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Pindyck R.S., Rubinfeld D.L. — Microeconomics |
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Risk premium, measurement of 538—539
Risk premiumon stock market 538—539
risk reduction 150—155
Risk, diversifiable risk 537
Risk, nondiversifiable risk 537—538
Risk, preferences toward risk 144—148
Risk, risk aversion 145—148 151 155—156 162
Risk, risk loving 146—147
Risk, risk neutral 146
Risk, risky assets 155—162
Riskless assets 157
Risky assets 155—162
Risky assets, investor's choice problem 159—162
Risky assets, risk and return trade-off 158—159
Risky assets, risk measure 158
Roberts, John 466
Robinson — Patman Act 354—355
Rose — Ackerman, Susan 287
Rose, Nancy L. 292
Rotemberg, Julio J. 440
Rubinfeld, Daniel L. 116 652 659 665
Saft, Lester E. 392
Salathe, Larry 27
Saloner, Garth 440 459
Savage, Leonard J. 147
Savings and loan industry and moral hazard 607
Savings and loan industry, cost functions for 229
Scale economies index 227
Scheinkman, Jose 429
Schelling, Thomas C. 472 479
Scherer, F. M. 303
Schmalensee, Richard L. 391
Scully, G. W. 513
Second theorem of welfare economics 570
Second-degree price discrimination 366715367
Secondary supplies 39
sellers 10
Sequential games 469—471
Shavell, Steven 149
Shepherd, William G. 272
Sherman Act 354 357
Sherwin, Robert A. 13
Shirking model 617—618
Short run, cost in 198— 203 210 213-216
Short run, demand in 33—35 37
Short run, law of diminishing returns 175
Short run, output in 243—246
Short run, producer surplus 255—256
Short run, production 170 210-211
Short run, profit maximization 240—246
Short run, supply curve 248-250
Short run, supply in 37—39
Shubik, Martin 455
Sibley, David S. 292
Simon, Julian L. 25 176 177
Slutsky demand 136
Slutsky equation 136
Smith, Adam 570
Smith, Barton A. 271
Snob effect 120—121
Social cost 624
Social welfare function 572
Sonstelie, Jon 196
Soybean market, general equilibrium analysis 561—562
Spence, Michael 600—601
Stackelberg model as sequential game 469—472
Stackelberg model, duopoly 427—428
Standard deviation 141—142
Standard error of forecast 665
Standardization, advantages of 598
Statistical Abstract of the United States 14
Statistical estimation, of demand 123—125
Stigler, George J. 13
Stiglitz, Joseph E. 617
Stock, beta of 538—539
Stock, versus flows 523—524
Stollery, Kenneth R. 547
Strategic move 472
Subsidy 308—309
Substitutes, goods as 31 101
Substitutes, marginal rate of 64—66
Substitutes, perfect substitutes 66—67
Substitution effect 103—104
Substitution effect in demand theory 135—136
Substitution effect, Hicksian effects 136—137
Substitution effect, work versus leisure 502—503
Sugar, import quota 303—305
Summers, Lawrence H. 619
Sunk costs 195
Supply and demand, elasticities of 28—32
Supply and demand, market mechanism 18—19
Supply and demand, shifts in 20—28
Supply curve 18—19 248
Supply curve for competitive firm 248—250
Supply curve for oil market 46—48
Supply curve, fitting linear curve to data 42—45
Supply curve, long run 38 263—270
Supply curve, market supply curve 251—253
Supply curve, shifts in 20—21
Supply curve, short run 38 248—250
Supply elasticities See Elasticity of supply
Supply in long run 37—38
Supply in short run 37—39
Supply, excess supply 569
Supply, of housing 270—271
Surplus, consumer surplus 113—116
Surplus, producer surplus 255—256 262
Swaim, Paul 518
| Tarr, David G. 303
Taubenslag,Nancy 467
Tax, ad valorem tax 305
Tax, effects on monopoly 328—329
Tax, gasoline tax 105—107 310—312
Tax, impact of 305—308
Tax, output tax 267—270
Tax, specific tax 305
Technology and food production 176
Technology and law of diminishing returns 175—176
Technology of production 167—168
Technology, capital-intensive 185
Technology, improvement, effects of 175—176
Third-degree price discrimination 368—371
Thompson, Robert L. 561
Threats, as competitive strategy 473
Thurow, Lester 179
Tietenberg, Tom 638
Time, opportunity cost of 196—197
Tirole, Jean 458 478
Tit-for-tat strategy, games 464—466
Titanium oxide industry, entry into 481-482
Title insurance 153
Total cost 198
Trade, advantages of 563—564
Trade, contract curve 566—568
Trade, efficient allocations 564—566
Trade, free trade 582—587
Transfer pricing 402—411
Transfer pricing and competitive outside market 405—408 410
Transfer pricing and monopoly power 408—409
Transfer pricing and no outside market 402—405 410
Transfer pricing and noncompetitive outside market 408—410
Transfer pricing, numerical example 408 411
Transitivity, and consumer preferences 59
Trapani, John M. 292
Treasury bills 157 158 159
Treasury bills, interest rate of 550
Treasury bond, interest rate of 550
Treble damages 355
Trucking business, economies of scope in 218—219
Trust fund, restricted fund 80 81
Trust fund, unrestricted fund 80 81
Tussing, Arlon R. 50
Tversky, Amos 149
Two interdependent markets in, general equilibrium analysis 558—560
Two-part tariff 361—362 379—382
Two-part tariff, entry fee 379—380
Two-part tariff, free units 382
Two-part tariff, Polaroid example 383—384
Two-part tariff, usage fee 379
Tying 392
Ulen, Thomas 642
Uncertainty 139
Undesirable goods 59
Unemployment in shirking model 618
Unemployment rate 6—7
Unemployment, efficiency wage theory 617—618
unions 514—519
Unions and bilateral monopoly 517—518
Unions, decline of 518—519
Unions, restrictive membership 514—515
Unions, wage rate 514—516
Used cars, quality uncertainty 594—596
User cost 545—546
User cost and depletable resources 546—547
Utilitarian view, of equity 572—573
Utility 85—89
Utility possibilities frontier 571—573
Utility, expected utility 144—146
Utility, marginal utility 87—88
Utility, maximization of 130
Utility, utility function 85—86
Variability, measure of 140—143
Variable cost 198 199 201
Variance 140—143
Velien, Janet L. 390 617
Vertical integration 402 613
Voluntary export restraint 585—586
Wage rates and unions 514—516
Wage rates, efficiency wage theqry 617—618
Wage rates, shirking model 617—618
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. 475—476
Warranties to reduce moral hazard 606
Warranties, signal of product quality 604
Water meter industry, oligopolistic cooperation in 467
Webb — Pomerene Act 354
Wehrung, Donald A. 148
Weitzman, Martin L. 88 616
Welfare effects 276
Wetzstein, Michael E. 606
Wheat, aggregate demand for 111—112
Wheat, price support programs 296—299
Wheat, production function for 185—186
Wheat, supply and demand for 27—28
Whinston, Clifford 292
Williams, Gary W. 561
Williamson, Oliver 608
Willig, Robert D. 113 217 272
Wilson, J. Holton 229
Wilson, Robert 466
Women, jobs and housing markets 505—506
Women, labor force participation 6—9 504—505
Wood, Geoffrey E. 586
Yandle, Brace 636
Zero profit 258—259 261 262 416
Zilberman, David 187
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