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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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!, factorial see "Factorial function"
!, Fortran-90 comment character 589
", alternate character constant delimiter 589
"commands" Fortran see "Statements"
"decorating" code 321
"embarrassingly parallel" applications 566
"Fascist" programming 335
#, makefile comment character 468
#include directives 361 454
$, avoid in names 368
$, cursor control in FORMAT 202
$, evaluates shell variable 468
, ASCII line feed, Z'OA' 232
, ASCII line feed, Z'OA' to accept a default 302
, denotes carriage return 26 232 see
see "Exponential function"
27 88
in electrical engineering 27 105
$pragma 664
, largest real value 144
, speedup using n parallel processors 563
, parallel running time 563
, scalar/vector run time ratio 546
, infinity, IEEE bit pattern 96
, mean value 204
, pi, circle constant 85 273 500
, standard deviation 204 215
, Riemann zeta function Ex 6.8.21 153
reference to listing line 26 411 634
&, for alternate return archaic 384
&, in bash standard-error redirection 214
&, NAMELIST data marker prefix 403
&, shell background command 213
&END, NAMELIST data terminator 403
', in direct access I/O, archaic 402
', quote, character constant delimiter 230
', quote, character constant delimiter, defined as a character 230—231 238
', quote, character constant delimiter, doubled in quoted string 201
(), empty argument list 388
(), parentheses, in complex constants 89
(), parentheses, in expressions 53
(1), array dimension §13.7.1 390—391
**, exponentiation operator 52
**, exponentiation operator, array operands, Fortran-90 578
*, alternate comment character 365
*, alternate return from subprogram 384
*, assumed-size array dimension 162 580
*, FORMAT specifier in I/O statements 198
*, in data type names 75
*, in HPF DISTRIBUTE directive 598 609
*, in INTINS output field 639
*, in overflowed print field 200
*, multiplication operator 52
*, multiplication operator, array operands, Fortran-90 578
*, unit specifier in I/O statements 198
*IF interactive Fortran processor 32
+, addition operator and unary plus 52
+, addition operator and unary plus, array operands, Fortran-90 578
-, subtraction operator and unary minus 52
-, subtraction operator and unary minus, array operands, Fortran-90 578
-C option of f 77 110 170
-C option of f, about §14.1.2 431—432
-C option of f, avoid to speed execution 432
-C option of f, useless with arrays dimensioned (1) 391
-g option of f77 432 456
-L option of f77 467
-o option of f77 430 432 456
-p option of f 77 432 488
-p option of f, introduces mcount calls 489
., prefix of hidden UNIX™ file 302
.., parent UNIX™ directory 476
.3 man page file 471
.a archive file 466
.AND. logical operator 62 511
.B directive of troff 472
.br directive of troff 472
.ds directive of troff 472
.EQ and .EN directives for eqn 476
.EQ. logical operator 62
.F source file 430 454
.f source file, separate for make 460
.FALSE. logical constant 91
.GE. logical operator 62
.GT. logical operator 62
.in directive of troff 472
.LE. logical operator 62
.LT. logical operator 62
.NE. logical operator 62
.NOT. logical operator 62 92 511
.o object file 460
.OR. logical operator 62 511
.p man page file 470
.SH directive of troff 472
.sp directive of troff 472
.SUFFIXES makefile line 478
.TE directive of troff 472
.TH directive of troff 472
.TRUE, logical constant 91
.TS directive of troff 472
/, COMMON block name delimiter 181
/, compile-time initialization delimiter 85
/, division operator 52
/, division operator, array operands, Fortran-90 578
/, for call-by-reference, archaic 387
/, FORMAT field specification 200
/, NAMELIST name delimiter 403
//, string concatenation operator 407
/dev UNIX™ system directory 197
/dev/null UNIX™ infinite sink 217
/dev/tty UNIX™ logical device 210
/MPIPRIV/, COMMON block used by MPI 556
/ЕХРТ/, COMMON block for TIMER 493 665
0, unit number for standard-error 199
1 , denotes an observation 27
2's complement 76 99
24-hour clock Ex 9.9.20 225
5, unit number for standard-in 199
6, unit number for standard-out 199
:, in array dimension range 117 581
:, in assumed-shape array 581 584
:, in HPF FORALL statement 605
:, in substring notation 406
:, vertical ellipsis in this book 26
;, continuation character 66
;, separates Fortran-90 statements 589
<, input redirection operator 208
>, output redirection operator 208
>>, append redirection operator 218
?, return code shell variable 440
A FORMAT field specification 233
a. out, executable file 44
ABORT message 445 456
abs function 66
ABSF, archaic function name 390
Absolute value see "DABS" "ABS" "IABS"
Acceptance test 345
Accuracy of numerical code 296 see
Acknowledgements §0.8 32—33
Acos function 58
active set in FORALL execution 606
Actual parameters see "Parameters"
Ada language 6 10 372
Adams, Scott 29 300 414
Addition operator, + 52
Addition operator, +, array operands, Fortran-90 578
Address see also "Memory allocation"
Address, array starting 136 161 540 610 611
Address, corresponding to variable 135 325 456
Address, data in COMMON 184 185 395
Address, data in memory 97 114 233
| Address, outside array bounds 110 445
Address, parameter 136 161 268 386
Address, printing entry Ex 9.9.25 227
Address, program counter 44 45
Address, return, on call stack 455
Address, subprogram entry 325 446 447
adjustable dimensions and code tuning 527
adjustable dimensions and Fortran-90 array operations 580
adjustable dimensions in HPF only for sequential arrays 612
