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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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debugging, output 211 304 448—454
Debugging, run-time errors §14.3.2 441—448
decimal point 50
Decimal point, omitted in data 401
Decimal point, omitted in real constant 373
Decimal point, overrides FORMAT 401
Declarations see "Type declarations"
Decomposition for parallel processing 553 see "Functional"
default compilation rule 464
Default input values 302 303
Default input values, accepting with 302
Default input values, options file 302
Default naming rule 51 109 326
Default naming rule, IMPLICIT NONE removes 375—377
Default naming rule, IMPLICIT overrides 375
Default naming rule, type declaration overrides 85
Defensive coding 334
DEFINE FILE statement, archaic 402
DeMorgan's Theorem 329
Density of nonzeros in sparse matrix 278
dependencies in a makefile 463
Dependencies, logical 550 596 see "Data" "Control"
DERF function 144
Derivative approximation Ex 15.4.12 532
DESCRIPTION section of a man page 474
Design of parallel algorithms 601—602
Design, about §12.2 297—310
design, bottom-up 309
Design, formal methods 22 293
Design, program §12.2.2 306—310
Design, top-down 308
Design, user interface §12.2.1 299—305
DEXP function 144 502
DEXP function, argument range 145
DFLOAT function 83
DGAMMA function 144
Diagnostic output 303 see
Diagnostic output from library routines 304 350
Diagnostic output in debugging §14.3.3 448—454 Ex 350
Diagnostic output, controlling verbosity 303 453
Diagnostic output, phrasing 303
diagnostics from 177 440
DIAGNOSTICS section of a man page 474
Dietz, Donna 33
DIGITS see also "Numerals"
Digits of e 265
Digits, frequencies in tabular data 102 265
Dijkstra, Prof. Dr. Edsger W. 6 22 690
Dilbert, cartoon 29 300 414
DIMAG function 90
Dimension statement §13.5.1 379
dimensions of an array §5.5 117—118 see "UBOUND
dimensions of an array in a subprogram 134 138
dimensions of an array in COMMON 185—186 396
dimensions of an array, (1), archaic §13.7.1 390—391
dimensions of an array, adjustable 581 see "Fortran-90"
dimensions of an array, assumed-size see "Assumed-size"
dimensions of an array, effect on efficiency 517—518
dimensions of an array, fixed at compilation 117
dimensions of an array, leading §7.1.2 164—166
dimensions of an array, multiple 113
dimensions of an array, omitted 446
dimensions of an array, range 117 581
dimensions of an array, set by INTERFACE block 581
dimensions of an array, set by PARAMETER constant 118
dimensions of an array, single 110
dimensions of an array, subprogram parameter, HPF 610—612
Directive, cpp #include 454
Directives, ALIGN 595 596 611
Directives, HPF 576 595
Directives, prefixed by CHPF$ 595
Directives, PROCESSORS 595 596 598
Directives, SEQUENCE 611 612
Directives, troff see "troff"
Directives, vectorizing compiler 549 551
Directory, UNIX™ see also "UNIX™ files and devices"
Directory, UNIX™, get name with GETCWD 146
Direct—access I/O §13.9.6 402
Disappearing bugs 128 454—455
Discipline in coding 297
disclaimers §0.9 34—36
Discriminant of a quadratic 59
disk file see "File"
Disk quota, exceeding 442
DISTRIBUTE directive, HPF 596 598 see "CYCLIC"
DISTRIBUTE directive, HPF, examples of use 595 617
DISTRIBUTE directive, HPF, ONTO clause 595 596 598
Distributing data in HPF see also "DISTRIBUTE directive"
Distributing data in HPF, * distribution 598
Distributing data in HPF, about §17.2.3 597—599
Distributing data in HPF, allocatable arrays see "Allocatable"
Distributing data in HPF, BLOCK distribution 598 599
