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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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subprogram libraries, linking to §14.5.1 466—467
subprogram libraries, message passing §16.2.2 555—556
subprogram libraries, name conflicts with 447
subprogram libraries, public-domain 148—149
subprogram libraries, sparse matrix 278
subprogram libraries, UNIX™ system 145
subprograms in code tuning §15.2.9 525—528
subprograms in HPF §17.2.5 608—614
subprograms, about §6 129—157
subprograms, arguments see "Parameters"
subprograms, bad coding practices §13.6 383—390
subprograms, BLOCK DATA §8.6 186—188
subprograms, C, calling from Fortran 665
subprograms, desirable properties 180
subprograms, detecting first entry §6.5 141—142
subprograms, EXTERNAL §7.2.2 168—170
subprograms, FUNCTION see "FUNCTION"
subprograms, high-performance see "High-performance"
subprograms, in Fortran-90 see "Fortran-90"
subprograms, internal name, with _ 489
subprograms, lowly 331—332
subprograms, name conflicts 157 308 447
subprograms, optimal size 308 527 652
Subprograms, parameters see "Parameters"
subprograms, return code 317—318 350 384
subprograms, reuse 392—394
subprograms, separate compilation 134 137
subprograms, SUBROUTINE §6.1 131—135
subprograms, utility §18 633—676
SUBROUTINE subprograms, about §6.1 131—135
SUBROUTINE subprograms, naming 132 325—328
subscript of an array see also "Overflows" "Array "Section
subscript of an array, checking §14.1.2 431—432
subscript of an array, how formed 110
subscript of an array, indexing a matrix as a vector 516—517
subscript of an array, indirect indexing see "Indirect"
subscript of an array, negative offsets 517
subscript of an array, past end §13.8.3 395
Subscripted variables see "arrays"
substring notation 406
Subtraction operator, - 52
Subtraction operator, -, array operands, Fortran-90 578
Successive refinement 22 307—309 see
Successive refinement, wrong decomposition 383
Suffix of a real constant see "D" "E" "Q"
Sum function 579 591 602 618
SUM_SCATTER function 607—608
Sun Microsystems 29
Supercomputers, vector 536
Surprises, avoiding 301 see
switch internal network 537
Switch, debug see "DEBUG"
Symbol table 456
Symbolic link 437
Symmetric matrix 274—276 Ex 172
symmetric storage mode §11.5 274—276 see "Sparse"
synchronization of HPF processes, barrier 604
synchronization of HPF processes, due to overlap 602—604 606—607
synchronization of HPF processes, intermittent 595
SYNOPSIS section of a man page 474
Syntax 42
syntax of DO loops 111
syntax of function references 53
syntax, errors 44 440—441
System dependencies, isolating 334
system routines 27 43
system routines, Fortran library 43 197 198
system routines, UNIX™ 145 388 433—440
SYSTEM, UNIX™ system routine 146 439
System-state CPU time 488
T defined .TRUE. 91
T, tab FORMAT field specification 200
Tab character, byte code 232
table of values 500
Table of values for n! 500 532
Table of values, searching 501 502
Table of variables 319 341—342
Table, truth, defining logical operation 155
Tabs in makefile 463—464
Tabs in source code 337
Tabs in source code, program to remove Ex 10.9.5 256
Tabs in tbl input 474
Tags, message, MPI 558—559 562 569
tail of a linked list 280
Tangent function see "DTAN"
target in a makefile 463
Target of a branch see "Branching"
Taylor series 502 see
tbl preprocessor for troff 470—472 474
TCAT shell variable 481
tcov UNIX™ profiling tool 495
Team programming 297
template character string 639
Template file, Fortran source 321
Template file, man page §14.6.3 472—475
temporary or scratch file 437
Terminal-session excerpts 26
Testing of code §12.6 343—345
Tests 59 see "Conditional"
tests of limits before DO 112
tests, based on loop index 514
tests, eliminating from loop 500