adjustable dimensions, about §7.1 159—166
adjustable dimensions, not allowed in COMMON 186
ADVANCE='NO' clause, Fortran-90 WRITE 577
advice to instructors §0.6 30—31
Ahner, Darryl 33
AIMAG function 90
Alexander, Richard 33
ALGOL language 6
Algorithms, bisection see "Bisection"
Algorithms, effect on speed 486
Algorithms, implementation details §15.2.1 498—503
Algorithms, parallel 563 601—602
Algorithms, parallel sum 602 628
Algorithms, rectangle rule 559 614
Algorithms, selection of 306—307
Algorithms, Simpson's rule Ex 3.8.17 72
Algorithms, vector 549
aliased parameters 136 152 387 673—674 Ex 151
Alice in Wonderland [121] 297
ALIGN directive, HPF 595 596
ALIGN directive, HPF, all array elements 611
Alignment 182—184 see
Alignment in COMMON by order 183—184 528—529
Alignment in memory 184 445 528—529 550
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90 see also "Automatic"
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90 and SAVE 585
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, about 584—586
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, ALLOCATABLE statement 584 616 617
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, ALLOCATE statement 584 616 617
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, ALLOCATED function 585
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, DEALLOCATE statement 584
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, never in COMMON 586
allocatable arrays, Fortran-90, scope of definition 585
Alphabetic order see "ASCII"
Alternate RETURNs §13.6.1 383—384
Alternating signs 91 509—510
Amdahl's law, parallel, about §16.2.5 563—568
Amdahl's law, parallel, diagram 564
Amdahl's law, parallel, formula 565
Amdahl's law, parallel, speedup graph 567
Amdahl's law, vector, about §16.1.4 546—548
Amdahl's law, vector, diagram 547
Amdahl's law, vector, formula 547
Amdahl's law, vector, speedup graph 548
American National Standards Institute 575
ANSI standards, Fortran language, X3.198-1992 [109] 13
ANSI standards, Fortran language, X3.9-1966 [108] 5
APOSTROPHE see "Quote"
Appending to a file 218
Approximations 501—503
Approximations, definite integral see "Integration"
Approximations, derivative Ex 15.4.12 532
Approximations, exponential function 502
Approximations, hypotenuse of a triangle 502
apropos UNIX™ command 471
apropos UNIX™ command, same as man -k 471
ar UNIX™ command 468
Archaic usages §13 357—428
Architecture, memory §4.8 97
Archive file, .a 466 see
Arctangent functions, compared 143
Arctangent functions, DATAN, DATAN2 144
arguments of built-in functions, range 145
arguments of subprograms see "Parameters"
arithmetic IF §13.3.2 369—370
Arithmetic, character §13.10.2 404—406
Arithmetic, matrix, Fortran-90 functions 579
Arithmetic, operators see "Operators"
Arithmetic, two-part values §18.4 652—659
Array processors 535 see
Arrays see also "Subscript" "Column-major"
arrays as function value 579—580 586
arrays, about §5 109—128
arrays, addressed in subprogram 136 161—166
arrays, adjustable dimensions see "Adjustable"
arrays, alignment in HPF 596 611
arrays, allocatable see "Allocatable"
arrays, assignments, Fortran-90 578 602—604
arrays, assignments, parallel, HPF 602—604
arrays, assumed-shape 581 584 613
arrays, assumed-size see "Assumed-size"
arrays, automatic, Fortran-90 586
Arrays, dimensions see "Dimensions"
arrays, distribution in HPF see "Distributing data"
arrays, expressions, Fortran-90 578
arrays, in COMMON §8.5 185—186
arrays, introduced, HPF 616
arrays, leading dimension see "Leading"
arrays, matrices §5.3 113—114
arrays, matrices, sparse §11.6 276—279
arrays, matrices, symmetric §11.5 274—276
arrays, mistaken for FUNCTION 446
arrays, of processors, HPF 594 596 598
arrays, operations, Fortran-90 578—583
arrays, partitioned workspace §11.2 269—270
arrays, passing see "Parameters of a subprogram"
arrays, passing columns §11.1 267—268
arrays, passing in Fortran-90 580—581
arrays, passing in HPF 609—612
arrays, passing rows Ex 11.9.7 285
Arrays, rank 113 584
arrays, reading and writing 200 206—207 524
arrays, section, Fortran-90 581—582 591 612
arrays, starting address 136 268
arrays, storage in memory 114 268 275
arrays, two-part values 494 652—659
arrays, type mismatch 163
Arrays, vectors §5.1 109—110
Arrogance see "Humility" "Repentance"
ASCII character code 231—232
Asking user see "Yes-or-no" "Prompting"
aspect ratio of a display 251
Assembler language 11 43 45 486 549
Assignment statements in NAMELIST data 403
Assignment statements, about §2 49—58
Assignment statements, array, Fortran-90 578
Assignment statements, how formed §2.6 54—55
Assignment statements, parallel array, HPF 602—604
Assignment, logical I/O unit, about §9.4 207—214
Assignment, logical I/O unit, command-line 644
Assumed-shape array 581 584 613
assumed-size arrays in Fortran-90 580
assumed-size arrays not allowed in COMMON 186
assumed-size arrays, 2-dimensional 162—163
assumed-size arrays, about §7.1.1 161—163
Asterisks see also "*"
Asterisks in INTINS output field 639
Asterisks, printed out 200
Astonishment, Principle of Least 301 326
ATANF, archaic function name 390
attaching files see also "Units"
Attaching files, command-line unit assignments 644
Attaching files, GETFIL subroutine 212—213
Attaching files, name in shell variable 436—437
Attaching files, OPEN statement 209 220 246—247
Auden, W.H. 3
audience for this book §0.5.2 17—20
author of this book §0.7 31—32
AUTHOR section of a man page 475
Authorship attribution in code 316 346
automatic arrays, Fortran-90 586
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