Distributing data in HPF, broadcast 599
Distributing data in HPF, CYCLIC distribution 598 599 616
Distributing data in HPF, inherited or transcriptive 609—610
Distributing data in HPF, prescriptive 609
Distributing data in HPF, remapping 609
Distributing data in HPF, subprogram parameters 609—612 618
Divide and conquer 298—299 see
Divide by zero, avoiding in arctangent 143
Divide by zero, avoiding in convergence test 94
Divide by zero, IEEE floating-point exception 444
Divide by zero, integer divide check 444 456
Dividing line comment 320
Division, arithmetic operator, / 52
Division, array operands, Fortran-90 578
Division, change to multiplication 505 515
DLOG function 144
DLOG10 function 144
DMAX1 function 144
DMAX1 function, replaced by test 507
DMIN1 function 144
DMIN1 function, replaced by test 507
DMOD function 144 145 Ex 155
Do loops see also "CONTINUE" "Loops"
DO loops, about §5.2 110—112
DO loops, abuses §13.5.2 379—380
DO loops, body 111
DO loops, endless because of bug 451
DO loops, Fortran-66 vs Fortran-77 112
DO loops, implied see "Implied DO loop"
DO loops, increment see "Increment"
DO loops, INDEPENDENT, HPF 596 599 614
DO loops, index 111 514
DO loops, index naming 327
DO loops, initialization overhead 522
DO loops, keep them short 329
DO loops, limits 111 518 533
DO loops, nested 113 115 120 550
DO loops, normalization 518
DO loops, preferred to free loops 112 513
DO loops, range 111
DO loops, rules §5.4 115—116
DO loops, testing limits before 112
DO loops, vectorizable 550 551
DO-ENDDO construct 381
DO-WHILE construct §13.5.4 382
Documentation §12.3 310—321 see
Documentation, external §12.3.1 310—315
documentation, internal §12.3.2 315—321
Dollar amounts, adding 104 224
Dollar sign, pragma 664
Dollar sign, $, avoid in names 368
Dollar sign, , HPF directive 595
Dollar sign, $, cursor control in FORMAT 202
Dollar sign, $, evaluates shell variable 468
Domain decomposition 553
domain decomposition, data parallel programming 576
| domain decomposition, MPI Case Study §16.2.4 559—562
dot file 302
Dot product 82 see
dot product, BLAS routines 148
dot product, DDOT function 138
dot product, DOT_PRODUCT function 579
dot product, parallelized Ex 16.4.12 573
dots mark progress Ex 9.9.13 223
DOUBLE PRECISION data type 377
DOUBLE PRECISION data type, same as REAL*8 377
doubleword 79
Dozen, a Gross, and a Score, A, poem 58
DQS, Distributed Queuing System 538
DREAL function 90
Dreams 621
driver programs for code testing 344
Drosehn, Garance 33
DSIGN function 144 145
DSIN function 85 140 144
DSINH function 144
DSQRT function 144
DTAN function 144
DTANH function 144
DTB routine §18.1.2 636—639 see
Dummies 18
Dummy parameters see "Parameters"
dump command of dbx 458 459
Dynamic memory allocation, Fortran-90, about §17.1.2 583—586
Dynamic memory allocation, Fortran-90, allocatable arrays see "Allocatable"
Dynamic memory allocation, Fortran-90, automatic arrays 586
E suffix of REAL*4 constant 50 332
Ease of use of code 296
echo shell command 440
Edge conditions in code testing 344
Editing character strings §10.3 235—236
editing files see "changeall" "vi"
Efficiency of code 296 see
egoless programming 305
EISPACK subprogram library 148
Eject, page, Z'OC' 232
Elementary functions in Fortran-90 array expressions 579
Elementary functions, about §6.6.1 143—145
elements of an array 109
Elements of Programming Style, The [8] 32
Elements of Style, The [164] 13
else see "IF-THEN"
Emge, Bill 33
End statement 42
END statement, needed in subprogram 134
end-of-file 202—203 442
End-of-file, character, ^D 26 202
