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Kupferschmid M. — Classical FORTRAN: Programming for Engineering and Scientific Applications |
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Hanging prompt, Fortran-90 see "Nonadvancing input"
Hanging prompt, PROMPT subroutine 240
hard bugs 343
hard-coded names see "Magic names"
Harmonic number Ex 4.10.24 102
Harwell subprogram library 146 278
head of a linked list 280
Hein, Piet 330
Hello, world! §1.1 41—42
help command of dbx 458 459
hexadecimal numbers, about §4.6.3 92—96
hexadecimal numbers, ASCII character byte codes 231—232
hexadecimal numbers, special values §4.7 96—97
hexadecimal numbers, Z FORMAT field specification 200
hexadecimal numbers, Z prefix for constant 232
hexits 95 231
Hidden initializations, MPI 556
Hidden or dot file, UNIX™ 302
Hiding data see "Data hiding"
Hierarchy of operators see "Precedence"
High Performance Fortran see "HPF"
High-performance subprograms 486 527
High-performance subprograms, ESSL 146
High-performance subprograms, vector and parallel 537
histogram data for prof 489
Histogram plotting Ex 10.9.40 264
History of Fortran 5—8 575—576 see
Hoare, Tony 5
Hollerith specification in FORMAT §13.9.3 399—400
Hollerith specification of character constant 230
Hollerith specification, not in Fortran-90 standard 577
HOME shell variable 468
Horner's rule 510—511 532
HPF, high performance Fortran see also "Statements" "Data
HPF, High Performance Fortran, about §17.2 593—619
HPF, High Performance Fortran, built-in routines 602 607—608 613
HPF, High Performance Fortran, Case Study §17.2.6 614—618
HPF, High Performance Fortran, caveats §17.2.7 618—619
HPF, High Performance Fortran, COMMON and EQUIVALENCE in 611
HPF, High Performance Fortran, compared to MPI 576 614—619
HPF, High Performance Fortran, compilers 576
HPF, High Performance Fortran, directives see "Directives HPF"
HPF, High Performance Fortran, distributing data see "Distributing data"
HPF, High Performance Fortran, expressing concurrency §17.2.4 599—608
HPF, High Performance Fortran, EXTRINSIC routines 612—613
HPF, High Performance Fortran, FORALL statement 604—607
HPF, High Performance Fortran, Forum 576
HPF, High Performance Fortran, history 576
HPF, High Performance Fortran, HPF-SERIAL, option of EXTRINSIC 613
HPF, High Performance Fortran, input and output 597 600
HPF, High Performance Fortran, introduced array 616
HPF, High Performance Fortran, invoking MPI 613
HPF, High Performance Fortran, memory allocation 610—612
HPF, High Performance Fortran, message passing by 598—599
HPF, High Performance Fortran, parallelization by §17.2.2 595—597
HPF, High Performance Fortran, parts omitted here §17.2.8 619
HPF, High Performance Fortran, processor layout see "Processor layout"
HPF, High Performance Fortran, PURE functions 613—614
HPF, High Performance Fortran, run-time errors and debugging 619
HPF, High Performance Fortran, standard [18] 576
HPF, High Performance Fortran, subprograms §17.2.5 608—614
HPF, High Performance Fortran, synchronization see "Synchronization"
HUGE function 587 588
Humility in programming 305
Huxley, Aldous 23
Hyperbolic functions see "DSINH" "DCOSH" "DTANH"
Hypotenuse of a triangle, approximation 502 531
Hypotenuse of a triangle, calculation 49
I FORMAT field specification 200
I FORMAT field specification, In.m to print leading zeros 400
I never wanted to be..., poem 575
I/O see "Input" "Output"
I/O library, Fortran 43 197 198
IABS function 144
IAND function 93
IARGC UNIX™ system routine 146 388
IBM S/390 floating-point format 97 373
IBM sparse storage format see "YSMP"
ICHAR function 407
IDATE UNIX™ system routine 434
IEEE floating-point see also "Floating-point"
IEEE floating-point, catching exceptions with dbx 458
IEEE floating-point, exceptions 80 443—444
IEEE floating-point, functions, Fortran-90 586—588
IEEE floating-point, infinity 96 444
IEEE floating-point, NaN 80 96
IEEE floating-point, representation 77—79 586—588
IEEE floating-point, special values §4.7 96—97
