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Pindyck R.S., Rubinfeld D.L. — Microeconomics |
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Accounting cost 194—195
Accounting profit 258 260—261
Acreage limitation program 295—296
Ad valorem tax 305
Adams, Walter 448
Adams, William J. 390
Additional-worker effect 7
Adverse selection, and insurance 596—597
Advertising 362 392—397
Advertising in game Strategy 456—458
Advertising, designer jeans 396
Advertising, effects on revenue 393—394
Advertising, price maximization rule 395
Advertising, supermarkets 396—397
Aggregate demand for wheat 111—112
Aggregate demand, usefulness of 108
Air conditioners, purchase decisions 542—543
Air pollution control and emissions 628—637
Air pollution control, bubble program 636
Air pollution control, effluent fees 207—209
Air pollution control, offset program 636
Airbus 480—481
Airline industry, competition and collusion in 468—469
Airline industry, deregulation of 290—292
Airline industry, jet fuel, demand for 498—500
Airline industry, price discrimination 374
Airline industry, price fixing attempt 356—357
Akerlof, George A. 594
American Airlines 357 468—469
Antitrust laws 353—354
Antitrust laws, Clayton Act 354
Antitrust laws, enforcement of 355—356
Antitrust laws, Federal Trade Commission Act 355
Antitrust laws, Robinson — Patman Act 354—355
Antitrust laws, Sherman Act 354
Arbitrage 12
Arbitrageurs 12
Arc elasticity, of demand 109—111
Asset beta 538—539
Assets and capital gain 156
Assets, expected return 158 160—161
Assets, real return 157
Assets, riskless assets 157
Assets, risky assets 155—162
Asymmetric information 593
Asymmetric information and incentive design 616
Asymmetric information and lemons market 594—600
Asymmetric information and market failure 597
Asymmetric information in integrated firm 613—616
Asymmetric information in labor markets 616—619
Asymmetric information, market signaling 600—604
Asymmetric information, moral hazard 604—607
Asymmetric information, principal-agent problem 608—613
Automobiles, consumer choice 75—77
Automobiles, consumer preferences 67—68
Automobiles, demand for 33—37
Automobiles, emission standards 9—10
Automobiles, import quotas 585—586
Average cost 198—199
Average cost in long run 211—212
Average cost, average cost curve 201 203
Average cost, average fixed cost 199
Average cost, average total cost 198—199
Average cost, variable cost 199—201 247
Average product, of labor 171—174
Average revenue, and monopoly 321—322
Average variable cost 199—201
Average variable cost, calculation of 247
Axelrod, Robert 464
Bailey, Elizabeth E. 217
Baily, Martin N. 39 179
Bandwagon effect 118—120
Banking price leadership in 440—442
Bargaining and economic efficiency 641—643
Bargaining and property rights 641—643
Bargaining strategy 484—486
Barlow, Connie C. 50
Barnett, A. H. 287
Barney, Dwane L. 287
Barriers to entry 339 419 477—481
Baseball as cartel 513—514
Baseball, lemons market 598—600
Baseball, monopsony power 513—514
Baumol, William J. 272 634
Bazerman, Max 455
Becker, Gary S. 149
Bell, Frederick W. 647
Belobaba, Peter R. 375
Bentham, Jeremy 572
Berliner, Diane T. 586
Berndt, Ernst R. 397
Bertrand model 428—429
Bertrand, Joseph 428
Beta, of stock 538—539
Bilateral monopoly 352
Bilateral monopoly in labor market 517—518
Blair, Roger D. 287
bonds 528—532
Bonds perpetuity 529
Bonds, discount bonds 550
Bonds, effective yield 529—531
Bonds, present value of cash flow from 528—529
Bonds, Treasury bonds 550
Bonds, yield on corporate bonds 531—532
Bonus See Incentives
Bovard, J. 299
Boyle, Robert 5
Braniff Airways 356—357
Brealey, Richard 162 537
Bubble program, air pollution control 636
Budget line 69—73
Budget line and income changes 71—72
Budget line and price changes 72—73
Budget line for revealed preference 81—83
Budget line for risk/return trade-off 160—162
Bundling 362 384—392
Bundling and tying 392
Bundling, mixed bundling 389—390
Bundling, pure bundling 390
Business cycle 35
buyers 10
Camera, two-part tariff 383—384
Capacity constraints, and supply 38
Capital asset pricing model 538—539
Capital gain 156
Capital investment See Investments
Capital loss 156
Capital, durability of 522
Capital, measurement of 523
Capital, opportunity cost of 533
Capital-intensive technology 185
Cardinal ranking, indifference curves 63
Cartel 444—448
Cartel, baseball as 513—514
Cartel, CIPEC copper cartel 445—447
Cartel, intercollegiate athletics 447—448
Cartel, OPEC oil cartel 444—446
Cartel, pricing by 445—446
Ceiling price 49
Ceiling price, effects in aggregate 284
Ceiling price, natural gas 50—51
Ceiling price, price controls 49—51
Centner, Terence J. 606
Central tendency, expected value measure of 140
Chemical processing industry 223—224
Chow, Gregory 122
Christensen, Laurits 227
Chrystal, K. Alee 586
Cigliano, Joseph M. 499
CIPEC copper cartel 445—447
| Clayton Act 354
Clean Air Act 9—10 116 636
Clean air, consumer surplus 115—116
Clean air, demand for 652—654
Clean air, value of 116—117; See also Air pollution control
Coal, forecasting demand for 665—666
Coase Theorem 643 644—645
Coase, Ronald 643 649
Cobb-Douglas production function 236—237
Coffee, demand and supply 39—41
Coffee, monopolistic competition 418—419
Colas, monopolistic competition 418—419
Collusion, airline industry 468—469
Collusion, versus competition 431 433—436
