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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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Exponent of 10 in real constant, E-type 50
Exponent of 10 in real constant, Q-type 86
Exponent overflow IEEE exception 444
Exponential function, approximation 502 532
Exponential function, CDEXP built-in 90
Exponential function, DEXP built-in 144
Exponential function, EXP built-in 53
Exponential function, series Ex 4.10.23 102
Exponentiation, ** operator 52
Exponentiation, **0.5DO, square root 509
Exponentiation, **2, square 508
Exponentiation, array operands of **, FORTRAN-90 578
Exponentiation, in code tuning §15.2.4 508—511
Exponentiation, inlining 509
Exponentiation, order of successive 54
Exponentiation, right-to-left binary method 508
Exponentiation, whole-number powers 52 508
export shell command 437
Exposition in coding §12.4.4 330—334
Expressions see also "Subexpressions"
expressions in code tuning §15.2.3 504—507
expressions in PRINT variable list 56
expressions, about §2 49—58
expressions, array, Fortran-90 578
expressions, how formed §2.5 53—54
expressions, logical see "Logical expression"
Expressions, mixed-mode 332 372—373
Extended precision see also "REAL*16"
Extended precision, nonstandard 97
Extending COMMON §13.8.2 394—395 see
Extension, bad magic number message 430
Extension, filename see also ".a" ".f" ".F" ".o" ".p" ".3"
Extensions, compiler 28 334 589
extent of an array dimension 113
external documentation §12.3.1 310—315
external documentation, man pages 310—315
EXTERNAL, about §7.2 166—177
EXTERNAL, C routine 664
EXTERNAL, misused 170 391
EXTERNAL, omitted 446
EXTERNAL, statement function cannot be 389
EXTRINSIC routines, HPF 612—613
EXTRINSIC routines, HPF, calling MPI from 613
EXTRINSIC routines, HPF, HPF SERIAL option 613
EXTRINSIC routines, HPF, no sequential parameters 613
F defined .FALSE. 91
F FORMAT field specification 200
F FORMAT field specification, overridden by decimal point 401
F FORMAT field specification, scale factor on 398—399
f77 UNIX™ command 43 see "f90"
f77 UNIX™ command, about §14.1 429—433
f90 UNIX™ command, Fortran-90 580
f90 UNIX™ command, Fortran-90, compiling classical 14 577—578
Factorial function, n! Ex 5.8.34 127 Ex 259
Factorial function, n! from lookup table 500 532
Fail-safe programming 300
falls through test result 63
falls through test result, example 87
Fault, page 521
Fault, segmentation 445
FDATE UNIX™ system routine 146 434
field specifications, FORMAT, /, skip line 200
field specifications, FORMAT, A, character 233
field specifications, FORMAT, B, binary, Fortran-90 588
field specifications, FORMAT, D, fraction-exponent 200 401
field specifications, FORMAT, F, decimal 200 401
field specifications, FORMAT, H, Hollerith string §13.9.3 399—400
field specifications, FORMAT, I, integer 200
field specifications, FORMAT, In.m, integer, leading zeros 400
field specifications, FORMAT, L, logical 200
field specifications, FORMAT, T, tab 200
field specifications, FORMAT, X, skip space 200
field specifications, FORMAT, Z, hexadecimal 200
fields of a statement 42
fields of a statement, continuation 66
fields of a statement, sequence—number 359
fields of a statement, statement—number 62
FILE see also "UNIX™ files" "Devices"
file of commands 214
File system block size 435
File, a.out 44
file, appending to 218
file, archive, .a 466
file, attaching see "Attaching files"
file, counting lines 203 215 218
File, data 211 215 273 303 304 333
file, data, binary 219 298
file, direct-access §13.9.6 402
file, dot or hidden 302
file, editing see "vi" "changeall"
file, emptied by UNIX™ 218
File, executable 44 45 430—431 457
file, finding properties 146 434—435