IEEE floating-point, standard [20] 30 77
IEOR function 93 see
IF, arithmetic §13.3.2 369—370
IF-THEN construct, about §3.3 64—65
IF-THEN construct, indentation 65 336
IF-THEN construct, keep them short 329
IF-THEN construct, same as IF-THEN block 64
IFIX function 83
IFIX function, used to round 84 658
illegal instruction 446 447
illegal unit number 443
imaginary numbers see "Complex"
Immediate output 333 436 see
IMPLICIT NONE statement 333 375—377
implicit statement §13.4.3 374—377
implicit type conversions see "Mixed mode"
Implicit vs explicit branching 74 328
implied DO loop in code tuning 525
implied DO loop, about §9.3 206—207
IMSL subprogram library 146
in-memory I/O §10.6.1 244—246
in-place work by subprogram 137
INCLUDE files , about §13.1.4 361—363
INCLUDE files , mpif.h, used by MPI 556 557
increment of a DO loop 111 518
increment of a DO loop in machine code 540
increment of a DO loop, > 1 116 510 561 562 617
increment of a DO loop, negative 112 234 250 254 449
Incremental compilation §14.4.1 459—462
incremental untangling 416
Indentation 336
Indentation in I/O statement 66
Indentation in IF-THEN construct 65 336
Indentation of comments 336
Indentation of continued lines 338
Indentation of DO loop body 111
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF 596
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, falsely asserted 602 607
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, independent DO loop 596 599 614
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, independent FORALL 605
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, NEW clause 595 597 600 617 618
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, no dependencies 595 596 605 618
INDEPENDENT directive, HPF, synchronization not required 606—607
INDEX function 407
index of a DO loop 111
index of a DO loop, illegal uses 116 451
index of a DO loop, inefficient uses 513
index of a DO loop, naming 327
index of a DO loop, test based on 514
Index of a FORALL 605—606
Index vectors of a sparse matrix 277
Indexing in arrays see also "Subscript"
Indexing in arrays of a matrix as a vector 516—517
Indexing in arrays, indirect 278 279 501
Indirect array indexing 278 279 501
Inexact IEEE exception 444
Infinite loops see "Endless loops"
Infinite sink, /dev/null 217
Infinity, floating-point output 444
infinity, IEEE bit pattern 96
Information hiding 307—308 see
information hiding, example 140
| information hiding, papers about 32
informational output 304 346
inherited distribution see "Transcriptive"
Inhibitors, vectorization 549—550
Initial value problem Ex 7.4.23 177
Initialization 332
Initialization and SAVE 578
Initialization, characters 230
Initialization, COMMON data see "BLOCK DATA"
Initialization, compile-time 85 119 230 238 332
Initialization, DATA statement §13.4.6 378
Initialization, effect on efficiency 503—504 523
Initialization, hidden MPI 556
Initialization, loop counter 87 91 109
Initialization, PARAMETER constant 86 332
Initialization, random number seed 194
Inlining, exponentiations 509
Inlining, subprograms 523 526 550
Input and output (I/O) see also "Output" "Print"
Input and output (I/O) in code tuning §15.2.8 523—525
Input and output (I/O) of character variables §10.2 233—234
Input and output (I/O) to character variables §10.6.1 244—246
Input and output (I/O), about §9 197—227
Input and output (I/O), arrays 200 206—207
Input and output (I/O), asterisks printed 200
Input and output (I/O), carriage control §13.9.1 396—397
Input and output (I/O), complex numbers 200
Input and output (I/O), cursor control §9.1.2 202
Input and output (I/O), default input values 302
Input and output (I/O), direct access §13.9.6 402
Input and output (I/O), END= and ERR= §9.1.3 202—204
Input and output (I/O), errors 442—443
Input and output (I/O), files 208—219 400—402
Input and output (I/O), FORMATted §9.1.1 199—202
Input and output (I/O), FORMATted READ §13.9.5 400—402
Input and output (I/O), Fortran-90 577
Input and output (I/O), free format 198 301 333
