, sparse 146 276—279 307
Matrix, symmetric 172 274—276
Matrix, trace 284 623
Matrix, transpose see "Transpose"
MATRNS subroutine 133 see
MATRNS subroutine, adjustable dimensions 160
MATRNS subroutine, assumed-size dimensions 163
MATRNS subroutine, leading dimensions 166
MAX0 function 68 144
MAX0 function, replaced by test 507
Maximum value see also "DMAX1" "MAX0" "MAXVAL" "HUGE"
Maximum value, found by test 507
Maximum value, representable 96
MAXVAL function 579
McCracken, Daniel D. 32 685
MCLOCK UNIX™ system routine 490—491
mcount profiling routine 489
Mean value, 204
Megabyte 99
Megaflops, million FLOPs per second 568 see
Memory access, errors 445—447
Memory access, stride see "Stride"
Memory access, times 503
Memory allocation see also "Column-major order"
Memory allocation in HPF 610—612
Memory allocation, actual parameters 136 161 164 268
Memory allocation, character variables 232
Memory allocation, COMMON block 186 586
Memory allocation, dynamic see "Dynamic"
Memory allocation, overlay by EQUIVALENCE 244
Memory allocation, static 117 269 586
Memory architecture variations §4.8 97
Memory conservation, overlay by EQUIVALENCE 378
Memory conservation, overlay by loader, archaic 414
Memory conservation, shared constants §11.4 272—274
Memory conservation, shared workspace §11.3 270—272
Memory conservation, short integers 377
Memory conservation, short reals 413
Memory conservation, sparse storage 276
Memory conservation, symmetric storage 275
Memory hierarchy see "Storage hierarchy"
Memory reference patterns §15.2.7 518—523
memory segments 454
Memory, alignment in see "Alignment"
memory, cache 521
Memory, I/O in §10.6.1 244—246
Memory, sequential see "Sequential storage"
Memory, shared, parallel processing 537
Merlin (tutor of King Arthur) 23
message level variable 453
Message passing 537 see
message passing, about §16.2.2 555—556
message passing, broadcasting 599
message passing, library 555
message passing, MPI see "MPI"
message passing, PVM 555
message passing, times 563—565
message passing, used by HPF 598—599
Messages see "Error" "Warning" "Output"
Microsoft Corporation 2 18 28
MIL-STD-1753 bit functions 92
Miller, Mark 33
MIMD computation 536 553
Minimum value see also "DMIN1" "MINO" "MINVAL" "TINY"
Minimum value, found by test 507
Minimum value, nonzero real 96
MINO function 68 144
MINO function, replaced by test 507
minus, - 52
MINVAL function 579
MIPS, million instructions per second 521 see "Megaflops"
mixed congruential algorithm Ex 4.10.48 106 Ex 153 Ex 193
mixed-language programming 10 665
mixed-mode expressions see also "Type conversions"
mixed-mode expressions, about §13.4.1 372—373
mixed-mode expressions, same as mixed type expressions 332
mkdir UNIX™ command 460
mnemonics of machine instructions 539
MOD function 53 144
Modula-II language 6
Modulus function see "DMOD" "MOD"
mon.out file 489
more UNIX™ command 437
Mortgage Ex 3.8.18 72
Motivation for this book §0.5.1 16—17
MPI, message passing interface 555—556
MPI, Message Passing Interface, compared to HPF 576 614—619
MPI, Message Passing Interface, examples of use 556—562
MPI, Message Passing Interface, hidden initializations 556
MPI, Message Passing Interface, invoked from HPF 613
MPI, Message Passing Interface, message tags 558—559 562 569
MPI, Message Passing Interface, process IDs 558
MPI, Message Passing Interface, return codes 559
mpif.h MPI INCLUDE file 556
MPI_ANY_SOURCE symbol 570
MPI_BCAST routine 560 562
MPI_BCAST routine, calling sequence 562
MPI_BCAST routine, example of use 561
MPI_COMM_RANK routine 558
MPI_COMM_RANK routine, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_COMM_SIZE symbol 560 562
MPI_COMM_SIZE symbol, examples of use 561 570
MPI_COMM_W0RLD symbol 556 558
MPI_COMM_W0RLD symbol, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_FINALIZE routine 558 560
MPI_FINALIZE routine, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_INIT routine 558 560
MPI_INIT routine, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_INTEGER symbol 570
MPI_JOUBLE_PRECISION symbol, examples of use 557 561 568
MPI_RECV routine 558 559 562
MPI_RECV routine, blocks while waiting 559 569
MPI_RECV routine, calling sequence 559
MPI_RECV routine, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_SEND routine 558 559 562
MPI_SEND routine, calling sequence 559
MPI_SEND routine, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_STATUS_SIZE symbol 556
MPI_STATUS_SIZE symbol, examples of use 557 561 568 570
MPI_SUCCESS symbol 559
MTS, Michigan Terminal System 28 32
Multiplication see also "Dot product"
Multiplication, arithmetic operator, * 52
Multiplication, array operands, FORTRAN-90 578
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