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Rini A.W. — Mathematics of the securities industry |
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Accretion, bonds 114—115 194
Accrued interest 33—42 188
Accrued interest, calculation of, on corporate/munis 35—37
Accrued interest, calculation of, on government bonds and notes 37—41 188
Accrued interest, Series 7 preparatory students and 41
Accrued interest, settling bonds trades and 34—35
Accumulation, right of (in mutual funds) 97—98
Aggregate exercise price, options and 149—150
Amortization, bonds 113—114 194
Annual dividends and rates 23
Answers to practical exercises 177—185
Arbitrage, convertible securities and 110—111 193
Back-end load mutual funds 94
Balance sheet 159 159 160
Basis pricing 53—62 189
Basis pricing, yield to maturity, rule of thumb 63—69 189
Bearer bonds, nominal yield and 49—50
Bid price, mutual funds and 87 90
Bond ratio 164—165
bonds 27
Bonds, accretion in 114—115 194
Bonds, accrued interest and 33—42 188
Bonds, amortization in 113—114 194
Bonds, basis pricing of 53—62 189
Bonds, bearer 49
Bonds, bond ratio in 164—165
Bonds, chain (consecutive) calculations in 17—18
Bonds, convertible securities and 105
Bonds, converting price to yield to maturity for 56—57
Bonds, converting yield to maturity to price for 57—58
Bonds, corporate, pricing 7—11 187
Bonds, coupon 49
Bonds, coupon rate in 50; see also Nominal yield
Bonds, discount price and, rule of thumb yield to maturity in 65—66
Bonds, dollar bonds 71
Bonds, equivalent tax-exempt yield in 79—80
Bonds, equivalent taxable yield in 77—79
Bonds, government, pricing 13—19 187
Bonds, internal rate of return 53; see also Yield to maturity
Bonds, interpolating yield basis book for 58—61 189
Bonds, inverse proportionality principle of 11
Bonds, maturity in 53—62
Bonds, municipal, pricing 71—75 189
Bonds, nominal yield in 49—50 189
Bonds, par pricing and 71—73
Bonds, premium price and, rule of thumb yield to maturity in 66—67
Bonds, premium, par, and discount price of 10 54
Bonds, quotations on 7—10
Bonds, registered 49
Bonds, rule of thumb yield to maturity in 63—69 189
Bonds, savings bonds (series EE, etc.) 13
Bonds, secondary market pricing 10—11
Bonds, settling bond trades and 34—35
Bonds, spread in 14
Bonds, tax-free vs. taxable yield calculation for 77—80 190
Bonds, Treasury bond and note dollar equivalents in 14—17 17
Bonds, Treasury bond and note quotations 13—14
Bonds, yield basis book for 55—56 55
Bonds, yield to maturity of 53—62 189
Book value, mutual fund 89; see also Net asset value per share
Breakpoint sales/chart, mutual funds and 95—97 95
Buying power, margin 129—135 195
Call options 149 153—154
Calls, call options in 149 153—154
Calls, convertible securities and, callable nature of 111—112
Calls, margin calls and 120—121 137 194
Capital gains/losses 27 171—173
Capital gains/losses, current yield and 43
Capital gains/losses, deduction of losses in 173—175
capitalization 162—163
Capitalization ratio 163—165
Cash flow 166
Cash withdrawals, margin transactions and, exceptions to 133—135
Chain (consecutive), calculations for bonds 17—18
Common stock ratio 163—164
Contingent deferred sales charge, mutual funds and 94
Conversion price, convertible securities and 105 106
Conversion ratio, convertible securities and 105 106—108
Convertible securities 105—112 193
Convertible securities, arbitrage and 110—111 193
Convertible securities, callable nature of 111—112
Convertible securities, conversion price in 105 106
Convertible securities, conversion ratio in 105 106—108
Convertible securities, derivatives and 105
Convertible securities, dilution and, protected against 108
Convertible securities, forced conversion in 111—112 193—194
Convertible securities, nonconvertible fixed income securities vs. 105
Convertible securities, parity in 108—110 193
Corporate bonds see also Bonds
Corporate bonds, accrued interest and 35—37
Corporate bonds, pricing 7—11 187
Coupon bonds, nominal yield in 49—50
Coupon clipper 50
Coupon rate 50; see also Nominal yield
Coupon-equivalent yields, Treasury bills and 84—85
Credit departments 117; see also Margin transactions
