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Pindyck R.S., Rubinfeld D.L. — Microeconomics |
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Hdgeworth box, exchange efficiency 564
Hdgeworth box, production efficiency 574—575
Helpman, Elhanan 479
Herzlinger, Regina E. 610
Hester, Gordon L. 636
Hicksian substitution effects 136—137
Hirsch, Werner Z. 221
Hochman, Eithan 187
Holmstrom, Bengt 611
Homogeneous products, price competition with 428—429
Horizontal integration 402 613
Hotelling rule 544
Hotelling, Harold 544
Housing, demand for 112—113
Housing, long-run supply 270—271
Hufbauer, Gary Clyde 586
Hymans, Saul H. 36
Import quotas 300—305
Import quotas, effects of 585—586
Import quotas, sugar quota 303—305
Incentives and asymmetric information 616
Incentives and principal-agent problem 611—613
Incentives, design for integrated firm 613—616
Income changes and individual demand 96—99
Income changes, effects on budget line 71—72
Income effect 104
Income effect in demand theory 135—136
Income effect, negative and positive 104
Income effect, work versus leisure 502—503
Income elasticity of demand 31
Income elasticity, short-run versus long-run 34
Income, marginal utility of 133—134
Income-consumption curve 97—100
Increasing returns to scale 187 189
Increasing-cost industry 265—267
Increasing-cost industry, long-run supply curve for 266
Incremental cost 198
Independent goods 101
Independent variables/regression 659
Indifference curves 59—67
Indifference curves and consumer choice 74—75
Indifference curves and indifference map 62
Indifference curves and marginal rate of substitution 64—66
Indifference curves, cardinal ranking 63
Indifference curves, convexity 65
Indifference curves, ordinal ranking 63
Indifference curves, perfect complements 66—67
Indifference curves, perfect substitutes 66—67
Indifference curves, utility functions 85—87
Indifference map 62
Individual demand 93—101
Individual demand and income changes 96—99
Individual demand and price changes 94—95
Individual demand, demand curve 95—96
Individual demand, Engel curves 99—100
Industry, constant-cost industry 264—265
Industry, decreasing-cost industry 267
Industry, increasing-cost industry 265—267
Inflation and Consumer Price Index (CPI) 13
Inflation and interest rate 535
information 154—155
Information problems, and market failure 589
Input efficiency, 575—576
Inputs 170
Inputs and cost 204—209
Inputs and production function 167
Inputs, cost-minimizing input choice 204/208—209
Inputs, fixed inputs 170
Inputs, one variable (labor) 170—180
Inputs, price changes, firm's response to 249—250
Inputs, substitution among 181—183
Inputs, two variables 180—187
Insurance 151—153
Insurance companies and adverse selection 596—597
Insurance companies and moral hazard 605—606
Insurance companies and risk reduction 151—153
Integrated firm, asymmetric information 613—616
Integrated firm, incentive design in 613—616
Interest rate and inflation 535
Interest rate and value of bond 529—531
Interest rate, determination of 548—549
Interest rate, prime rate 441—442
Interest rate, types of market interest rates 550
International competition, and strategic trade policy 479—481
Intertemporal price discrimination 375—378
Investments and diversifiable risk 537
Investments and nondiversifiable risk 537—538
Investments in disposable diaper industry 539—541
Investments in electric motor factory 523—524 533—536
Investments in riskless assets 157
Investments in risky assets 155—162
Investments, bonds 528—532
Investments, capital asset pricing model 538—539
Investments, decision making by consumers 541—542
Investments, investor's choice problem 159—162
Investments, negative future cash flows 535—536
Investments, net present value, in investment decisions 532—536
Investments, risk and return trade-off 158—159
Invisible hand concept 570
Irvin, Thomas R. 634
Isocost Hue 204—205
Isoelastic demand curve 125
Isoquant map 169—170
Isoquants 168—170 181—-182 186
Isoutility curve 86l See also Indifference curves
Jensen, Clarence W. 303
Jensen, Richard 608
Jet fuel, demand for 498—500
Johnson, D. Gale 303
Just, Richard E. 187
Kahneman, Daniel 149
Kaplan, Daniel R. 292
Karier, Thomas 518
Kaserman, David L. 287
Kawai, Masahiro 113
Keeler, Theodore 189
Kimberly-Clark 482—484 539—541
Kinked demand curve model 438—439
Kinnucan, Henry 155
Klein, Benjamin 392
Knight, Frank 139
Koch, James V. 448
Kohlhase, Janet E. 505
Krasker, William S. 610
Kreps, David 429 458 462 466
Krugman, Paul R. 479 480
Labor and production 170—178
Labor markets, asymmetric information in 616—619
Labor markets, market signaling in 600—604
Labor productivity 177—179
Labor, average product of 171—174
Labor, law of diminishing returns 174—176
Labor, marginal product of 171—174
Lagrange multiplier 131 133 234 235
Langley, Sudchada 27
Law of diminishing returns 174—176
Law of diminishing returns and cost 200
Law of diminishing returns and Malthusian theory 176—177
Law of diminishing returns and technological improvements 175—176
Law of diminishing returns with one variable 174—176
Law of diminishing returns with two variables 180
Law of diminishing returns, long run 175
Law of diminishing returns, short run 175
Law of Large Numbers 152
Learning Curve 219—224
Learning curve in chemical processing industry 223—224
Learning curve, function of 220 222 224
Learning curve, relationships in 221—222
Least squares criterion 660—662
Lee, William C. 88
| Lee,J. R. 19
Lehn, Kenneth 599
Leisure, price of 502—503
Lemons market 594—600