Input and output (I/O), HPF 597 600
Input and output (I/O), implied DO §9.3 206—207
Input and output (I/O), positioning in files §9.6 218—219
Input and output (I/O), preprocessing data 245—246 298
Input and output (I/O), prompting see "Prompting"
Input and output (I/O), READ() and WRITE() §9.1 198—199
Input and output (I/O), READ* and PRINT* §2.7 55—56
Input and output (I/O), redirection 208 218
Input and output (I/O), sequential 402
Input and output (I/O), unformatted §9.7 219—220
Input and output (I/O), unit assignments 207—214 644
Input and output (I/O), vectorization of 550
inquire statement 434—435
Insertion sort 281—282
Insertions, string, characters, STRINS §18.2.2 641—643
Insertions, string, integer, INTINS §18.2.1 639—641
instruction set of processor 43 45 538 see
instruction set of processor, CISC, complex 543
instruction set of processor, RISC, reduced 521 542
instruction times 542—545
instructors, advice to §0.6 30—31
instrumenting a program for timing 492
Integer data type 377
INTEGER data type, same as INTEGER*4 377
Integer registers 539
INTEGER*2 data type 377
INTEGER*4 data type 75
integer, bit ordering in memory 97
integer, bit pattern §4.1 75—77
Integer, constant 50
integer, convert to numerals §18.1.1 634—636
integer, divide check 444
integer, insert in string §18.2.1 639—641
integer, maximum value 76
integer, special values §4.7 96—97
integer, variable §2.2 51
Integration, numerical, rectangle rule, HPF §17.2.6 614—618
Integration, numerical, rectangle rule, MPI §16.2.4 559—562
Integration, numerical, Simpson's rule Ex 3.8.17 72
Intel Pentium processor 97
interactive computer graphics 248
interactive programs see also "User interface design"
Interactive programs, asking questions §10.5 241—244
Interactive programs, assigning units §9.4.1 209—213
Interactive programs, prompting for input 239—240
Interface between parts of a program 309
Interface block 579—581 613 614
Interface with operating system 334
Interface with program user §12.2.1 299—305
Intermediate variables 506—507 512 529
Internal documentation §12.3.2 315—321 see
Internal file 245
Internal subprogram name, with _ 489
International Business Machines 5 7 29
Interrupt 44 45 488
Interrupt, character, ^C 26 449 451
Interrupt, do not require 371
Interrupt, elicits output 484
Interrupt, page fault 521
INTINS routine §18.2.1 639—641
Intrinsic function see "FUNCTION"
Introduced array, HPF 616
Invalid operand IEEE exception 444
Inverse function Ex 7.4.21 176 Ex 194
Inverse function, used in code testing 344
Inversion, matrix 129
Inversion, matrix, avoiding Ex 6.8.6 151
IOINIT UNIX™ system routine 146
IOR function 93
IRAND UNIX™ system routine 146
ISHFT function 93
ISIGN function 144
ISO-1539 standard, Fortran language 13
italic type 25
Iteration of a DO loop 111
ITIME UNIX™ system routine 434
Java language 6
Job control language 411
Johnson, Eric 33
Judd, Gary 33
Kelly, Terrence 33
Kernighan, Brian W. 32 678 686
keyboard, attaching to unit 210
Kilobyte 99
Klimer, Jessica 33
kludge, a clumsy adaptation 9
Knuth, Donald E. 488 678 683 685
Knuth, Donald E., recursion for average Ex 4.10.30 103
Kolb, John 33
Krishnamoorthy, M.S. 33
Kupferschmid, Michael 31—32 683 685
L FORMAT field specification 200
L1 cache 521
L2 cache 521
Labeling output see "Character literals"
languages, peasant 1 11 see
Languages, programming see also "Machine language"
Languages, programming, Ada 6 10 372
Languages, programming, Algol 6
Languages, programming, assembler see "Assembler language"
Languages, programming, C see "C language"
Languages, programming, C++ 6 7 13 374
Languages, programming, COBOL 221
Languages, programming, compared to cars 11
Languages, programming, Fortran see "Fortran language"
Languages, programming, Java 6
Languages, programming, Lisp 37
Languages, programming, mixed 10 665
Languages, programming, Modula-II 6
Languages, programming, Pascal 6
Languages, programming, Perl 6
Languages, programming, PL1 6
Languages, programming, SISAL 6
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