file, flush to disk with FLUSH 146
file, fort.n 209 437
File, include see "INCLUDE"
file, internal 245
file, last change time 435 463
File, log 212
file, make see "make"
file, man page see "man pages"
file, mon.out profiling data 489
file, mpif .h 556
file, object, .o 460
file, options 302 304
file, paging 521
file, positioning in §9.6 218—219
file, redirecting I/O 208 218
file, removing see "Removing a file"
file, rereading see "Rereading files"
File, rewind 219
file, scratch or temporary 437
file, size 435
file, source code, .f 41 44 133 460
file, template, FORTRAN 321
FILE=clause in INQUIRE 435
filter programs 207—209 301
Fine-grained parallelism 536
first entry to a subprogram, avoiding ENTRY 528
first entry to a subprogram, detecting §6.5 141—142
fixed format I/O 199
fixed source form 42 see
fixed-point overflow 76
Fixed—pattern matrix §11.6.1 276—277
fixed—up IEEE exceptions 443 458
Flag data value 371
float function 83
Floating-point functions 586—588
floating-point numbers 78 see
floating-point numbers, comparison 332
floating-point numbers, extreme values 96 587 588
Floating-point numbers, IEEE standard see "IEEE"
floating-point numbers, non-IEEE 97 148 373 503
floating-point numbers, normalized 78 96 543 588
floating-point numbers, output scale factors §13.9.2 397—399
floating-point numbers, steps in multiplication 543
floating-point registers 539
floor function, [x] 546 see
floor function, [x] in DMOD Ex 6.8.31 156
floor function, [x], FLOOR 587 588
FLOPs, floating-point operations 277 568 see "Megaflops"
flow of control 59 see "Scope"
flow of control in statistical profiling 488
flow of control, thread in HPF 594
flow of control, tracking in debugging 449
Flowcharting see also "unit diagram"
flowcharting in program design 298 307
flowcharting, box shapes 60
flowcharting, examples 60 73
flowcharting, history 69
| flowcharting, introduced §3.1 60—61
flowcharting, reconsidered §3.5 66—67
flush, cache memory 521
flushing buffered output by closing unit Ex 9.9.14 223
flushing buffered output, FLUSH UNIX™ system routine 146 436
fonts of type used in this book 25
FORALL statement, HPF 604—607
FORALL statement, HPF, active set of indices 606
FORALL statement, HPF, control dependencies 605
FORALL statement, HPF, invoking PURE function 613—614
FORALL statement, HPF, mask 605 606
FORALL statement, HPF, scope of indices 606
FORALL statement, HPF, stride 605
FORALL statement, HPF, valid set of indices 606
Form feed, Z'OC' 232 see
formal methods of program design 22 293
Formal parameters see "Parameters"
FORMAT statement 199—202
FORMAT statement in code tuning 525
FORMAT statement in READ §13.9.5 400—402
FORMAT statement, cursor control, $ 202
FORMAT statement, decimal point overrides 401
FORMAT statement, field specifications see "Field"
FORMAT statement, more examples 204 206 215 221 222
FORMAT statement, numbering 201 205 336—337 450
FORMAT statement, object-time see "Object-time FORMAT"
FORMAT statement, placement 201 205 337
FORMAT statement, scale factor, P 398
Format, sparse matrix storage 278—279
formatting directives for troff 472
fort.n file 209 437
Fortran language, classical see "Classical FORTRAN"
Fortran language, falsely disparaged 6—7
Fortran language, Fortran-2000 5 575 620 630—631
Fortran language, Fortran-66 5
Fortran language, Fortran-77 5 13 575
Fortran language, Fortran-88 575
Fortran language, Fortran-8X 575
Fortran language, Fortran-90 see "Fortran-90"
Fortran language, Fortran-II 5
Fortran language, Fortran-IV 5 6
Fortran language, future of §17.3 620—621
Fortran language, High Performance Fortran see "HPF"
Fortran language, history 5—8 575—576
Fortran language, how it evolves 12—14 575 620
Fortran language, of peasants 1
Fortran language, standards see "Standards"
