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Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics
Dornbusch R., Fischer S. — Macroeconomics

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Название: Macroeconomics

Авторы: Dornbusch R., Fischer S.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Вероятность/Стохастические методы в финансах/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: six edition

Год издания: 1993

Количество страниц: 656

Добавлена в каталог: 28.05.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Treasury securities      373
Trough, cyclical      13—14
Tryon, Ralph      570n.
Twin deficits      47—48
Ultimate targets      426
Unanticipated inflation      518—521
Uncertainty      412
Uncertainty, buffer-stock savings and      315—316
Uncertainty, excess reserves and      404
Uncertainty, multiplier      459—460
Uncertainty, precautionary demand for money and      375 380—382
Uncertainty, stabilization policies and      456 459—460
Uncertainty, stabilization policies and, reaction to      457
Underground economy      34—35 371
Unemployment      4—5 207—208 501—532
Unemployment 1952—1992      12—13 214
Unemployment benefits, employment stability and      514—515
Unemployment benefits, natural rate of unemployment and      513—516
Unemployment benefits, replacement ratio and      513
Unemployment benefits, reporting effects and      514
Unemployment benefits, reservation wage and      513
Unemployment benefits, search unemployment and      510
Unemployment benefits, tradeoffs involving      516
Unemployment hysteresis      512
Unemployment pool      503—504
Unemployment pool, entering      503
Unemployment pool, leaving      503—504
Unemployment rate, defined      11
Unemployment rate, fluctuations in      214
Unemployment rate, measured      513—515
Unemployment rate, natural      see "Natural rate of unemployment"
Unemployment rate, public opinion and      12 502
Unemployment rate, time unemployed and      508—509
Unemployment, accessions and      506
Unemployment, business cycle and      13—16
Unemployment, by age and race      505
Unemployment, costs of      516—517
Unemployment, cyclical      506 516—517
Unemployment, distributional impact of      517
Unemployment, duration of      507—510
Unemployment, during the great depression      11 214 438—439 442
Unemployment, export of      177—178 442
Unemployment, frequency of      510
Unemployment, frictional      208 213 240—242 505—506
Unemployment, growth and      16—18
Unemployment, international perspective on      514—515
Unemployment, involuntary      7
Unemployment, key characteristics of      501—503
Unemployment, labor force and      502—503
Unemployment, labor market flows and      506
Unemployment, long-term      509 512 515
Unemployment, pool of      503—504
Unemployment, reasons for      503—504
Unemployment, search      510
Unemployment, separations and      506
Unemployment, sticky wages and      see "Sticky wages"
Unemployment, structural rate of      see "Natural rate of unemployment"
Unemployment, teenage      513
Unemployment, variation in, across groups      505 508—509
Ungerer, Horst      155n. 632n.
unions      221
Unit labor cost      225
Unit of account      374
Uzawa, Hirofumi      269n.
Value added      30
Van der Gaag, Jacques      306
Veges, Carlos      561n.
Velocity of money      see "Income velocity of money"
Vishny, Robert      341n.
Volcker, Paul      627n.
Wage and price controls      548—550 561
Wage-price spiral      610
Wages, contracting approach and      250—251
Wages, expected inflation and      471—472
Wages, frictionless neoclassical model and      213—214 240—242
Wages, indexation of      221n. 523—524
Wages, Lucas supply curve and      242—250
Wages, nominal      471—472
Wages, prices, output and      213—217
Wages, real      471—472
Wages, real business cycles and      251—253
Wages, reservation      513
Wakefield, J.C.      79n.
Wallace, Neil      6 458n. 583—584
Wealth budget constraint      103—104
Wealth redistribution through inflation      518—521
Webb, Steven      558n.
Weil, David      210
Weinberg, Daniel      520n.
Weitzman, Martin      515
Wells, M.      36n.
Whalen, Edward H.      380n.
Wilcox, David      315 425n.
Williamson, John      632n.
Wise, David A.      508n.
Wolff, Edward N.      278n.
Work sharing      515
World Bank      286
Wright, Randall      514n.
Yeager, Leland      559n.
Yellen, Janet L.      7 221n. 506n.
Young, Alwyn      269n. 281
Zarnovitz, Victor      141n.
Zeldes, Stephen P.      315n. 358n.
Zero inflation target      528—529 551
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