Lemons market, credit market 597—598
Lemons market, insurance 596—597
Lemons market, major league baseball 598—600
Lemons market, used cars 594—596
Lerner Degree of Monopoly Power 334
Lewbel, Arthur 391
Liebenstein, Harvey 118
Lieberman, Marvin B. 223 478
Linear regression 659
Loanable funds, supply and demand for 548—549
Long run, average cost 211—212
Long run, competitive equilibrium 259—260
Long run, cost in 204—216
Long run, demand in 32—34
Long run, law of diminishing returns 175
Long run, output in 256—263
Long run, producer surplus 262
Long run, production 170
Long run, profit maximization in 257—261
Long run, supply in 37—38
Loss in investment 535—536
Loss of competitive firm 245—246
Loss, deadweight loss 280—281
MacAvoy, Paul W. 50 468
MacCrimmon, Kenneth R. 148
MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey K. 444
Macroeconomics, nature of 3—4
Maddison, Angus 178
Maloney, M. T. 636
Maloney, Tim 7
Malthus, Thomas 176—177
Manthy, Robert S. 25
Marginal benefit 75
Marginal cost 75 198 200 240 241
Marginal cost, marginal cost curve 201 203
Marginal cost, measurement of 247
Marginal external benefit curve 626—627
Marginal external cost curve 624—626
Marginal product, of labor 171—174
Marginal rate of substitution 64
Marginal rate of substitution and consumer satisfaction 75
Marginal rate of substitution and corner solution 79—80 81
Marginal rate of substitution and indifference curves 64—66
Marginal rate of substitution and perfect complements 67
Marginal rate of substitution and perfect substitutes 66
Marginal rate of substitution in demand theory 131—132
Marginal rate of technical substitution 181—183 186
Marginal rate of technical substitution, mathematical treatment of 234—235
Marginal rate of transformation 578—580 582
Marginal revenue 240—241
Marginal revenue and monopoly 321—322 546
Marginal revenue product and marginal expenditures 501—502
Marginal revenue product of labor 492—494
Marginal utility 87—88
Marginal utility of income 133—134
Marginal utility, diminishing marginal utility 87
Marginal utility, equal marginal principle 88
Marginal utility, utility maximization 87—88
Market demand curve 107—113
Market demand curve and bandwagon effect 119—120
Market demand curve and monopoly power 333 338
Market demand curve and snob effect 120—121
Market demand curve for competitive firm 242—243
Market demand curve, competitive factor markets 496—498
Market demand curve, derived from individual demand curves 107—109
Market failure 283 588—590
Market failure and asymmetric information 596
Market failure and externalities 590
Market failure and incomplete information 589
Market failure and market power 589
Market failure and public goods 590 651—652
Market failure, correction of 627—628
Market power 19
Market price 11—12 241—242
Market signaling 600—604
Market supply curve 251—253
Market supply curve, backward bending curve 502—503
Market supply curve, short run 251—253
Market supply, elasticity of 253 350
Market-clearing 19
Markets 10—13
Markets, competitive market 11—12
Markets, extent of market 12—13
Markets, factor See Factor markets
Markets, noncompetitive market 11
Markets, output market 491
Markets, perfectly competitive market 11
Marx, Karl 617
Maximin strategies, games 460—461
Meadows, Dennis 25
Meckling, William 608
Menell, Peter S. 640
Milgrom, Paul 466
Military, wage structure in 509—510
Minerals, long-run behavior of price 25—27
Minimum prices 288—290
Mixed bundling 389—390
Mixed strategies, games 461—463
Monopolistic competition in short run and long run 415—416
Monopolistic competition, characteristics of 414—416
Monopolistic competition, economic efficiency 416—418
Monopolistic competition, elasticity of demand 419
Monopolistic competition, equilibrium 415—417
Monopolistic competition, excess capacity 417—418
Monopolistic competition, free entry and exit 415
Monopolistic competition, inefficiency in 417—418
Monopolistic competition, product diversity 418
Monopolistic competition, versus perfectly competitive equilibrium 417—418
Monopoly 272 319—331
Monopoly power 319—320 332—345
Monopoly power and interaction among firms 339
Monopoly power and market demand curve 333 338
Monopoly power and number of firms in market 338—339
Monopoly power and price regulation 341—344
Monopoly power and resource production 546
Monopoly power and transfer pricing 408—409
Monopoly power and unions 514—519
Monopoly power, deadweight loss 340—341
Monopoly power, factor markets 514—519
Monopoly power, Lerner index 334
Monopoly power, measurement of 333—334
Monopoly power, rate-of-return regulation 344
Monopoly power, social costs of 340—345
Monopoly power, sources of 337—340 354
Monopoly, and shifts in demand 327—328
Monopoly, antitrust laws 354
Monopoly, bilateral monopoly 352 517
Monopoly, compared to monopsony 348
Monopoly, natural monopoly 339 343
Monopoly, output decision 322—325
Monopoly, pricing in 320—322 326—327 333—335
Monopoly, tax,effects of 328—329
Monopsony 319 345—348
Monopsony power 320 345 349—353
Monopsony power by buyers 346—347 349—350
Monopsony power in baseball player market 513—514
Monopsony power in U.S. manufacturing 352—353
Monopsony power, average expenditures 511—512
Monopsony power, deadweight loss 351—352
Monopsony power, factor markets 511—514
Monopsony power, marginal expenditures 511—512
Monopsony power, social costs of 350—352
Monopsony power, sources of 350 512
Moral hazard 604—607
Morkre, Morris E. 303
Morrison, S. 292
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