tests, falls-through result 63 87
tests, ordering for speed 511
tests, replace MAX and MIN functions 507
tests, that data will fit in array 118
Text, machine language 454
Thread of control in HPF 594
Three Questions, The 342
Tiger, cartoon 563
Time and date functions §14.2.1 434
Time of last change to file 435 463
time UNIX™ command §15.1.1 488
Time, 24-hour Ex 9.9.20 225
Time, running, decreasing see "Vector and parallel"
Time, running, decreasing CPU see "Optimization"
Time, running, expansion factor 492
Time, running, scalar vs vector 546—547
Time, running, serial vs parallel 563—565
Time, wallclock 487
timer control code 493
TIMER subroutine, /EXPT/COMMON block 493 665
TIMER subroutine, about §18.5 659—670
TIMER subroutine, accuracy 672
TIMER subroutine, algorithm §18.5.1 660—663
TIMER subroutine, calling sequence 493
TIMER subroutine, error messages 493
TIMER subroutine, example 493
TIMER subroutine, routines it calls 633
TIMER subroutine, source code §18.5.2 663—670
TIMER subroutine, use §15.1.4 491—495
Times, message passing 563—565
timing bins 492
Timing hardware 672
TINY function 587 588
Token 245
Tolerances 501 see
ToMS subprogram library 148
Top-down design 308
touch UNIX™ command 465
TPV2R8 routine 657
TPV2R8 routine, example of use 653
TPVADD routine 653—654
TPVADD routine, example of use 653
TPVNML routine §18.4.2 655—656
TPVSCL routine §18.4.4 659
TPVSUB routine 654—655
TR0FF shell variable 481
Trace of a matrix Ex 11.9.6 284 Ex 623
Trailing blanks see also "LENGTH function"
| Trailing blanks in character string 233
Trailing blanks in input data 401
Transactions on Mathematical Software 149
transcriptive distribution, HPF 609—610
Transfer function 105
transfer of control see "Branching"
Transfer of sign see "DSIGN" "ISIGN"
Translation of character strings by arithmetic §13.10.2 404—406
Translation of character strings by table lookup 235
Transpose, matrix 129
Transpose, matrix, MATRNS subroutine 133 160 163 166
Transpose, matrix, TRANSPOSE function 579
Traversal of a linked list 281
triangle see "Hypotenuse"
troff UNIX™ utility 469 472—474
troff UNIX™ utility, directives table 472
troff UNIX™ utility, tbl and eqn preprocessors 470—472
Trojan horse software 149
Truncation see "chopping"
Truncation errors 82
truncation errors, example 88
truth table defining logical operation 155
tuned Fortran source see "Code tuning"
Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens) 8
two-part values 494 652—659
two-part values, add and subtract §18.4.1 653—655
two-part values, convert §18.4.3 657—658
two-part values, normalize §18.4.2 655—656
two-part values, scale §18.4.4 659
two-part values, used in TIMER §18.5.2 663—670
Type conversions 332
type conversions, avoiding 503 505—506
type conversions, complex 90
type conversions, implicit see "Mixed mode"
type conversions, integer to numerals §18.1.1 634—636
type conversions, numerals to integer §18.1.2 636—639
type conversions, real and integer §4.4 83—84
type conversions, two-part value §18.4.3 657—658
Type declarations 75 85 333 see
type declarations in code tuning §15.2.2 503—504
type declarations, C0MPLEX*32 89
type declarations, C0MPLEX*8 89
type declarations, CHARACTER*n 229
type declarations, comments on 320 339
type declarations, COMPLEX*16 89
type declarations, functions 138 139 170
type declarations, INTEGER*2 377
type declarations, INTEGER*4 75—77
type declarations, L0GICAL*1 404
type declarations, L0GICAL*4 91
type declarations, REAL*16 79—80
type declarations, REAL*4 77—80
type declarations, REAL*8 79—80
type declarations, subprogram parameters 134 138
type declarations, two-part values 494
type mismatch see also "Mixed mode"
Type mismatch and vanishing bugs 455
Type mismatch, array subprogram parameters 163 373
Type mismatch, variables aligned in COMMON 181 272
Typing cursor see also "Cursor control"