End-of-line comments, Fortran-90 589
END=I/O clause 202—203 303 328 443
enddo statement 381
Endian-ness of processor 97 233
Endian-ness of processor, program to determine Ex 10.9.42 266
endless loops 112 124
endless loops, DO, index modified 451
Endless program 449
Engineer, Sarah N. see "sarah"
Engineering, Software 22 293
entry code segment of machine program 539
ENTRY statement in code tuning 528
ENTRY statement, about §13.6.2 385
Entry to subprogram, first avoiding ENTRY 528
Entry to subprogram, first detecting §6.5 141—142
Environment assumed §0.5.6 27—30
environment variable see "Shell variable"
eof see "End-of-file"
EPSILON function 587 588
eqn preprocessor for troff 470—472
Equations, solved analytically 499
EQUIVALENCE statement 94
EQUIVALENCE statement, abuses 378
EQUIVALENCE statement, degrades optimization 503
EQUIVALENCE statement, extending COMMON §13.8.2 394—395
EQUIVALENCE statement, special care needed in HPF 611
EQUIVALENCE statement, uses 121 244 246
Erf function 53
ERR=I/O clause 203—204 303 328 443
Error function, erf(x), built-in see "DERF" "ERF"
Error function, erf(x), series Ex 6.8.22 154
Error messages from f77 §14.3.1 440—441
Error messages from program see "Diagnostic output"
Error messages from TIMER 493
Error messages, run-time, table 448
Errors see also "Debugging"
Errors, array assignment sets element twice 582
Errors, constant declaration 100
Errors, continuation column 66
Errors, deadlocks and races §16.2.6 568
Errors, divide by zero 143 444
Errors, DO index changed in body 116 451
Errors, dynamic array allocated twice 585
Errors, endless loop 112
Errors, fixed-point overflow 76
Errors, floating-point exceptions 80 458
Errors, FORALL sets array element twice 605
Errors, I/O, intercepting 203—204
Errors, IF-THEN use 64 71
Errors, illegal unit number 443
Errors, INDEPENDENT DO loop isn't 602
Errors, INDEPENDENT FORALL isn't 607
Errors, literal constant changed 140 386—387
Errors, name conflict 157 182
Errors, no INTERFACE for array FUNCTION 580
Errors, parameters aliased 136 151 152 387
Errors, passed array not dimensioned 446
Errors, passed name not EXTERNAL 170 446
Errors, print field too narrow 200
Errors, removed by checking §12.5 340—342
Errors, shared workspace not temporary 272
Errors, statement commented out 341
Errors, subscript overflow 110 170 205 334
Errors, syntax vs logic 44 440
Errors, type mismatch 163 181 373 455
Errors, unexpected output scaling 398
Errors, unmatched MPI sends and receives 569
Errors, workspace partitioned wrong 270
ESSL subprogram library 146
ETIME UNIX™ system routine 146
ETIME UNIX™ system routine, examples of use 490 669
Ettles, Christopher 33
Eunuch programmers, cartoon 29
Evolution of Fortran 12—14 575 620 see
EXAMPLE section of a man page 475
Exceptions 442
Exclusive-OR Ex 4.10.43 105 Ex 155
exclusive-OR, IEOR function 93
Executable file 44 45 430—431 457
Executable program 43
executable size 523
Executable statements 42
execution profile of a program 432
execution profile of a program, direct from TIMER §15.1.4 491—495
execution profile of a program, statistical from prof §15.1.2 488—490
execution profile of a program, tcov UNIX™ profiling tool 495
Execution speed see "Speed"
exit code segment of machine program 539
EXIT UNIX™ system routine 146 439—440
Exp function 53
Expansion factor 492 668—670
EXPF, archaic function name 390
Explicit coding style 328
Explicit coding style, IMPLICIT NONE 375—377
exponent bias 78 79
Exponent function 587 588
Exponent of 10 in real constant, D-type 86
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