Fortran language, upward compatibility 12
Fortran language, why study it §0.3 8—11
Fortran-90 5 8 see
Fortran-90, about §17.1 577—592
Fortran-90, array operations 578—583 602—604
Fortran-90, B FORMAT field specification 588
Fortran-90, binary constants 588—589
Fortran-90, Case Study §17.1.4 589—591
Fortran-90, compiler see "f90"
Fortran-90, dynamic memory §17.1.2 583—586
Fortran-90, functions, IEEE floating-point 586—588
Fortran-90, functions, other built-in 578—579 583
Fortran-90, history 575—576
Fortran-90, nonadvancing input 577
Fortran-90, parts omitted here §17.1.5 592
Fortran-90, poem about 575
Fortran-90, typographical extensions 589
fpe option, catch command of dbx 458
FRACTION function 587 588
Fraction-exponent output format 199 200
free loops 109
free loops, about §13.3.4 370—371
free loops, DO loops preferred 112 513
free loops, endless 112
free loops, reading data 215 303
free loops, will not vectorize 550 551
Free source form see also "Fixed source form"
Free source form , about §13.1.3 360—361
Free source form in Fortran-90 575
free—format I/O 198 205 301 333
fsplit UNIX™ utility 461
FSTAT UNIX™ system routine 146 435—436
full pipeline 544
full storage mode 275 see "Sparse"
fullword 75
fun 293 335 347 487
Function overloading 374
FUNCTION subprograms in PRINT variable list 87
FUNCTION subprograms with argument 137
FUNCTION subprograms without arguments §13.6.5 388—389
FUNCTION subprograms, about §6.3 137—139
FUNCTION subprograms, argument range 145
FUNCTION subprograms, array mistaken for 446
FUNCTION subprograms, array-valued in Fortran-90 579—580
FUNCTION subprograms, bit manipulation 92
FUNCTION subprograms, built-in 53 87 143—145 407—408
FUNCTION subprograms, character-valued §10.6.3 247
FUNCTION subprograms, complex-valued 88 145
FUNCTION subprograms, declaring type 138
FUNCTION subprograms, Fortran-90, built-in 578—579 583
FUNCTION subprograms, Fortran-90, floating-point 586—588
FUNCTION subprograms, GENERIC §13.4.2 373—374
FUNCTION subprograms, HPF built-in 602 607—608 613
FUNCTION subprograms, naming 87 90 138 325—328
FUNCTION subprograms, PURE in HPF 613—614
FUNCTION subprograms, references to §2.4 52—53
functional decomposition 553
functional decomposition, Case Study §16.2.3 556—559
functional decomposition, not data parallel 576
functional unit of a pipeline 543—544
Functions, approximating 501—503
Functions, statement §13.6.6 389
Fusion of loops 515—516
Future of Fortran §17.3 620—621
g77 compiler 8 29 97
Gaelic 11
Gallagher, Robert M. 33
Gamma function see "DGAMMA"
Garbage collection 281
Gelb, Jack 32
gematria of a word Ex 10.9.13 258
Generic functions §13.4.2 373—374
GETARG UNIX™ system routine 146
GETCWD UNIX™ system routine 146
GETENV UNIX™ system routine 437
GETFIL subroutine 212—213 301 333
GETFIL subroutine, about §18.3 643—652
GETFIL subroutine, calling sequence 212 643
GETFIL subroutine, command-line unit assignments 644
GETFIL subroutine, examples of use 213
GETFIL subroutine, routines it calls 633
GETFIL subroutine, source code 644—652
GETTIMEOFDAY UNIX™ routine 663 665 666
global edits see "changeall"
Global memory see "COMMON"
gnuplot 248
GO TO statement in code tuning 512
GO TO statement, condemned by some 6—7
GO TO statement, introduced §3.2 61—63
GO TO statement, perils §12.4.3 328—330
GO TO, computed §13.3.3 370
Graph, speedup see "Amdahl's law"
graphics library 248
Graphs, plotting see "Character graphics"
grep UNIX™ command 327 368 439
Gross, Laura 33
Guide to Fortran IV Programming, A [85] 32
H FORMAT field specification §13.9.3 399—400
H, prefix for Hollerith constant 230
Hamming, R. W. 248 690
hand-checking code see "Checking"
Hanging prompt 202 301
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