Cum-dividend dates 22
Currency options 150—151 157
Current income, current yield and 44—45
Current ratio 161
Current yield 43—47 188
Current yield, current income and 44—45
Current yield, yield concept in 43—44
Debit balance, margin transactions and 117—118
Debt securities see Bonds
Decimal pricing 4—5
Declaration date, dividends and 23—24
Deduction of capital losses in 173—175
Derivatives, convertible securities and 105
Derivatives, options and 149
Derivatives, rights offerings and 100
Dilution, convertible securities and, protected against 108
Discount instruments 81; see also Treasury bills
Discount price, bonds and 10 54
Discount price, rule of thumb yield to maturity in 65—66
Discount yields, Treasury bills and 81—82
Dividend payments 7 21—25 187
Dividend payments, cum-dividend dates and 22
Dividend payments, declaration, record, payment date for 23—24
Dividend payments, dollar value computation of 22—23
Dividend payments, ex-dividend dates and 22 23—24
Dividend payments, fixed 21
Dividend payments, quarterly vs. annual rates for 23
Dividend reinvestment plans, mutual funds and 88
Dollar bonds 71
Dollars and fractions vs. dollars and cents 1—3 3
Earnings comparisons 167—168
Earnings Per Share 166—168
Equity options 149
Equity securities see Stocks
Equity, excess, in margin accounts 123—128 195
Equity, margin transactions and 117—118
Equivalent tax-exempt yield 79—80
Ex rights, rights offerings and 100—101
Ex-dividend date 22 23—24
Excess equity, margin transactions and 123—128 195
Exchange traded funds (ETFs) 87; see also Mutual funds
Expense ratio 166
Face value, bonds and 7
Financial ratios 159—169 196—197
Fixed dividends 21
Forced conversion, convertible securities and 111—112 193—194
Foreign currency options 150—151 157
Fractional pricing 1—3 3
Government bonds and notes see also Bonds
Government bonds and notes, accrued interest and 37—41 188
Government bonds and notes, pricing 13—19 187
House rules, for margin transactions 138
Income 27
Income statement 160
| Index options 151-152 157—158
Interest payments 7 27—32 188
Interest payments, accrued interest and 33—42 188
Interest payments, dollar value calculation of 28—31
Interest payments, semiannual 27—28
Internal rate of return 53; see also Yield to maturity
Interpolating yield basis book 58—61 189
Inventory turnover ratio 165
Inverse proportionality principle of bonds 11
Loaded mutual funds 87 88
Long maintenance requirements, margin transactions and 138—141
Maintenance calls 120 137;
Maintenance excess 141—142 147
Maintenance requirements, options and 156—157
Margin calls 120—121 137 194
Margin of profit 165
Margin transactions 117—121 194
Margin transactions, buying power of 129—135 195
Margin transactions, cash available vs. 131—133
Margin transactions, equity options and 154—156
Margin transactions, exceptions to cash withdrawal in 133—135
Margin transactions, excess equity and 123—128 195
Margin transactions, foreign currency options and 157
Margin transactions, full use of buying power in 130
Margin transactions, house rules for 138
Margin transactions, index options and 157—158
Margin transactions, initial requirements for 119—120 137—138 144—145
Margin transactions, long maintenance requirements for 138—141
Margin transactions, maintenance excess in 141—142 147
Margin transactions, maintenance requirements for 145—147
Margin transactions, maintenance requirements for long accounts in 137—142 195
Margin transactions, maintenance requirements for short accounts in 143—147 195—196
Margin transactions, margin calls and 120—121 137 194
Margin transactions, market value, debit balance, equity in 117—118
Margin transactions, options and 153—158 196
Margin transactions, overuse of buying power in 130—131
Margin transactions, partial use of buying power in 130
Margin transactions, short sales and 143—147
Margin transactions, short selling power and SMA in 145
Margin transactions, special memorandum account (SMA) and 123—142
Market value, margin transactions and 117—118
Maturity, yield to 53—62 189
Money markets, Treasury bills in 81—85 190
Municipal bonds, accrued interest and 35—37