Typing cursor, denoted _ 644
Typography in coding see also "Rewriting"
Typography in coding, about §12.4.5 334—339
Typography in coding, clutter 335—336
Typography in coding, consistency 335
Typography in coding, continuation 337—338
Typography in coding, extensions in Fortran-90 589
Typography in coding, indentation 336
Typography in coding, parentheses 331 335
Typography in coding, statement numbers 336—337
Typography in coding, white space 337
Typography in this book §0.5.5 25—27
UB0UND function 613
Unary plus and minus 52
Unary plus and minus, array operand 578 622
undefined symbol 447
Undefined variable 55
Undefined variable, DO index outside loop 116
Underflow 80 81
underflow, IEEE exception 444
Underscore, - in internal subprogram name 489
Underscore, - in MPI names 556
Underscore, -, denotes typing cursor 644
unexpected end of line 464
unformatted I/O in code tuning 525
unformatted I/O, about §9.7 219—220
unformatted I/O, byte order considerations 98
unformatted I/O, reading record length Ex 10.9.35 263
uniq UNIX™ command 258
UNIT= clause in INQUIRE 435
units, logical I/O see also "Attaching files"
units, logical I/O, /dev/null, infinite sink 217
units, logical I/O, /dev/tty, keyboard 210
units, logical I/O, 0, standard—error 199
units, logical I/O, 5, standard—in 197
units, logical I/O, 6, standard—out 197
units, logical I/O, about 197
units, logical I/O, assignment 207—214 644
units, logical I/O, diagram 208 306
units, logical I/O, finding properties §14.2.2 434—435
units, logical I/O, illegal 442
unix[1], prompt in terminal sessions 26
UNIX™ commands and utilities, a.out 45
UNIX™ commands and utilities, apropos 471
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ar 468
UNIX™ commands and utilities, catman 471 474
UNIX™ commands and utilities, cd 460
UNIX™ commands and utilities, chmod 469
UNIX™ commands and utilities, cp 478
UNIX™ commands and utilities, cpp 361 430 454
UNIX™ commands and utilities, dbx see "dbx"
UNIX™ commands and utilities, f 77
UNIX™ commands and utilities, fsplit 461
UNIX™ commands and utilities, grep 327 368 439
UNIX™ commands and utilities, invoking from program §14.2.5 439
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ld 43
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ln 436
UNIX™ commands and utilities, lpr 397
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ls 461 463
UNIX™ commands and utilities, make see "make"
UNIX™ commands and utilities, man 310 469—470
UNIX™ commands and utilities, mkdir 460
UNIX™ commands and utilities, more 437
UNIX™ commands and utilities, mv 431
UNIX™ commands and utilities, prof §15.1.2 488—490
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ps 450
UNIX™ commands and utilities, ranlib 468
UNIX™ commands and utilities, rm 461
UNIX™ commands and utilities, sed 335 368
UNIX™ commands and utilities, sort 207 301 349 479
UNIX™ commands and utilities, tcov 495
UNIX™ commands and utilities, time §15.1.1 488
UNIX™ commands and utilities, touch 465
UNIX™ commands and utilities, troff see "troff"
UNIX™ commands and utilities, uniq Ex 10.9.16 258
UNIX™ commands and utilities, vi 368 462
UNIX™ files and devices, .., parent directory 476
UNIX™ files and devices, /dev directory 197
UNIX™ files and devices, /dev/null, infinite sink 217
UNIX™ files and devices, /dev/tty,keyboard 210
UNIX™ files and devices, lib directory 467
UNIX™ files and devices, man directory §14.6.2 470—472
UNIX™ files and devices, src directory 467
UNIX™ files and devices, ~, home directory 467 468
UNIX™ operating system, cartoon 29
UNIX™ operating system, command shell see "Shell"
UNIX™ operating system, critics 28
UNIX™ operating system, daemon 555
UNIX™ operating system, dot file 302
UNIX™ operating system, Linux 8 29
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