Commercial paper, interest rate of 550
Commitment, as competitive strategy 473—475
Common property See Property resources common
Comparative advantage, and free trade 582—583
Competition, monopolistic See Monopolistic competition
Competition, output efficiency 579—580
Competition, versus collusion 431 433—436
Competitive equilibrium 568—570
Competitive equilibrium and production efficiency 576—577
Competitive equilibrium, long run 259—260
Competitive factor markets 491—510
Competitive factor markets, equilibrium 506—509
Competitive factor markets, factor input and one variable input 492—495
Competitive factor markets, factor input and Several variable inputs 495—496
Competitive factor markets, market demand curve 496—498
Competitive factor markets, market supply of inputs 502—504
Competitive factor markets, supply of inputs 500—502
Competitive firm as price taker 242
Competitive firm, demand curve 241—243
Competitive firm, input price change, response to 249—250
Competitive firm, losses of 245—246
Competitive firm, output tax, effects of 267—270
Competitive firm, producer surplus 255—256
Competitive firm, profit maximization by 243—246
Competitive firm, short-run profit 245—246
Competitive firm, supply curve, short-run 248—250
Competitive market 11—12
Competitive market, efficiency of 283—285 587—588
Competitive market, perfectly competitive market 271—272
Competitive strategy of retail store chain 475—476
Competitive strategy, arid international competition 479—431
Competitive strategy, bargaining strategy 484—486
Competitive strategy, barriers to entry 477—481
Competitive strategy, commitment 473—475
Competitive strategy, reputation 475
Competitive strategy, strategic move 472
Competitive strategy, threats 472—473
Complements, goods as 31—32 36 101 561
Complements, perfect complements 67
Computers, demand for 121—122
Concentration ratio 339
Consortium, decision to join 485
Constant returns to scale 187
Constant sum game 454
Constant-cost industry 264—265
Constant-cost industry, long-run supply curve for 264
Consumer behavior, budget constraints 69—73
Consumer behavior, consumer choice 73—81
Consumer behavior, consumer preferences 58—68
Consumer behavior, revealed preference 81—85
Consumer behavior, utility 85—89
Consumer choice 73—81
Consumer choice and indifference curve 74—75
Consumer choice, automobiles 75—77
Consumer choice, dual nature of 134—135
Consumer choice, maximization of consumer satisfaction 74—75
Consumer preferences 58—68
Consumer preferences for automobiles 67—68
Consumer preferences, basic assumptions about 59—65
Consumer preferences, indifference curves 59—67; See also Revealed preference
Consumer Price Index (CPI) 13
Consumer satisfaction, maximization of 74—75
Consumer satisfaction, utility 85—88
Consumer surplus 113—116 277—278
Consumer surplus to evaluate government policies 279—281
Consumer surplus, calculation from demand curve 114—116
Consumer surplus, capturing by firm 362—363
Contestable markets 272—273
Contract curve 426 566—568
Convexity, indifference curves 65
Cooperative games 433—434 454—455
Cooter, Robert 642
Cootner, Paul H. 39
Copper, CIPEC copper cartel 445—447
Copper, price and declining demand 45—46
Copper, short-run world supply 253—255
Copper, supply of 39
Copyright 339
Corner solution 79—80
Corner solution and marginal rate of substitution 79
Corner solution, trust fund example 80—81
Corporate bonds, coupon payments 528 531
Corporate bonds, interest rate of 550
Corporate bonds, yield on 531—532
Corporations, decision-making 8—9
Cost and diminishing returns 200
Cost curves 201—203
Cost curves, average cost curve 201 203
Cost curves, marginal cost curve 201 203
Cost curves, total cost curve 201
Cost functions 224—230
Cost functions and measurement of scale economies 227
Cost functions for electric power 227—229
Cost functions for savings and loan industry 229
Cost functions, Cobb — Douglas 236—237
Cost functions, cubic cost function 226
Cost functions, quadratic cost function 225—226
Cost in long run 204—210 211—216
Cost in short run 198—203 210 213—216
Cost, accounting cost 194—195
Cost, average fixed cost 199
Cost, average variable cost 199—201 247
Cost, cost-minimization and output level 209
Cost, cost-minimizing input choice 204—209
Cost, dynamic changes in 219—224
Cost, economic cost 194—195
Cost, economies of scope 216—219
Cost, estimation/prediction of 224—230
Cost, explicit cost 194
Cost, fixed cost 198 201
Cost, input factors 204—209
Cost, isocost line 204—205
Cost, long run versus short run 210—216
Cost, marginal cost 75 198 200 247
Cost, opportunity cost 194 196—197
Cost, production,cost relationship 200—201
Cost, sunk costs 195
Cost, total cost 198
Cost, variable cost 198 201;
Cost-benefit, reduced emissions 634—635
Cost-minimization and input choice 204—209
Cost-minimization and output level 209
Cost-minimization, mathematical treatment of 233—237
Coughlin, Cletus 586
Coupon payments 528 531
Coupons, as price discrimination 372—373
Cournot model and Nash equilibrium 424 458
Cournot model, Cournot equilibrium 423—427
Cournot model, output decisions 422—424
Cournot model, reaction curves in 423 425—426
Cournot, Augustin 421
Cramer, Gail L. 303
Crandall Robert W. 585
Crandall, Robert 356—357 468
Credit market, as lemons market 597—598
Crime, and fines 149—150
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