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» Математика » Вероятность » Стохастические методы в финансах »

Содержимое каталога
1. Деривативы. Курс для начинающих2002
2. Aven T. Foundations of Risk Analysis-a Knowledge and Decision-Oriented Perspective2003
3. Back K. Stochastic Methods in Finance2004
4. Bielecki T.R. Rutkowski M. Credit Risk: Modeling, Valuation and Hedging2001
5. Bouchaud J.-P. Theory of financial risk: a physicist's perspective2001
6. Bouchaud J.-P. Potters M. Theory of Financial Risks: From Statistical Physics to Risk Management2000
7. Cont R. Tankov P. Financial Modelling with Jump Processes2004
8. Cowell F.A. Microeconomics: principles and analysis2004
9. Dornbusch R. Fischer S. Macroeconomics (six edition)1993
10. Dupacova J. Hurt J. Stepan J. Stochastic Modeling in Economics and Finance2002
11. Farmer R. Macroeconomics1997
12. Filipovic D. Consistency problems for Heath-Jarrow-Morton interest rate models2001
13. Franke J. Härdle W. Hafner C. Einführung in die Statistik der Finanzmärkte2004
14. Hsu H.P. Probability, random variables and random processes1997
15. Hull J. Options, Futures, and Other Derivative Securities (second edition)1993
16. Hunt P.J. Kennedy J. Financial Derivatives in Theory and Practice1998
17. Jäckel P. Monte Carlo methods in finance2001
18. Malliaris A.G. Brock W.A. Stochastic methods in economics and finance (7th reprint 1999 edition of 1981)1999
19. Mankiw N.G. Principles of macroeconomics, 2nd edition (2nd edition)2001
20. Mankiw N.G. Principles of macroeconomics, 3rd edition (3d edition)2003
21. Mantegna R.N. Stanley H.E. An introduction to econophysics: correlations and complexity in finance1999
22. Pindyck R.S. Rubinfeld D.L. Microeconomics (third edition)n/a
23. Rebonato R. Interest-rate option models : understanding, analysing and using models for exotic interest-rate options (second edition)1998
24. Rini A.W. Mathematics of the securities industry2003
25. Shreve S.E. Lectures on Stochastic Calculus and Finance1997
26. Tian Q. Microeconomic theory2004
27. Tsay R.S. Analysis of financial time series2001
28. van der Vaart W.A. Martingales, diffusions and financial mathematics2004
29. von Mises L. Theory of Money and Credit1981
30. Wilmott P. Howison S. Dewynne J. The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives : A Student Introduction1996
31. Макконнелл К.Р. Брю С.Л. Экономикс (издание тринадцатое)1999
32. Найман Э.Л. Малая энциклопедия трейдера1999
33. Ширяев А.Н. Основы стохастической финансовой математики (том 1, Факты. Модели)1998
34. Ширяев А.Н. Основы стохастической финансовой математики (том 2, Теория)1998

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