Municipal bonds, equivalent tax-exempt yield in 79—80
Municipal bonds, equivalent taxable yield in 77—79
Municipal bonds, percentage of par pricing for 71—73
Municipal bonds, pricing 71—75 189
Municipal bonds, tax-free vs. taxable yield calculation for 77—80 190
Municipal bonds, yield to maturity pricing of 73—74
Mutual funds 87—99 190—192
Mutual funds, back-end load in 94
Mutual funds, bid price in 87 90
Mutual funds, book value of 89; see also Net asset value per share
Mutual funds, breakpoint sales/chart in 95—97 95
Mutual funds, contingent deferred sales charge in 94
Mutual funds, dividend reinvestment plans and 88
Mutual funds, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and 87
Mutual funds, load vs. no-load 87 88
Mutual funds, net asset value per share (NAV) of 87 89—90
Mutual funds, offer price of 87 90—92
Mutual funds, redemption fees for 94—95
Mutual funds, right of accumulation 97—98
Mutual funds, sales charges for 92—94
Net asset value per share (NAV), mutual fund 87 89—90
No-load mutual funds 87 88
Nominal yield 49—51 189
Nonconvertible fixed income securities 105
Odd lots, pricing for 4
Offer price, mutual funds and 87 90—92
Old stock trading cum rights, rights offerings and 101—103
Old stock trading ex rights, rights offerings and 100—101
Open-end investment companies 87; see also Mutual funds
Operating ratio 165
options 149—152 196
Options, aggregate exercise price of 149—150
Options, call options in 149 153—154
Options, derivatives and 149
Options, equity options and 149
Options, foreign currency 150—151 157
Options, index options and 151—152 157—158
Options, maintenance requirements for 156—157
Options, margin transactions in 153—158 196
Options, margining equity options in 154—156
Options, premium of 149 151
Options, pricing 149—152 196
Options, put options in 149 154
Options, strike price in 151
Options, zero-sum game 149
Par price, bonds and 10 54
Par price, municipal bonds and, percentage of 71—73
Par value, bonds and 7
Parity, convertible securities and 108—110 193
Payment date, dividends and 23—24
Payout ratio 168—169
Preferred stock ratio 164
Preferred stock, convertible securities and 105
Preferred stock, dividends and 21
Premium price, bonds and 10 54
Premium price, rule of thumb yield to maturity in 66—67
Premium, options and 149 151
Price earnings (PE) ratio 168
Pricing corporate bonds 7—11 187
Pricing government bonds and notes 13—19 187
Pricing municipal bonds 71—75 189
Pricing options 149—152 196
Pricing stock 1—5 187
Pricing Treasury bills 81—85 190
Profit, margin of 165
Put options 149 154
Quarterly dividends and rates 23
Quick asset ratio 162
Quick assets 161—162
Record date, dividends and 23—24
Redemption fees, mutual funds and 94—95
Registered bonds, nominal yield in 49—50
Report card, corporate 159
Right of accumulation, mutual funds and 97—98
Rights offerings 99—103 192
Rights offerings, derivatives and 100
Rights offerings, old stock trading cum rights and 101—103
Rights offerings, old stock trading ex rights and 100—101
Rights offerings, theoretical value of 100
Round lots, pricing for 4
Rule of thumb yield to maturity in 63—69 189
Sales charges, mutual funds and 92—94
Savings bonds 13
Secondary market bond pricing 10—11
Semiannual interest payments 27—28
Series 7 preparatory students, accrued interest and 41
Settling bonds trades and accrued interest 34—35
Short sales 143—147
Short selling power and SMA 145
Special memorandum account (SMA) 129—142; see also Margin transactions
Spread, in bonds 14
Stocks 27
Stocks, common stock ratio in 163—164
Stocks, convertible securities and 105
Stocks, current yield in 43—47 188
Stocks, earnings per share in 166—168
Stocks, equity options and 149
Stocks, preferred stock ratio in 164
Stocks, pricing 1—5 187
Strike price, options and 151
Tax loss carryforwards 171—174 197
Tax loss carryforwards, capital gains/losses in 171—173
Tax loss carryforwards, deduction of capital losses in 173—175
Tax-exempt bonds see Municipal bonds
Tax-free vs. taxable yield 77—80 190
Theoretical value, rights offerings and 100
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