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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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UNIX™ operating system, man page see "man page"
UNIX™ operating system, PID, process number 558
UNIX™ operating system, socket 537
UNIX™ operating system, why assumed in this book 28—29
UNIX™ system routines 145 388 433—440
UNIX™ system routines, passing character strings 244 438
UNLINK UNIX™ system routine 146 437
Unmatched sends and receives, MPI 569
Unnamed COMMON see "Blank COMMON"
Unnecessary variables 336 378 517
Unnormalized number 78 96
Unprintable characters 231 232
Unreachable code 413
Unrolling loops 513—514 523
Unusual usages §13 357—428
Upper limit of a DO loop 111
Upper limit of a DO loop, never reached 112
UPSTR subroutine 235
upward compatible Fortrans 12
upward compatible Fortrans, tradition unwisely rejected 620
user interface design, about §12.2.1 299—305
user interface design, cartoon 300
user-state CPU time 488
Utility routines §18 633—676 see
valid set in FORALL execution 606
Vandalism 414
Vanishing bugs 128 454—455
Variables see also "Type declarations"
Variables in code tuning §15.2.2 503—504
Variables in shared workspace §11.3 270—272
Variables, "real", "integer" §2.2 51
variables, arrays see "Arrays"
Variables, bounding of values 68
Variables, characters in §13.10.1 404
Variables, complex §4.6.1 88—90
Variables, INTEGER*4 75—77
variables, list 319 341—342
Variables, local to routine 134 180 181 577—578
Variables, message level 453
variables, naming 51 109 325—328
Variables, REAL*16 86
Variables, REAL*4 77—80
Variables, REAL*8 86
variables, SHARED see "COMMON"
Variables, two-part value 494 652—659
Variables, undefined 55 116
Variables, unnecessary 336 378 517
Vector as 1-dimensional array §5.1 109—110
Vector of characters 229
Vector processing 535—536 see
vector processing, about §16.1 538—552
vector processing, algorithms 549
vector processing, Amdahl's law §16.1.4 546—548
vector processing, array processors 535
vector processing, Case Study §16.1 551—552
vector processing, chaining 545
vector processing, functional units 543—544
vector processing, input and output 550
vector processing, library subprograms 537
vector processing, machine instructions 540—542
vector processing, pipelining §16.1.3 542—546
vector processing, registers 540
vector processing, scalar part 546
vector processing, section loop 541—545
vector processing, supercomputers 536
vector processing, vectorizable part 546
Vector, matrix indexed as 516—517
Vector, outer product, Ex 11.9.22 288
Vector, partitioned workspace §11.2 269—270
Vector, reading and writing §9.3 206—207
vectorizing compiler 540 546
| vectorizing compiler, code tuning 548—552
vectorizing compiler, directives 549 551
vectorizing compiler, vectorization inhibitors 549—550
Vectorizing compiler, vectorization report 551
Verbosity, diagnostic output 303 453
verbosity, informational output 304
version numbering 346
vi, UNIX™ editor 368 462
Virtual memory 488 521
Visual Basic language 6
wallclock time 487
Warning messages from f77 441
WARNING section of a man page 474
whatis database 471 474
where command of dbx 458
While loop see "DO WHILE"
White space in source code 337
White, E.B. 13 694
Whole-number powers 52 508
wild branch 455
Windows operating system 28
Wirth, Niklaus 6 687
Word of memory 75 97
worker program 553
Working directory, get name with GETCWD 146
Workspace, automatic, Fortran-90 586
Workspace, partitioned §11.2 269—270
Workspace, shared 270—272 528
workstation clusters 537
World Wide Web 1—3 37 148
WRITE() statement see also "Input and output" "Output"
WRITE() statement, about §9.1 198—199
WRITE() statement, ADVANCE='N0', Fortran-90 577
WRITE() statement, empty list 201
WRITE() statement, ERR= 203—204
WRITE() statement, REC= 402
WRITE() statement, unformatted 220
X FORMAT field specification 200
x-y plots §10.7.1 248—252
X3J3 committee of ANSI 575
xgraph 248
Yale Sparse Matrix Package [54] 278 see
Yes-or-no questions, asking see also "Prompting"
Yes-or-no questions, asking, QUERY function §10.5 241—244
Yiddish 11 33
YSMP format 278—279
Z FORMAT field specification 200
Z, prefix for hexadecimal constant 95 232
Zero-pass Fortran-77 DO loop 112
Zeros, leading, printing binary 589
Zeros, leading, printing integer §13.9.4 400
Zeta function, Riemann, Ex 6.8.21 153
[1], bibliography citation 26
[1], numbers UNIX™ prompt 26
[x], ceiling function 546 587 588
[x], floor function 546 587 588
\, makefile continuation character 464 468
\, troff escape character 474 476
^A-^O, Ctrl-A-ctrl-O codes 232
^C see "Interrupt character"
^C, interrupt character 26
^D see "End-of-file"
^D, end-of-file character 26
^L, page eject, Z'OC' 232
_, denotes a blank in this book 27 259
_, denotes typing cursor 644
_, in internal subprogram name 489
_, in MPI symbol names 556 558
~, shell prefix of home directory 467 468
§, Chapter, Section, or Subsection 25
±0, printing Ex 10.9.23 260
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